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63f131a This was why people got mated, Rehv suddenly thought. Fuck the sex and the social position. If they were smart, they did it to make a house that had no walls and an invisible roof and a floor that no could walk on-and yet the structure was a shelter no storm could blow down, no match could torch up, no passage of years could degrade. That was when it hit him. A mated bond like that helped you through shit nights like this. rehvenge lover-avenged J.R. Ward
f0b1e11 I don't think my sister is old enough to have sex." "V, she's the same age you are." He frowned for a moment. Was she? Or had he been born first?" vishous J.R. Ward
7003213 I love you forever" didn't always need to be spoken to be understood." J.R. Ward
87b8f6e Rhage stepped out in front of him (JM), "Hey, hi! How are you?" Hollywood stuck his hand out. "I'd like to introduce myself. I'm the piece of meat that's going to force you headfirst into your buddy Quinn's Hummer as soon as it gets here. Just figured I'd introduced myself before I rope your ass and throw you over my shoulder like a bag of sand." J.R. Ward
765c65b Abruptly, Blay's blue stare found his. And what Qhuinn saw in it caused him to falter: Love shone out of that face, unadulterated love untempered by the shyness that was very much part of his reserve. Blay didn't look away. And for the first time ... neither did Qhuinn. He didn't know whether the emotion was for his cousin--it probably was-but he'd take it: He stared right back at Blaylock and let everything he had in his heart show in his.. love qhuinn J.R. Ward
a339e8a Don't be an asshole" Rhage summed up the regurgitation with two words: "Kettle.Black." Fucking hell. "Did you guys plan that out?" "Yeah and if you don't fight us"- Hollywood bit down on the grape Tootsie Pop-"we'll do it again- only with the dance moves this time" "Spare me." "Fine.Unless you agree to home it,we WILL rock the dance moves." To prove the point ,the moron linked his palms behind his head and started doing something obscene wi.. humor tohr J.R. Ward
42b989a You're the reason I get out of bed every night. And you're the reason I can't wait to come home every dawn. Not the war. Not the Brothers. Not even Butch. It' jr-ward vishous J.R. Ward
296f435 As he vomited, he felt, though did not see, V come over. Forcing his head up, Butch groaned, "Help me..." I'm going to, Give me your hand." As Butch held his palm up in despair, Vishous whipped off his glove and grabbed on good and hard. V's energy, that beautiful, white light, poured down Butch's arm and ripped through him in a blast, cleansing, renewing. United by their clasped hands, they became again the two halves, the light and the .. vishous J.R. Ward
018423e Tell me something,boys. Do you wear that leather to turn each other on? I mean, is it a dick thing with you all? J.R. Ward
7cf6f6d If sex were food, Rhage would haven been morbidly obese. J.R. Ward
3c24adc You are perfect the way you are." Blay's voice was strong. "There is nothing wrong with who and what you have always been. I'm proud of you. And I love you. Now ... and always." Qhuinn's vision got wavy. Hard-core. "I'm proud of you. And I love you," Blay repeated. "Always. Forget about your old family ... you have me now. I am your family." qhuinn J.R. Ward
d0593cc Sometimes your whole life could hinge on a fraction of an inch. Or the beat of a nanosecond. Or the knock on a door. J.R. Ward
bdd6ada In quick succession, Qhuinn reviewed his answers: No, of course not, the knife was acting of its own volition. I was actually trying to stop it...No, I only meant to give him a shave...No, I didn't realize that slicing open someone's jugular was going to lead to death. J.R. Ward
13316cc Butch: -I hear ya. No one's biz but yours. One question though Vishous: -What Butch: -When the females tie you down, do they paint your toe-nails and shit? Or just do your makeup? Wait... they tickle your pits with feather, right? vishous J.R. Ward
cf2286a Sometimes in life, from out of a myriad of prosaic decisions like what to eat and where to sleep and how to dress, a true crossroads is revealed. In these moments, when the fog of relative irrelevancy lifts and fate rolls out a demand for free will, there is only left or right - no option of four-by-fouring into the underbrush between two paths, no negotiating with the choice that has been presented. You must answer the call and pick your w.. lover ward brotherhood dagger black J.R. Ward
0c61a08 Payne looked back through the glass at the human on the bed. "Yes. I am in love with him. And if you try to dissuade me by the fact that I have not lived yet enough to judge, I say unto you...fuck off." J.R. Ward
a3631fc Christ, don't you ever knock? It's Lassiter. L-A-S-S-I-T-E-R. How is it possible you're still getting me confused with someone else? Do I need a nametag? J.R. Ward
bfcd699 An active mind didn't need distractions in its physical environment. It needed a collection of outstanding books and a good lamp. Maybe some cheese and crackers. books J.R. Ward
3c702c7 Butch nodded, finding as comfortable a bite as he could on the leather. He braced himself as V lifted an arm. Except when his roommate's palm landed on his bare chest all he felt was a warm weight. Butch frowned. This was it? This was fucking it? Scaring the shit out of Marissa for no good- He looked down, pissed off. Oh, wrong hand. J.R. Ward
18c4ebf That is one fine female, true?" V said. There was a low, affirmative grumble. "And someone you do not want to mess with," the brother continued. "Man, you should have seen her when we came into that barn. She was standing over his body, ready to take the cop and me on with her bare hands if she had to. Like Wrath was her cub, you feel me?" "Wonder if she has a sister?" Rhage asked. Phury laughed. "You wouldn't know what to do with yourself .. dark-lover J.R. Ward
07b7a1a And second, I don't think there's much of a market for your particular brand of psychology." "So not true." "Butch, you and I just beat the crap out of each other." "You started it. And actually, it would be perfect for Spike TV. UFC meets Oprah. God, I'm brilliant." "Keep telling yourself that. -Butch and V" butch-vishous jr-ward J.R. Ward
acf4781 The half-human was the hottest thing he'd ever gotten anywhere near. And he'd cozied up to a lightning strike once or twice before. J.R. Ward
44034b5 So would you like to try on some clothes?" Beth nodded at what was in her arms. "I don't have many dresses but Fritz can get you some." You know what?" Marissa eyed the blue jeans the queen had on. "I've never worn a pair of pants before." I've got two pairs here if you want to try them out." Well, wasn't this a night for firsts. Sex. Arson. Pants." marissa J.R. Ward
d6f85bc When it was finished, the scaled dragon looked around and as the thing spotted V, a growl rippled up to the bleachers, then ended in a snort. "You finished, big guy?" Va called down. "FYI, goalpost over there would work righteous as a toothpick." J.R. Ward
3e40f12 Because I was, and I remain, utterly and completely and love with you. J.R. Ward
041024b I love you." Z squeezed his eyes shut. "Don't be a tragedy, Bella." love bdb j-r-ward bella zsadist J.R. Ward
6fafc1c You are in a prison with no bars. I worry about you. phurry john J.R. Ward
5962b87 There was a loud scraping noise as five chairs slid backward. The men rose as a unit. And started coming for her. She looked to the faces of the two she knew, but their grave expressions weren't encouraging. And then the knives came out. With a metallic whoosh, five black daggers were unsheathed. She backed up frantically, hands in front of herself. She slammed into a wall and was about to scream for Wrath when the men dropped down on bende.. J.R. Ward
923d3f5 I can smell the sex coming off you right now. I could take you down on this sidewalk and be up that skirt of yours in a heartbeat. And you wouldn't fight me, would you?" "Now, we can be civilized and wait until we get home. Or we can get down to it right here. Either way, I'm dying to come inside of you again, and you're not going to say no." - Wrath to Beth" -- black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward wrath dark-lover J.R. Ward
0e483ea It was the wife, John thought. And she was giving this tough guy a tongue-lashing. And the man was taking it. "Okay. I love you. Bye." Tohrment flipped the phone closed and put it in his pocket. When he focused on John again, he clearly respected his wife enough not to roll his eyes and make some macho, shithead comment about pesky women." J.R. Ward
2d6d079 My name's Lassiter, and I'll tell you all you need to know about me. I'm an angel first and a sinner second, and I'm not here for long. I'll never hurt you, but I'm prepared to make you pretty goddamn uncomfortable if I have to, to get my job done. I like sunsets and long walks on the beach, but my perfect female no longer exists. Oh, and my favorite hobby is annoying the shit out of people. Guess I'm just bred to want to get a rise out of .. J.R. Ward
f3fd8f5 I have loved you for years. I have been in love with you for years and years and years ... throughout school and training ... before transitions and afterward ... when you approached me and yes, even now that you're with Saxton and you hate me. And that ... shit ... in my fucking head locked me down, locked everything down ... and it cost me you. love qhuay qhuinn J.R. Ward
dbaaa75 The male who'd just arrived laughed as he embraced Qhuinn. "You have a way with words, cousin. I would say...trucker meets sailor crossed with a twelve-year-old." lover-mine saxton blaylock jr-ward qhuinn J.R. Ward
d05b6cb you know what they say about messengers, right"? Excuse me?" Too much bad news will get you shot."[...]" u J.R. Ward
64449b3 Standing in front of a line up of Lay's potato chips, Qhuinn looked overhead to the speaker inset into the ceiling tiles. Next to him John Matthew signed, qhuinn J.R. Ward
4473f0e Fuckin' A... hope didn't so much spring eternal as it drowned out common sense and self-preservation. J.R. Ward
f2e792b From one king to another, know that I'm giving you the middle finger right now." And he was, with a smile." middle-finger rehvenge j-r-ward lover-reborn wrath king J.R. Ward
1bacecc Qhuinn smiled, baring his fangs. 'Has anyone ever shown you the difference between good touch and bad touch? 'Cause I'd love to demonstrate. We could start right now. J.R. Ward
360b226 My name is Mary. I'm here with a friend.' Rhage stopped breathing. His heart skipped a beat and then slowed. "Say that again,' he whispered. 'Ah, my name is Mary Luce. I'm a friend of Bella's...We came here with a boy, with John Matthew. We were invited.' Rhage shivered, a balmy rush blooming out all over his skin. The musical lilt of her voice, the rhythm of her speech, the sound of her words, it all spread through him, calming h.. J.R. Ward
d74b5c5 You're a freak. But I really can't accept these-' Were you raised in a barn? Don't be ruuuuuude, my boy. They're a gift.' Blay shook his head. 'Take them, John. You're just going to lose this argument, and it will save us from the theatrics.' Theatrics?' Qhuinn leaped up and assumed a Roman oratory pose. 'Whither thou knowest thy ass from thy elbow, young scribe?' Blay blushed. 'Come on-' Qhuinn threw himself at Blay, grasping onto the guy'.. J.R. Ward
09f56b8 W:"At least I'm not pussy-whipped!" T:"Nice. Fucking. Suit." --Wrath to Tohr" J.R. Ward
094928b If you're going to insist on being reasonable, I'm going to stop hanging with you. J.R. Ward
f2fa334 Rhage raised his hand " Pastor Ass-hat, I have a question." "Yes my son, you are going to hell" J.R. Ward
00bdda8 Funny thing about glass. When you broke the shit up, it got pissed and bit back. J.R. Ward