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32be093 Damn him, damn him, damn him. Megan Whalen Turner
54c5675 if you tease a dog, it bites. Megan Whalen Turner
68ff459 My god is not a ten-devotee-to-the-average-dozen, got-a-priest-on-every-corner kind of god who is always being badgered by his worshipers. He keeps a very close eye on me, and what may look completely stupid to you is merely a demonstration of my faith. god Megan Whalen Turner
70e0129 Everybody is always willing to throw someone else's country to the dogs. Megan Whalen Turner
3cb1abe Kings don't move mountains as a favor to a friend, Megan Whalen Turner
eec8f05 Ever since the gods created the world, mortals have been forgetting from where their blessings come. Megan Whalen Turner
46bd515 I was captivated. My own hair was easily as long as Olga's, but it frizzed and knotted at every opportunity. When it was combed, it didn't float in perfect fans down to my shoulders. Megan Whalen Turner
8a9bd27 Teleus, who had faced his failures and his death and the death of his friend and accepted his own salvation at the hand of a man he despised, ran out of the strength to accept any more. He contradicted the king. Megan Whalen Turner
adef689 A successful thief doesn't depend on things being unlikely to happen," I said." prepared the-queen-s-thief the-thief Megan Whalen Turner
00a1f45 He reached for a tabletop and ran his hands over it, clutching the edge until his knuckles turned white. He wanted to know that it was solid. Eddis knew that all the world would seem to him insubstantial, as if it might tear away and reveal something else infinitely larger and more terrifying. Megan Whalen Turner
2f1eeab He thought that when he had healed sufficiently, and withdrawn from the capital, he might write the magus a letter and open a correspondence on Euclid, or Thales, or the new idea from the north, that the sun and not the Earth might be the centre of the universe. Megan Whalen Turner
599cc0d If I was going to climb onto an animal eight times my size, I wanted to plan the attempt first. Megan Whalen Turner
e84adf2 Mother why does the River not rise It is not the River's time Why does the seed not sprout It is not the seed's time Why does the rain not fall the leaf not unfurl itself Where is the hind and why does she not graze the fields before us it is not their time The River knows its time The seed knows its time The rain the leaf and the hind They know their time The River will rise the seed will sprout The rains come down and the leaves unfurl T.. Megan Whalen Turner
34bd9a9 I want my breakfast. Megan Whalen Turner
e295fe4 Only through pain can you be sure of the truth Megan Whalen Turner
fdba997 Least said, soonest mended. Megan Whalen Turner
3ce8953 Attolians did not invest much belief in their religion. They dutifully attended temple festivals and used their gods for cursing and little else. Megan Whalen Turner
67bacc1 Do not offend one power to attain the favor of another. Megan Whalen Turner
7b8db29 Upset at the sight of blood?" he said. "Not my wife, Ornon." "Your blood, " the ambassador pointed out. Eugenides glanced at the hook in his arm and conceded the point. "Yes," he said." Megan Whalen Turner
302104a Don't match your weakness against your opponent's strength Megan Whalen Turner
bbab2cc The Attolian waited, far and away the best non-speaker I think I have ever known. Megan Whalen Turner
4af22ce A liar thinks everyone else lies? ... A thief thinks everyone else is stealing from him? ... A philanderer thinks everyone else is philandering. Megan Whalen Turner
8ed0472 Even a steadfast enemy was better than a waffler. Megan Whalen Turner
5bcdfea In the evening, after we dance, he rarely returns to the throne; he dances with others or he moves from place to place through the room. The court thinks he is trying to be gracious, sharing his attention. Only I see that he moves always toward the empty spot and the court moves always after him. He is like a dog trying to escape its own tail. He indulged himself in one brief moment of privacy and almost died of it. Relius, he hates being k.. Megan Whalen Turner
ff323f8 Keeping a private guard this large is like using a wolf to guard the farm. It may keep off the other wolves, but sooner or later it will eat you. Megan Whalen Turner
cfa78af Weak kings who lost their tempers were notoriously destructive. Megan Whalen Turner
0968190 The Attolians liked to point out with a snicker that there was no sign anywhere of the king's hand at work. Megan Whalen Turner
20279fe That won't be necessary," said the magus coolly. "No one would mistake you for anything but a tool, Gen. If a sword is well made, does the credit go to the blacksmith or to his hammer? How much smarter than a hammer can you be if you flaunt the proof of your crimes in a wineshop?" I flushed, and he laughed. If I hadn't already been angry, it might not have seemed unkind laughter." Megan Whalen Turner
9a3749c Useless the Elder was looking at me in amusement. "Not exactly stalwart, are you?" he said." Megan Whalen Turner
3257527 Surely it is counterproductive to expect sense from someone you are beating senseless. Megan Whalen Turner
3bcd283 At one point I muttered, "You learn something new every day." "What are you learning?" Sophos asked. "To keep my mouth shut, I hope." Megan Whalen Turner
8432171 She is not so secure on her throne that she can risk offending her people's gods. No woman can be. Megan Whalen Turner
67f47a9 The only thing I knew was that I didn't know anything, really, about the king of the Attolians, and I didn't trust him. Megan Whalen Turner
9458dc3 I do believe that Akretenesh saw no differences between a woman who was a queen and one who was a seamstress, though he would recognize all the differences in the world between a prince and a farmer. Megan Whalen Turner
4fb2b6f Ambiades, I realized, was the kind of person who liked to put people in a hierarchy, and he wanted me to understand that I was at the bottom of his. He was supposed to treat me politely in spite of my subservient position, and I was supposed to be grateful. For my part, I wanted Ambiades to understand that I considered myself a hierarchy of one. I might bow to the superior force of the magus and Pol, but I wasn't going to bow to him. .. hierarchy pride Megan Whalen Turner
9a45330 Ruang perpustakaan tidak pernah cukup untuk menyimpan buku yang tidak pernah dibaca, jadi pustakawan memeriksa catatannya setiap saat dan menarik buku-buku yang tidak lagi dibaca orang. Kau bisa menyelamatkan buku hanya dengan membacanya. Tentu saja, kau mungkin tidak menyukainya. Tapi kau tidak pernah tahu sampai kau mencobanya, dan mungkin, kau akan suka. Megan Whalen Turner
96f969c Speaking of the king to the queen--He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you. Megan Whalen Turner
d96ba91 Cowardice has its own rewards Megan Whalen Turner
eb98edc Costis, I am speechless!" "Not noticeably, Your Majesty." humor Megan Whalen Turner
2362853 lay there on my pallet, hoping it would improve soon and wondering, in a distant, unreproachful sort of way, if I was any kind of man at all, and decided that I probably wasn't. Megan Whalen Turner
8d19ed9 The king's attendants remained, digesting the fact that their helpless, inept king had promised his wife to destroy the house of Erondites in six months and had done it in ninety-eight days. Megan Whalen Turner
e797176 Eugenides] looked from Eddis to the window, where the visible sky was already dark. He looked back, his gaze a little sharper, and said, "You forgot me." Eddis shoved her hands into the pockets of her trousers.. "Don't lie," Eugenides said, pressing her. "You charged off in a haze of glory to chase the vile Mede from our shore, and you never gave me a thought until they were gone." He twisted to address Attolia. "You forgot me, too," he acc.. Megan Whalen Turner
77edcb9 It might have been preferable," Eddis admitted, dryly, "if you had thrown off your chains of bondage solely for love of me. It would certainly have been more flattering." Standing so near to him, she was looking up into his face and watching it closely. "I am willing to accept, however, that we are real people, not characters in a play. We do not, all of us, need to be throwing inkwells. If we are compatible with one another, is that not su.. Megan Whalen Turner
ac7a9f7 Faith did return in extremis Megan Whalen Turner
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