Proshloe -- strannaia shtuka. Net, pravda, ono voobshche sushchestvuet? Oshchushchenie takoe, chto sushchestvuet, no gde? I esli ono sushchestvovalo, no seichas ne sushchestvuet, to kuda ono delos'?
Ruth Ozeki |
Ty staraesh'sia zabyt' ob etom, no, tol'ko ty zabyvaesh', ryba opiat' nachinaet trepykhat'sia u tebia pod serdtsem, napominaia, chto proizoshlo chto-to sovershenno uzhasnoe.
Ruth Ozeki |
Esli tebe prikhodilos' kogda-nibud' vesti dnevnik, ty znaesh' -- problema s opisaniem proshlogo skryvaetsia v nastoiashchem: dazhe esli pishesh' ochen' bystro, vse ravno vechno zastrevaesh' v togda i nikogda ne uspevaesh' za tem, chto proiskhodit seichas, a eto znachit, chto seichas obrecheno na vymiranie. Beznadega, pravda.
Ruth Ozeki |
Suitsid -- eto ochen' glubokaia tema, no poskol'ku Vam interesno, ia postaraius' poiasnit' dlia Vas moi soobrazheniia. Na protiazhenii vsei svoei istorii my, iapontsy, s uvazheniem otnosilis' k suitsidu. Dlia nas eto iavlenie krasoty, navechno pridaiushchee smysl, i formu, i chest' nashei zhizni. Eto sposob soobshchit' maksimal'nuiu real'nost' oshchushcheniiu, chto my zhivy. Mnogie tysiachi let eto nasha traditsiia. Potomu chto, vidite li, ..
Ruth Ozeki |
Old Jiko is supercareful with her time. She does everything really really slowly, even when she's just sitting on the veranda, looking out at the dragonflies spinning lazily around the garden pond. She says that she does everything really really slowly in order to spread time out so that she'll have more of it and live longer, and then she laughs so you know she is telling you a joke. I mean, she understands perfectly well that time isn't s..
Ruth Ozeki |
Eto to samoe chuvstvo, kogda kholodnaia ryba umiraet u tebia v zhivote. Ty staraesh'sia zabyt' ob etom, no, tol'ko ty zabyvaesh', ryba opiat' nachinaet trepykhat'sia u tebia pod serdtsem, napominaia, chto proizoshlo chto-to sovershenno uzhasnoe.
Ruth Ozeki |
Kvantovaia informatsiia -- eto kak informatsiia iz sna, -- skazal on. -- My ne mozhem pokazat' ee drugim, a kogda my pytaemsia ee opisat', my meniaem pamiat' o nei
Ruth Ozeki |
Astrofizik Adam Frank skazal mne, chto naschet kvantovoi mekhaniki vazhno pomnit' odno: nesmotria na mnozhestvo interpretatsii, vkliuchaia kopengagenskuiu i gipotezu o mnozhestvennosti mirov, sama po sebe kvantovaia mekhanika -- eto tol'ko raschety. Eto mashina dlia predskazaniia rezul'tata eksperimenta. Eto palets, ukazyvaiushchii na lunu. Professor Frank imel v vidu odin staryi buddiiskii koan pro Shestogo patriarkha dzen, kotoryi byl neg..
Ruth Ozeki |
The temple drum is as big as a barrel, and it sits on a tall wooden platform. When you play it, you stand in front, facing the stretched hide, trying to control your breathing, which is jumping all over the place because you are so nervous. The priests and nuns are chanting by the big altar, and you listen for your cue, which is getting closer and closer. Then, at just the right moment, you take a big breath, raise your sticks, draw back yo..
Ruth Ozeki |
In reality, every reader, while he is reading, is the reader of his own self. The writer's work is merely a kind of optical instrument, which he offers to the reader to permit him to discern what, without the book, he would perhaps never have seen in himself. The reader's recognition in his own self of what the book says is the proof of its truth.
Ruth Ozeki |
I have to hurry up and write them down before I forget. I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die.
Ruth Ozeki |
I don't know why I keep asking you these questions. It's not like I expect you to answer, and even if you did answer, how would I know? But maybe that doesn't matter. Maybe when I ask you a question like "You doing okay?" you should just tell me, even if I can't hear you, and then I'll just sit here and imagine what you might say. You might say, "sure thing, Nao. I'm okay. I'm doing just fine." "Okay, awesome" I would say to you, and then w..
Ruth Ozeki |
I was deep inside my mind, which is where I go when things get too intense.
Ruth Ozeki |
The moment I saw the gate I had a strong thought to turn around and throw myself headfirst down the steep stone steps or just let myself free-fall backward into the pillowy softness of eternity, and it wouldn't matter if I bumped and bounced like a cabbage all the way down until I hit the bottom and then rolled out to sea, because at least I'd be safe and dead.
Ruth Ozeki |
Over and over, I ran at the sea, beating it until I was so tired I could barely stand. And then the next time I fell down, I just lay there and let the waves wash over me, and I wondered what would happen if I stopped trying to get back up. Just let my body go. Would I be washed out to sea? The sharks would eat my limbs and organs. Little fish would feed on my fingertips. My beautiful white bones would fall to the bottom of the ocean, where..
Ruth Ozeki |
Although he claimed not to understand matters of human conscience, it was precisely his own conscience that led him to question the status quo, and which would cost
Ruth Ozeki |
6,400,099,980 moments that constitute a single day. His point is that every single one of those moments provides an opportunity to reestablish our will. Even the snap of a finger, he says, provides us with sixty-five opportunities to wake up and to choose actions that will produce beneficial karma and turn our lives around.
Ruth Ozeki |
What is the half-life of information?
Ruth Ozeki |
I really like drumming. While I'm doing it, I am aware of the sixty-five moments that Jiko says are in the snap of a finger. I'm serious. When you're beating a drum, you can hear when the BOOM comes the teeniest bit too late or the teeniest bit too early, because your whole attention is focused on the razor edge between silence and noise. Finally I achieved my goal and resolved my childhood obsession with NOW, when silence becomes a sound s..
Ruth Ozeki |
It was the most ordinary thing in the world, but it felt like we were doing something illegal, lovers or something, because in Japan dads don't generally hug and kiss their kids. Don't ask me why. They just don't. But we kissed and hugged because we were American, at least in our hearts, and then we'd both step away really fast in case anyone was watching.
Ruth Ozeki |
She chuckled to herself and wiped her eyes with her crooked old finger. Sometimes when she told stories about the past her eyes would get teary from all the memories she had, but they weren't tears. She wasn't crying. They were just the memories, leaking out.
Ruth Ozeki |
I have been caused to live by the deep conditions of the universe to which I am humbly and deeply grateful.
Ruth Ozeki |
It was the most ordinary thing in the world, but it felt like we were lovers or something, because in Japan dads don't generally hug and kiss their kids. Don't ask me why. They just don't. But we kissed and hugged because we were American, at least in our hearts, and then we'd both step away really fast in case anyone was watching.
Ruth Ozeki |
what's the point in beating yourself up when other people will do it for you?
Ruth Ozeki |
My last thoughts, measured out in drops of ink.
Ruth Ozeki |
we must keep up our studies even as civilization collapses around us.
Ruth Ozeki |
Does the half-life of information correlate with the decay of our attention?
Ruth Ozeki |
Blessed Stars, please make this world into a place where we will never again be forced to kill an enemy whom we cannot hate. Were such a thing to come about, I would not complain even if my body were torn to pieces again and again.
Ruth Ozeki |
even a fraction of a second, we have the opportunity to choose, and to turn the course of our action either toward the attainment of truth or away from it. Each instant is utterly critical to the whole world.
Ruth Ozeki |
saddened. Cheered at the thought of the many instants that arise and are available to do good in the world. Saddened by all the misspent moments that have piled on top of each other and led us to this war.
Ruth Ozeki |
Ruth Ozeki |
As he ran through the dense understory, he could read the signs of arboreal intrigue, the drama and power struggles as species vied for control over a patch of sunlight, or giant firs and fungal spores opted to work together for their mutual benefit. He could see time unfolding here, and history, embedded in the whorls and fractal forms of nature, and he would come home, sweating and breathless, and tell her what he'd seen.
Ruth Ozeki |
Do you have to live to be a hundred to really grow up?
Ruth Ozeki |
As I sat by my mother's side and held her hand and watched her, I remember thinking, It was comforting to know what I would look like. It made death a little less frightening, a little more intimate, a little more dear.
Ruth Ozeki |
This is the chapter in which he praises his young monks for their commitment to a path of awakening and explicates the granular nature of time: the 6,400,099,980 moments40 that constitute a single day. His point is that every single one of those moments provides an opportunity to reestablish our will. Even the snap of a finger, he says, provides us with sixty-five opportunities to wake up and to choose actions that will produce beneficial k..
Ruth Ozeki |
The day the mountains move has come. Or so I say, though no one will believe me. The mountains were merely asleep for a while. But in ages past, they had moved, as if they were on fire. If you don't believe me, that's fine with me. All I ask is that you believe this and only this, That at this very moment, women are awakening from their deep slumber. If I could but write entirely in the first person, I, who am a woman. If I could write enti..
Ruth Ozeki |