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f929054 Why is it that every time a girl says a guy is bothering her, it's fluffed off with oh, he just likes you, as if that makes it okay? girls Kelley Armstrong
8168e94 This is what I wanted. This guy. This life. This me. I was never getting my old life back, and I didn't care. I was happy. I was safe. I was right where I wanted to be. safe Kelley Armstrong
0195941 Elena?" "Yes, unless Nick found a woman in the forest, which I suppose wouldn't be too surprising." elena nick lovelife Kelley Armstrong
ca319b4 One second he was in my face, making me feel stupid and useless. The next he was like this: hovering, concerned, worried. Kelley Armstrong
8f81791 Sometimes humans hit on a moment of profundity more complete than their dim minds could comprehend, and they took that nugget of truth and dumped it in the refuse for the bards and the poets to find, and mangle into yodeling paeans of love. Kelley Armstrong
a0f974a A guitar twanged from the far-off radio. Country music. Damn. They'd resorted to torture already. torture Kelley Armstrong
57edf18 Behind us, the man laughed. "Looks like we aren't the only ones looking for a little diversion. There's an empty office right over there, guys." Marsten raised his hand in thanks. The couple moved on. I let the kiss continue for five more seconds, then pulled away. "They're gone," I said. Marsten frowned, as if surprised-and disappointed-that I'd noticed. I tugged my hair from his hands. "Okay, coast clear," I said. "Let's go." He let .. karl Kelley Armstrong
7e3d398 It's a road," Corey said, pointing. "A dirt road," Hayley muttered. "So? We've been slogging through the forest for two days. What do you want? A six-lane highway?" Kelley Armstrong
362cc27 I might be half Derek's size, but I was the one who sounded like a two-hundred-pound beast plowing through the woods. paranormal-romance supernatural Kelley Armstrong
c5a9059 We'll meet you here. Hopefully everyone will be in human form." A wry smile. "Though I'll warn you, he's not a whole lot more pleasant that way. At least as a wolf, he can't talk." funny derek-rydall Kelley Armstrong
4dc95af He stood and inhaled, then walked a few more feet, stooped, and prodded a chunk of rabbit fur. "I'm definitely thinking something with more body parts," I said. "Like a head." He gave a snort of a laugh. "It's probably around here somewhere, but I suppose you want the parts attached, too." Kelley Armstrong
51caf98 And unless I'm remembering it wrong, mermaids don't sing and sirens don't swim." "Ariel sang in 'The Little Mermaid'," Corey said. Sam came over to join us. "Do I even want to know why you remember her name?" the-calling kelley-armstrong maya sam the-little-mermaid Kelley Armstrong
b60a4c0 Derek said Andrew never went to bed before midnight. If we wanted to get him after he was sound asleep, that meant waiting until two. To my surprise, I fell asleep, so soundly that i didn't hear the alarm on the watch Derek had given me earlier. I woke to Tori shaking me with one hand, while trying to shut off the alarm with the other. I yawned and blinked hard. "Running away after you've barley slept in a week isn't a great idea," she said.. Kelley Armstrong
b00a288 Stuffing people into boxes is for those who have issues about their own box. Kelley Armstrong
a3c835e So consider your options, make your choice and call me home. Kelley Armstrong
8908898 He's sorry, Chloe. He really is a sweet guy. Don't be a bitch about this. And don't screw it up. Just go over there. Give him a chance and, in no time, you'll forget everything else. And that's exactly why I stayed in my chair. I didn't want to forget everything else, or the next thing I knew, he'd be back on that roof, putting his life in danger. "You don't get to do this," I said finally. "Do what?" He asked the question innocently enough.. Kelley Armstrong
31c3d99 God, I loved him. I could insist I was okay with just being friends, that I'd find someone else and get over him, but I was fooling myself. There was no getting past this. I loved him, and fifty years from now we could be married to other people, never exchanged so much as a kiss, and I'd still looking into his eyes and know he was the one. He'd always be the one. savannah Kelley Armstrong
3ba77f8 It reminded me of what Dad said after every snail's crawl home from Albany when snow hit."It's New York, people. It's winter. We get snow. If you aren't prepared to deal with it, move to Miami." winter weather Kelley Armstrong
390afae Here I had a wonderful man who cared for me and I was screwing around with a self-absorbed, conniving monster who'd betrayed me in the worst possible way. Kelley Armstrong
7f178ae My past was a private obstacle, not a public excuse. Kelley Armstrong
35bc0b9 Before we left town, Antonio pulled into a strip mall and went in to get subs and salads, leaving Clay and me half naked and bleeding in the car, and Cain unconscious in the trunk. No wonder I was anxious to get back to Toronto. Spend too much time around these guys and you become a little too nonchalent about blood-soaked clothes and bodies in the trunk Kelley Armstrong
322c610 When the subject of kids first came up years ago, I'd joked that the only thing I could imagine worse than me as a mother was Clay as a father. I couldn't have been more wrong. Clay was an amazing parents. The guy who couldn't spare a few minutes to hear a mutt's side of the story could listen to his kids talk all day. The guy who couldn't sit still through a brief council meeting could spend hours building Lego castles with his kids. The g.. elena-michaels Kelley Armstrong
0611194 Derek? Derek!-Chole Chole! what are you doing out here? i said we will check it out later. key word WE-Derek oh, yeah I decided to come out on my own. thats why i was calling your name repeatively- Chole Kelley Armstrong
6ceacc2 I have to. I've been fighting it all night. I'm going to lose. My battle is as futile as a woman feeling the first pangs of labor and deciding it's an inconvenient time to give birth. Nature wins out. It always does. werewolf urban-fantasy-series paranormal Kelley Armstrong
fa1b58e Simon's walls were covered in what looked like pages ripped from a comic book, but when I squinted, I realized they were hand drawn. Some were black-and-white, but most were in full color, everything from character sketches to splash panels to full pages, done in a style that wasn't quite manga, wasn't quite comic book. Kelley Armstrong
9e5ae4e This is so cool," I said as Dad walked away. "Have you met the tattoo artist? Is he hot? "He's a she," Mom said. "Is she hot? Cause I'm still young, you know. My sexual identity isn't fully formed." Kelley Armstrong
bc4c665 With no chance to take off, I had to play my role, searching for the rendezvous spot, which gave me the excuse to look for an escape opportunity. Maybe a hole in the wall too small for Tori's mom to follow me through or a precarious stack of boxes I could topple onto her head or an abandoned hammer I could brain her with. I'd never "brained" anyone in my life, but with Tori's mom, I was willing to try." Kelley Armstrong
68d09df So, let me get this straight," he said to me. "You save my ass and you're a loser. I stick up for you because of it and I'm a hero. How does that work?" "I don't know. But it's so sweet." Kelley Armstrong
4885fa8 I'd been staring at the search term for at least five minutes. One word. Necromancer. Kelley Armstrong
c950c0f Once, when I'd needed to meet Daniel to deliver a warning from Jeremy, I'd worn two-inch heels and had quite enjoyed the sensation of talking down to Daniel, until he told me how sexy I looked. Since then he'd never seen me in anything but my oldest, grubbiest sneakers. elena daniel Kelley Armstrong
e10af70 The look she gave me reminded me of when is was seven and I'd proudly informed out housekeeper that I'd donated half my clothing to a charity drive at school. It had seemed perfectly sensible to me-I didn't need so much stuff-but she'd stared at me like Margaret was now, with a mix of horror and disbelief. Kelley Armstrong
31dea14 I like Daniel. He takes care of you." I blinked. "Oh my God. Did you really just say that? He takes care of me?" Dad flushed. "I didn't mean it like-" "Takes care of me? Did I go to sleep and wake up in the nineteenth century?" I looked down at my jeans and T-shirt. "Ack! I can't go to school like this. Where's my corset? My bonnet?" Dad sighed as Mom walked in with her empty teacup. "What did I miss?" She said. "Dad's trying to marry me of.. maya-delaney Kelley Armstrong
19c9ac6 Hunting humans for sport? Eating them?" the bitterness in his voice cut through me. "Yeah, I caught that part." "That doesn't have anything to do with you? He lifted his eyes, gaze shuttered. "No?" "Not unless being a werewolf transforms you into a wolf AND a redneck moron." Kelley Armstrong
bf8acbc Oh, my God! It's a killer Pomeranian." I glanced up at Derek. "It's a tough call, but I think you can take him." pomeranian derek dog Kelley Armstrong
84ac104 A friend helps you move; a real friend helps you move a body. Kelley Armstrong
992aade Bigger room, darling. Like I said, we need a bigger room. elena Kelley Armstrong
75394d8 I got to eavesdrop at a window. As Clay said, I did have another option. I could wait in the car and let them fill me in later. So, eavesdropping it was. humour Kelley Armstrong
b5e1b21 All I could think about was him, and how much I wanted this, and how incredibly lucky I was to get it, and how tight I was going to hold onto it. lucky Kelley Armstrong
9b07e02 You guys are weird," Tori said. Simon sat on the crate beside me. "That's right. We are totally weird and completely uncool. Your popularity is plummeting just by being near us." tori simon weird Kelley Armstrong
ecdc468 All right, then. Emergency medical situation, take two." He leaped to his feet, staggered, keeled over, then lifted his head weakly. "Chloe? Is that you?" He coughed. "Do you have my insulin?" I placed it in his outstretched hand. "You saved my life," he said. "How can I ever repay you?" "Undying servitude sounds good. I like my eggs scrambled." He held up a piece of fruit. "Would you settle for a bruised apple?" I laughed." Kelley Armstrong
b5fb428 She's useful to me, I'm useful to her. As long as that continues, Rowan Street is safe from an old-lady smack down of epic proportions. Kelley Armstrong
15f9d22 And the lesson is that I should always wear these, so no one asks me to do anything crazy like climb onto a roof. ~Jaime Vegas on why she wears three inch heels on a mission Kelley Armstrong
0556fbb I need to get ready. Ash? Touch the food and I won't take you for a driving lesson tomorrow. Dad? Touch it and I'll make take him for a driving lesson tomorrow." Dad backed away from the counter. Ash scowled. I laughed and continued upstairs." -- maya logic Kelley Armstrong
4dded49 The door cracked open. "Decent?" Rafe asked. "Yep" "Damn." He pushed it open. "If you're hoping to see something, the trick is to not knock first." "That would be wrong," he said as he walked in. "The trick is to hope you say 'no, but come in anyway.'" "Ah." rafe Kelley Armstrong