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9478894 One final silly face. One blessed responding laugh. Fezzik closed his eyes then, thinking only this: thank God I was a giant after all.... William Goldman
e5b5f6f aaron would not come out aaron entered into agony. epic manhattan stagpole William Goldman
4b930b4 Babe was candy. William Goldman
6a56a04 If you write movies, you never know who the enemy is. Someone is going to fuck you, that's a given. William Goldman
aaff561 Jelenka Harvey Harcourt Trade Publishers 15 East 26th Street New York, NY 10010 William Goldman
0487cea I could feel almost my heart emptying into my pillow. Iguess the most amazing thing about crying though is that when you're in it, you think it'll go on forever but it never really lasts half what you think. Not in terms of real time. William Goldman
51c3d67 For the pedant, dates are deities, worthy of worship, but for the true social historian, they are minutiae only, a shorthand, convenient reminders and no more. You do not ask a Titanic survivor, 'Let me see now, just exactly when was that?' You ask him this: 'What was it like? How did you feel?' And that is the job of the social historian: to make the past vibrant for the present; to emotionally involve those of us who were not there. And t.. William Goldman
59e37ab The only actual change that had come over him in the past years was that, for some reason, his impediment had gotten worse. "Mawidge," he said. "Vewy old." William Goldman
3989ad2 Inigo loved him. Totally. Don't ask why. There really wasn't any one reason you could put your finger on. Oh, probably Domingo loved him back, but love is many things, none of them logical. William Goldman
6a749d7 All right. Your name before mine. You are the greatest sword maker, you deserve to come first." "Have a good trip back." "WHY WON'T YOU?" "Because, my friend Yeste, you are very famous and very rich, and so you should be, because you make wonderful weapons. But you must also make them for any fool who happens along. I am poor, and no one knows me in all the world except you and Inigo, but I do not have to suffer fools." "You are an artist,".. William Goldman
3a67a24 Who can know when his world is going to change? Who can tell before it happens, that every prior experience, all the years, were a preparation for . . . nothing... who can sense revelation in the wind? William Goldman
695e1da The sun was rising behind her now; she could feel the heat on her back, and it gave her courage. William Goldman
eafc0a9 Back, Witch--" "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife--" marriage William Goldman
07eecf3 any experience is profitable if you allow it to be, all actions are profitable, no matter how badly you may suffer from them. William Goldman
2ac3a33 But I don't think you would accept my help, since I'm only waiting up here so that I can kill you." "That does put a damper on our relationship," the man in black said then." William Goldman
cc87aa1 I think pain is the most underrated emotion available to us," the Count said. "The Serpent, to my interpretation, was pain. Pain has been with us always, and it always irritates me when people say 'as important as life and death' because the proper phrase, to my mind, should be, 'as important as pain and death.'" The Count fell silent for a time then, as he began and completed a series of complex adjustments. "One of my theories," he said s.. William Goldman
6c3c000 This was after taxes. But everything is after taxes. Taxes were here even before stew.) William Goldman
ab6800d May I please tell you something, Highness? You're very cold--" "I'm not--" "--very cold and very young, and if you live, I think you'll turn to hoarfrost--" "Why do you pick at me? I have come to terms with my life, and that is my affair--I am not cold, I swear, but I have decided certain things, it is best for me to ignore emotion; I have not been happy dealing with it--" Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high." William Goldman
64f9f7e Life isn't fair, Bill. We tell our children that it is, but it's a terrible thing to do. It's not only a lie, it's a cruel lie. Life is not fair, and it never has been, and it's never going to be. William Goldman
03bd09d Not so much wonderful as perfect," she replied. "Kind of flawless. More or less magnificent. Without blemish. Rather on the ideal side." She looked at the Prince. "Am I being helpful?" "I think emotions are clouding your objectivity just a bit." William Goldman
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