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I Es KJVA 5:50  And there were gathered unto them out of the other nations of the land, and they erected the altar upon his own place, because all the nations of the land were at enmity with them, and oppressed them; and they offered sacrifices according to the time, and burnt offerings to the Lord both morning and evening.
I Es Vulgate 5:50  et convenerunt ipsis ex aliis nationibus terrae. et erexerunt sacrarium in loco suo omnes gentes terrae, et offerebant hostias et holocaustomata Domino matutina.
I Es CopSahBi 5:50  null
I Es Wycliffe 5:50  And ther camen to hem of othere naciouns of the loond, and reriden the holy tresorie in his place, alle the folk of the lond; and thei offriden oostis, and brent sacrifises of the morutijd to the Lord.
I Es RusSynod 5:50  И совершили праздник кущей, как предписано законом, вознося каждодневные жертвы, как надлежало,
I Es CSlEliza 5:50  И сотвориша кущей потчения праздник, якоже повелено в законе, и жертвы на всяк день, якоже подобаше,
I Es LXX 5:50  καὶ ἠγάγοσαν τὴν τῆς σκηνοπηγίας ἑορτήν ὡς ἐπιτέτακται ἐν τῷ νόμῳ καὶ θυσίας καθ’ ἡμέραν ὡς προσῆκον ἦν
I Es DutSVVA 5:50  En zij richtten het altaar op, in zijn plaats, hoewel enigen uit de andere volken des lands zich tegen hen vergaderden, omdat zij in vijandschap met hen waren.
I Es FreLXX 5:50  et ils conduisirent la fête de la fixation des tentes, comme il est ordonné dans la Loi, et des offrandes de chaque jour, comme il convenait,