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d960f9b People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living weren't already complicated enough. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
14dfc13 Es imposible iniciar un dialogo racional con una persona respecto a creencias y conceptos que no ha adquirido mediante la razon. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
4ffbae9 Una de las trampas de la infancia es que no hace falta comprender algo para sentirlo. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
df13749 Nu ma puteam abtine sa nu ma gandesc ca, daca eu, din pura intamplare, descoperisem un intreg univers intr-o singura carte necunoscuta din infinitatea acelei necropole, alte zeci de mii ramaneau neexplorate, uitate pentru totdeauna. M-am simtit inconjurat de milioane de pagini abandonate, de universuri si de suflete fara stapan, care se cufundau intr-un ocean de bezna, in timp ce lumea care palpita in afara acelor ziduri isi pierdea memoria.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7ab40b1 M-am gandit cat de mult imi doream sa ma refugiez in privirea aceea fugara care se temea ca e transparenta, goala. M-am gandit la singuratatea ce avea sa ma cuprinda in noaptea aceea, cand aveam sa ma despart de ea, in lipsa de alte trucuri sau povesti cu care sa-mi castig compania ei. M-am gandit la cat de putine aveam sa-i ofer si cat de multe voiam de la ea. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ae776da Cuanto mas oia de aquella historia, mas perdido me sentia. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
411255a If you don't know where you're going, you won't get anywhere, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
746c394 El sueno y la fatiga llamaban a mi puerta, pero me resisti a rendirme. No queria perder el hechizo de la historia ni todavia decir adios a sus personajes Carlos Ruiz Zafón
af027e4 No conocia el placer de leer, de explorar puertas que se te abren en el alma, de abandonarse a la imaginacion, a la belleza y al misterio de la ficcion y del lenguaje. libros Carlos Ruiz Zafón
c0c97a0 Not evil,' Fermin objected. 'Moronic, which isn't quite the same thing. Evil presupposes a moral decision, intention, and some forethought. A moron or a lout, however, doesn't stop to think or reason. He acts on instinct, like an animal, convinced that he's doing good, that he's always right, and sanctimoniously proud to go around fucking up, if you'll excuse the French, anyone he perceives to be different from himself, be it because of ski.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
d80b50c Quando cheguei a rua ainda levava o seu rosto,a sua voz e o seu cheiro cravados na alma. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
085e615 He held an unlit cigar in his mouth and had more hair in each eyebrow than most people have on their entire head. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
a7a454b Funny people, the Swiss," he said. "While the rest of us hide our sins, they stuff theirs with liqueur, wrap them in silver paper, add a ribbon, and sell them at the price of gold. The prefect has just sent me a huge box of chocolates from Zurich," Carlos Ruiz Zafón
306bd5a A good friend once told me that problems are like cockroaches," he said in the joking tone he used when he wanted to say something serious. "If you bring them out into the light, they get scared and leave." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
9715b16 Najczesciej zdajemy sobie sprawe z jalowosci przezywanych przez nas dni dopiero wtedy, kiedy jest nam dane zyc naprawde. Czasem te chwile sa krotkie jak rozblysk swiatla: tylko kilka godzin, jeden dzien, tydzien, moze miesiac. Wiemy, ze jestesmy zywi, bo czujemy bol, bo nagle wszystko zaczyna nabierac znaczenia, i kiedy ten krotki czas sie konczy, cala reszta naszego zycia staje sie wspomnieniem, do ktorego nadaremno staramy sie powrocic, p.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
5b0b743 Cuando solo se habla por hablar, poco se piensa y aun menos se hace. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
eddbd3f l 'fhm m ldhy Hdth ly. `dhrny, wlkn fy b`D l'Hyn mn lshl 'n ythq lmr bshkhS Gryb. wmn ydry lsbb - rbm l'n lGryb yrn km nHn `l~ Hqyqtn, wlys km nryd nHn 'n yrn lakhrwn Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1c18656 l shy qdr `l~ lt'thyr fy lqr~ 'kthr mn lktb l'wl ldhy yms lqlb Hq, dh 'n Sd~ lklmt lty nZn b'nn nsynh yrfqn Twl lHy@, w yshyd fy dhkrtn mnzlan sn`wd lyh `jlan 'm ajlan . l yhm Hshd lktb l'khr~ lty swf nqrw'h. w l `dd l`wlm lty swf nktshfh, w l Ht~ mqdr l'mwr lty swf nt`lmh thm nnsh Carlos Ruiz Zafón
aa35050 Zloca pretpostavlja moralnu odluku, nakanu i stanoviti promisljaj. Debili ili prostak ne razmislja niti rezonira. On djeluje nagonski, kao zvijer, uvjeren da postupa ispravno, da uvijek ima pravo i ponosan je sto podjebava, s oprostenjem, svakoga tko mu se ucini drukcijim, pa bilo to bojom, vjerom, jezikom, nacionalnoscu ili, kao u slucaju gospodina Federica, slobodnim aktivnostima. Na svijetu nam treba vise istinski zlih ljudi, a manje pot.. glupost sjena-vjetra zlo Carlos Ruiz Zafón
32f31fb Frente a un ataud, todos vemos solo lo bueno o lo que queremos ver. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
2191864 la fe se encuentra cuando no se busca y llegara el dia en que sea su corazon, no su mente, el que anhele la purificacion del alma. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
c983d65 la mujer desea lo contrario de lo que piensa o declara, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
71c71bb A la mujer de verdad se la gana uno poco a poco. Es todo cuestion de psicologia, como una buena faena en la plaza. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
aaeeda8 que la vida pasa volando, especialmente la parte que vale la pena vivir. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
17a1b0f El corazon de la hembra es un laberinto de sutilezas que desafia la mente cerril del varon trapacero. Si quiere usted de verdad poseer a una mujer, tiene que pensar como ella, y lo primero es ganarse su alma. El resto, el dulce envoltorio mullido que le pierde a uno el sentido y la virtud, viene por anadidura. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ffc29d1 Bea dice que el arte de leer se esta muriendo muy lentamente, que es un ritual intimo, que un libro es un espejo y que solo podemos encontrar en el lo que ya llevamos dentro, que al leer ponemos la mente y el alma, y que esos son bienes cada dia mas escasos. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
509a996 Presents are made for the pleasure of who gives them, not for the merits of who receives them, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ec0e2cd Uno sabe que esta vivo porque duele, porque de repente todo importa y porque cuando ese breve momento se acaba, el resto de su existencia se transforma en un recuerdo al que intenta regresar en vano mientras le queda aliento en el cuerpo. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b2942ac U beskrajnom univerzumu bilo je previse stvari koje su izmicale ljudskom razumijevanju. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
5f2a9ea Kolo srece pocelo se okretati, ali ovaj put on nije bacio kockice. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b85fac9 Darovi se daju iz uzitka onoga tko daje, ne prema zasluzi onoga koji prima. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
48f2208 kn shGwfan blktb 'kthr mn shGfh blHy@ Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ee19a21 Como nos ensena Freud, la mujer desea lo contrario de lo que piensa o declara, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
8390880 She let herself be lulled by the perfume of the words and was soon lost among them, succumbing to the torrent of images and rhythms that oozed from the story of Ariadna's adventures and her descent into the depths of that enchanted Barcelona. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
2cf7895 The index of punditry in a society is inversely proportional to its intellectual solvency... When people choose overheated opinions over cold facts, the social order reverts to moronocracy. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b55bc72 When a rat sneaks in, there's no way of getting rid of it. You give it poison, and it eats it. You set up a rat trap, and it shits on it. A rat is the most difficult thing in the world to get rid of. Because rats are cowards. Because they hide. Because they think they're cleverer than you. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
96237e6 She wanted to believe him with the yearning that comes with the suspicion that truth hurts, and that cowards live longer and better, even if they do so in the prison of their own lies. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
5d266d1 There would be time enough later on to hide the dead and invent stories. Now was the moment to pull out the knives and pay homage to cruelty. Wars soil everything, but they clean the memory. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
8bad80e It's aquarium light and it's cathedral ceilings offered asylum and a lounge where coffee substitutes were served to those who still try to believe that life went on, and that tomorrow, or perhaps the day after tomorrow, would be just another day. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7594434 The initial months of the war had left Barcelona plunged in a strange somnolence of fear and internal skirmishes. The fascist Rebellion had failed in Barcelona in the first few days after the coup, and there were those who wanted to believe that the war was now a distant event, that in the end it would be seen as just one more piece of bravado from generals with little stature and even less shame. In a matter of weeks, they said, everything.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
a1a98ff He] taught me that a book is never finished and that, with luck, it's the book that leaves us so we don't spend the rest of Eternity rewriting it. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
4c17c65 In that case I feel sorry for you.' 'Then perform an act of charity. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
661889a El territorio de los seres humanos es la vida. La muerte no nos pertenece. marina Carlos Ruiz Zafón
fbf52c2 Tonterias lo son todo en esta vida. Es simplemente una cuestion de perspectiva. Carlos Ruiz Zafón