Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
that as long as we are being remembered, we remain alive.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon |
Aquella noche Mijail me conto que el creia que la vida nos concede a cada uno de nosotros unos escasos momentos de pura felicidad. A veces son solo dias o semanas. A veces, anos. Todo depende de nuestra fortuna. El recuerdo de esos momentos nos acompana para siempre y se transforma en un pais de la memoria al que tratamos de regresar durante el resto de nuestra vida sin consegurilo.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Before we knew it, we were walking along the breakwater until the whole city, shining with silence, speak out at our feet like the greatest mirage in the universe, emerging from the pool of the harbor waters. We sat on the edge of the jetty to gaze at the sight. "This city is a sorceress, you know, Daniel? It gets under your skin and steals your soul without you knowing it."
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Presents are made for the pleasure of the one who gives them, not for the merits of those who receive them,' said my father. 'Besides, it can't be returned. Open it.' I undid the carefully wrapped package in the dim light of dawn. It contained a shiny carved wooden box, edged with gold rivets. Even before opening it, I was smiling. The sound of the clasp when it unlocked was exquisite, like the ticking of a watch. Inside, the case was lined..
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
I stopped asking my father to take me to see Victor Hugo's pen, and he didn't mention it again. That world seemed to have vanished, but for a long time the image I had of my father, which I still preserve today, was that of a thin man wearing an old suit that was too large for him and a secondhand hat he had bought on Calle Condal for seven pesetas, a man who could not afford to buy his son a wretched pen that was useless but seemed to mean..
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
El amor es la unica piedra que siempre tropieza con el mismo hombre
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Making money isn't hard in itself," he complained. "What's hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one's life to." --
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Il mondo non verra distrutto da una bomba atomica, come dicono i giornali, ma da una risata, da un'eccesso di banalita che trasformera la realta in una barzelletta di pessimo gusto.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Godigi sakot, es par sievietem neko daudz nezinu. - Zinat nezina neviens: ne Freids, ne ari vins pasas, bet tas ir tapat ka ar elektribu, nevajag zinat, ka ta darbojas, lai dabutu pa pirkstiem.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Televizija, draugs Daniel, ir antikrists, un es jums saku, ka pietiks ar trim vai cetram paaudzem, lai cilveki pasi neprastu pat nopirsties, un cilveciska butne agriezisies ala, viduslaiku tumsoniba, un taja mulkibas stavokli, ko kailgliemezis parvareja jau pleistocena laikmeta. Si pasaule neies boja no autombumbas, ka raksta laikrakstos, ta nomirs no smiekliem, no banalitates, visu parversot par joku, un turklat sliktu joku.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Me vi entonces a mi mismo a traves de sus ojos; apenas un muchacho transparente que creia haber ganado el mundo en una hora y que todavia no sabia que podia perderlo en un minuto.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
una religion viene a ser un codigo moral que se expresa mediante leyendas, mitos o cualquier tipo de artefacto literario a fin de establecer un sistema de creencias, valores y normas con los que regular una cultura o una sociedad.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Toda a arte e agressiva, Isabella. E toda a vida de artista e uma pequena ou uma grande guerra, a comecar pelo proprio e pelas suas limitacoes. Para chegar a alguma coisa que te proponhas e preciso primeiro a ambicao e depois o talento, o conhecimento e, por fim, a oportunidade.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Meinem Eindruck nach ist der arme Martin nicht einmal in der Lage, seine Schugrosse niederzuschreiben, und verharrt meistens in einer Art von Fegefeuer, das er in seinem eigenen Kopf aufgebaut hat, wo ihn Gewissensbisse und Schmerz bei lebendigem Leib aufzehren.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Ich habe mir immer gedacht, wer sich einer Herde angehorig zugehorig fuhlt, hat etwas von einem Hammel.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Non cattiva>> replico Fermin. <
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Falar e de ignorantes, calar e de cobardes, ouvir e de sabios
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
God bless, and don't hesitate never to come back here again.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Step by step the narrative split into a thousand stories, as if it had entered a gallery of mirrors, its identity fragmented into endless reflections.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Il sistema piu efficace per rendere inoffensivi i poveri e insegnare loro a imitare i ricchi.>>
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Quid pro quo.>> <> <>
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Welcome to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, Daniel." I could make out about a dozen human figures scattered among the library's corridors and platforms. Some of them turned to greet me from afar, and I recognized the faces of various colleagues of my father's, fellows of the secondhand-booksellers' guild. To my ten-year-old eyes, they looked like a brotherhood of alchemists in furtive study. My father knelt next to me and, with his eyes fix..
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Fumul albastru al tigarii ii invaluia chipul. Buzele ii straluceau stacojii, umede, sangerand urme pe filtrul pe care-l tinea intre aratator si inelar.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Dumneavoastra v-as putea spune ca e inima, insa ceea ce-l ucide e singuratatea. Amintirile sunt mai rele decat gloantele.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Blessed be the one at whom the fools bark, because his soul will never belong to them.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
One of the pitfalls of childhood is that one doesn't have to understand something to feel it. By the time the mind is able to comprehend what has happened, the wounds of the heart are already too deep.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Ambos se preguntaban si habian sido las cartas que les habia servido la vida, o si habia sido el modo en que las habian jugado.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
La envidia es la religion de los mediocres. Los reconforta, responde a las inquietudes que los roen por dentro y, en ultimo termino, les pudre el alma y les permite justificar su mezquindad y su codicia hasta creer que son virtudes y que las puertas del cielo solo se abriran para los infelices como ellos,
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
No tenia sueno, ni ganas de tentarlo.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
sometimes what matters isn't what one gives but what one gives up.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Al oir tamanas blasfemias, la Bernarda se santiguaba por quintuplicado. Mas tarde, por la noche, decia una oracion extra por el alma poluta del senor Barcelo, que tenia buen corazon, pero a quien de tanto leer se le habian podrido los sesos, como a don Quijote.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Nada engana mas que los recuerdos.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
The words with which a child's heart is poisoned, through malice or through ignorance, remain branded in his memory, and sooner or later they burn his soul.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
La muerte tiene estas cosas: a todo el mundo le despierta la sensibleria. Frente a un ataud, todos vemos solo lo bueno o lo que queremos ver.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Le podria decir a usted que es el corazon, pero lo que lo mata es la soledad. Los recuerdos son peores que las balas.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Don Ricardo wanted a successor worthy of himself. Jorge would always be cocooned in the privileges of his class, hiding from his mediocrity in creature comforts. Penelope, the beautiful Penelope, was a woman, and therefore a treasure, not a treasurer. Julian, who had the soul of a poet, and therefore the soul of a murderer, fulfilled all the requirements. It was only a question of time.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
What's hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one's life to.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Al leer ponemos la mente y el alma, y esos son bienes cada dia mas escasos.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
La poesia miente, aunque en bonito.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Poesia aparte, una religion viene a ser un codigo moral que se expresa mediante leyendas, mitos o cualquier tipo de artefacto literario a fin de establecer un sistema de creencias, valores y normas con los que regular una cultura o una sociedad.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don't stop at your station.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
few things leave a deeper mark on a reader than the first book that finds its way into his heart. Those first images, the echo of words we think we have left behind, accompany us throughout our lives and sculpt a palace in our memory to which, sooner or later--no matter how many books we read, how many worlds we discover, or how much we learn or forget--we will return. For me those enchanted pages will always be the ones I found among the p..
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
men, as is more than evident, respond, contrariwise, to the dictates of their genital and digestive organs.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |