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817cd7f a tyrant, and a conqueror. He was never elected to the office. He would probably laugh at the idea. And if he did somehow decide to hold elections, he would magic the masses into electing him, because he would honestly believe that he was best qualified to rule wisely. Having Ilona Andrews
9dd38f2 Does Strawberry Shortcake know you stole her horse? She will be berry, berry angry with you." I" Ilona Andrews
c194d78 Why, are you worried he'll find out about this romantic rendezvous?" The vampire froze for a second. "What?" "You're meeting me in secret on a lonely street in the middle of the night . . ." Ghastek's voice was so sharp, if it were a knife, I would've been sliced to ribbons. "I find your attempts at humor greatly distressing." Hee-hee. "I assure you, this is strictly business." "Sure it is, sweet cheeks." Ilona Andrews
5b741a9 You should do the dramatic door-opening thing," I told Curran. "Would you like to see me do the dramatic door-opening thing?" "Yes, I would. Very much." A quick smile bent his lips. We" Ilona Andrews
7401a58 Kate?" "Yes?" I managed. "It's me, Julie. Are you dying?" I could tell she desperately wanted a different answer. "I love you." The expression on her face twisted something inside me. I looked from her to Curran. "I love you so much. Both . . ." "You can't die." She grabbed my hand. Tears swelled in her eyes. "You're all I have. Kate, please. Please don't die." My" Ilona Andrews
ad46559 You know what? No: if he ever fell in love, it wouldn't be great romantic devotion. It would be an exercise in frustration and lust, and at the end of it his significant other would strangle him. Ilona Andrews
dbb7be5 Does ice float? Ilona Andrews
c4aa4a5 I sniffed. "What?" "The fragrance of a genuine compliment from Mad Rogan. So rare and sweet." Ilona Andrews
2ccf846 Lightning shot out of my fingers and sank into the armored skin. Madero screamed. Welcome to the shockers, bitch. Ilona Andrews
13f8e95 It was one thing to be attracted to bad boys, something I usually didn't suffer from. It was another to be attracted to bad men. Mad Rogan was a really bad, bad man. Ilona Andrews
2915837 Phone calls, TV broadcasts, and Skype sessions don't, so there has to be some physical proximity. It works better if I can see you and hear you at the same time. Direct eye contact works best." He" Ilona Andrews
f47458b He felt like an addict who, after abusing a narcotic for years, somehow found himself sober, Ilona Andrews
0951ab9 Sure, let me get my shoes. Ilona Andrews
54a4e53 By the way," Arabella said, "you might get a call from school. I forgot to mention it before." Mother paused. "Why?" "Well, we were playing basketball and I guess I pulled on Diego's jersey. I don't even remember doing it. And Valerie decided it would be a good idea to snitch on me. I mean, I saw her walk over to the coach and pull on his sleeve like she was five or something. I even asked Diego if he cared, and he said he didn't even notic.. Ilona Andrews
2e3da15 You're Mad Rogan!" Leon burst out. "Yes," Mad Rogan said, his voice calm. "And you can break cities?" "Yes." "And you have all this money and magic?" "Yes." Where was Leon going with this? My cousin blinked. "And you look . . . like that?" Mad Rogan nodded. "Yes." Leon's dark eyes went wide. He looked at Mad Rogan, then glanced down at himself. At fifteen, Leon weighed barely a hundred pounds. His arms and legs were like chopsticks. "There.. Ilona Andrews
c6efa87 He pulled me like a magnet. Every female instinct I had went into overdrive. Ilona Andrews
0dff04b He owned their souls. They thought he was God. "When" Ilona Andrews
ebc174a The top bag popped, and a metric ton of old lasagna spilled onto my pants. The stench of soured spaghetti sauce washed over me. Ew. Of all the trash from this whole giant building, I had to step on a bag from the food court. Damn it. Ilona Andrews
9aabccb And those who love us most lie to us most of all, because life is a bumpy ride and they want to smooth it out as much as possible. Ilona Andrews
c5b2790 Mag Rogan and I stood on the edge of a cliff. Below us, the ground plunged so far down that it was as if the planet itself had ended at our feet. The wind tugged at my hair. He was wearing those dark pants again and nothing else. The hard muscle corded his torso, fueled by an overpowering, almost savage strength. Not the mindless brutality of a common thug or the cruel power of an animal, but an intelligent, stubborn, human strength. It was.. Ilona Andrews
7e2a49f So far my best plan would be to build a mountain of gasoline cans and explosives, stick a Property of US Government sign on it, and throw a T-shirt over Pierce's head when he showed up to explode it. Yes, this would totally work. Ilona Andrews
70a79cd Men like you enjoy being flattered. Ilona Andrews
be70a9f Because my telekinetic magic doesn't work on living things. I can throw something metal fast enough to slice an opponent to pieces. I can hurl a board at him, because cut wood is dead. I can choke him with his own clothes if they are loose enough. But I can't simply throw a body." Oh. "So the best way to fight you is to strip naked and attack?" His eyes flashed with a wicked light. "Yes. You should try it and see what happens." Well, I did .. Ilona Andrews
154c427 Can you turn so you're not pressed against me?" "I could," he said, his voice amused. "But then you would have to lie on top of me." My brain said, "NO." My body went, "Wheee!" Ilona Andrews
2cf3656 My wrists and ankles were bleeding. My knees too--I must've scraped myself trying to draw the circle. So far today I'd seen a woman almost die, I'd shot a person, I'd killed another person with my shockers, I'd been strung up on wires and almost crushed by a car, and now I was bleeding all over the place. If I could, I would punch today right in the face. Ilona Andrews
c64b0ef Well, you don't get to have any of my bullshit. I'm keeping it." Okay, and that didn't sound childish. Not at all." -- Ilona Andrews
3b0d204 Well, if he wasn't dead, he definitely wasn't happy. Great, I've turned into my mother. That's what she would say. Ilona Andrews
9685876 Marry him. We need college money. Ilona Andrews
e4055fe Normally I'd hide my gun in a canvas bag or a purse. Today I didn't bother. My Baby Desert Eagle rested in a hip holster. Its magazine held twelve rounds, .40 S&W, and I'd brought two spare magazines, in the interior pocket within the lining of my jacket. Ilona Andrews
19716db A human mind is the place where emotion and reason are locked in perpetual combat. Sadly for our species, emotion always wins. Ilona Andrews
b6d7f22 The shirt molded to his shoulders and chest. His biceps stretched the sleeves. He looked strong, and rugged, and rough around the edges. He needed an ax or something, so he could casually swing it while he walked. I tilted my head and just watched. Ilona Andrews
bc652ec Your family is in danger. Ilona Andrews
e8ef32f I licked his lips. He tasted so good. A hoarse male noise escaped his mouth. Ilona Andrews
5ebffa2 What was wrong with my life and how did I get to this place? Ilona Andrews
342f4c4 Are we going to school today?" "No. "Great. Then I'm going to go outside and see if I can get a gun. Since my own family won't let me have one, I'll have to beg strangers." - Leon & Penelope" Ilona Andrews
fb0eeb5 Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures, Ilona Andrews
3469006 This wasn't the world of normal people. Yet somehow I kept getting stuck in it. Ilona Andrews
f1b429a when you make a sequence of wrong choices, eventually you're left with no choice at all. Ilona Andrews
f5eeb39 When one of the security people asked if Rogan had threatened Forsberg, the Scourge of Mexico looked at him for a moment and condescended to explain that he hadn't threatened anyone. He had been moving thru the hallways with a purpose because he had someplace to be and if they had a problem identifying the difference between that and him actually threatening someone, he would be happy to demonstrate. They decided not to question him further.. Ilona Andrews
362160b Eventually Victoria will die. She's old." And that didn't sound morbid. Not at all." Ilona Andrews
13640c2 He fixed me with his Mad Rogan stare. "If you find the connection between Brian's disappearance and the conspiracy, I want to know about it. Not eventually, not when it's convenient, but immediately." "Yes, sir. I was going to kiss you good night, but now I can't. It's against the rules to fraternize with my superior officer." "Hilarious," he said." Ilona Andrews
9454b3b You did more than anyone could ask. You bought more than enough time for Cornelius to deploy his iron pan and for Rynda to escape. Ilona Andrews
d16ca7e I'm sorry I wasn't there." "I'm not upset that you weren't there. I was doing my job. I don't blame you for anything, Connor. Except not telling me that you had a lead. That wasn't cool." I lowered my voice, trying to match his. "When you have a lead, I want to know about it. Not eventually, not when it's convenient, but immediately." He didn't rise to the bait. Apparently, he was determined to blame himself. "So, are we still on tonight? .. Ilona Andrews
9fb52fd She's FREAKING out. I'm trying to calm her down. I may have to get wine. Or pot. Can I buy some pot? No. It's medicinal. No pot or I tell Mom. Ilona Andrews