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As when a man goeth into the forest with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand maketh a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and falleth upon his neighbour, that he dieth; he shall flee to one of these cities, and live:
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as when a man goes into the forest with his neighbor to chop wood, and his hand fetches a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the handle, and lights on his neighbor, so that he dies; he shall flee to one of these cities and live:
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As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live:
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And who ever should enter with the neighbor into the oak grove to bring wood, and [2was knocked back 1his hand] with the axe while felling the wood, and [3in falling off 1the 2iron implement] from the wood handle should happen by chance to strike the neighbor, and he should die; this one shall take refuge in one of these cities, and shall live.
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as when a man goes into the forest with his neighbor to chop wood, and his hand fetches a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the handle, and lights on his neighbor, so that he dies; he shall flee to one of these cities and live:
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as when one entereth with his neighbour into a forest, to fell trees, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe, to cut down the tree, and the head flieth off from the handle, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die, he, shall flee into one of these cities, and live;
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⌞For example⌟, when somebody goes with his neighbor into the forest to cut wood, and the iron head slips from the handle of the tool and strikes his neighbor and he dies, then he may flee to one of these cities, and so he may live.
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As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live:
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and he who went into the woods with his neighbour to cut firewood and his hand fetched a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree and the head slipped from the handle and lighted upon his neighbour so that he died, he shall flee unto one of those cities and live,
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As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand maketh a stroke with the ax to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and falleth upon his neighbor, that he dieth: he shall flee to one of these cities, and live:
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as when he goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the iron slippeth from the handle, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; such an one shall flee unto one of these cities, and live;
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as when a man goeth into the forest with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbor, so that he dieth; he shall flee unto one of these cities and live:
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even he who goes into the forest with his neighbor to cut wood, and his hand brings a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the iron head slips from the wood and finds his neighbor so that he dies; he shall flee to one of these cities, and shall live;
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As hee that goeth vnto the wood with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand striketh with the axe to cut downe the tree, if the head slip from the helue, and hit his neighbour that he dieth, the same shall flee vnto one of the cities, and liue,
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such that he had gone with him into the forest simply to cut wood, and in cutting down the tree, the axe slipped from his hand, or the iron slipped from the handle, and it struck his friend and killed him: he shall flee to one of the cities stated above, and he shall live.
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For example, if a man goes into the woods with his neighbour for the purpose of cutting down trees, and when he takes his axe to give a blow to the tree, the head of the axe comes off, and falling on to his neighbour gives him a wound causing his death; then the man may go in flight to one of these towns and be safe:
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But to have gone with him to the wood to hew wood, and in cutting down the tree the axe slipped out of his hand, and the iron slipping from the handle struck his friend, and killed him: he shall flee to one of the cities aforesaid, and live:
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Suppose two people go into the woods to cut wood. As one of them swings the ax to cut down a tree, the head flies off the handle, hits, and kills the other person. The one who accidentally killed the other person may run to one of these cities and save his life.
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as when a man goeth into the forest with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of these cities and live;
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As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live:
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Suppose he goes with someone else to the forest to cut wood and when he raises the ax to cut the tree, the ax head flies loose from the handle and strikes his fellow worker so hard that he dies. The person responsible may then flee to one of these cities to save himself.
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And whoever shall enter with his neighbor into the thicket, to gather wood, if the hand of him that cuts wood with the ax should be violently shaken, and the axhead should fall off from the handle and strike his neighbor, and he should die, then he shall flee to one of these cities, and live.
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Even he who goes into the woods with his neighbor to cut wood, and his hand brings a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the wood and lights on his neighbor so that he dies; he shall flee to one of those cities and live
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as when a man goes into the forest with his neighbor to chop wood, and his hand fetches a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the handle, and lights on his neighbor, so that he dies; he shall flee to one of these cities and live:
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Suppose he goes with someone else to the forest to cut wood and when he raises the ax to cut the tree, the ax head flies loose from the handle and strikes his fellow worker so hard that he dies. The person responsible may then flee to one of these cities to save himself.
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As when a man goes into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetches a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the wooden handle, and lights upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live:
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As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live:
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As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live:
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As when a man goes into the wood with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand fetches a stroke with the ax to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the helve, and lights on his neighbor, that he die; he shall flee to one of those cities, and live:
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As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live:
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even he who goes into the wood with his neighbor to cut wood, and his hand brings a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the wood and lights on his neighbor so that he dies; he shall flee to one of those cities and live,
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even he who cometh in with his neighbour into a forest to hew wood, and his hand hath driven with an axe to cut the tree, and the iron hath slipped from the wood, and hath met his neighbour, and he hath died--he doth flee unto one of these cities, and hath lived,
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as when a man goes into the forest with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand fetches a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the helve, and lands upon his neighbor, so that he dies, he shall flee to one of these cities and live.
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Como o que foi com seu próximo ao monte a cortar lenha, e pondo força com sua mão no machado para cortar alguma lenha, saltou o ferro do fim, e encontrou a seu próximo, e morreu; aquele fugirá a uma daquelas cidades, e viverá;
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toy ny olona izay miaraka amin’ ny namany ho any an’ ala hikapa hazo, koa manainga ny famaky hikapa ny hazo ny tànany, dia mitsoaka amin’ ny zarany ny lela-famaky, ary mahavoa ny namany ka mahafaty azy, dia aoka handositra ao amin’ ny anankiray amin’ ireo tanàna ireo izy ka hovelomina;
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niinkuin jos joku menee lähimmäisensä kanssa metsään puita hakkaamaan ja hänen kätensä heiluttaa kirvestä kaataakseen puun ja rauta lentää varresta ja sattuu toiseen, niin että tämä kuolee-niin paetkoon sellainen johonkin näistä kaupungeista saadakseen elää,
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Jos joku menee lähimmäisensä kanssa metsään puita hakkaamaan ja heiluttaa kirvestä kaataakseen puun ja terä irtoaa varresta ja osuu lähimmäiseen, niin että tämä kuolee, surmaaja voi paeta johonkin näistä kaupungeista ja saa elää.
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ⲁⲩⲱ ⲡⲉⲧⲛⲁⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲛⲙ ⲡⲉⲧϩⲓⲧⲟⲩⲱϥ ⲉⲩⲙⲁ ⲛϣⲏⲛ ⲉⲩⲕⲉⲣⲉϣⲉ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲧⲉⲧⲉϥϭⲓϫ ϫⲱⲣⲡ ⲉϥⲕⲱⲱⲣⲉ ⲙⲡϣⲉ ϩⲙ ⲡⲕⲉⲗⲉⲃⲓⲛ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲧⲉⲡⲃⲉⲛⲓⲡⲉ ⲛⲟⲩϩⲉ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲛⲧⲧⲱⲣⲉ ⲛϥⲣⲁϩⲧ ⲡⲉⲧϩⲓⲧⲟⲩⲱϥ ⲛϥⲙⲟⲩ ⲡⲁⲓ ⲉϥⲉⲡⲱⲧ ⲉⲩⲉⲓ ⲛⲛⲉⲓⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ ⲛϥⲱⲛϩ
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както когато някой отиде с приятеля си в гора, за да сече дърва, и ръката му удари със секирата, за да отсече дървото, и желязото изскочи от дръжката и улучи ближния му, и той умре – такъв може да прибегне в един от тези градове, и ще живее;
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وَمَنْ ذَهَبَ مَعَ صَاحِبِهِ فِي ٱلْوَعْرِ لِيَحْتَطِبَ حَطَبًا، فَٱنْدَفَعَتْ يَدُهُ بِٱلْفَأْسِ لِيَقْطَعَ ٱلْحَطَبَ، وَأَفْلَتَ ٱلْحَدِيدُ مِنَ ٱلْخَشَبِ وَأَصَابَ صَاحِبَهُ فَمَاتَ، فَهُوَ يَهْرُبُ إِلَى إِحْدَى تِلْكَ ٱلْمُدُنِ فَيَحْيَا.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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aŭ se iu iros kun sia proksimulo en arbaron, por haki lignon, kaj eksvingiĝos lia mano kun la hakilo, por haki la arbon, kaj la fero desaltos de la tenilo kaj trafos la proksimulon kaj tiu mortos-li forkuru al unu el tiuj urboj, por resti vivanta;
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อาทิเช่น ชายคนหนึ่งเข้าไปในป่าพร้อมกับเพื่อนบ้านของเขาเพื่อจะตัดไม้ เมื่อเขาเหวี่ยงขวานเพื่อจะโค่นต้นไม้ลง หัวขวานหลุดจากด้ามถูกเพื่อนบ้านของเขาและคนนั้นก็ถึงตาย ก็ให้เขาหนีไปยังเมืองเหล่านี้เมืองใดเมืองหนึ่งและรอดตายได้
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ואשר יבא את רעהו ביער לחטב עצים ונדחה ידו בגרזן לכרת העץ ונשל הברזל מן העץ ומצא את רעהו ומת הוא ינוס אל אחת . הערים האלה וחי
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וַאֲשֶׁר֩ יָבֹ֨א אֶת־רֵעֵ֥הוּ בַיַּעַר֮ לַחְטֹ֣ב עֵצִים֒ וְנִדְּחָ֨ה יָד֤וֹ בַגַּרְזֶן֙ לִכְרֹ֣ת הָעֵ֔ץ וְנָשַׁ֤ל הַבַּרְזֶל֙ מִן־הָעֵ֔ץ וּמָצָ֥א אֶת־רֵעֵ֖הוּ וָמֵ֑ת ה֗וּא יָנ֛וּס אֶל־אַחַ֥ת הֶעָרִים־הָאֵ֖לֶּה וָחָֽי׃
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လူ သည် ထင်းခုတ်ခြင်းငှာ အဘော်နှင့် တောသို့သွား၍ သစ်ပင်ကို ခုတ်လှဲစဉ်အခါ၊ ပုဆိန်သည် အရိုးကျွတ်၍ အဘော်ကို ထိသောကြောင့်၊ မိမိအဘော်သေအောင် ပြုမိ သောသူနှင့်တူ၍၊ ရန်ငြိုးဖွဲ့ခြင်းမရှိဘဲ မိမိအဘော်ကို အမှတ်တမဲ့ သတ်မိသောသူသည်၊ ထိုမြို့တစုံတမြို့သို့ ပြေး၍ အသက်ချမ်းသာရလိမ့်မည်။
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برای نمونه، اگر مردی با همسایهٔ خود برای قطع کردن درخت به جنگل برود و هنگام قطع درخت، تبر از دستهاش جدا شود و باعث مرگ مرد دیگر شود، او میتواند به یکی از این شهرها فرار کند و امن باشد.
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Masalan do ādmī jangal meṅ daraḳht kāṭ rahe haiṅ. Kulhāṛī chalāte waqt ek kī kulhāṛī daste se nikal kar us ke sāthī ko lag jāe aur wuh mar jāe. Aisā shaḳhs farār ho kar aise shahr meṅ panāh le saktā hai tāki bachā rahe.
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som när någon går med sin vän ut i skogen för att hugga ved och han hugger med yxan för att fälla trädet och yxhuvudet då lossnar från skaftet och träffar den andre så att han dör – då ska han kunna fly till någon av dessa städer och få leva.
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Wenn Zb. jemand mit seinem Nächsten in den Wald geht, um Holz zu hauen, und er ergreift mit seiner Hand die Axt, um das Holz abzuhauen, und das Eisen fährt von dem Stiel und trifft seinen Nächsten, daß er stirbt, so soll er in eine dieser Städte fliehen, daß er am Leben bleibe;
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Gaya ng isang tao na yumaon sa gubat na kasama ang kaniyang kapuwa upang pumutol ng kahoy, at sa kamay niya na pumapalakol upang pumutol ng kahoy, ay humagpos ang patalim sa tatangnan, at bumagsak sa kaniyang kapuwa, na anopa't mamatay; ay tatakas siya sa isa sa mga bayang yaon at siya'y mabubuhay:
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niin kuin jos joku menee lähimmäisensä kanssa metsään puita hakkaamaan ja hänen kätensä heiluttaa kirvestä kaataakseen puun ja rauta lentää varresta ja sattuu toiseen, niin että tämä kuolee – niin paetkoon sellainen johonkin näistä kaupungeista saadakseen elää,
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مثلاً اگر شخصی با همسایۀ خود برای آوردن هیزم به جنگل برود و در وقت شکستن چوب سر تبر از دسته اش جدا شده باعث قتل همسایه اش شود، قاتل در یکی از این شهرها فرار کرده پناه ببرد.
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sida markii nin deriskiis duurka ugu raaco inay qoryo soo jaraan, oo gacantiisu ay faaska qaadato inuu geedka ku jaro, oo markaas birtu intay daabka ka siibato ku dhacdo kii deriskiisa ahaa ee uu saas ku dhinto, markaas isagu waa inuu ku cararaa magaalooyinkaas middood si uu ku noolaado,
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som når ein gjeng med grannen sin ut i skogen og skal hogga timber, og han svingar øksi og vil fella eit tre, men øksi fer av skaftet og råkar grannen so han døyr, då kann han røma til ein av desse byarne og vera trygg for livet.
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Kështu, kur dikush shkon me shokun e tij në pyll për të prerë dru dhe, ndërsa i bie një druri me sëpatë, sëpata del nga bishti dhe godet shokun që pastaj vdes, ai person do të strehohet në një nga këto qytete dhe do ta shpëtojë jetën;
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가령 사람이 자기 이웃과 함께 나무를 베러 숲에 들어가 손에 도끼를 들고 나무를 베려고 찍을 때에 도끼머리가 자루에서 빠져나와 그의 이웃을 맞추어 그를 죽게 하는 경우 같은 것이라. 그는 그 도시들 중 하나로 도피하여 살 것이니라.
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Као кад би ко отишао с ближњим својим у шуму да сијече дрва, па би замахнуо сјекиром у руци својој да посијече дрво, а она би спала с држалице и погодила би ближњега његова тако да умре он нека утече у који од тијех градова да остане жив,
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but to haue go sympli with hym in to the wode to hewe doun trees, and in the fellyng doun of trees the axe fleeth fro the hond, and the yrun slidith fro the helue, and smytith, and sleeth his freend; this man schal flee to oon of the forseid citees, and schal lyue;
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മരംവെട്ടുവാൻ ഒരുത്തൻ കൂട്ടുകാരനോടുകൂടെ കാട്ടിൽ പോയി മരംവെട്ടുവാൻ കോടാലി ഓങ്ങുമ്പോൾ കോടാലി ഊരി തെറിച്ചു കൂട്ടുകാരന്നു കൊണ്ടിട്ടു അവൻ മരിച്ചുപോയാൽ,
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가령 사람이 그 이웃과 함께 벌목하러 삼림에 들어가서 손에 도끼를 들고 벌목하려고 찍을 때에 도끼가 자루에서 빠져 그 이웃을 맞춰 그로 죽게함 같은 것이라 이런 사람은 그 성읍 중 하나로 도피하여 생명을 보존할 것이니라
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مثلن، اودون کَسمَک اوچون قونشوسو ائله مِشهيه گدئب آغاج دوغراماق اوچون بالتا ووراندا، بالتانين دمئري ساپيندان چيخيب قونشوسونا دَيسه و قونشوسو اؤلسه، اؤلومه باعئث آدام بو شهرلردن بئرئنه قاچيب جانيني قورتارسين.
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Utan såsom någor ginge med sin nästa i skogen till att hugga ved, och hofve med handene yxena upp till att hugga veden och jernet fölle af skaftet, och råkade hans nästa, så att han blefve död; den skall uti en af dessa städerna fly, och få lefva;
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as ghorgh a loD goes Daq the forest tlhej Daj jIl Daq chop wood, je Daj ghop fetches a stroke tlhej the axe Daq pe' bIng the Sor, je the nach slips vo' the handle, je lights Daq Daj jIl, vaj vetlh ghaH dies; ghaH DIchDaq Haw' Daq wa' vo' Dochvammey vengmey je yIn:
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come se, essendo andato al bosco col suo prossimo, per tagliar delle legne, egli avventa la mano con la scure per tagliar delle legne, e il ferro si spicca dal manico, e incontra il suo prossimo, sì ch’egli muoia; rifuggasi colui in una di queste città, per salvar la vita sua;
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кто пойдет с ближним своим в лес рубить дрова, и размахнется рука его с топором, чтобы срубить дерево, и соскочит железо с топорища и попадет в ближнего, и он умрет, — такой пусть убежит в один из городов тех, чтоб остаться живым,
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и иже аще пойдет с подругом своим в лес собирати дрова, и поползнется рука его с секирою секущаго дрова, и спадши секира с топорища улучит подруга его, и умрет, сей да убежит во един от градов сих, и жив да будет:
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και ος εάν εισέλθη μετά του πλησίον εις τον δρυμόν συναγαγείν ξύλα και εκκρουσθή η χειρ αυτού τη αξίνη κόπτοντος το ξύλον και εκπεσόν το σιδήριον από του ξύλου τύχη του πλησίον και αποθάνη ούτος καταφεύξεται εις μίαν των πόλεων τούτων και ζήσεται
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ainsi il entre avec son camarade dans la forêt pour y couper du bois : sa main brandissant la hache pour abattre l'arbre, le fer s'échappe du manche et atteint son camarade qui en meurt ; alors il s'enfuira dans l'une de ces villes et aura la vie sauve.
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kanisa : moto akei kokata nkoni o zamba elongo na moninga, asimbi soka mpe atomboli loboko mpo ’te akata nzete, kasi ebende elongwi o esimbeli mpe ebomi moninga, moto oyo akoki kokima o mboka ena mpe kobikisa bomoi bwa ye.
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és aki megy felebarátjával az erdőbe fát vágni és meglendül keze a fejszével, hogy levágja a fát és lecsúszik a vas a nyélről és úgy találja felebarátját, hogy meghal, az meneküljön a városok egyikébe, hogy életben maradjon.
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Ví dụ trường hợp một người vào rừng đốn củi với người láng giềng. Khi vung rìu đốn cây lưỡi rìu sút cán, văng nhằm người láng giềng gây ra án mạng. Người ấy có thể chạy đến một trong ba thành trú ẩn để bảo tồn mạng sống mình.
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καὶ ὃς ἂν εἰσέλθῃ μετὰ τοῦ πλησίον εἰς τὸν δρυμὸν συναγαγεῖν ξύλα καὶ ἐκκρουσθῇ ἡ χεὶρ αὐτοῦ τῇ ἀξίνῃ κόπτοντος τὸ ξύλον καὶ ἐκπεσὸν τὸ σιδήριον ἀπὸ τοῦ ξύλου τύχῃ τοῦ πλησίον καὶ ἀποθάνῃ οὗτος καταφεύξεται εἰς μίαν τῶν πόλεων τούτων καὶ ζήσεται
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Maingon nga kong usa ka tawo moadto sa lasang uban sa iyang isigkatawo sa pagputol ug sugnod, ug sa magapangusog siya sa iyang kamot sa wasay aron sa pagputol sa kahoy, mahuso ang puthaw sa tumoy, ug makaigo sa iyang isigkatawo, ug mamatay kini; kadto siya mokalagiw padulong sa usa niining mga ciudara, ug mabuhi siya:
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Aşa, de pildă, un om se va duce să taie lemne în pădure cu un alt om; ridică securea cu mâna, ca să taie copacul, fierul scapă din coadă, loveşte pe tovarăşul său şi-l omoară. Atunci, el să fugă într-una din cetăţile acestea ca să-şi scape viaţa,
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Karasepe, ma aramas riemen pahn kohla nanwel pwe ira en pal tuhke, oh nindokon emen eh pelepelehki sile tuhkeo, sileo ahpw pwupwusang ni peho oh lel mehteio oh kemehla, e kak tangala nan ehu kahnimw ko oh rukula ie.
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Ha tehát valaki elmegy az erdőbe embertársával fát vágni, és favágás közben meglendül keze a fejszével, a vas lerepül a nyeléről, és úgy eltalálja embertársát, hogy az meghal, akkor meneküljön e városok egyikébe, hogy életben maradjon.
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so, wenn einer mit seinem Nächsten in den Wald geht, um Holz zu hauen, und seine Hand holt mit der Axt aus, um den Baum zu fällen, und das Eisen fährt ihm vom Stiel und trifft seinen Nächsten, dass er stirbt -, der soll in eine dieser Städte fliehen, dass er am Leben bleibe,
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Und wer mit seinem Genossen in den Wald hineingeht, um Holz zu hauen, und seine Hand holt aus mit der Axt, den Baum abzuhauen, und das Eisen fährt ab vom Holz und trifft seinen Genossen, daß er stirbt, der fliehe in eine dieser Städte, auf daß er lebe;
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Напримјръ, если кто пойдетъ съ ближнимъ своимъ въ лјсъ рубить дрова, и размахнется рука его съ топоромъ, чтобъ срубить дерево, и соскочитъ желјзо съ топорища, и попадетъ въ ближняго и онъ умретъ: таковый пусть убјжитъ въ одинъ изъ городовъ тјхъ и будетъ живъ,
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como, por exemplo, aquele que entrar com o seu próximo no bosque para cortar lenha e, pondo força na sua mão com o machado para cortar a árvore, o ferro saltar do cabo e ferir o seu próximo de sorte que venha a morrer; o tal se acolherá a uma dessas cidades, e viverá;
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Als, dewelke met zijn naaste in het bos zal zijn gegaan, om hout te houwen, en zijn hand met de bijl wordt aangedreven, om hout af te houwen, en het ijzer schiet af van den steel, en treft zijn naaste, dat hij sterve; die zal in een dezer steden vluchten en leven;
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مثل کسیکه باهمسایه خود برای بریدن درخت در جنگل برود، و دستش برای قطع نمودن درخت تبر را بلند کند، و آهن از دسته بیرون رفته، به همسایهاش بخوردتا بمیرد، پس به یکی از آن شهرها فرار کرده، زنده ماند.
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njengongena egangeni lomakhelwane wakhe ukuyagamula izihlahla, lesandla sakhe sitshaya ngehloka ukugamula isihlahla, lensimbi ikhumuke emphinini, imtshaye umakhelwane wakhe aze afe, yena uzabalekela komunye waleyomizi ukuze aphile.
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Como o que foi com seu próximo ao monte a cortar lenha, e pondo força com sua mão no machado para cortar alguma lenha, saltou o ferro do fim, e encontrou a seu próximo, e morreu; aquele fugirá a uma daquelas cidades, e viverá;
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som når en går med sin næste ut i skogen for å hugge tømmer og han hugger til med øksen for å felle et tre, men øksen farer av skaftet og treffer hans næste, så han dør, da kan han fly til en av disse byer og berge livet.
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kakor če gre kdo z bližnjim svojim v gozd drva sekat in zamahne s sekiro, da bi drevo posekal, in železo odleti s toporišča in zadene njegovega bližnjega, da umrje: tisti naj zbeži v eno teh mest, in ostane živ;
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Məsələn, odun kəsmək üçün qonşusu ilə meşəyə gedib ağac doğramaq üçün balta vuranda baltanın dəmiri sapından çıxıb qonşusuna dəyərsə və qonşusu ölərsə, ölümə bais adam bu şəhərlərdən birinə qaçıb canını qurtarsın.
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wie etwa wenn jemand mit seinem Nächsten in den Wald geht, um Holz zu hauen, und seine Hand holt aus mit der Axt, um das Holz abzuhauen, und das Eisen fährt vom Stiele und trifft seinen Nächsten, daß er stirbt: Der soll in eine dieser Städte fliehen, damit er am Leben bleibe;
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Ja kas ar savu tuvāko mežā ietu, malku cirst, un viņš paceltu savu roku ar cirvi, malku cirst, un cirvis nomuktu no kāta un aizķertu viņa tuvāko, ka tas mirtu, tas lai bēg uz vienu no šīm pilsētām, ka paliek dzīvs,
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Como aquelle que entrar com o seu proximo no bosque, para cortar lenha, e, pondo força na sua mão com o machado para cortar a arvore, o ferro saltar do cabo e ferir o seu proximo, e morrer, o tal se acolherá a uma d'estas cidades, e viverá:
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Utan såsom någor ginge med sin nästa i skogen till att hugga ved, och hofve med handene yxena upp till att hugga veden och jernet fölle af skaftet, och råkade hans nästa, så att han blefve död; den skall uti en af dessa städerna fly, och få lefva;
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ואשר יבוא את רעהו ביער לחטב עצים ונדח ידו בגרזן לכרת העץ ונשל הברזל מן העץ ומצא את רעהו ומת הוא ינוס אל אחת מן הערים האלה וחי
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Ainsi, il entre avec son compagnon dans la forêt pour abattre du bois; sa main brandissant la cognée pour couper l’arbre, le fer s’échappe du manche et atteint le compagnon, qui en meurt: l’autre alors pourra fuir dans une de ces villes et sauver sa vie.
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et comme celui qui sera allé dans la forêt couper du bois avec son prochain, et brandira sa main armée de la hache pour abattre l'arbre, si le fer se détache du manche et atteint son prochain qui en meure, il se réfugiera dans l'une de ces villes pour mettre sa vie en sûreté,
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Por exemplo, quando for à floresta com outro para cortar lenha e, no momento de levantar o machado para derrubar a árvore, o ferro se separar do cabo e atingir o companheiro e ele morrer; então ele poderá fugir para uma dessas cidades e salvar a vida.
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zum Beispiel, wenn einer mit seinem Nächsten in den Wald geht, um Holz zu fällen, und es holt seine Hand mit der Axt aus, um einen Baum zu fällen, und das Eisen fährt vom Stiel ab und trifft seinen Nächsten so, daß er stirbt, ein solcher mag sich in eine dieser Städte flüchten, um am Leben zu bleiben,
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Uno sale, por ejemplo, con su compañero al bosque a cortar leña, y al blandir con su mano el hacha para cortar el árbol se le salta el hierro del mango e hiere a su compañero, y este muere: tal hombre se refugiará en una de aquellas ciudades y vivirá;
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Deenei dono hagamodongoohia: dolomaa nia daane dogolua gaa-hula gi-lodo henua belee hele nau laagau, gei tangada e-dahi gaa-hele dana laagau, gei di libogo talai ga-baeha, gaa-lele ga-daaligi dono ehoo dela i-golo gaa-made, mee e-mee di-lele gi tei nia waahale aanei, gii-noho eia hagahumalia.
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וַאֲשֶׁר֩ יָבֹ֨א אֶת־רֵעֵ֥הוּ בַיַּעַר֮ לַחְטֹ֣ב עֵצִים֒ וְנִדְּחָ֨ה יָד֤וֹ בַגַּרְזֶן֙ לִכְרֹ֣ת הָעֵ֔ץ וְנָשַׁ֤ל הַבַּרְזֶל֙ מִן־הָעֵ֔ץ וּמָצָ֥א אֶת־רֵעֵ֖הוּ וָמֵ֑ת ה֗וּא יָנ֛וּס אֶל־אַחַ֥ת הֶעָרִים־הָאֵ֖לֶּה וָחָֽי׃
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Jei kas nueitų su artimu į mišką malkų ir bekertant nusmukęs kirvis mirtinai sužeistų artimą, jis tebėga į vieną iš tų miestų, ir jis išliks gyvas.
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хто пойдзе зь блізкім сваім у лес сячы дровы, і размахнецца рука яго зь сякерай, каб сьсячы дрэва, і саскочыць жалеза з тапарышча і трапіць у блізкага, і той памрэ,— такі няхай уцячэ ў адзін з гарадоў тых, каб застацца жывым,
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sondern als wenn jemand mitseinem Nachsten in den Wald ginge, Holz zu hauen, und holete mit der Hand die Axt aus, das Holz abzuhauen, und das Eisen führe vom Stiel und trafe seinen Nachsten, daß er stürbe, der soil in dieser Stadte eine fliehen, daß er lebendig bleibe,
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Niinpä jos kaksi miestä menee metsään puita hakkaamaan ja toisen kirveestä irtoaa terä, kun hän kohottaa kirveensä iskuun, ja terä osuu hänen toveriinsa ja tappaa tämän, surmaajan tulee henkensä säilyttääkseen paeta turvakaupunkiin.
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Y el que fue con su prójimo al monte a cortar leña, y poniendo fuerza con su mano en la hacha para cortar algún leño, saltó el hierro del cabo, y halló a su prójimo, y murió; este huirá a una de estas ciudades, y vivirá.
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Bijvoorbeeld: als iemand met een ander in het bos hout gaat hakken, en met de bijl zwaait om de boom om te houwen, doch het ijzer schiet van de steel en treft den ander dodelijk, dan kan hij naar een van die steden vluchten, om in leven te blijven.
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Es kann zum Beispiel vorkommen, dass einer mit seinem Nachbarn in den Wald geht, um Holz zu schlagen. Da löst sich, während er mit der Axt ausholt, das Eisen vom Stiel und trifft den anderen tödlich. In diesem Fall kann der Totschläger in eine dieser Städte fliehen, um sein Leben zu retten.
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مثلاً دو آدمی جنگل میں درخت کاٹ رہے ہیں۔ کلہاڑی چلاتے وقت ایک کی کلہاڑی دستے سے نکل کر اُس کے ساتھی کو لگ جائے اور وہ مر جائے۔ ایسا شخص فرار ہو کر ایسے شہر میں پناہ لے سکتا ہے تاکہ بچا رہے۔
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وَمَنِ انْطَلَقَ مَعَ صَاحِبِهِ إِلَى الْغَابَةِ لِيَحْتَطِبَ، فَأَفْلَتَتْ حَدِيدَةُ الْفَأْسِ مِنْ رَأْسِ الذِّرَاعِ الْخَشَبِيَّةِ وَأَصَابَتْ صَاحِبَهُ فَمَاتَ، يَلْجَأُ الْقَاتِلُ إِلَى إِحْدَى تِلْكَ الْمُدُنِ وَيَحْيَا
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come se uno, ad esempio, va al bosco col suo compagno a tagliar delle legna e, mentre la mano avventa la scure per abbatter l’albero, il ferro gli sfugge dal manico e colpisce il compagno sì ch’egli ne muoia, quel tale si rifugerà in una di queste città ed avrà salva la vita;
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en hy wat saam met sy naaste in die bos gaan om hout te kap en sy hand swaai met die byl om die boom af te kap, en die yster glip van die steel af en tref sy naaste, sodat hy sterwe — hy moet in een van hierdie stede vlug om in die lewe te bly;
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кто пойдет с ближним своим в лес рубить дрова, и размахнется рука его с топором, чтобы срубить дерево, и соскочит железо с топорища и попадет в ближнего, и он умрет, – такой пусть убежит в один из городов тех, чтобы остаться живым,
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मसलन दो आदमी जंगल में दरख़्त काट रहे हैं। कुल्हाड़ी चलाते वक़्त एक की कुल्हाड़ी दस्ते से निकलकर उसके साथी को लग जाए और वह मर जाए। ऐसा शख़्स फ़रार होकर ऐसे शहर में पनाह ले सकता है ताकि बचा रहे।
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örneğin odun kesmek üzere komşusuyla ormana gidip ağacı kesmek için baltayı vurduğunda balta demiri saptan çıkar, komşusuna çarpar, komşusu ölürse, ölüme neden olan kişi bu kentlerden birine kaçıp canını kurtarsın.
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Als, dewelke met zijn naaste in het bos zal zijn gegaan, om hout te houwen, en zijn hand met de bijl wordt aangedreven, om hout af te houwen, en het ijzer schiet af van den steel, en treft zijn naaste, dat hij sterve; die zal in een dezer steden vluchten en leven;
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hanem egyszerűen elmegy vele az erdőre fát vágni, s a favágásnál kiszalad a fejsze a kezéből, s a nyeléről leesett vas felebarátját találja és megöli: az ilyen meneküljön a fent említett városok egyikébe, hogy életben maradjon,
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Penei me te tangata ka haere tahi raua ko tona koa ki te ngahere ki te tapahi rakau, a ka aki atu tona ringa i te toki ki te tua i te rakau, na ka maunu te pane i te kakau, pono tonu ki tona hoa, a mate iho; na ka rere atu ia ki tetahi o aua pa, a ka ora:
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A ki például elmegy az ő felebarátjával az erdőre fát vágni, és meglódul a keze a fejszével, hogy levágja a fát, és leesik a vas a nyeléről, és úgy találja az ő felebarátját, hogy az meghal: az ilyen meneküljön e városok egyikébe, hogy élve maradjon.
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thí dụ, nếu người đó đi cùng kẻ lân cận mình vào rừng đốn củi, tay người đang giơ rìu ra đốn, rủi lưỡi rìu sút cán trúng nhằm kẻ lân cận, làm cho kẻ ấy bị chết đi, thì người phải chạy ẩn núp mình trong một của ba cái thành nầy, đặng bảo tồn sự sống mình.
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Ma̱re junak cui̱nk ta̱xic chixyocˈbal xsiˈ, saˈ qˈuicheˈ ut nak ta̱oc chi yocˈoc, ta̱tobekˈ lix ma̱l ut tixyocˈ li rochben ut ta̱ca̱mk. Li cui̱nk aˈan li xcamsin re chi incˈaˈ yal xraj xchˈo̱l naru ta̱xic saˈ jun reheb li oxib chi tenamit aˈin re tixcol chak rib.
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ואשר יבוא את רעהו ביער לחטב עצים ונדח ידו בגרזן לכרת העץ ונשל הברזל מן העץ ומצא את רעהו ומת הוא ינוס אל אחת מן הערים האלה וחי
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-- såsom när någon går med sin nästa ut i skogen för att hugga ved, och hans hand hugger till med yxan för att fälla trädet, och järnet då far av skaftet och träffar den andre, så att denne dör -- då må en sådan fly till någon av dessa städer och så bliva vid liv.
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primjerice, kad ode sa svojim bližnjim u šumu da siječe drva, zamahne sjekirom u ruci da obori drvo, gvožđe odleti s držalice i pogodi njegova druga te on pogine: takav ubojica neka uteče u jedan od tih gradova i spasit će život.
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Như một người vào rừng đốn cây với đồng loại, tay người ấy vung rìu lên để chặt cây và lưỡi rìu tuột khỏi cán, trúng người đồng loại và người này chết ; người kia có thể vào ẩn náu tại một trong các thành ấy và sẽ được sống.
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Comme si quelqu’un étant allé avec son prochain dans une forêt pour couper du bois, et avançant sa main avec la cognée pour couper du bois, il arrive que le fer échappe hors du manche, et rencontre tellement son prochain, qu’il en meure ; il s’enfuira dans une de ces villes-là, afin qu’il vive.
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Celui qui sera entré après son prochain en une forêt de chênes pour y couper du bois, et dont la main, en coupant du bois, aura laissé échapper la hache, de sorte que le fer, se séparant du manche, ait atteint son prochain, et lui ait donné la mort, se réfugiera dans l'une de ces villes, et il vivra.
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ואשר יבא את רעהו ביער לחטב עצים ונדחה ידו בגרזן לכרת העץ ונשל הברזל מן העץ ומצא את רעהו ומת הוא ינוס אל אחת הערים האלה—וחי
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וַאֲשֶׁר֩ יָבֹ֨א אֶת־רֵעֵ֥הוּ בַיַּ֘עַר֮ לַחְטֹ֣ב עֵצִים֒ וְנִדְּחָ֨ה יָד֤וֹ בַגַּרְזֶן֙ לִכְרֹ֣ת הָעֵ֔ץ וְנָשַׁ֤ל הַבַּרְזֶל֙ מִן־הָעֵ֔ץ וּמָצָ֥א אֶת־רֵעֵ֖הוּ וָמֵ֑ת ה֗וּא יָנ֛וּס אֶל־אַחַ֥ת הֶעָרִים־הָאֵ֖לֶּה וָחָֽי׃
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ואשר יבא את רעהו ביער לחטב עצים ונדחה ידו בגרזן לכרת העץ ונשל הברזל מן העץ ומצא את רעהו ומת הוא ינוס אל אחת הערים האלה וחי׃
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Мысалы, екі адам орманға ағаш дайындауға барып, біреуі ағаш шабу үшін балтасын сілтей бергенде, балтаның басы сабынан ұшып кетіп, екінші адамға тиіп, оны өлтіріп алды дейік. Абайсызда кісі өлтіріп алған адам сол белгіленген қалалардың біріне қашып барып, бас сауғалай алады.
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comme si quelqu’un va avec son prochain dans la forêt pour couper du bois, et que sa main lève la hache pour couper l’arbre, et que le fer échappe du manche et atteigne son prochain, et qu’il meure : il s’enfuira dans une de ces villes, et il vivra ;
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geht er etwa mit seinem Nächsten in den Wald, Holz zu fällen, und seine Hand holt mit der Axt aus, den Baum zu fällen, und das Eisen fährt vom Stiele und trifft seinen Nächsten tödlich, der soll in eine dieser Städte fliehen und leben bleiben!
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kot ko gre mož s svojim bližnjim v gozd, da sekata les in njegova roka zamahne udarec s sekiro, da poseka drevo in glava zdrsne iz toporišča in pade na njegovega bližnjega, da ta umre, bo pobegnil v eno izmed teh mest in živel,
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Konsa, si de moun al nan bwa ansanm pou koupe bwa epi yonn ladan yo fè sa li leve rach li pou l' koupe yon bwa epi rach la chape soti nan manch lan, l' al frape zanmi l' lan, li touye l' frèt, yon nonm konsa gen dwa kouri al kache nan yonn nan lavil sa yo pou l' ka sove lavi l'.
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Vaan niinkuin joku menis metsään lähimmäisensä kanssa puita hakkaamaan, ja nostais käsin kirveensä hakkaamaan puuta maahan, ja kirves lähtis varresta, ja osais loukata lähimmäisensä niin että hän siitä kuolis: sen pitää yhteen näistä kaupungeista pakeneman ja saaman elää,
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ወለእመቦ ፡ ዘሖረ ፡ ምስለ ፡ ካልኡ ፡ ሐቅለ ፡ ይሕጥብ ፡ ዕፀ ፡ ወቈስለ ፡ እዴሁ ፡ በጕድብ ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይገዝም ፡ ዕፀ ፡ ወወድቀ ፡ ሐፂኑ ፡ እምውስተ ፡ ዕፁ ፡ ወወረደ ፡ ላዕለ ፡ ካልኡ ፡ ወቀተሎ ፡ ይሰኪ ፡ ውእቱ ፡ ውስተ ፡ አሐቲ ፡ እምነ ፡ እላንቱ ፡ አህጉር ፡ ወየሐዩ ፤
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Como el que fué con su prójimo al monte á cortar leña, y poniendo fuerza con su mano en el hacha para cortar algún leño, saltó el hierro del cabo, y encontró á su prójimo, y murió; aquél huirá á una de aquestas ciudades, y vivirá;
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Er enghraifft, lle mae dau ddyn wedi mynd i'r goedwig i dorri coed, ac wrth i un godi'i fwyell, mae blaen y fwyell yn dod i ffwrdd o'r goes ac yn taro'r llall a'i ladd. Mae'r dyn wnaeth ladd yn gallu dianc i un o'r trefi yma.
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wenn z.B. jemand mit einem andern in den Wald geht, um Holz zu fällen, und seine Hand holt mit der Axt aus, um einen Baum umzuhauen, und das Eisen fliegt vom Stiel ab und trifft den andern so, daß er stirbt –: ein solcher soll in eine dieser Städte fliehen, um sein Leben zu retten,
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καθώς όταν υπάγη τις μετά του πλησίον αυτού εις το δάσος διά να κόψη ξύλα, και ενώ η χειρ αυτού καταβιβάζη κτύπημα με τον πέλεκυν διά να κόψη το δένδρον, εκβή το σιδήριον από του ξύλου και τύχη τον πλησίον αυτού και αυτός αποθάνη, ούτος θέλει φύγει εις μίαν εκ των πόλεων εκείνων και θέλει ζήσει·
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або хто ввійде з своїм ближнім до лісу рубати дере́ва, і розмахнеться рука його з сокирою, щоб зрубати де́рево, а залізо спаде з топори́ща й попаде в його бли́жнього, і той помре, то він утече до одного з тих міст, і буде жити,
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Као кад би ко отишао с ближњим својим у шуму да сече дрва, па би замахнуо секиром у руци својој да посече дрво, а она би спала с држалице и погодила би ближњег његова тако да умре он нека утече у који од тих градова да остане жив,
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Ainsi un homme va couper du bois dans la forêt avec un autre homme ; sa main brandit la hache pour abattre un arbre ; le fer s'échappe du manche, atteint son compagnon et le tue : cet homme s'enfuira dans l'une de ces villes et il aura la vie sauve.
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Na przykład gdyby ktoś szedł ze swym bliźnim do lasu ścinać drzewa, uchwycił ręką siekierę, by ściąć drzewo, a siekiera odpadła z toporzyska i trafiła jego bliźniego tak, że umarłby, ucieknie on do jednego z tych miast, aby pozostał przy życiu;
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Un homme, par exemple, va couper du bois dans la forêt avec un autre homme; la hache en main, il s'élance pour abattre un arbre; le fer échappe du manche, atteint le compagnon de cet homme, et lui donne la mort. Alors il s'enfuira dans l'une de ces villes pour sauver sa vie,
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Como el que fué con su prójimo al monte á cortar leña, y poniendo fuerza con su mano en el hacha para cortar algún leño, saltó el hierro del cabo, y encontró á su prójimo, y murió; aquél huirá á una de aquestas ciudades, y vivirá;
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Ha tehát valaki elmegy az erdőbe felebarátjával fát vágni, és favágás közben meglendül keze a fejszével, a vas lerepül a nyeléről, és úgy eltalálja felebarátját, hogy az meghal, akkor meneküljön e városok egyikébe, hogy életben maradjon.
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naar saaledes en gaar med sin Næste ud i Skoven for at fælde Træer, og hans Haand svinger Øksen for at fælde et Træ, og Jernet farer ud af Skaftet og rammer hans Næste, saa han dør, da maa han ty til en af disse Byer og redde Livet,
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Olsem, taim wanpela man i go long bus wantaim man i stap klostu long em long katim diwai na han bilong em i yusim akis bilong katim diwai bilong daunim em na het bilong akis i lusim handel bilong akis na em i paitim man i stap klostu long em inap long em i dai pinis. Em i mas ranawe i go long wanpela bilong ol dispela biktaun na stap laip.
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og den, som gaar ud med sin Næste i Skoven for at hugge Træer, og hans Haand slaar til med Øksen for at afhugge Træet, og Jernet farer af Skaftet og rammer hans Næste, saa at denne dør: Han kan fly til en af disse Stæder, at han maa leve,
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mais qu’il s’en était allé simplement en une forêt pour couper du bois, et que le fer (la cognée) de sa hache, lorsqu’il en voulait couper un arbre, s’est échappé(e) de sa main, et, sortant du manche où il était attaché, a frappé son ami et l’a tué, il se retirera dans l’une de ces trois villes, et sa vie y sera en sûreté ;
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Jako gdyby kto szedł z bliźnim swym do lasu drwa rąbać, a zaniósłby się ręką swą z siekierą, aby uciął drzewo, a spadłaby siekiera z toporzyska, i trafiłaby bliźniego jego, żeby umarł, ten uciecze do jednego z tych miast, aby żyw został;
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wie etwa wenn jemand mit seinem Nächsten in den Wald geht, um Holz zu hauen, und seine Hand holt aus mit der Axt, um das Holz abzuhauen, und das Eisen fährt vom Stiele und trifft seinen Nächsten, daß er stirbt: der soll in eine dieser Städte fliehen, damit er am Leben bleibe;