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4b4dda9 One shot. That was all you got. - Isaac J.R. Ward
ce64a79 You are the one. For her, you are the one. J.R. Ward
e51f11a You so need to lighten up about that potato-launcher incident," Butch said. Phury rolled his eyes and eased back in the banquette. "You broke my window." "Of course we did. V and I were aiming for it." J.R. Ward
c0730b2 The smile he gave her was wistful, just a little lift to his mouth. "You are a fighter." ""Yes. Always. And sometimes I'm a whole army." J.R. Ward
b39dc0b Fuuuuuuck......No'One.... tohr no-one J.R. Ward
8414f01 Humans: Nature's remedy for an otherwise good time. J.R. Ward
a2a4961 Layla brought her arms around herself, no doubt because she was remembering the feel of another, stronger set. "I have wanted to, but he holds back. I hope...I believe it is because he wishes to mate me properly first, in ceremony." J.R. Ward
ecda002 Rhage's stare narrowed, but he refused to look at the angel. "Isn't there a Saved by the Bell marathon you have to go watch?" "Don't hate on Zack. He's like your little fucking brother, beauty queen." Lassiter wandered over, the gold he had on creating an aura around his blond-and-black head and his long body--or maybe the glow actually was an aura." -- J.R. Ward
574e663 Well, too bad, boys--life wasn't an epi of Doctor Who. And you know what? J.R. Ward
62412f2 The mind...the mind was the most powerful force for and against someone. J.R. Ward
b272f63 There is no fight - I'm yours. If you want, here and now. Or later. A week, a month, years from now. J.R. Ward
d82169c Marissa laughed, utterly delighted with her mate. "Later. Food first." Butch settled back immediately, like she'd called his lust to a heel and it behaved because it wanted to be a good boy. As she left, the cop's eyes followed her with rank hunger and adoration. V shook his head. "You are a total sap." butch-vishous marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous butch J.R. Ward
60bfc4b I don't need any explanation about what you do with your life. You and I...we grew up together,and that's it. Yeah, we shared a lot of stuff back then, and we were there for each other when it mattered. But neither one of us can fit into the clothes we used to wear , and this relationship between us is just the same. It doesn't fit in our lives any longer. We don' anymore. And listen., I didn't mean to get pissy in the truck, but I t.. lover-at-last J.R. Ward
d9459e9 Man, some open doors were not welcoming, and that was so the case here--less hi-how're-ya, more come-in-so-your-skin-can-be-used-to-make-a-super-hero-cape-for-one-of-Hannibal-Lecter's-patients. ward J.R. Ward
4553b33 As she took a deep breath, all she smelled was him, the scent going in her nose and blooming all over her body. Bastard, she thought. Irresistible bastard marissa lover-revealed butch J.R. Ward
0271ff8 Jim finished his beer and wondered how in the hell he'd found himself in the role of Cupid. Man, if those four lads even thought about getting him to wear the wings and a diaper while he nocked his arrow, he was so renegotiating his employee contract. And not with words. J.R. Ward
3fcb2e8 Conservatism is the cousin of cowardice. J.R. Ward
b93816d Last fight I had with the bitch ended way too soon." Eddie rolled his eyes and glanced at Jim. "It was in the Middle Ages and he still hasn't gotten over it." J.R. Ward
aeebc6e Taking a couple of deep breaths, he knew he had to choose his words carefully--in spite of the fact that his adrenal gland had opened up full-bore and was pumping enough OMG into his system that he was drowning in terror. J.R. Ward
34240d7 You said you wanted to remember something.' His palms slid up to the top of her thighs and squeezed. 'So lie back and let me do my thing.' -Issac Rothe, Crave J.R. Ward
0574d11 When I lie this close to you, when I smell your scent, when I hear your voice, I know everything that matters." She looked down the length of him. "You are the male I want to mate with. That's who you are." romance lover-awakened marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward butch J.R. Ward
b87f18b The good parts are more luminous because you can trust them. And the bad parts can't get any more tragic for precisely the same reason. The past is safe because it is indelible. J.R. Ward
e5eb3ec not in the stupid-ass Miley Cyrus poser-sex way--and J.R. Ward
7feb7d6 The door to Blay's room opened wide without a knock, a hello, a hey-are-you-decent. Qhuinn stood in between the jambs, breathing hard, like he'd run down the hall of statues. Sh**, had Layla lost the pregnancy after all? Those mismatched eyes searched around. "You by yourself?" Why the hell would-- Oh, Saxton. Right. "Yes--" The male took three strides forward, reached up . . . and kissed the ever-loving crap out of Blay. The kiss was the k.. J.R Ward
44206bb As she began rattling off a number of multi-syllabic Latin-derived medical terms, he had to rearrange himself in his leathers. Something about her getting all professional made him want to get all up in her. Probably had to do with the bonding thing--he wanted to mark this spectacular person as his, so the whole world knew they needed to back the fuck off. Jane was the only female who had ever gotten his attention and held it. And yeah, if .. J.R. Ward
9e3f0b9 You're so very naked," she whispered against his shoulder. He smiled into her hair. "So are you." -- marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed butch J.R. Ward
3763b1d We're separated, but not lost or truly apart. Do not mourn me, my love. I have not died. . . . J.R. Ward
ab33436 as well as Assail and his two cousins, Fang I and II. J.R. Ward
d55469b Not for me. I hate fish. It's for Goddamn Cat. I want him served that regularly. J.R. Ward
69233a7 Is it my turn yet?" Lassiter asked over the earpiece. "I was born ready for this." "Of all the people who could be immortal," V muttered, "why are you one of them?" "Because I'm awwwwwesome," the fallen angel sang. "And I'm part of your team--" "No, you're not--" "--living your dream!" Butch's head started thumping even worse. "Shut up, Lass. I can't do singing right now." "It's from Despicable Me," the angel commented. Like he was being he.. J.R. Ward
85c827e i am... absolutely destroyed at the loss. (--manny) J.R. Ward
2c1ce5b Chaos and love when hand in hand and oh, the glorious grace of the world because of it. J.R. Ward
d071cce Three a.m. in downtown Caldwell, New York, gave you just enough obstacles to keep shit amusing. J.R. Ward
712a2bb Qhuinn took a step forward, with the intention of stepping in, in the event the Brother locked hands on the SOB's skinny neck: Someone should probably catch the head before it bounced all over their hosts' rugs. And the deadweight of the body. Seemed only hospitable. J.R. Ward
d54e226 I was living with this sense that there was something going on, something important, but I didn't know what it was. It was like...I knew the secret was there, and it was a dark one, but I just couldn't reach it. Nearly drove me mad. wrath lover-avenged J.R. Ward
5e6a8ae As he stepped forward, it dawned on her that this was a bad idea. If he wanted to talk she should meet him downstairs. After all, he was very male. And she was very naked. And they were now... yup, shut in a bedroom together. Good planning. Excellent work. Maybe she should jump out a window next. marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed butch J.R. Ward
1a13d88 Mary is...different to me. I'm not going to pretend I understand why. All I know is, she's a pounding in my chest that I can't ignore...hell, that I don't want to ignore. J.R. Ward
605cd40 When I want you to bag, I'll tell you.-Vishous J.R. Ward
e9832f7 Life is too frickin' crazy sometimes, it really is.... You never know what's going to happen, do you. J.R. Ward
0421828 You know you were with the lessers, true?" Butch lifted one of his busted-up hands. "And here I thought I'd been to Elizabeth Arden." vutch black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous butch J.R. Ward
1a87d4a Indeed, Xcor stayed away for the wrong reason, the bad reason, an unacceptable reason--in spite of all his training, he found himself choosing Throe's life over ambition: His anger had taken him in one direction, but his regret had led him in another. And the latter one was what won out. bob J.R. Ward
38583de V? Answer the question or so help me God I'll beat it out of you." "I just know how to find him." "What are you hiding?" V went over to the bar, poured himself a couple of fingers of Grey Goose, and hammered the shot. He swallowed a number of times and then let the words fly. "I fed him." A chorus of inhales floated a...round the room. As Wrath rose in disbelief, V poured himself another hit of Goose. "You did what?" The last word was bello.. J.R. Ward
7b9f158 Blay said yet again, that old, familiar voice cutting through all of those years of rejection and judgment, giving him not just a rope of acceptance to hang on to, but a flesh-and-blood hand to lead him out of the darkness of his past... And into a future that didn't require lies or excuses, because what he was, and what they were, was both extraordinary--and not hing out of the ordinary. Love, after all, was universal. J.R. Ward
e8f162b In his old life, the answer would have been easy: He'd have just put a gun to Vin's head and dragged the fucker to the altar. Now? He needed to be a little more civilized. marriage jim-heron vin J.R. Ward