How thin she is in her coffin, how sharp her nose has grown! Her eyelashes lie straight as arrows. And, you know, when she fell, nothing was crushed, nothing was broken! Nothing but that "handful of blood." A dessertspoonful, that is. From internal injury. A strange thought: if only it were possible not to bury her? For if they take her away, then... oh, no, it is almost incredible that they take her away! I am not mad and I am not raving -..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Bow or not? Call back or not? Recognize him or not?" our hero wondered in indescribable anguish, "or pretend that I am not myself, but somebody else strikingly like me, and look as though nothing were the matter. Simply not I, not I--and that's all," said Mr. Golyadkin, taking off his hat to Andrey Filippovitch and keeping his eyes fixed upon him. "I'm . . . I'm all right," he whispered with an effort; "I'm . . . quite all right. It's not I..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
But destiny will be accomplished, and the best man will hold his ground while the undeserving one will vanish into his back-alley for ever - his filthy back-alley, his beloved back-alley, where he is at home and where he will sink in filth and stench at his own free will with enjoyment.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The morning was so damp and misty
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
lm ykn fy ws`y 'n 'qDy 'kthr mn thlth@ 'shhr fy tlk l'Hlm dwn 'n 'sh`r bmyl llnGmr fy lHy@ ljtm`y@, wkn lnGmr fy lHy@ ljtm`y@ y`ny blnsb@ ly zyr@ 'qwm bh lnTwn nTwnwfytsh sytwshkyn, . byd 'nny knt 'zwrh Hyn knt 'jd nfsy fy mzj Tyb fqT, Hyn tkwn 'Hlmy qd blGt dhrw@ ls`d@, l'nny knt 'sh`r andhk brGb@ mlH@ l tqwm fy 'n '`nq jmy` zmly'y, bl lbshr klhm . wlkn lyf`l lmr dhlk `lyh 'n yjd shkhSan wHdan mwjwdan blf`l .
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
He could not consent to allow himself to be insulted, still less to allow himself to be treated as a rag, and, above all, to allow a thoroughly vicious man to treat him so. No quarrelling, however, no quarrelling! Possibly if some one wanted, if some one, for instance, actually insisted on turning Mr. Golyadkin into a rag, he might have done so, might have done so without opposition or punishment (Mr. Golyadkin was himself conscious of this..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
I swear, gentlemen, that to be too conscious is an illness--a real thorough-going illness.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Resentment-why, it is purification; it is a most stinging and painful consciousness!
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Now, I am living out my life in my corner, taunting myself with the spiteful and useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot become anything seriously, and it is only the fool who becomes anything. Yes, a man in the nineteenth century must and morally ought to be pre-eminently a characterless creature; a man of character, an active man is pre-eminently a limited creature. That is my conviction of forty years.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Let me be cursed, let me be base and vile, but let me also kiss the hem of that garment in which my God is clothed; let me be following the devil at the same time, but still I am also your son, Lord, and I love you, and I feel a joy without which the world cannot stand and be.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
I am extremely superstitious, sufficiently so to respect medicine,
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
nny 'sh`r klm dkhlt `l~ b`D lns 'nny 'sw' mn lakhryn, w'n ljmy` y`dwnny mhrj! f'qwl lnfsy `ndy'dh, flykn! s'qwm bdwr lmhrj, l'nkm jmy` 'kthr mny Gbw@, w'khbth sryr@
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Good and gentle creatures do not offer a very stiff resistance, not for long, anyway. (from "A Gentle Creature")"
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
hl ystTy` nsn ytmt` bldrk 'n yHtrm nfsh?
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
You take evil for good. It's a passing crisis. It's the result of your illness, perhaps. - You do despise me! It's simply that I don't want to do good, I want to do evil, and it has nothing to do with illness. - Why do evil? - So that everything will be destroyed. Oh, how nice it would be if everything were destroyed! You know, Alyosha, I sometimes think of doing a lot of harm. I would do it for a long while secretly and then suddenly every..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Kalbim icimde konusurken ben susmayi beceremem.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Pentru mine nu exista o idee superioara aceleia ca Dumnezeu nu exista. In sprijinul meu sta istoria omenirii. Omul n-a facut altceva decat sa-si nascoceasca un Dumnezeu, pentru a putea trai fara se ucida; in aceasta consta intreaga istorie universala de pana acum.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
there are certain persons who can... that is, not precisely are able to, but have a perfect right to commit breaches of morality and crimes, and that the law is not for them.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
n hdhh lndf`t lmtTrf@ tdl `l~ 'n 'SHbh 'ns mw'mnwn Sdqwn, wtdl 'yDan 'n lZrwf lyst hy lZrwf lty yjb twfrh.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
There's no one here who is worthy of such words!' Aglaya burst out. 'None of them, none of them here are worthy of your little finger, nor your heart! You are more honourable than them all, nobler than them all, better than them all, kinder than them all, cleverer than them all! There are people here who are unworthy to bend down and pick up the handkerchief you've dropped... Why do you humiliate yourself and make yourself lower than them a..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
imagine the most terrible part of the whole punishment is, not the bodily pain at all--but the certain knowledge that in an hour,--then in ten minutes, then in half a minute, then now--this very instant--your soul must quit your body and that you will no longer be a man--and that this is certain, certain! That's the point--the certainty of it. Just that instant when you place your head on the block and hear the iron grate over your head--th..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy. It's only that.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
If you chase several hares at once, you won't overtake any one of them.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
nhm dh y`jzwn `n t`ryf qDythm mst`dwn l'n ythmw lakhryn bljswsy@
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Don't let us forget that the causes of human actions are usually immeasurably more complex and varied than our subsequent explanations of them. And these can rarely be distinctly defined.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
To live longer than forty years is bad manners, is vulgar, immoral. Who does live beyond forty? Answer that, sincerely and honestly I will tell you who do: fools and worthless fellows. I
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
I swear, gentlemen, that to be too conscious is an illness--a real thorough-going illness. For
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
lqd `rft wHd mn hw'l ldhyn l ykfwn `n l`ml, wlm ykn mn 'bn lsh`b `l~ kl Hl, wkn rjl mthqf yqdr `l~ fhm lZwhr l`m@. nh kn yHlm blfrG lkml wlbTl@ ltm@ kl ywm tqryb, wyjd fy hdh lHlm ldh@ `Zym@ wmt`@ kbyr@. Ht~ lqd kn ymDy bhdh lmthl l'`l~ l~ tkhwm lmTlq n SH lt`byr, l~ lstqll ldhy l Hdwd lh, l~ lHry@ lmstmr@ fy lnqyd llHlm wlt'ml khly mn kl `ml wqd lzmh hdh l~ lywm ldhy tHTm fyh tHTm mn l`ml, Ht~ Sr ystHyl "tSlyHh", wmt fy lmstshf~. fstkhlStu..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
In my view, Roman Catholicism is not even a faith, but is decidedly a continuation of the Western Roman Empire, and in it everything, beginning with faith, is subordinated to that idea. The Pope seized the earth, an earthly throne, and took up the sword; ever since then it has all gone like that, except that to the sword they've added lies, slyness, deception, fanaticism, superstition and evil-doing, and played with the people's most sacred..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
There are situations in life which bring the impartial observer to the conclusion that suicide is a luxury which is within the reach of, and permissible to, wealthy people.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Man, do not pride yourself on superiority to the animals; they are without sin, and you, with your greatness, defile the earth by your appearance on it,
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Add to that that he was to some extent a youth of our last epoch--that is, honest in nature, desiring the truth, seeking for it and believing in it, and seeking to serve it at once with all the strength of his soul, seeking for immediate action, and ready to sacrifice everything, life itself, for it.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The high road is something very, very long, of which one cannot see the end - like human life, like human dreams. There is an idea in the open road, but what sort of idea is there in travelling with posting tickets? Posting tickets mean an end to ideas. Vive la grande route and then as God wills.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
nny qd 'ulhmt Hq Hyn nklt `n w`dy wrfDt 'n 'SbH zwjtk. 'nt zwj l yTq. hbny tzwjtk, thm klftk b'n tHml rsl@ l~ `shyqy: lswf tqwm bhdhh lmhm@, wln tqtSr `l~ Hml lrsl@ lyh bl stjyy'ny blrd 'yD
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
wbdl mn 'n 'fkr fy lmstqbl , 'rny 'Hy tHt t'thyr dhkryt Hdyth@ , tHt t'thyr kl tlk l`Sf@ lty m tzl qryb@ , tlk l`Sf@ lty Hmltny zwb`th zmn thm 'lqtny `l~ l'rD. wm zlt 'Hs fy b`D lHZt 'n lzwb`@ st'khdh by , 'n lS`q@ stnTlq , fyTbq jnHh `lyW 'thn `bwrh , w'nny wqd fqdt ltwzn wTsh Swby , sakhdh 'dwr , w'dwr , w'dwr ...
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
In epoca noastra sunt in floare mediocritatea si nepasarea, cultul inculturii, lenea, incapacitatea si pretentia de a primi totul de-a gata. Nimeni nu-si mai pune probleme, rar intalnesti un om framantat de o idee.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The riff-raff that exists in every society rises to the surface in any time of transition, and is utterly devoid not only of any goal, but even the slightest indication of an idea, and merely gives expression to restlessness and impatience as forcefully as it can. Meanwhile, the riff-raff, without being aware of it, almost always falls under the sway of that small band of 'advanced people' which acts with a definite goal, and which points a..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Then this God does exist according to you?" "He does not exist, but He is. In the stone there is no pain, but in the fear of the stone is the pain. God is the pain of the fear of death. He who will conquer pain and terror will become himself a god."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
nW fy lbshri -waHt~ fy '`t~ lmjrmyn- mn lsdhj@i walTyb@i fwq m qd ntkhyWl. wahdh yaSduqu `lyn nHn 'yDan
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The main thing is that I believe myself when I lie. The hardest thing in life is to live and not lie... and... and not to believe your own lies, yes, yes, that's it precisely!
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Above all, avoid lying, especially lying to yourself. Keep watching out for your lies, watch for them every hour, every minute. Also avoid disgust, both for others and yourself: whatever strikes you as disgusting within yourself is cleansed by the mere fact that you notice it. Avoid fear, too, although fear is really only a consequence of lies. Never be afraid of your petty selfishness when you try to achieve love and don't be too alarmed i..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
I am a dreamer; I have so little real life that I look upon such moments as this now, as so rare, that I cannot help going over such moments again in my dreams. I shall be dreaming of you all night, a whole week, a whole year.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
It was more difficult not to understand than to understand.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Everything with them is 'the influence of environment,' and nothing else. Their favourite phrase! From which it follows that, if society is normally organised, all crime will cease at once, since there will be nothing to protest against and all men will become righteous in one instant. Human nature is not taken into account, it is excluded, it's not supposed to exist! They don't recognise that humanity, developing by a historical living pro..
Fyodor Dostoyevsky |