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Jere RWebster 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not: the rulers also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere NHEBJE 2:8  The priests did not say, 'Where is Jehovah?' And those who handle the law did not know me. The rulers also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere ABP 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the lord? And the ones resisting the law have not made acknowledgment to me; and the shepherds were impious to me; and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and [2after 3unprofitable things 1they went].
Jere NHEBME 2:8  The priests did not say, 'Where is the Lord?' And those who handle the law did not know me. The rulers also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere Rotherha 2:8  The priests, said not Where is Yahweh? And, they who handled the law, did not acknowledge me, And the shepherds transgressed against me,—And the prophets, prophesied by Baal, And so after things that could not profit, did they walk.
Jere LEB 2:8  The priests did not say, ‘Where is Yahweh?’ and those who handle the law did not know me, and the shepherds have ⌞rebelled against me⌟, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and they went after things which do not profit.
Jere RNKJV 2:8  The priests said not, Where is יהוה? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere Jubilee2 2:8  The priests did not say, Where [is] the LORD? and those that handled the law did not know me; the pastors also rebelled against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal and walked after [things that] do not profit.
Jere Webster 2:8  The priests said not, Where [is] the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after [things that] do not profit.
Jere Darby 2:8  The priests said not, Where is Jehovah? and they that handled the law knew me not; and the shepherds transgressed against me; and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after [things that] do not profit.
Jere ASV 2:8  The priests said not, Where is Jehovah? and they that handle the law knew me not: the rulers also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere LITV 2:8  The priests did not say, Where is Jehovah? And they who handle the law did not know Me. And the shepherds rebelled against Me; and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and went after things not profitable.
Jere Geneva15 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that should minister the Lawe, knewe me not: the pastours also offended against me, and the Prophets prophesied in Baal, and went after things that did not profite.
Jere CPDV 2:8  The priests have not said: ‘Where is the Lord?’ And those who held the law did not know me. And the pastors betrayed me. And the prophets prophesied in Baal and followed idols.
Jere BBE 2:8  The priests did not say, Where is the Lord? and those who were expert in the law had no knowledge of me: and the rulers did evil against me, and the prophets became prophets of the Baal, going after things without value.
Jere DRC 2:8  The priests did not say: Where is the Lord? and they that held the law knew me not, and the pastors transgressed against me: and the prophets prophesied in Baal, and followed idols.
Jere GodsWord 2:8  The priests didn't ask, "Where is the LORD?" Those who deal with my teachings didn't know me. The rulers rebelled against me. The prophets prophesied in the name of Baal and followed statues that couldn't help them.
Jere JPS 2:8  The priests said not: 'Where is HaShem?' And they that handle the law knew Me not, and the rulers transgressed against Me; the prophets also prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere KJVPCE 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere NETfree 2:8  Your priests did not ask, 'Where is the LORD?' Those responsible for teaching my law did not really know me. Your rulers rebelled against me. Your prophets prophesied in the name of the god Baal. They all worshiped idols that could not help them.
Jere AB 2:8  The priest said not, Where is the Lord? And they that held by the law knew Me not: the shepherds also sinned against Me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and went after that which profited not.
Jere AFV2020 2:8  The priests did not say, 'Where is the LORD?' And they who handle the law did not know Me; the rulers also rebelled against Me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere NHEB 2:8  The priests did not say, 'Where is the Lord?' And those who handle the law did not know me. The rulers also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere NETtext 2:8  Your priests did not ask, 'Where is the LORD?' Those responsible for teaching my law did not really know me. Your rulers rebelled against me. Your prophets prophesied in the name of the god Baal. They all worshiped idols that could not help them.
Jere UKJV 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere Noyes 2:8  The priests said not, Where is Jehovah? And the teachers of the law knew me not; The rulers also rebelled against me; The prophets prophesied in the name of Baal, And walked after things that could not profit.
Jere KJV 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere KJVA 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere AKJV 2:8  The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere RLT 2:8  The priests said not, Where is Yhwh? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere MKJV 2:8  The priests did not say, Where is the LORD? And they who handle the law did not know Me; the shepherds also rebelled against Me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things not profitable.
Jere YLT 2:8  The priests have not said, `Where is Jehovah?' And those handling the law have not known Me. And the shepherds transgressed against Me, And the prophets have prophesied by Baal, And after those who profit not have gone.
Jere ACV 2:8  The priests did not say, Where is Jehovah? And those who handle the law did not know me. The rulers also transgressed against me. And the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Jere VulgSist 2:8  Sacerdotes non dixerunt: Ubi est Dominus? et tenentes legem nescierunt me, et pastores praevaricati sunt in me: et prophetae prophetaverunt in Baal, et idola secuti sunt.
Jere VulgCont 2:8  Sacerdotes non dixerunt: Ubi est Dominus? Et tenentes legem nescierunt me, et pastores prævaricati sunt in me: et prophetæ prophetaverunt in Baal, et idola secuti sunt.
Jere Vulgate 2:8  sacerdotes non dixerunt ubi est Dominus et tenentes legem nescierunt me et pastores praevaricati sunt in me et prophetae prophetaverunt in Baal et idola secuti sunt
Jere VulgHetz 2:8  Sacerdotes non dixerunt: Ubi est Dominus? et tenentes legem nescierunt me, et pastores prævaricati sunt in me: et prophetæ prophetaverunt in Baal, et idola secuti sunt.
Jere VulgClem 2:8  Sacerdotes non dixerunt : Ubi est Dominus ? et tenentes legem nescierunt me, et pastores prævaricati sunt in me, et prophetæ prophetaverunt in Baal, et idola secuti sunt.
Jere CzeBKR 2:8  Kněží neřekli: Kde jest Hospodin? a ti, kteříž se obírají s zákonem, nepoznali mne, pastýři pak odstoupili ode mne, a proroci prorokovali skrze Bále, a za věcmi neužitečnými chodili.
Jere CzeB21 2:8  Ani kněží se neptali: ‚Kde je Hospodin?‘ Znalci Zákona mě neznali, pastýři lidu mě zradili, proroci prorokovali při Baalovi, následovali nesmysly.
Jere CzeCEP 2:8  Kněží se nezeptali: ‚Kde je Hospodin?‘ Nepoznali mě, kdo se obírají zákonem, pastýři mi byli nevěrní, proroci prorokovali skrze Baala, chodili za tím, co není k užitku.
Jere CzeCSP 2:8  Kněží neřekli: Kde je Hospodin? Ti, kteří se zabývají zákonem, mě neznají. Pastýři se proti mně vzbouřili. Proroci prorokovali ⌈skrze Baala⌉ a šli za tím, co jim neprospěje.
Jere PorBLivr 2:8  Os sacerdotes não disseram: Onde está o SENHOR? E os que teriam de usar a lei não me conheceram; e os líderes se rebelaram contra mim, e os profetas profetizaram em nome de Baal, e seguiram aquilo que não tem proveito algum
Jere Mg1865 2:8  Ny mpisorona tsy nanao hoe: Aiza Jehovah? Ary ny mpiadidy ny lalàna tsy nahalala Ahy; Ny mpitondra koa nanota tamiko, ary ny mpaminany naminany tamin’ ny anaran’ i Bala ka nanaraka ireny tsy mahasoa.
Jere FinPR 2:8  Papit eivät kysyneet: 'Missä on Herra?' Lainkäyttäjät eivät minua tunteneet, ja paimenet luopuivat minusta; profeetat ennustivat Baalin nimessä ja seurasivat niitä, joista ei apua ole.
Jere FinRK 2:8  Papit eivät kysyneet: Missä on Herra? Lain käyttäjät eivät tunteneet minua, paimenet luopuivat minusta. Profeetat ennustivat Baalin nimessä ja seurasivat niitä, joista ei ole apua.
Jere ChiSB 2:8  司祭們也不問一問:「上主在哪裏﹖」那些管理法律的,不認識我了;那些為人牧的,叛離了我;先知們也奉巴耳講預言,追隨無能的神袛。
Jere CopSahBi 2:8  ⲙⲡⲉⲛⲉⲟⲩⲏⲏⲃ ϫⲟⲟⲥ ϫⲉ ⲉϥⲧⲱⲛ ⲡⲛⲟⲙⲟⲥ ⲙⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲉⲧⲁⲙⲁϩⲧⲉ ⲙⲡⲛⲟⲙⲟⲥ ⲙⲡⲟⲩⲥⲟⲩⲱⲛⲧ
Jere ChiUns 2:8  祭司都不说,耶和华在哪里呢?传讲律法的都不认识我。官长违背我;先知藉巴力说预言,随从无益的神。
Jere BulVeren 2:8  Свещениците не казаха: Къде е ГОСПОД? Законниците не Ме познаха. И пастирите отстъпиха от Мен, и пророците пророкуваха чрез Ваал и ходиха след безполезните идоли.
Jere AraSVD 2:8  اَلْكَهَنَةُ لَمْ يَقُولُوا: أَيْنَ هُوَ ٱلرَّبُّ؟ وَأَهْلُ ٱلشَّرِيعَةِ لَمْ يَعْرِفُونِي، وَٱلرُّعَاةُ عَصَوْا عَلَيَّ، وَٱلْأَنْبِيَاءُ تَنَبَّأُوا بِبَعْلٍ، وَذَهَبُوا وَرَاءَ مَا لَا يَنْفَعُ.
Jere Esperant 2:8  La pastroj ne diris: Kie estas la Eternulo? la leĝokompetentuloj ne atentis Min, la paŝtistoj perfidis Min, la profetoj profetis per Baal kaj sekvis idolojn.
Jere ThaiKJV 2:8  ปุโรหิตทั้งหลายมิได้กล่าวว่า ‘พระเยโฮวาห์ประทับที่ไหน’ คนเหล่านั้นที่แถลงพระราชบัญญัติไม่รู้จักเรา บรรดาผู้เลี้ยงแกะก็ละเมิดต่อเรา พวกผู้พยากรณ์ได้พยากรณ์โดยพระบาอัล และดำเนินติดตามสิ่งที่ไม่เป็นประโยชน์”
Jere OSHB 2:8  הַכֹּהֲנִ֗ים לֹ֤א אָֽמְרוּ֙ אַיֵּ֣ה יְהוָ֔ה וְתֹפְשֵׂ֤י הַתּוֹרָה֙ לֹ֣א יְדָע֔וּנִי וְהָרֹעִ֖ים פָּ֣שְׁעוּ בִ֑י וְהַנְּבִיאִים֙ נִבְּא֣וּ בַבַּ֔עַל וְאַחֲרֵ֥י לֹֽא־יוֹעִ֖לוּ הָלָֽכוּ׃
Jere BurJudso 2:8  ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ်တို့က၊ ထာဝရဘုရားသည် အဘယ်မှာ ရှိတော်မူသနည်းဟု မမေးကြ။ ကျမ်းတတ်တို့ သည် ငါ့ကိုမသိကြ။ သင်းအုပ်တို့သည် ငါ့ကို ပြစ်မှား ကြ၏။ ပရောဖက်တို့သည် ဗာလကို အမှီပြု၍ ဟောပြော လျက်၊ ကျေးဇူးမဲ့သောလမ်းသို့ လိုက်ကြ၏။
Jere FarTPV 2:8  کاهنان نپرسیدند: 'خداوند کجاست؟' حتّی کاهنان خودم، مرا نمی‌شناختند. حکمرانان برضد من شوریدند، انبیا به نام بعل سخن می‌گفتند و بُتهای بیهوده را می‌پرستیدند.
Jere UrduGeoR 2:8  Na imāmoṅ ne pūchhā ki Rab kahāṅ hai, na sharīat ko amal meṅ lāne wāle mujhe jānte the. Qaum ke gallābān mujh se bewafā hue, aur nabī befāydā butoṅ ke pīchhe lag kar Bāl Dewatā ke paiġhāmāt sunāne lage.”
Jere SweFolk 2:8  Prästerna frågade inte: ”Var är Herren?” De som hade hand om lagen kände mig inte, och herdarna var trolösa mot mig. Profeterna profeterade i Baals namn och följde dem som inte kan hjälpa.
Jere GerSch 2:8  Die Priester fragten nicht: Wo ist der HERR? Und die mit dem Gesetz umgingen, kannten mich nicht; die Hirten fielen von mir ab und die Propheten weissagten durch Baal und liefen denen nach, die nicht helfen können.
Jere TagAngBi 2:8  Hindi sinabi ng mga saserdote, Saan nandoon ang Panginoon? at silang nagsisihawak ng kautusan ay hindi nakakilala sa akin: ang mga pinuno naman ay nagsisalansang laban sa akin, at ang mga propeta ay nanganghula sa pamamagitan ni Baal, at nagsilakad na sumunod sa mga bagay na hindi pinakikinabangan.
Jere FinSTLK2 2:8  Papit eivät kysyneet: 'Missä on Herra?' Lainkäyttäjät eivät minua tunteneet, paimenet luopuivat minusta, profeetat ennustivat Baalin nimessä ja seurasivat niitä, joista ei ole apua.
Jere Dari 2:8  کاهنان شان به من توجه نکردند. حتی کاهنان خودم نیز مرا نشناختند. حاکمان شان علیه من تمرد کردند و انبیای آن ها بتِ بعل را پرستیدند و دنبال کارهای بیهوده رفتند.
Jere SomKQA 2:8  Wadaaddadii ma ay odhan, Rabbigii meeh? Oo kuwa sharciga hayaana ima ay aqoon, oo taliyayaashiina way igu xadgudbeen, oo nebiyadiina waxay wax ku sii sheegeen Bacal, oo waxay iska daba galeen waxyaalo aan innaba faa'iido lahayn.
Jere NorSMB 2:8  Prestane sagde ikkje: «Kvar er Herren?» Og dei som handsama lovi, kjende meg ikkje, og hyrdingarne fall ifrå meg. Og profetarne spådde ved Ba’al, og etter gagnlause gudar gjekk dei.
Jere Alb 2:8  Priftërinjtë nuk kanë thënë: "Ku është Zoti?", ata që meren me ligjin nuk më njohën, barinjtë ngritën krye kundër meje, profetët profetizuan për Baalin dhe shkuan pas gjërave që nuk vlejnë asgjë.
Jere KorHKJV 2:8  제사장들은, 주께서 어디 계시냐? 하지 아니하고 법을 다루는 자들은 나를 알지 못하며 목양자들도 내게 범법하고 대언자들은 바알을 힘입어 대언하며 유익을 주지 못하는 것들을 따라 걸었느니라.
Jere SrKDIjek 2:8  Свештеници не рекоше: гдје је Господ? И који се баве законом не познаше ме, и пастири одусташе ме, и пророци пророковаше Валом и идоше за стварима залуднијем.
Jere Wycliffe 2:8  Preestis seiden not, Where is the Lord? and thei that helden the lawe, knewen not me; and scheepherdis trespassiden ayens me, and profetis profesieden in Baal, and sueden idols.
Jere Mal1910 2:8  യഹോവ എവിടെ എന്നു പുരോഹിതന്മാർ അന്വേഷിച്ചില്ല; ന്യായപ്രമാണജ്ഞന്മാർ എന്നെ അറിഞ്ഞില്ല; ഇടയന്മാർ എന്നോടു അതിക്രമം ചെയ്തു: പ്രവാചകന്മാർ ബാൽമുഖാന്തരം പ്രവചിച്ചു, പ്രയോജനമില്ലാത്തവയോടു ചേൎന്നുനടന്നു.
Jere KorRV 2:8  제사장들은 여호와께서 어디 계시냐 하지 아니하며 법 잡은 자들은 나를 알지 못하며 관리들도 나를 항거하며 선지자들은 바알의 이름으로 예언하고 무익한 것을 좇았느니라
Jere Azeri 2:8  کاهئنلر دِمه‌دئلر: «رب هارادادير؟» شرئعت موعلّئملري منی تانيماديلار، رهبرلر ده منئم ضئدّئمه عوصيان اتدئلر، پيغمبرلر بَعَلئن آدي ائله نبئلئک اتدئلر و فايداسيز شيلرئن دالينجا گتدئلر.
Jere KLV 2:8  The lalDan vumwI'pu' ta'be' jatlh, nuqDaq ghaH joH'a'? je chaH 'Iv handle the chut ta'be' Sov jIH: the DevwIpu' je transgressed Daq jIH, je the leghwI'pu' prophesied Sum Baal, je yItta' after Dochmey vetlh ta' ghobe' profit.
Jere ItaDio 2:8  I sacerdoti non hanno detto: Dove è il Signore? e quelli che trattano la Legge non mi han conosciuto, e i pastori hanno commesso misfatto contro a me, ed i profeti hanno profetizzato per Baal, e sono andati dietro a cose che non giovano nulla.
Jere RusSynod 2:8  Священники не говорили: "где Господь?", и учители закона не знали Меня, и пастыри отпали от Меня, и пророки пророчествовали во имя Ваала и ходили во след тех, которые не помогают.
Jere CSlEliza 2:8  Священницы не рекоша: где есть Господь? И держащии закон не ведеша Мя, и пастырие нечествоваша на Мя, и пророцы пророчествоваша в Ваала и идолом последоваша.
Jere ABPGRK 2:8  οι ιερείς ουκ είπον που εστι κύριος και οι αντεχόμενοι του νόμου ουκ ηπίσταντό με και οι ποιμένες ησέβουν εις εμέ και οι προφήται προεφήτευσον τη Βάαλ και οπίσω ανωφελούς επορεύθησαν
Jere FreBBB 2:8  Les sacrificateurs n'ont pas dit : Où est l'Eternel ? et les dépositaires de la Loi ne m'ont pas connu, et les pasteurs ont rompu avec moi, et les prophètes ont prophétisé par Baal ; et ils ont suivi ceux qui ne sont d'aucun secours.
Jere LinVB 2:8  Banganga Nzambe batunaki te : « Yawe azali wapi ? » Bateyi ba Mobeko bandimaki ngai te, bankumu batombokelaki ngai, baprofeta basakolaki o nkombo ya Baal mpe balandaki banzambe ba mpamba.
Jere HunIMIT 2:8  A papok nem mondták, hol van az Örökkévaló, a tan kezelői nem ismertek engem, a pásztorok elpártoltak tőlem, és a próféták a Báalban prófétáltak és nem-használók után jártak.
Jere ChiUnL 2:8  祭司未言耶和華安在、講法律者不識我、民牧干罪於我、先知託巴力之名而預言、從無益之事、
Jere VietNVB 2:8  Các thầy tế lễ chẳng hề tự hỏi:CHÚA đâu rồi?Các nhà chuyên giải kinh luật chẳng biết Ta,Các nhà lãnh đạo chống nghịch Ta,Các tiên tri nhân danh Ba-anh nói tiên tri,Và đi theo các thần không giúp ích chi.
Jere LXX 2:8  οἱ ἱερεῖς οὐκ εἶπαν ποῦ ἐστιν κύριος καὶ οἱ ἀντεχόμενοι τοῦ νόμου οὐκ ἠπίσταντό με καὶ οἱ ποιμένες ἠσέβουν εἰς ἐμέ καὶ οἱ προφῆται ἐπροφήτευον τῇ Βααλ καὶ ὀπίσω ἀνωφελοῦς ἐπορεύθησαν
Jere CebPinad 2:8  Ang mga sacerdote wala ngani moingon: Hain man si Jehova? ug kadtong nanagkupot sa Kasugoan wala makaila kanako: ang mga punoan usab nanaglapas batok kanako, ug ang mga manalagna nanagpanagna pinaagi kang Baal, ug nanagsunod sa mga butang nga walay kapuslanan.
Jere RomCor 2:8  Preoţii n-au întrebat: «Unde este Domnul?» Păzitorii Legii nu M-au cunoscut, păstorii sufleteşti Mi-au fost necredincioşi, prorocii au prorocit prin Baal şi au alergat după cei ce nu sunt de niciun ajutor.
Jere Pohnpeia 2:8  Samworo ko soh mwahn idek, ‘Ia KAUN-O?’ Nei samworo kan pil sehse ie. Kaun akan uhwong ie; soukohp kan kin wia kokohp ni mwaren Paal, oh pwongih dikedik en eni mwahl akan.
Jere HunUj 2:8  A papok nem kérdezték: Hol van az Úr? A törvény magyarázói nem ismertek engem, a vezetők hűtlenül elhagytak engem, a próféták Baal nevében prófétáltak, és haszontalanságok után jártak.
Jere GerZurch 2:8  Die Priester fragten nicht: "Wo ist der Herr?" Die das Gesetz handhaben, wollten von mir nichts wissen, und die Hirten wurden mir untreu; die Propheten weissagten im Namen Baals und liefen denen nach, die nicht helfen. (1) d.h. den Götzen.
Jere GerTafel 2:8  Die Priester sagen nicht: Wo ist Jehovah? Und die das Gesetz handhaben, kennen Mich nicht, und die Hirten sind von Mir abgefallen, und die Propheten weissagen durch Baal, und gehen denen nach, die nichts nützen.
Jere PorAR 2:8  Os sacerdotes não disseram: Onde está o Senhor? E os que tratavam da lei não me conheceram, e os governadores prevaricaram contra mim, e os profetas profetizaram por Baal, e andaram após o que é de nenhum proveito.
Jere DutSVVA 2:8  De priesters zeiden niet: Waar is de Heere? en die de wet handelden, kenden Mij niet; en de herders overtraden tegen Mij; en de profeten profeteerden door Baäl, en wandelden naar dingen, die geen nut doen.
Jere FarOPV 2:8  کاهنان نگفتند: یهوه کجاست و خوانندگان تورات مرا نشناختندو شبانان بر من عاصی شدند و انبیا برای بعل نبوت کرده، در عقب چیزهای بی‌فایده رفتند.
Jere Ndebele 2:8  Abapristi kabatshongo ukuthi: Ingaphi iNkosi? Lalabo abaphatha umlayo kabangazanga; lababusi baphambuka bemelene lami; labaprofethi baprofetha ngoBhali, balandela izinto ezingasiziyo.
Jere PorBLivr 2:8  Os sacerdotes não disseram: Onde está o SENHOR? E os que teriam de usar a lei não me conheceram; e os líderes se rebelaram contra mim, e os profetas profetizaram em nome de Baal, e seguiram aquilo que não tem proveito algum
Jere Norsk 2:8  Prestene sa ikke: Hvor er Herren? Og de som syslet med loven, kjente mig ikke, og hyrdene falt fra mig, og profetene spådde ved Ba'al og fulgte dem som ikke kan hjelpe.
Jere SloChras 2:8  Duhovniki niso rekli: Kje je Gospod? In oni, ki imajo v rokah postavo, me niso spoznali, in pastirji so odpadli od mene, in proroki so prorokovali v imenu Baalovem in hodili za stvarmi, ki nič ne koristijo.
Jere Northern 2:8  Kahinlər ‹Rəbbi axtaraq› demədilər, Qanun müəllimləri Məni tanımadılar, Rəhbərlər Mənə qarşı üsyan etdilər, Peyğəmbərlər Baalın adı ilə peyğəmbərlik etdilər, Faydasız şeylərin dalınca getdilər”.
Jere GerElb19 2:8  Die Priester sprachen nicht: Wo ist Jehova? Und die das Gesetz handhabten, kannten mich nicht, und die Hirten fielen von mir ab; und die Propheten weissagten durch den Baal und sind denen nachgegangen, welche nichts nützen.
Jere LvGluck8 2:8  Priesteri nesacīja: kur ir Tas Kungs? Un bauslības mācītāji Mani nepazina un gani atkāpās no Manis, un pravieši mācīja Baāla vārdā un dzinās pakaļ tiem, kas nekā neder.
Jere PorAlmei 2:8  Os sacerdotes não disseram: Onde está o Senhor? E os que tratavam da lei não me conheciam, e os pastores prevaricavam contra mim, e os prophetas prophetizavam por Baal, e andavam após o que de nada aproveita.
Jere ChiUn 2:8  祭司都不說,耶和華在哪裡呢?傳講律法的都不認識我。官長違背我;先知藉巴力說預言,隨從無益的神。
Jere SweKarlX 2:8  Presterna tänkte intet: Hvar är Herren? Och de lärde aktade mig intet; och herdarna förde folket ifrå mig, och Propheterna propheterade om Baal, och föllo intill de onyttiga afgudar.
Jere FreKhan 2:8  Les prêtres ne se sont pas demandé où est Dieu, les dépositaires de la Loi ne m’ont plus connu, les pasteurs me sont devenus infidèles, et les prophètes ont prophétisé au nom de Baal et suivi des êtres incapables de secourir.
Jere FrePGR 2:8  Les sacrificateurs n'ont pas dit : « Où est l'Éternel ? » et les dépositaires de la Loi ne m'ont point connu, et les pasteurs ont rompu avec moi, et les prophètes ont prophétisé au nom de Baal, et sont allés après ceux qui ne sont d'aucun secours.
Jere PorCap 2:8  Os sacerdotes não se interrogaram: «Onde está o Senhor?» Os doutores da Lei não me reconheceram, os pastores revoltaram-se contra mim, e os profetas profetizaram em nome de Baal e seguiram deuses inúteis.
Jere JapKougo 2:8  祭司たちは、『主はどこにおられるか』と言わなかった。律法を扱う者たちはわたしを知らず、つかさたちはわたしにそむき、預言者たちはバアルによって預言し、益なき者に従って行った。
Jere GerTextb 2:8  Die Priester sprachen nicht: Wo ist Jahwe? und die mit dem Gesetz umgehen, wollten nichts von mir wissen, und die Hirten wurden abtrünnig von mir, und die Propheten weissagten im Namen des Baal und gingen denen nach, die nicht zu helfen vermögen.
Jere Kapingam 2:8  Digau hai-mee-dabu digi heeu boloo, ‘Dimaadua la i-hee?’ Agu gau hai-mee-dabu le e-de-iloo-ginaadou Au. Nia dagi gu-hai-baahi mai gi-di-Au, gei-ogo nia soukohp e-helehelekai-hua i-di ingoo o Baal, mo-di dadaumaha gi-nia balu-ada-mee.
Jere SpaPlate 2:8  Tampoco los sacerdotes decían: “¿Dónde está Yahvé?” Los que guardaban la Ley no me conocían; los pastores se rebelaron contra Mí, los profetas profetizaron por Baal, y se fueron tras los que de nada sirven.
Jere GerOffBi 2:8  Die Priester (sagten =) fragten nicht: Wo [ist] JHWH?(Und =) Als Handhabende (Gebrauchende) die Torah (Gesetz) verstehen (kennen) sie mich nicht, und die Hirten sind von mir abgefallen.Und die Propheten prophezeien dem Baal und hinter Nichtsnutzen gehen sie (laufen sie her).
Jere WLC 2:8  הַכֹּהֲנִ֗ים לֹ֤א אָֽמְרוּ֙ אַיֵּ֣ה יְהוָ֔ה וְתֹפְשֵׂ֤י הַתּוֹרָה֙ לֹ֣א יְדָע֔וּנִי וְהָרֹעִ֖ים פָּ֣שְׁעוּ בִ֑י וְהַנְּבִיאִים֙ נִבְּא֣וּ בַבַּ֔עַל וְאַחֲרֵ֥י לֹֽא־יוֹעִ֖לוּ הָלָֽכוּ׃
Jere LtKBB 2:8  Kunigai neklausė: ‘Kur yra Viešpats?’, įstatymo sargai nepažino manęs, ganytojai sukilo prieš mane, pranašai pranašavo Baalo vardu ir sekė tai, kas neturi vertės.
Jere Bela 2:8  Сьвятары не казалі: дзе Гасподзь? і настаўнікі закону ня ведалі Мяне, і пастыры адпаліся ад Мяне, і прарокі прарочылі ў імя Ваала і хадзілі сьледам за тымі, якія не дапамагаюць.
Jere GerBoLut 2:8  Die Priester gedachten nicht: Wo ist der HERR? und die Gelehrten achteten mein nicht, und die Hirten führeten die Leute von mir, und die Propheten weissagten vom Baal und hingen an den unnützen Gotzen.
Jere FinPR92 2:8  Papit eivät kysyneet: "Mikä on Herran tahto?" Lainopettajat eivät minusta välittäneet, kansani paimenet luopuivat minusta, profeetat puhuivat Baalin nimissä. He palvelivat jumalia, jotka eivät voi auttaa.
Jere SpaRV186 2:8  Los sacerdotes no dijeron: ¿Dónde está Jehová? Y los que tenían la ley no me conocieron, y los pastores se rebelaron contra mí, y los profetas profetizaron en Baal, y caminaron tras lo que no aprovecha.
Jere NlCanisi 2:8  Zelfs de priesters vroegen niet meer: Waar is Jahweh toch? Die de wet moesten handhaven, kenden Mij niet, De leiders werden Mij ontrouw. De profeten voorspelden in den naam van den Báal, En liepen machteloze afgoden na.
Jere GerNeUe 2:8  Die Priester fragten nicht: 'Wo ist Jahwe?' / Die Hüter des Gesetzes kannten mich nicht, / die Hüter des Volkes brachen mit mir. / Die Propheten weissagten Baals Namen, / liefen denen nach, die nichts nützen.
Jere UrduGeo 2:8  نہ اماموں نے پوچھا کہ رب کہاں ہے، نہ شریعت کو عمل میں لانے والے مجھے جانتے تھے۔ قوم کے گلہ بان مجھ سے بےوفا ہوئے، اور نبی بےفائدہ بُتوں کے پیچھے لگ کر بعل دیوتا کے پیغامات سنانے لگے۔“
Jere AraNAV 2:8  إِنَّ الْكَهَنَةَ لَمْ يَسْأَلُوا: أَيْنَ الرَّبُّ؟ وَأَهْلَ الشَّرِيعَةِ لَمْ يَعْرِفُونِي، وَحُكَّامَ الشَّعْبِ تَمَرَّدُوا عَلَيَّ، وَالأَنْبِيَاءَ تَنَبَّأُوا بِتَأْثِيرِ بَعْلٍ وَضَلُّوا وَرَاءَ مَا لاَ جَدْوَى مِنْهُ.
Jere ChiNCVs 2:8  众祭司都不问:‘耶和华在哪里?’律法师不认识我,官长悖逆我,先知奉巴力的名说预言,跟从那无益的偶像。
Jere ItaRive 2:8  I sacerdoti non hanno detto: "Dov’è l’Eterno?" i depositari della legge non m’hanno conosciuto, i pastori mi sono stati infedeli, i profeti hanno profetato nel nome di Baal, e sono andati dietro a cose che non giovano a nulla.
Jere Afr1953 2:8  Die priesters het nie gesê: Waar is die HERE nie? En die wat die wet handhaaf, het My nie geken nie; en die vorste het teen My oortree, en die profete het geprofeteer deur Baäl en agter dinge aan geloop wat geen voordeel bring nie.
Jere RusSynod 2:8  Священники не говорили: „Где Господь?“ – и учителя закона не знали Меня, и пастыри отпали от Меня, и пророки пророчествовали во имя Ваала и ходили вслед тех, которые не помогают.
Jere UrduGeoD 2:8  न इमामों ने पूछा कि रब कहाँ है, न शरीअत को अमल में लानेवाले मुझे जानते थे। क़ौम के गल्लाबान मुझसे बेवफ़ा हुए, और नबी बेफ़ायदा बुतों के पीछे लगकर बाल देवता के पैग़ामात सुनाने लगे।”
Jere TurNTB 2:8  Kâhinler, ‘RAB nerede?’ diye sormadılar, Kutsal Yasa uzmanları beni tanımadılar, Yöneticiler bana başkaldırdılar; Peygamberler Baal adına peygamberlik edip İşe yaramaz putların ardınca gittiler.
Jere DutSVV 2:8  De priesters zeiden niet: Waar is de HEERE? en die de wet handelden, kenden Mij niet; en de herders overtraden tegen Mij; en de profeten profeteerden door Baal, en wandelden naar dingen, die geen nut doen.
Jere HunKNB 2:8  A papok nem mondták: ‘Hol van az Úr?’ A törvény magyarázói nem ismertek engem, és a pásztorok elpártoltak tőlem; a próféták Baál nevében prófétáltak, és azok után jártak, amik nem használnak.
Jere Maori 2:8  Kahore nga tohunga i ki, Kei hea a Ihowa; ko nga kairahurahu o te ture, kahore i matau ki ahau; kua he hoki nga rangatira ki ahau; ko nga poropiti, na Paara nga tikanga i poropiti ai ratou, whaia ana e ratou nga mea kahore nei he pai.
Jere HunKar 2:8  A papok nem mondták: Hol van az Úr? A törvény magyarázói nem ismertek engem, és a pásztorok hűtelenekké lettek hozzám, a próféták pedig a Baál által prófétáltak, és azok után jártak, a kik tehetetlenek.
Jere Viet 2:8  Các thầy tế lễ không còn nói: Nào Ðức Giê-hô-va ở đâu? Những người giảng luật pháp chẳng biết ta nữa. Những kẻ chăn giữ đã bội nghịch cùng ta. Các tiên tri đã nhơn danh Ba-anh mà nói tiên tri, đi theo những sự không ích gì cả.
Jere Kekchi 2:8  Eb laj tij incˈaˈ queˈxcˈoxla insicˈbal. Eb li nequeˈxcˈut li chakˈrab chiruheb li tenamit incˈaˈ queˈxqˈue inlokˈal. Eb li nequeˈtaklan saˈ xbe̱neb laj Israel queˈxkˈet li cua̱tin. Ut eb li profetas queˈa̱tinac saˈ xcˈabaˈ li yi̱banbil dios Baal, ut queˈxlokˈoniheb li jalanil dios li ma̱cˈaˈ nequeˈoc cuiˈ.
Jere Swe1917 2:8  Prästerna frågade icke: »Var är HERREN?» De som hade lagen om händer ville icke veta av mig, och herdarna avföllo från mig; profeterna profeterade i Baals namn och följde efter sådana som icke kunde hjälpa.
Jere CroSaric 2:8  Svećenici ne govorahu: 'Gdje je Jahve?' Tumači Zakona mene ne upoznaše, pastiri otpadoše od mene, a proroci prorokovahu u ime Baalovo i iđahu za onima što im pomoći ne mogoše.
Jere VieLCCMN 2:8  Hàng tư tế cũng chẳng thèm hỏi : ĐỨC CHÚA ở đâu ? Các chuyên viên Lề Luật chẳng biết đến Ta, các mục tử thì chống lại Ta, còn ngôn sứ lại nhờ Ba-an mà tuyên sấm, chúng đi theo những thần vô tích sự.
Jere FreBDM17 2:8  Les Sacrificateurs n’ont point dit : où est l’Eternel ? Et ceux qui expliquaient la Loi, ne m’ont point connu ; et les pasteurs ont prévariqué contre moi, et les prophètes ont prophétisé de par Bahal, et ont marché après des choses qui ne profitent de rien.
Jere FreLXX 2:8  Les prêtres n'ont pas dit : Où est le Seigneur ? Et les dépositaires de la loi ne m'ont point connu ; et les pasteurs ont péché contre moi, et les prophètes ont prophétisé pour Baal, et ils ont marché après des vanités.
Jere Aleppo 2:8  הכהנים לא אמרו איה יהוה ותפשי התורה לא ידעוני והרעים פשעו בי והנבאים נבאו בבעל ואחרי לא יועלו הלכו
Jere MapM 2:8  הַכֹּהֲנִ֗ים לֹ֤א אָֽמְרוּ֙ אַיֵּ֣ה יְהֹוָ֔ה וְתֹפְשֵׂ֤י הַתּוֹרָה֙ לֹ֣א יְדָע֔וּנִי וְהָרֹעִ֖ים פָּ֣שְׁעוּ בִ֑י וְהַנְּבִאִים֙ נִבְּא֣וּ בַבַּ֔עַל וְאַחֲרֵ֥י לֹֽא־יוֹעִ֖לוּ הָלָֽכוּ׃
Jere HebModer 2:8  הכהנים לא אמרו איה יהוה ותפשי התורה לא ידעוני והרעים פשעו בי והנביאים נבאו בבעל ואחרי לא יועלו הלכו׃
Jere Kaz 2:8  Тіпті діни қызметкерлер «Жаратқан Ие қайда?» деп сұрамады, заңды үйретіп билік айтатындар Мені жақыннан танып білмеді. Халықтың жетекшілері Маған қарсы шықты, пайғамбарлар Бағалдың атынан пайғамбарлық сөз айтып, еш пайдасыз тәңірсымақтардың жолын қуып келеді.
Jere FreJND 2:8  Les sacrificateurs n’ont pas dit : Où est l’Éternel ? et ceux qui s’occupaient de la loi ne m’ont point connu, et les pasteurs se sont rebellés contre moi, et les prophètes ont prophétisé par Baal et ont marché après des choses qui ne profitent pas.
Jere GerGruen 2:8  Die Priester fragten nicht: 'Wo ist der Herr?' Und des Gesetzes Wächter kümmerten sich nicht um mich. Die Hirten wurden von mir abtrünnig, und die Propheten waren vom Baal begeistert und liefen denen nach, die doch nichts halfen.
Jere SloKJV 2:8  Duhovniki niso rekli: ‚Kje je Gospod?‘ Tisti, ki so se ukvarjali s postavo, me niso poznali. Tudi pastirji so se pregrešili zoper mene in preroki so prerokovali pri Báalu in hodili za stvarmi, ki ne storijo koristi.
Jere Haitian 2:8  Prèt yo pa janm mande kote Seyè a? Yo menm mwen te fè konnen lòd mwen yo, yo pa konnen m' ankò. Chèf yo trayi m'. Pwofèt yo pale nan non Baal. Y'ap kouri dèyè zidòl ki pa ka fè anyen pou yo.
Jere FinBibli 2:8  Papit ei ajatelleet, kussa Herra on; lainoppineet ei tunteneet minua, paimenet luopuivat minusta ja prophetat ennustivat Baalin kautta ja seurasivat kelvottomia.
Jere SpaRV 2:8  Los sacerdotes no dijeron: ¿Dónde está Jehová? y los que tenían la ley no me conocieron; y los pastores se rebelaron contra mí, y los profetas profetizaron en Baal, y anduvieron tras lo que no aprovecha.
Jere WelBeibl 2:8  Wnaeth yr offeiriaid ddim gofyn, ‘Ble mae'r ARGLWYDD?’ Doedd y rhai sy'n dysgu'r Gyfraith ddim yn fy nabod i. Roedd yr arweinwyr yn gwrthryfela yn fy erbyn, a'r proffwydi'n rhoi negeseuon ar ran y duw Baal, ac yn dilyn delwau diwerth.
Jere GerMenge 2:8  Die Priester fragten nicht: ›Wo ist der HERR?‹, und die Hüter des Gesetzes kannten mich nicht, die Hirten des Volkes fielen von mir ab, und die Propheten weissagten durch den Baal und liefen den Götzen nach, die doch nicht zu helfen vermögen.
Jere GreVamva 2:8  Οι ιερείς δεν είπον, Που είναι ο Κύριος; και οι κρατούντες τον νόμον δεν με εγνώρισαν· και οι ποιμένες εγίνοντο παραβάται εναντίον μου, και οι προφήται προεφήτευον διά του Βάαλ και περιεπάτουν οπίσω πραγμάτων ανωφελών.
Jere UkrOgien 2:8  Священики не повіли́: де Господь? А ті, хто тримає Зако́на, Мене не пізна́ли, і па́стирі повідпада́ли від Мене, а пророки Ваа́лом пророкува́ли, та за тими пішли, хто вам не допомо́же,
Jere FreCramp 2:8  Les prêtres n'ont pas dit : " Où est Yahweh ? " Les dépositaires de la loi ne m'ont pas connu ; les pasteurs m'ont été infidèles, et les prophètes ont prophétisé par Baal ; et ils ont suivi ceux qui ne sont d'aucun secours.
Jere SrKDEkav 2:8  Свештеници не рекоше: Где је Господ? И који се баве законом не познаше ме, и пастири одусташе ме, и пророци пророковаше Валом и идоше за стварима залудним.
Jere PolUGdan 2:8  Kapłani nie pytali: Gdzie jest Pan? Ci, którzy zajmowali się prawem, nie poznali mnie. Pasterze odstąpili ode mnie i prorocy prorokowali przez Baala, i chodzili za bezużytecznymi rzeczami.
Jere FreSegon 2:8  Les sacrificateurs n'ont pas dit: Où est l'Éternel? Les dépositaires de la loi ne m'ont pas connu, Les pasteurs m'ont été infidèles, Les prophètes ont prophétisé par Baal, Et sont allés après ceux qui ne sont d'aucun secours.
Jere SpaRV190 2:8  Los sacerdotes no dijeron: ¿Dónde está Jehová? y los que tenían la ley no me conocieron; y los pastores se rebelaron contra mí, y los profetas profetizaron en Baal, y anduvieron tras lo que no aprovecha.
Jere HunRUF 2:8  A papok nem kérdezték: Hol van az Úr? A törvény magyarázói nem ismertek, népem pásztorai hűtlenül elhagytak engem; a próféták Baal nevében prófétáltak, és haszontalanságok után jártak.
Jere DaOT1931 2:8  Præsterne spurgte ikke: »Hvor er HERREN?« De, der syslede med Loven, kendte mig ikke, Hyrderne faldt fra mig, og Profeterne profeterede ved Ba'al og holdt sig til Guder, som intet evner.
Jere TpiKJPB 2:8  Ol pris i no tok, BIKPELA i stap we? Na ol husat i yusim lo i no save long Mi. Ol pasta tu i kalapim lo i birua long Mi, na ol profet i autim tok profet long Beal, na wokabaut bilong bihainim ol samting i no helpim ol.
Jere DaOT1871 2:8  Præsterne sagde ikke: Hvor er Herren? og de, som omgikkes med Loven, kendte mig ikke, og Hyrderne gjorde Overtrædelse imod mig; og Profeterne spaaede ved Baal og vandrede efter dem, der ikke kunde gavne.
Jere FreVulgG 2:8  Les prêtres n’ont pas dit : Où est le Seigneur ? Les dépositaires de la loi ne m’ont pas connu ; les pasteurs ont prévariqué envers moi ; les prophètes ont prophétisé au nom de Baal, et ils ont suivi les idoles.
Jere PolGdans 2:8  Kapłani nie rzekli: Gdzież jest Pan? ani ci, którzy się obierają uczeni w zakonie, poznali mię, i pasterze odstąpili odemnie, i prorocy prorokowali przez Baala, i za rzeczami nie użytecznemi chodzili.
Jere JapBungo 2:8  祭司はヱホバは何處にいますといはず律法をあつかふ者は我を知らず牧者は我に背き預言者はバアルによりて預言し益なきものに從へり
Jere GerElb18 2:8  Die Priester sprachen nicht: Wo ist Jehova? Und die das Gesetz handhabten, kannten mich nicht, und die Hirten fielen von mir ab; und die Propheten weissagten durch den Baal und sind denen nachgegangen, welche nichts nützen.