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694d3b1 Chapter: Douglas Preston
788bda7 This was an intentional frame. Douglas Preston
7fc478f Diamond writes: "We have to wonder why the kings and nobles failed to recognize and solve these seemingly obvious problems undermining their society. Their attention was evidently focused on their short-term concerns of enriching themselves, waging wars, erecting monuments, competing with each other, and extracting enough food from the peasants to support all those activities." (If this sounds familiar, I would note that archaeology is thic.. Douglas Preston
2905653 That European diseases ran rampant in the New World is an old story, but recent discoveries in genetics, epidemiology, and archaeology have painted a picture of the die-off that is truly apocalyptic; the lived experience of the indigenous communities during this genocide exceeds the worst that any horror movie has imagined. Douglas Preston
3adb1d5 this evening. Douglas Preston
7a10f39 afternoon Douglas Preston
7d24b5e Back in their special forces days, there were times when Pendergast had disappeared just like this--no word to anyone--only to reappear later with some important objective accomplished. It had happened often enough that their team developed a slang term for it--Don't pull a Pendergast meant "Don't disappear without explanation." Douglas Preston
a42b3dd Vernon Douglas Preston
33fc2d9 couple Douglas Preston
df97957 When you ask Web sophisticates why people are so vicious on the Internet, you get a set of stock responses. The very question is naive. What do you expect? The world is full of angry people who don't have a life. The Web offers a perfect outlet where they can be anonymous, important, and powerful, and attack others without fear of retribution. The Web has given them a voice when before they had none. These are people who find meaning in the.. Douglas Preston
5dd4692 Aloysius Xingu Leng Pendergast. Douglas Preston
78acba1 This wine is austere, structured, with great finesse, and a long, lingering finish. Douglas Preston
ae84d16 In five days, lidar had accomplished seven times more than the Chases had achieved in twenty-five years. Douglas Preston
66caaca These were the waves that circled the globe, pushed by the winds, never hitting shore, building, ever building. These were the waves of the Screaming Sixties, the biggest seas on earth. Douglas Preston
fa3addd issued a muffled cry and slashed with the knife, but it rent only Douglas Preston
ccbcdaa But when I open them up, I find that they're equal! And they both have achieved the same destiny: my zinc gurney. Why, then, did he tire himself out poring over so many books? Boh! Take my advice, journalist: eat, drink, and enjoy yourself-- Douglas Preston
280a721 I prefer to sleep while the rabble are out and about. Douglas Preston
8f0665c New York City. Once it got into your blood, you could never get it out again. Douglas Preston
4b09864 Margo, zise Frock, razand incetisor, ceea ce avem noi aici este o ghicitoare, infasurata intr-un mister din interiorul unei enigme. Douglas Preston
e8cab1a In keeping with the methodical scientist he was, he had been jotting daily notes on his work. But underneath the entry for May 5, he had written two words only: HOLY SHIT! Douglas Preston
fca0bdd Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH, told our team bluntly that, by going into the jungle and getting leishmaniasis, "You got a really cold jolt of what it's like for the bottom billion people on earth." Douglas Preston
30eb34a While doing a survey in the area, he came across what looked like the remains of a small pre-Columbian village scattered about an ancient lava bed, called Angamuco, once a settlement of the fierce Purepecha (Tarascan) people, who rivaled the Aztecs in central Mexico from around AD 1000 until the arrival of the Spanish in the early 1500s. "We thought we could knock out Angamuco in a week," he recalled. "We just kept going and going and going.. Douglas Preston
4d97500 You just put your boot so far up his ass, he'll have to eat his dinner with a shoehorn." "I can always count on you for a suitable bon mot." Douglas Preston
47397c9 The truth shall make you free," she said, "but first it will make you miserable." Douglas Preston
822b029 There was a pause while Pendergast considered this. "I prefer hypocrisy to poverty." "Come to think of it, there is a rationale. Leng didn't make his money from killing. He made it from speculating in railroads, oil, and precious metals." Pendergast raised his eyebrows. "I did not know that." "There is much you still don't know about him." Douglas Preston
0e324b9 I don't know jack about wine, sorry." "You should learn. It is one of the true and ancient pleasures that make human existence tolerable." Douglas Preston
f527632 Zemurray was not a man to be ignored or insulted. He had come to that particular meeting with a weapon of mass destruction: a bagful of proxies from other United Fruit shareholders that gave him majority control of the company and the authority to act as he saw fit. He left the room, fetched the bag, came back in, and flung it on the table, saying: "You're fired. Can you understand that, Mr. Chairman?" He turned to the board and said: "You'.. Douglas Preston
922316c Mrs. Trask turned to him. "When Mr. Pendergast asks for something, we do not say no." Douglas Preston
7606202 to authorize that personally. Douglas Preston
94a6e48 spaces again. I guess one citation wasn't enough." Pendergast pulled out the previous ticket. "You mean this?" "That's right." Pendergast neatly tore it in half and tucked the pieces back into his pocket. The chief frowned." Douglas Preston
a2ffd31 No civilization has survived forever. All move toward dissolution, one after the other, like waves of the sea falling upon the shore. None, including ours, is exempt from the universal fate. Douglas Preston
6661497 Fou, tres fou! Why, in New Orleans I would have finished Douglas Preston
dedb801 There are only a few really high-profile archaeological cultures in the world: Egypt and the Maya. Douglas Preston
020bdf0 If you're honest with yourself, you can still feel the terrible weight of time pressing on you; that awful, relentless, bodily corruption that is happening constantly to us all. Douglas Preston
5a97e44 Does a toilet seat get ass? Douglas Preston
5978971 There is more in the world than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Doctor - or in the Merck Manual. shakespeare philosophy pendergast Douglas Preston
6abccbf They got the loot through customs in their carry-on bags by mixing the artifacts in with a lot of "tourist junk" bought at a gift shop, putting fake prices on everything, and wrapping them in newspaper" Douglas Preston
806f589 I've never seen a more contented smile on some people than at their own wake. Douglas Preston
1f32592 Sometimes, a society can see its end approaching from afar and still not be able to adapt, like the Maya; at other times, the curtain drops without warning and the show is over. Douglas Preston
85d79eb frisson Douglas Preston
a703142 He was glad to see the agent back in form, at least superficially, his finely chiseled face so pale that it might have been crafted from marble, his eyes especially bright in the cool wash of natural light that filled the space. He was, however, as thin as a damn scarecrow. Douglas Preston
c6a7512 Manuel is a superb engineer with no imagination whatsoever, which makes him doubly dangerous - talent married to convention. Douglas Preston
6892d59 were not shouting anything, just silently Douglas Preston
fe1e307 son of Stefano Mele and Barbara Locci, who was sleeping in the backseat of the car and who witnessed his mother's murder at age six. Douglas Preston
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