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e1da6ac Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It's a way to live. inspirational Jacqueline Winspear
a2f414c I'll tell you this. Leaving that which you love breaks your heart open. But you will find a jewel inside, and this precious jewel is the opening of your heart to all that is new and all that is different, and it will be the making of you-if you allow it to be. leaving Jacqueline Winspear
35393a2 Truth walks toward us on the paths of our soon as you think you have the answer, you have closed the path and may miss vital new information. Wait awhile in the stillness, and do not rush to conclusions, no matter how uncomfortable the unknowing. Jacqueline Winspear
46bb9bb Shame, isn't it? That we only like our heroes out in the street when they are looking their best and their uniforms are 'spit and polished,' and not when they're showing us the wounds they suffered on our behalf. Jacqueline Winspear
b811064 Memories are links in a golden chain that bind us until we meet again. Jacqueline Winspear
34ebb07 The extraordinary hides behind the camouflage of the ordinary. Assume nothing, Maisie. Jacqueline Winspear
709d577 Coincidence is a messenger sent by the truth." [Dr. Maurice Blanche]" Jacqueline Winspear
5014700 There is nothing of which every man is so afraid, as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming. Jacqueline Winspear
d7fde0c Wolfgang von Goethe:"A man can stand anything, except a succession of ordinary days." Jacqueline Winspear
105322d Truth walks towards us on the paths of our questions." [Dr. Maurice Blanche]" Jacqueline Winspear
23eca69 Though there had yet to be a victor in this great war that had begun almost three years ago, Maurice had written to her that they had, all of them, on all sides, lost their freedom. Freedom to think hopefully of the future. war true-to-life Jacqueline Winspear
8feae9a And it occurred to her that she was so used to turning over everything in her mind, as if each thought were an intricate shell found at the beach, that she had never truly known the value of simply accepting things as they were. Jacqueline Winspear
450c9d1 if the way ahead is not clear, time is often the best editor of one's intentions. Jacqueline Winspear
8cf5b06 My child, when a mountain appears on the journey, we try to go to the left, then to the right. We try to find the easy way to navigate our way back to the easier path..... But the mountain is there to be crossed. It is on that pilgrimage, as we climb higher, that we are forced to shed the layers upon layers we have carried for so long. Then we find that our load is lighter, and we have come to know something of ourselves in the perilous cli.. Jacqueline Winspear
6e497fb She closed her eyes, silently continuing the pleas that she be given words that might soothe, words that would begin the healing of bereaved parents. She had seen, when she entered the kitchen, the chasm of sorrow that divided man and wife already, each deep in their own wretched suffering, neither knowing what to say to the other. She knew that to begin to talk about what had happened was a key to acknowledging their loss, and that such ac.. Jacqueline Winspear
35752d2 Never judge a journey by the distance... Jacqueline Winspear
579aed8 And there's a thin line between genius and insanity, isn't there? Jacqueline Winspear
de37756 Thus a day that had seen so many tears ended in the midst of a rainbow. Jacqueline Winspear
579f8cc the vacuum left by the departing visitor seemed to echo along the hallway and into the walls. It was at those times, when her aloneness took on a darker hue, that she almost wished there would be no more guess, for then there would be no chasm of emptiness for her to negotiate when they were gone. Jacqueline Winspear
7be3415 I've come to the conclusion that liking a person we are required to have dealings with is not of paramount importance. But respect is crucial, on both sides, as is tolerance, and a depth of understanding of those influences that sculpt a character. great-quotes life-truth understanding-life tolerance respect Jacqueline Winspear
389b357 Stay with the question. The more it troubles you, the more it has to teach you. In time, Maisie, you will find that the larger questions in life share such behavior. Jacqueline Winspear
96efff9 But the thing is, in all my experience as an artist, I have found that there are people who want to destroy beauty. Is that because it's beyond them? Is it because beauty represents something they cannot have, or is not inside them? Jacqueline Winspear
155e898 Allow grief room to air itself," Maurice had taught her."Be judicious in using the body to comfort another, for you may extinguish the freedom that the person feels to be able to share a sadness." Jacqueline Winspear
7bb978e The heart does not know chronos time, Maisie. Jacqueline Winspear
e543a2b Suffice it to say that we only answer questions when the person asking has a lot of silver on the epaulettes, or around the peak of his cap. Jacqueline Winspear
8bada23 In the early days of her pupilage with Maurice, he had told Maisie of his teachers, the wise men who spoke of the veil that was lifted in the early hours, of the all-seeing eye that was open before the day was awake. The hours before dawn were the sacred time, before the intellect rose from slumber. At this time one's inner voice could be heard. Jacqueline Winspear
4904860 The boy laughed, for he was a boy and not yet a man. Jacqueline Winspear
b74a936 Even if the whole world was throwing rocks at you, if you had your mother at your back, you'd be okay. Some deep-rooted part of you would know you were loved. That you deserved to be loved. --Jojo Moyes, One Plus One Jacqueline Winspear
7a5d751 Wisdom comes when we acknowledge what we can never know. Jacqueline Winspear
e766799 And you think journeying abroad will give you this knowledge you crave? I think it will contribute to my understanding of the world, of people. More so than say, the old lady who has lived in the same house her entire life, who has borne children both alive and dead? Who tends her soil; who sees the sun shine and the rain fall over the land, winter, spring, summer and autumn? What might you say to the idea that we all have a capacity for wi.. Jacqueline Winspear
d988b72 Grief is not an event, my dear, but a passage, a pilgrimage along a path that allows us to reflect upon the past from points of remembrance held in the soul. At times the way is filled with stones underfoot and we feel pained by our memories, yet on other days the shadows reflect our longing and those happinesses shared. Jacqueline Winspear
5bdfb29 With a true masterpiece, there are no words required. Discourse is rendered redundant. That's why the work of a master transcends all notions of education, of class. It rises above the onlooker's understanding of what is considered good or bad, or right or wrong in the world of art. With the artist who has achieved mastery, skill, experience and knowledge are transparent, leaving only the message for all to see. inspirational masterpiece mastery Jacqueline Winspear
69a4e65 She had always told herself that she did hti job because she wanted to help others; afterall, hadn't Maurice told her once that the most important question any individual could ask was, "How might I serve?" If her response to that question had been pure, surely she would have coninued with the calling to be a nurse.... But that role hadn't been quite enough for her. She would have missed the excitement, the thrill when she embarked on the w.. Jacqueline Winspear
8306849 The feeling inside that she experienced when she saw the books was akin to the hunger she felt as food was put on the table at the end of the working day. And she knew that she needed this sustenance as surely as her body needed its fuel. sustenance hunger Jacqueline Winspear
c785e12 War's always the same though--politicians square off and ordinary lads do their dirty work. Jacqueline Winspear
b852268 a statement someone makes to Maisie regarding attitudes prior to WWII): "...the corridors of power are littered with Fascist leanings; anything to save the upper classes through disenfranchisement of the common man while allowing the common man to think you're on his side." pre-wwii maisie-dobbs Jacqueline Winspear
ed5b81f I believe it is to our detriment that age gives us a certain mistrust of those younger than ourselves, and we fail to see the strength within them to assume the burden of truth. Jacqueline Winspear
f9cd692 truth has a certain buoyancy - it makes its way to the surface, in time. truth Jacqueline Winspear
a8a5b07 I am no longer an artist interested and anxious. I am a messenger who will bring back word from the men who are fighting to those who want the war to go on forever. Feeble, inarticulate, will be my message, but it will have a bitter truth, and may it burn in their lousy souls. --Paul Nash, Artist 1899-1946 Paul Nash served with the Artists' Rifles and the Royal Hampshire Regiment in the Great War. Jacqueline Winspear
2bef06c But there are many men-and women-who do things in a time of war that they wouldn't dream of doing in peacetime, and all for the common good. war Jacqueline Winspear
3741aea I know this isn't easy for anyone - nothing worth doing is every easy" Brenda to Maisie Dobbs" Jacqueline Winspear
d608375 If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. --KAHLIL GIBRAN Jacqueline Winspear
4ba6437 The depression we find ourselves in here, and which is causing havoc in America, is allowing people to give weight to that which divides them, rather than to the shared experiences and elements of connection they see mirrored in their fellow man. unity humanity Jacqueline Winspear
dc49a4c There is no path set for this kind of shock, and for the grief that attends such terrible news. maisie-dobbs tragedy sorrow Jacqueline Winspear
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