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a65ddd6 I at once ordered a secret search within the city, for every Martian noble maintains a secret service of his own. Edgar Rice Burroughs
7c1b35a In Hastor I have paid a good price to see one of these creatures and now I found myself in a position where I should very gladly pay a good deal more not to see one, but from the noise he was making in the shaft beneath me it appeared to me that he was determined that I should have a free show and he a free meal. Edgar Rice Burroughs
4cbd00e In one respect at least the Martians are a happy people; they have no lawyers. Edgar Rice Burroughs
30320ac From a lofty perch Tarzan viewed the village of thatched huts across the intervening plantation. Edgar Rice Burroughs
8256d5e epicures. Edgar Rice Burroughs
101d04c As much as I enjoy a fight, I cannot always indulge myself, and just now I had more weighty matters to occupy my time than spilling the blood of strange warriors. john-carter warriors Edgar Rice Burroughs
8f9bc1c If I sometimes seem to take too great pride in my fighting ability, it must be remembered that fighting is my vocation. vocation pride Edgar Rice Burroughs
2e080c0 If your vocation be shoeing horses, or painting pictures, and you can do one or the other better than your fellows, then you are a fool if you are not proud of your ability. And so I am very proud that upon two planets no greater fighter has ever lived than John Carter, Prince of Helium. fighter vocation pride Edgar Rice Burroughs
abddbe9 Lives there upon any world such another as John Carter, Prince of Helium? Lives there another man who could fight his way back and forth across a warlike planet, facing savage beasts and hordes of savage men, for the love of a woman? man woman love helium planet Edgar Rice Burroughs
9e77d65 Whatever I may do to serve you will be prompted solely from selfish motives, since it gives me more pleasure to serve you than not. Edgar Rice Burroughs
2010cff I shall have to believe even though I cannot understand Edgar Rice Burroughs
23a08e4 Like its master, it was entirely devoid of hair, but was of a dark slate color and exceeding smooth and glossy. Its belly was white, and its legs shaded from the slate of its shoulders and hips to a vivid yellow at the feet. The feet themselves were heavily padded and nailless, which fact had also contributed to the noiselessness of their approach, and, in common with a multiplicity of legs, is a characteristic feature of the fauna of Mars... Edgar Rice Burroughs
362a9f0 For three days he has pursued me," she said, "through this horrible world. How I have passed through in safety I cannot guess, nor how I have always managed to outdistance him; yet I have done it, until just as you discovered me." Edgar Rice Burroughs
0ba506e She realized the spell that had been upon her in the depths of that far-off jungle, but there was no spell of enchantment now in prosaic Wisconsin. Edgar Rice Burroughs
3379ee2 Your Paris is more dangerous than my savage jungles, Paul," concluded Tarzan," Edgar Rice Burroughs
c6c446e resurrection Edgar Rice Burroughs
7ec1087 The scene he witnessed there in the twilight depths of the African jungle was burned forever into the Englishman's brain. Edgar Rice Burroughs
eac6485 A thousand times rather face the wild hordes of the dead sea bottoms than meet the eyes of this beautiful young girl and tell her the thing that I must tell her. Edgar Rice Burroughs
6278792 P37- none of them could understand how a child could be so and backward in learning to care for itself. Edgar Rice Burroughs
6535e4c P43- that the huge, fierce brute loved this child of another race is beyond question. Edgar Rice Burroughs
03289cb P44- in tarzans clever little mind many thoughts revolved and back of these was his divine power of reason. Edgar Rice Burroughs
83a3160 P56-his reason told him that he was of a different race from his wild and hairy companions Edgar Rice Burroughs
c7399f1 Seizing a cudgel from the nearest priest, he laid about him like a veritable demon as he forged his rapid way toward the altar. The hand of La had paused at the first noise of interruption. When she saw who the author of it was she went white. She had never been able to fathom the secret of the strange white man's escape from the dungeon in which she had locked him. Edgar Rice Burroughs
920d2c1 The lion was quite close to him now--but a few paces intervened--he crouched, and then, with a deafening roar, he sprang. Edgar Rice Burroughs
dacb9c3 To Jane the strange apparition of this god-like man was as wine to sick nerves. Edgar Rice Burroughs
5c116b4 We must not give ourselves time to think, for in that direction lies madness. Edgar Rice Burroughs
cc69e8a may God help the coward, for cowardice is of a surety its own punishment. Edgar Rice Burroughs
64a2b7a but on Barsoom no man lies; if he does not wish to speak the truth he is silent. Edgar Rice Burroughs
ca35f49 I could not blame them, for I knew how strong a hold a creed, however ridiculous it may be, may gain upon an otherwise intelligent people. Edgar Rice Burroughs
19f5ca5 I had learned from Kantos Kan the secret of opening these gates, and in another moment my twenty great fighting men stood within the doomed city of Zodanga. Edgar Rice Burroughs
2a5a152 sentimentalists have words: love, loyalty, friendship, enmity, jealousy, hate, a thousand others; a waste of words - one word defines them all: self-interest. Edgar Rice Burroughs
508ae7e whoever would offer her injury or insult in the future must figure on making a full accounting to me. I understand that you belittle all sentiments of generosity and kindliness, but I do not, and I can convince your most doughty warrior that these characteristics are not incompatible with an ability to fight. Edgar Rice Burroughs
ef3b550 do not believe that I am made of the stuff which constitutes heroes, because, in all of the hundreds of instances that my voluntary acts have placed me face to face with death, I cannot recall a single one where any alternative step to that I took occurred to me until many hours later. My mind is evidently so constituted that I am subconsciously forced into the path of duty without recourse to tiresome mental processes. However that may be,.. Edgar Rice Burroughs
3aefe0d As he passed through the winding corridors and the subterranean apartments, Tarzan saw nothing of the hyenas. "They will return," he said to himself. In the crater between the towering walls Bukawai, cold with terror, trembled, trembled as with ague. "They will return!" he cried, his voice rising to a fright-filled shriek. And they did." Edgar Rice Burroughs
7ebfec9 Formerly they had dwelt in the Belgian Congo until the cruelties of their heartless oppressors had driven them to seek the safety of unexplored solitudes beyond the boundaries of Leopold's domain. Edgar Rice Burroughs
c3b1f5a I know that the average human mind will not believe what it cannot grasp, and so I do not purpose being pilloried by the public, the pulpit, and the press, and held up as a colossal liar when I am but telling the simple truths which some day science will substantiate. Edgar Rice Burroughs
94ae075 It is probable, however, that to this fact I owe my life and the remarkable experiences and adventures which befell me during the following ten years. Edgar Rice Burroughs
e14e4c8 Always, everywhere, man is man, nor has he altered greatly beneath his veneer since he scurried into a hole between two rocks to escape the tyrannosaurus six million years ago. Edgar Rice Burroughs
b6302bf nothing is too good for the object of their adoration as long as he maintains his position by repeated examples of his skill, strength, and courage. Edgar Rice Burroughs
be14176 guided entirely by telepathic means. This power is wonderfully developed in all Martians, and accounts largely for the simplicity of their language and the relatively few spoken words exchanged even in long conversations. Edgar Rice Burroughs
6b7ea2c Tarzan Edgar Rice Burroughs
bb0b28d Likewise, under Sola's tutelage, I developed my telepathic powers so that I shortly could sense practically everything that went on around me. Edgar Rice Burroughs
80a7cac Y la sonrisa es la base de la belleza. Edgar Rice Burroughs
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