His entire body was pleading for reassurance, and if her whole love was not enough what else could she give him to cure his doubt?
Anaïs Nin |
I have forgotten my mask and my face was in it. Man
Anaïs Nin |
Fucking is an art. The mere fact of introducing the cock in the cunt and moving it in and out until the ejaculation of spunk is not art. True, it is fucking, but the difference between that way of doing it and the way it should be done, is like the difference between a child's first drawing and a picture by the world's greatest painter.
Anaïs Nin |
lshy' lwHyd ldhy 'sh`r bh 'Hynan hw lkhwf , lkhwf lrhyb ldhy ySybny b`dm ldrk 'Hynan mthl nwb@ mn ljnwn .
Anaïs Nin |
We are dancing on our irony as upon the top of glowing sparks.
Anaïs Nin |
The living out in excess kills the imagination and the intensity,
Anaïs Nin |
the cape held within its folds something of what she imagined was a quality possessed exclusively by man: some dash, some audacity, some swagger of freedom denied to woman
Anaïs Nin |
How to live as divided cells -- voila! Something always eludes the scientists, the poets, the stargazers, the biologists, the anthropologists. Something eludes the informers, detectives, police, lawyers. It is the dream. And what lies in the deformed mirrors of the dream and haunts our sleep is the secret of everything.
Anaïs Nin |
As soon as I kiss him I know that I love him with a blind instinct beyond all reason, with all his defects.
Anaïs Nin |
I am a woman first of all. At the core of my work was a journal written for the father I lost, loved and wanted to keep. I am personal. I am essentially human, not intellectual. I do not understand abstract act. Only art born of love, passion, pain.
Anaïs Nin |
Every lover could be brought to trial as the murderer of his own love. When something hurts you, saddens you, I rush to avoid it, to alter it, to feel as you do, but you turn away with a gesture of impatience and say: "I don't understand"
Anaïs Nin |
That last afternoon in Henry's hotel room was for me like a white-hot furnace. Before, I had only white heat of the mind and of the imagination; now it is of the blood. Sacred completeness. I come out dazed in the mellow spring evening and I think, now I would not mind dying.
Anaïs Nin |
Abnormal pleasures kill the taste for normal ones.
Anaïs Nin |
She abandoned herself to his whim, thinking it was to be an orgy of eyes and hands only.
Anaïs Nin |
What can you give when there is no self, when you have no sensitivity, no receptivity, no warmth, nothing to contact others with?
Anaïs Nin |
In our twenties we have conflicts. We think everything is either-or, black or white: we are caught between them and we lose all our energy in the conflicts. My answer, later on in maturity, was to do them all. Not to exclude any, not to make a choice. I wanted to be everything. And I took everything in, and the more you take in, the more strength you find waiting to accomplish things and to expand your life, instead of the other (which is w..
Anaïs Nin |
Why one writes is a question I can answer easily, having so often asked it of myself. I believe one writes because one has to create a world in which one can live. I could not live in any of the worlds offered to me -- the world of my parents, the world of war, the world of politics. I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I could breathe, reign, and recreate myself when destroyed by living. That..
Anaïs Nin |
I do not need to be a selfless child, or a woman giving to the point of self-annihilation.
Anaïs Nin |
What I corrupted was what is called the truth in favour of a more marvelous world. I could always improve on the facts. [...] in self-defense, I accuse the writers of fairy-tales. Not hunger, not cruelty, not my parents, but these tales which promised that sleeping in the snow never caused pneumonia, that bread never turned stale, that trees blossomed out of season, that dragons could be killed with courage, that intense wishing would be fo..
Anaïs Nin |
Everything could undergo conversion except the artists. How can you convert disorganizers of past and present order, the chronic dissenters, those dispossessed of the present anyway, the atom bomb throwers of the mind, of the emotions, seeking to generate new forces and a new order of mind out of continuous upheavals?
Anaïs Nin |
Anais, I could stay here all night writing you. I see you before me constantly, with your head down and your long lashes lying on your cheeks. And I feel very humble.
Anaïs Nin |
I spell 'god' with a small 'g' because I do not believe in him, but I love to swear by him.
Anaïs Nin |
In you alone I have found the same swelling of enthusiasm, the same quick rising of the blood, the fullness... Before, I almost used to think there was something wrong. Everybody else seemed to have the brakes on... I never feel the brakes. I overflow. And when I feel your excitement about life flaring, next to mine, then it makes me dizzy.
Anaïs Nin |
It is undeniable that the source of all our miseries comes from our obstinacy in maintaining that Paradise is a garden. The psychoanalysts have added to the confusion by interpreting the floating dreams as a flight into space. The mystic is the only one who knows that all states of ecstasy are a state of floating in an ambiance more heavy than air. Paradise is at the bottom of the sea, and I can also prove to you that angels are ships. They..
Anaïs Nin |
nh lkhwf mn hdhh lHy@ ljdyd@ m ystfzny 'kthr mm yf`l lkhwf mn lmwt
Anaïs Nin |
That night Fay became a woman, making a secret of her pain, intent on saving her happiness with Albert, on showing wisdom and subtlety.
Anaïs Nin |
Nothing seems true today except the death of the goldfish who used to make love at ninety kilometers an hour in the pool. The maid has given him a Christian burial. To the worms! To the worms!
Anaïs Nin |
Love reduces the complexity of living. It amazes me that when Henry walks towards the cafe table where I wait for him, or opens the gate to our house, the sight of him is sufficient to exult me. No letter from anyone, even in praise of my book, can stir me as much as a note from him.
Anaïs Nin |
The homosexuals wrote as if they were women. The timid ones wrote about orgies. The frigid ones about frenzied fulfill-ments. The most poetic ones indulged in pure bestiality and the purest ones in perversions. We were haunted by the marvelous tales we could not tell. We sat around, imagined this old man, talked of how much we hated him, because he would not allow us to make a fusion of sexuality and feeling, sensuality and emotion.
Anaïs Nin |
Her lack of confidence in life, in realization, in the fulfillment of her desires, in the outcome of a dream, in the possibility of reality corresponding to her fantasy, speeded her bicycle with the incredible speed of anxiety, a speed beyond the human body, beyond human endurance. She arrived before him. Her fear was justified! She could not measure what the anxiety had done to her speed, the acceleration which had broken the equality of ..
Anaïs Nin |
Laughter and tears are not separate experiences, with intervals of rest: they rush out together and it is like walking with a sword between your legs.
Anaïs Nin |
A long time ago," said Michael, "I decided never to fall in love again. I have made of desire an anonymous activity." "But not to feel...not to love...is like dying within life, Michael."
Anaïs Nin |
Die Vergangenheit war wie jene altmodischen, mit Krautern und Blumen gefullten Duftkissen, deren Aroma die Kleider durchdringt und an ihnen haften bleibt.
Anaïs Nin |
I feel so many things growing--my individuality, my confidence; I feel lines of my character growing stronger. I'm really sprouting, springing up, with mixed feelings of tenderness and bitterness, faith and disillusion, hardness and softness. I have never felt so clearly that my Self is -- obscurely and stubbornly self-made.
Anaïs Nin |
I walked into a white city. It was a honeycomb of ivory-white cells, streets like ribbons of old ermine. The stone and mortar were mixed with sunlight, with musk and white cotton. I passed by streets of peace lying entangled like cotton spools...
Anaïs Nin |
I always have difficulty with people who are not openly warm, expressive. I need a certain sign, a certain invitation.
Anaïs Nin |
I awoke at dawn, thrown up on a rock, the skeleton of a ship choked in its own sails.
Anaïs Nin |
Whereas by desiring someone who would not desire her, she could allow this fire to burn and feel: how alive I am! I am capable of desire.
Anaïs Nin |
saw him as a saint. His attitude silenced me. From that moment on, if he had been brought back to me dead on a stretcher, I would not have cared. He cannot hurt me any more.
Anaïs Nin |
No moment of charm is born on bare soil, a careless accident of beauty, but is the sum of great sorrows, growths, and efforts.
Anaïs Nin |
You must not fear or hold back, count or be a miser with your thoughts and your feelings. It is also true that creation comes from an overflow, so you have to learn to intake, to imbibe, to receive, to nourish yourself, and not be afraid of fullness. The fullness is like a tidal wave which then carries you, sweeps you into experience and writing. Permit yourself to flow and overflow. Allow for the rise in temperature and all the expansions ..
Anaïs Nin |
You are a real hermaphrodite, Mafouka,' I said. 'That is what our age is supposed to have produced because the tension between the masculine and the feminine has broken down, people are mostly half of one and half of the other. But I have never seen it before--actually, physically. It must make you very unhappy.
Anaïs Nin |
while the rest of the show continued, she made her round of the boxes. There, on request, she knelt before a man, unbuttoned his pants, took his penis in her jeweled hands, and with a neatness of touch, an expertness, a subtlety few women had ever developed, sucked at it until he was satisfied. Her two hands were as active as her mouth. The titillation almost deprived each man of his senses. The elasticity of her hands; the variety of rhyth..
Anaïs Nin |
No man and woman know what will be born in the darkness of their intermingling; so much besides children, so many invisible births, exchanges of soul and character, blossoming of unknown selves, liberation of hidden treasures, buried fantasies...
Anaïs Nin |