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Judi CPDV 8:26  And as for us, therefore, let us not revenge ourselves for these things that we suffer.
Judi DRC 8:26  As for us therefore let us not revenge ourselves for these things which we suffer.
Judi KJVA 8:26  Remember what things he did to Abraham, and how he tried Isaac, and what happened to Jacob in Mesopotamia of Syria, when he kept the sheep of Laban his mother’s brother.
Judi VulgSist 8:26  Et nos ergo non ulciscamur nos pro his, quae patimur,
Judi VulgCont 8:26  Et nos ergo non ulciscamur nos pro his, quæ patimur,
Judi Vulgate 8:26  et nos ergo non ulciscamur nos pro his quae patimur
Judi VulgHetz 8:26  Et nos ergo non ulciscamur nos pro his, quæ patimur,
Judi VulgClem 8:26  Et nos ergo non ulciscamur nos pro his quæ patimur,
Judi CzeB21 8:26  Jen si vzpomeňte, jak naložil s Abrahamem, jak zkoušel Izáka a co se přihodilo Jákobovi, když v syrské Mezopotámii pásl ovce svého strýce Lábana.