so his whole life was an example that love of one's neighbour is not possible without love of oneself, and that self-hate is really the same thing as sheer egoism and in the long run breeds the same cruel isolation and despair.
Hermann Hesse |
I began to sense that I would be a stranger in society for the rest of my life, and the desire was born in me to lead my life outside this society.
Hermann Hesse |
lm 'kn 'Hsb nfsy 'dyban sh`ran. fm knt 'ktbh mn Hyn l~ akhr kn mn qbyl lSHf@ lmsly@, l mn l'db. lkny knt fym byny wbyn nfsy 'Hbs 'mlan fy 'n ttH ly fy ywm mn l'ym frS@ khlq shy mn l'db, nshyd `Zym jry' llHnyn wlHy@
Hermann Hesse |
It was a strange business and it made a sad and curious impression on me; everything that had belonged to me in these earlier years of my life left me, was alien and lost to me. I suddenly saw how sad and artificial my life had been during this period, for the loves, friends, habits and pleasures of these years were discarded like badly fitting clothes. I parted from them without pain and all that remained was to wonder that I could have en..
Hermann Hesse |
Everyone had only one true vocation: to find himself. Let him wind up as a poet or a madman, as a prophet or a criminal--that wasn't his business; in the long run, it was irrelevant. His business was to discover his own destiny, not just any destiny, and to live it totally and undividedly. Anything else was just a half-measure, an attempt to run away, an escape back to the ideal of the masses, an adaptation, fear of one's own nature.
Hermann Hesse |
Perhaps, people of our kind can't love. The childlike people can; that's their secret.
Hermann Hesse |
everything actually was all-meaningful, that every symbol and combination of symbols led not hither and yon, not to single examples, experiments, and proofs, but into the center, the mystery and innermost heart of the world, into primal knowledge. Every transition from major to minor in a sonata, every transformation of a myth or a religious cult, every classical or artistic formulation was, I realized in that flashing moment, if seen with ..
Hermann Hesse |
A person is afraid only when he isn't at one with himself.
Hermann Hesse |
It enraged and exhausted me to observe how the common daily life callously demanded its due and devoured the abundance of optimism I had brought with me.
Hermann Hesse |
Every healthy person must have a goal in life and that life must have content.
Hermann Hesse |
Making music together is the best way for two people to become friends.
Hermann Hesse |
I have never seen a man look and smile, sit and walk like that, he thought. I, also, would like to look and smile, sit and walk like that, so free, so worthy, so restrained, so candid, so childlike and mysterious. A man only looks and walks like that when he has conquered his self. I also will conquer my self.
Hermann Hesse |
All of this had always existed, and he had not seen it;
Hermann Hesse |
All existence seemed to be based on duality, on contrast. Either one was a man or one was a woman, either a wanderer or sedentary burgher, either a thinking person or a feeling person-no one could breathe in at the same time as he breathed out, be a man as well as a woman, experience freedom as well as order, combine instinct and mind. One always had to pay for one with the loss of the other, and one thing was always just as important and d..
Hermann Hesse |
Would you actually believe that you had committed your foolish acts in order to spare your son from committing them too? And could you in any way protect your son from Sansara? How could you? By means of teachings, prayer, admonition? My dear, have you entirely forgotten that story, that story containing so many lessons, that story about Siddhartha, a Brahman's son, which you once told me here on this very spot? Who has kept the Samana Sidd..
Hermann Hesse |
Now what we call "bourgeois," when regarded as an element always to be found in human life, is nothing else than the search for a balance. It is the striving after a mean between the countless extremes and opposites that arise in human conduct. If we take any one of these coupled opposites, such as piety and profligacy, the analogy is immediately comprehensible. It is open to a man to give himself up wholly to spiritual views, to seeking af..
Hermann Hesse |
The teachers apparently regarded a dead student very differently from a living one.
Hermann Hesse |
Nobody really knew anything. People lived; they went here and there about the earth and rode through forests; so much seemed to challenge or to promise, and so many sights to stir our longing: an evening star, a blue harebell, a lake half-covered in green reeds, the eyes of beasts and human eyes; and always it was as though something would happen, something never seen and yet sighed for, as though a veil would be pulled back off the world; ..
Hermann Hesse |
It was one of the ferryman's greatest virtues that, like few people, he knew how to listen.
Hermann Hesse |
No hay mas realidad que la que tenemos dentro. Por eso la mayoria de los seres humanos vive tan irrealmente; porque cree que las imagenes exteriores son la realidad y no permiten a su propio mundo interior manifestarse.
Hermann Hesse |
No soy un hombre que sabe. He sido un hombre que busca y lo soy aun, pero no busco ya en las estrellas ni en los libros: comienzo a escuchar las ensenanzas que mi sangre murmura en mi.
Hermann Hesse |
This is what makes them so dear and worthy of veneration for me: they are like me. Therefore, I can love them.
Hermann Hesse |
The artistically inclined delight in the Game because it provides opportunities for improvisation and fantasy. The strict scholars and scientists despise it - and so do some musicians also - because, they say, it lacks that degree of strictness which their specialties can achieve. Well and good, you will encounter these antinomies, and in time you will discover that they are subjective, not objective - that, for example, a fancy-free artist..
Hermann Hesse |
It is not my place to judge another person's life. Only for myself, for myself alone, I must decide, I must chose, I must refuse.
Hermann Hesse |
Oh oak tree, how they have pruned you. Now you stand odd and strangely shaped! You were hacked a hundred times until you had nothing left but spite and will! I am like you, so many insults and humiliations could not shatter my link with life. And every day I raise my head beyond countless insults towards new light. What in me was once gentle, sweet and tender this world has ridiculed to death. But my true self cannot be murdered. I am a..
Hermann Hesse |
If I were poet now, I would not resist the temptation to trace my life back through the delicate shadows of my childhood to the precious and sheltered sources of my earliest memories. But these possessions are far too dear and sacred for the person I now am to spoil for myself. All there is to say of my childhood is that it was good and happy. I was given the freedom to discover my own inclinations and talents, to fashion my inmost pleasure..
Hermann Hesse |
Mit Kummer, und doch auch mit Lachen, gedachte er jener Zeit.
Hermann Hesse |
el habia pensado mas que otros hombres, poseia en asuntos del espiritu aquella serena objetividad, aquella segura reflexividad y sabiduria que solo tienen las personas verdaderamente espirituales, a las que falta toda ambicion y nunca desean brillas, ni convencer a los demas, ni siquiera tener razon.
Hermann Hesse |
Why was it, do you think, I was able to recognise you and understand you?" "Why, Hermine? Tell me!" "Because it's the same for me as you because I am alone exactly as you are, because I'm as little fond of life and people and myself as you are and can put up with them as little. There are always a few such people who demand the utmost of life and yet cannot come to terms with its stupidity and crudeness."
Hermann Hesse |
There's a big difference between merely carrying the world inside you and knowing that you do! A madman can produce ideas that resemble Plato's, and a pious little schoolboy in a Herrnhut institute can creatively reconstruct profound mythological associations in his mind, ideas to be found in the Gnostics or Zoroaster. But he doesn't know he's doing it! He's a tree or a stone, at best an animal, just as long as he doesn't know that. But whe..
Hermann Hesse |
Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else.
Hermann Hesse |
In course of time I was more and more conscious, too, that this affliction was not due to any defects of nature, but rather to a profusion of gifts and powers which had not attained to harmony. I saw that Haller was a genius of suffering and that in the meaning of many sayings of Nietzsche he had created within himself with positive genius a boundless and frightful capacity of pain. I saw at the same time that the root of his pessimism was ..
Hermann Hesse |
kl m tf`lh fy hdh lsyq hw 'n tkhsr nfsk, w khsr@ ldht khTyy'@.. `ly lmr 'n ykwn qdran `ly ltsll ly dkhl nfsh tmman mthl lslHf@.
Hermann Hesse |
The dream of death is only the dark smoke Under which the fires of life are burning.
Hermann Hesse |
Jis tavim geresis, ismoks tave mintinai.
Hermann Hesse |
Ne, ne vienas zmogus ilgai negaletu pakelti tokio liepsningo gyvenimo. <...> Niekas negaletu taip ilgai diena nakti deginti visus savo ziburius, eikvoti visus savo vulkanus, niekas neistengtu taip ilgai diena nakti stoveti liepsnose, kasdien daug valandu su ikaitusia galva mastyti, nuolatos megaudamasis, nuolatos kurdamas, nuolatos sviesus, su budriais jausmais ir nervais nelyginant pilis, uz kurios langu kasdien skamba muzika, o naktimis t..
Hermann Hesse |
This here," he said playing with it, "is a stone, and will, after a certain time, perhaps turn into soil, and will turn from soil into a plant or animal or human being. In the past, I would have said: This stone is just a stone, it is worthless, it belongs to the world of the Maja; but because it might be able to become also a human being and a spirit in the cycle of transformations, therefore I also grant it importance. Thus, I would perha..
Hermann Hesse |
klm zd m ntTlbh mn 'nfsn 'w klm zd m ytTlbh wjbn mn zdt Drwr@ ltjy'n ly lt'ml mSdr qw@ w ly ltwfq byn lfkr w lrwH, klm zd tmlk mhm@ mn lmhmt ln, f'thrtn w smt bn tr@, w tr@ 't`btn w'rhqtn , 'SbH hmln lmSdr lqw@ hdh 'ysr `lyn w 'shl Hdwth ln, blZbT km yHdth ln `ndm nnhmk fy `ml fkry nhmk shdyd w yshl `lyn hml ljsm w ltGDy `n l`ny@ bh. w `Zm lrjl knw m `ly m`rf@ blt'ml w mmrsth, 'w knw fy lTryq lmwSl ly lt'ml dwn `lm mnhm, fmn lm ttH lh wHd@ ..
Hermann Hesse |
wlkny lst l mlHan w`mly hw 'n '`br blns hdh lnhr, wqd `brt balf lns, wlm ykn nhry blnsb@ lyhm Gyr `qb@ fy Tryq rHlthm. knw ysfrwn mn 'jl lml 'w l`ml, 'w mn 'jl Hflt lzff, 'w rHlt lHj, wkn lnhr y`trD Tryqhm dy'man. "
Hermann Hesse |
nk l tkhf l Hyn l tkwn mnsjman m` nfsk. w lns khy'fwn l'nh lm ysbq lhm 'n knw msyTryn `l~ 'nfshm.
Hermann Hesse |
wqft `nd zwy@ lshr` w 'SGyt. mn lbrt kn mrH lshbb lmmnhj lmkrwr ySHb fy llyl. twSl kdhb fy kl mkn, w fy kl mkn hdr lmsy'wly@ lmSyr, w hrwb l~ lqTy` bHthan `n ldf
Hermann Hesse |
Trebao bi se ponositi bolom - svaki bol nas podseca na nas visoki polozaj'. Divno! Osamdeset godina pre Nicea! Ali to nije izreka na koju sam mislio - cekajte, evo je. Dakle: 'Vecina ljudi nece da pliva pre neo sto nauci'. Zar to nije saljivo? Razume se da nece da plivaju! Ta rodjeni su za tle, a ne za vodu. I, razume se, nece ni da misle; stvoreni su da zive, a ne da misle! Da, onaj koji misli, kome je glavna stvar da misli, moze da dotera..
Hermann Hesse |
sh`rt 'nh lys mjdyan l`tmd `l~ shrfh. lqd j mn l`lm lakhr. w lwshyh lyst jrymh blnsbh lh. 'Hsst bdhlk bdqh. flns fy l`lm lakhr lysw mthln fy hdhh l'mwr
Hermann Hesse |
They had been talking about astrology, a forbidden science that was not pursued in the cloister. Narcissus had said that astrology was an attempt to arrange and order the many different types of human beings according to their natures and destinies. At this point Goldmund had objected: "You're forever talking of differences - I've finally recognised a pet theory of yours. When you speak of the great difference that is supposed to exist betw..
Hermann Hesse |