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9b38530 Folk caught up in a riot aren't our cousins and sisters, our brothers and uncles. They are part of a big animal with many arms and claws, armed with stones and sticks. Tamora Pierce
0a5a47c I imbue this place with my essence, every stone and every drop. My visit will do wonders for the flowers." Aly propped her chin on her hand. "So does manure," she observed." kyprioth funny-humor Tamora Pierce
3e5f066 When in doubt," the mage Numair Salmalin had taught the pages, "Shoot the wizard." wizards Tamora Pierce
1386834 These mages," Kol asked, a wicked glint in his eye, "what kind of fees will they charge? Will I get a two-for-one discount, since they're twins?" kol twins tamora pierce
8130f9f Money talks and walks, but it does not bark. money clary-goodwin goodwin bloodhound tamora-pierce Tamora Pierce
eb57548 Stefan shook his head. , he thought. guts thinking Tamora Pierce
8bacf41 Reflect as if you have all of time, even when time is short. Tamora Pierce
05301a8 Her free hand was clenched in a fist. I held still, waiting for her to say something, to tell me she should have never left me here, where her friends might look to me for help. Finally she looked at me. Her eyes were hard, but she'd let no tears fall. "This is where we blame those who are responsible, Cooper, she told me, her voice very soft. "The colemongers, and the bought Dogs at Tradesmen's kennel. We'll leave an offering for him with .. grief bad-news response blame dread justice guilt Tamora Pierce
7bb5dbc Gran, for the gods' love, it's talk like yours that starts riots!" I said keeping my voice down. "Will you just put a stopper in it?" She looked at me and sighed. "Girl, do you ever take a breath and wonder if folk don't put out bait for you? To see if you'll bite? You'll never get a man if you don't relax." My dear old Gran. It's a wonder her children aren't every one of them as mad as priests, if she mangles their wits as she mangles mine.. humor baiting single-women granddaughter family-relationship grandmother bickering crazy Tamora Pierce
c309272 Why do you look like cheese, Beka?" Nestor asked me quietly. "We've got help." I was too flummoxed to tell him I hadn't expected help to come so fast. Miracles aren't for the likes of me, didn't Nestor know that? Only the nobility gets them." -- stunned speechless Tamora Pierce
a20f611 Pride is something only folk with money can afford. Tamora Pierce
55b8719 Horses are calmer people. They also don't throw things at cats. humour faithful moonlight horses Tamora Pierce (Author)
e8923ca Men died as she watched, and they didn't care about what they had fought for. war Tamora Pierce
216c962 rosto cupped laddybuck in one hand and grabed the back of my neck with the other pulling me in and kissing me right on the mouth. i should have punched him but his lips were soft and sweet. i will punch him next time. -beka after she realizes that rosto the piper is the new rouge Tamora Pierce
ceada3b I love you," he whispered. "If you get yourself killed, I will never forgive you." Tamora Pierce
2b5bfbb Nestor beckoned to me and I dismounted with care.I handed the reins to the boy with thanks. I do not wish to see that hard-charging bag of bones again, unless it is in my soup. riding Tamora Pierce
e7b5b38 Cats aren't special advisers. They advise us all the time, whether we want them to or no. Tamora Pierce
5fb8ad6 Men broke into their homes, killed their families, threatened you--and you won't let them do anything for fear you'll be hurt. That's selfish. How would you like it if I took your bow and said I cared too much about you to let you fight? pain love fighting Tamora Pierce
f532ee5 Do we say, Oh now I'm going to be nice to the weak and the small? Or do we do as we learned when we were pages? Tamora Pierce
beb9c7b A noble maiden must convey dignity and chastity without appearing to think about either one. Let common-born girls tussle in the hay with their loutish swains. The future of your family's bloodline and your future lord's bloodline should be your greatest concern. Let no man but one of your family embrace you. Let no man but your betrothed kiss any more than your fingertips; let your betrothed kiss you only on fingers, cheek, or forehead, le.. tricksters-choice tamora-pierce Tamora Pierce
1f8975d That's all this job is, Daine," she explained. "Trying to please everyone and pleasing no one. And it will only get worse, not better." Tamora Pierce
7427288 We build up pretty pictures of men, when we want to be in love. We hate to have them ruined. men Tamora Pierce
a506df7 You can tell all Namorn this is what happens when I am vexed," she informed him softly. "Little *bitch*," he snapped. Sandry looked him over soberly. "If you had understood that earlier, we could have avoided this unpleasantness," she replied." vexed strong-heroine Tamora Pierce
0138736 No can always be changed to yes, but it's very hard to change yes to no. Tamora Pierce
300042f There are times in every rider's life when it is necessary to apologize to a horse.... Tamora Pierce
9a88248 Wouldn't--" Kel began to say, but the words stuck in her mouth. She swallowed and tried again. "Wouldn't it be well, not nice to flirt with somebody you don't want to fall in love with?" -- Tamora Pierce
b7edd83 He liked me to help him when he did things. He explained what I didn't know, warned me when to stand aside, told me to get out of his way because he could do it faster, and thanked me for helping. There were moments when he needed me to rescue him, and he never blamed me for it, or got angry about it. Tamora Pierce
424df79 If he were any stiffer, Alanna thought wryly, I'd paint a design on him and use him for a shield. Tamora Pierce
3092635 Your place in life you can always change, whether you have the gift or not. But you cannot change what the gods have made you. The sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be. Tamora Pierce
e2ecf12 Ralon didn't make anyone else put his tack away?" Alex wanted to know. "You didn't see anything strange?" Alanna didn't look up. "No." , she excused her lie mentally. " lying ralon bully strange Tamora Pierce
fcc0d0d This is what I've come to," he said mournfully. "Following little birdies" Tamora Pierce
40a9705 I wish we had a sign that this flaming dragon is part of an attack or something. Those dung heaps might think it's just one of their own monsters enjoying the sunrise. Tamora Pierce
9d30b8e I wanted to have something good to remember about today," she replied quietly. "Something that wasn't petty and mean. Sometimes you have to provide such moments yourself." nice-moments winnamine Tamora Pierce
102c541 Feelings, she learned, were hard to fight. She treasured his smiles and compliments and tried not to dwell on the fact that he gave this things to his friend Kel. His dreamy-eyed gazes, poems, and fits of passionate melancholy were for Uline. It was hard not to resent the older girl. jealousy love Tamora Pierce
4b760a7 They returned to the gallery and circled its rim, then went down a short hall. Scrap's tail twitched angrily when they reached Tristan's door: it was shut. Daine grabbed the knob. It stung her hand, making her yelp. "Kit? This ones magicked. Can you do anything?" Kitten stood on her hind feet and peered into the lock, then whistled two cheerful notes. Nothing happened. She scowled and whistled again, less cheerfully, more as a demand. Nothi.. scrap daine kitten Tamora Pierce
ed61b27 You get too excited over big flashes, Tunstall. Mages rely on that to make you think they have more power than you. Tamora Pierce
907ac29 I don't have so many friends that I can afford to turn my back on any of them. Tamora Pierce
38be264 All these things Alanna knew from her father's books and maps, but the reality took her breath away as a paragraph written in a book never could. Tamora Pierce
0f9574d No more is your master a god, Nobility, but he wants offerings from all. When Black God claims us, who will be punished for giving worship and power to a false god? The prince? Or Banjiku? worship god Tamora Pierce
3b4ac9a Why does he speak of them that way?" The crow-man wanted to know. "They are humans, just like he is." Tamora Pierce
a39ea8c The god inside the man glanced at Aly. "This is your chessboard, I believe, my dear." Aly beamed at him. "So it is. And the game begins." Tamora Pierce
f87f262 When people say a knight's job is all glory, I laugh, and laugh, and laugh. Tamora Pierce
c40f52f Sarra looked at her daughter and said reproachfully, "Speaking of war, I never raised you to be always fighting and killing. That's not woman's work." "It's needful, Ma. You taught me a woman has to know how to defend herself." "I never!" gasped Sarra, indignant. "You taught me when you were murdered in your own house," Daine said quietly." death fighting self-defense sad Tamora Pierce
7de8563 Before she knew it the afternoon was done, and the trainees were taking their new mounts to the stables for grooming. Daine, Onua, Buri, and Sarge helped then too, though Daine couldn't see how she could ever be comfortable telling a twenty-year-old man he was missing spots on the pony he was grooming. She did try it: "Excuse me, trainee what did you say your name was?" Blue gray eyes twinkled at her over his cream-colored mare's back. "I.. sarge daine Tamora Pierce
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