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0713d83 Sometimes, the things that are the most real only happen in one's imagination, Oscar, she said. We only remember what never really happened. memories Carlos Ruiz Zafón
a8aab05 Si regala qualcosa per il piacere di farlo,non perche qualcuno lo meriti o meno Carlos Ruiz Zafón
d90d124 To achieve anything you must first have ambition and then talent, knowledge, and finally the opportunity. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b1cd1e3 I had not understood that this was a story about lonely people, about absence and loss, and that that was why I had taken refuge in it until it became confused with my own life, like someone who has escaped into the pages of a novel because those whom he needs to love seem nothing more than ghosts inhabiting the mind of a stranger. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b05e77d Time has taught me not to lose hope, yet not to trust too much in hope either. Hope is cruel, and has no conscience. For Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b3d1e6d I wondered what on earth she saw in me that could make her want to befriend me, other than a pale reflection of herself, an echo of solitude and loss. In my schoolboy reveries, we were always two fugitives riding on the spine of a book, eager to escape into worlds of fiction and secondhand dreams. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
07015f1 Se que no es usted hombre de fe, Edmond, pero la fe se encuentra cuando no se busca y llegara el dia en que sea su corazon, no su mente, el que anhele la purificacion del alma. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7e49eac Niama vtori shansove v zhivota, osven za ugrizeniiata. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
65640a8 A legend is a lie that has been whipped up to explain a universal truth. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
cc7fe74 We still have a lot of history to live through, Daniel, and what awaits us is no longer child's play. Are you with me? To that end of the world, which, for all we know, might only be around the corner? Carlos Ruiz Zafón
4bfbb28 Alicia was already walking down the street when the shop assistant stuck his head out of the door and called out, "Miss? You haven't told me your name ..." Alicia turned around and there Bonito a smile that left its mark on him all day and part of the night." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
19f6e9b Nothing is more surprising or frightening than what one already knows. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
9619031 A wise man is one who doesn't stir up volcanoes, revolutions, or pregnant females. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
77a9eed Alicia was already walking down the street when the shop assistant stuck his head out of the door and called out, "Miss? You haven't told me your name ..." Alicia turned around and threw Bonito a smile that left its mark on him all day and part of the night." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
51dedfd The world is simply the reflection of those of us who make it up. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f635299 Nothing keeps memory more alive than resentment. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f2ed186 Truth is never perfect, never squares with all expectations. Truth always poses doubts and questions. Only lies are one hundred percent believable, because they don't need to justify reality, they simply have to tell us what we want to hear. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
780326c David Martin taught me many things: how to create a sentence, how to think about language and all its devices as an orchestra in search of a musical score, how to analyse a text and understand how it is constructed and why ... He taught me to read and write again, but this time I knew what I was doing, why, and what for. And above all how. He never tired of telling me that in literature there is only one real theme: not what is narrated, bu.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
e9c19fe Bea had always detested visiting the city of the dead, where all she saw was a morbid staging of death and a poor attempt at convincing terrified visitors that ancestry and good names persevere even in the hereafter. She deplored the idea that an army of architects, sculptors, and artisans had sold their talents to construct such a sumptuous necropolis and populate it with statues in which the spirits of death leaned over to kiss the forehe.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
afe6e2d Her face was lined with bitterness and her eyes looked glazed, tired of hating and weeping in solitude. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
0201d32 The very thought that the poor creature could still hold the slightest bit of affection for him or for the world seem too cruel. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
2c59273 Finally, in a slow, deliberate manner, and with a calm and authoritarian composure of a preacher who knows the meekness of his flock, he drew the microphone to his lips and began his homily. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f7d7c19 This is where tragedies and romances began and ended, as did escapes and returns, betrayals and absences. Life, some said, is a railway station where one almost always enters, or it gets put into, the wrong carriage. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b6a5b3a In the end Alicia had accepted that heavy piece as she done with so many of Leandro's offerings, in a tacit agreement of submission and pretense, where the unmentionable was sealed with a cold smile of politeness and a veil of silence, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
65bb94c I hope you find the path that I missed. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
34d379e You believe what it's possible to believe, not what you want to believe. Unless you're an idiot, in which case it's the other way around. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
632ddc8 When you're young, you see the world as it should be, and when you're old you start to see it as it really is. You'll be cured eventually. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b6b8546 Hope is no more than the belief that that moment hasn't yet come, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
acfdbe1 She'll live. I've already seen her return from among the dead once before, and those who learn the trick never forget it. I speak from experience. To return from the dead is a bit like riding a bike, or unfastening a girl's bra with a single hand. It's all a question of getting the knack. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f08dadd Those who aren't able to fall in love suffer all the more. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f1a248e I've never been one for naps. What I go for is insomnia elevated to an art form. I'll catch up on sleep when I die. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1129b61 Are you sure you don't think that if you save someone decent, you'll save the world, or at least the possibility that something good might be left in it? Carlos Ruiz Zafón
db49339 The most sincere pain is experienced alone. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
431d738 A parent never sees his children grow old. To a father's eyes, they always seem like those kids who once looked up at him with veneration, convinced that he had the answers to all the mysteries of the universe. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
cc2be92 Perhaps Bernarda was right after all, and in this lousy world, sometimes, some things did end the way they should. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
21c3d1b Nobody succeeds without failing first. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
fa19d87 Leandro's thesis was that after a particular point in a man's life, his future is invariably in his past. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1a3ccaa One has to make one's own mistakes, not other people's. Do what you have to do and come back soon. Or whenever you can. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ca79642 A couple of days without a dictator, and you Spaniards have already become bisexual. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1cc8eb8 Daniel recognized in him a pale reflection of the man he'd leaned to hate. Nothing remained of his regal face, of his arrogant demeanor and his haughty presence . Someone or something has ripped out everything that could be taken from a human being until all that remained was a longing for darkness and oblivion Carlos Ruiz Zafón
fb69854 Tell our stories to the world, and never forget that we exist so long as someone remembers us. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
684d19f What all doctors say: what doesn't kill you makes you fat. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
23b6d89 To write is to rewrite, he kept reminding me. One writes for oneself, and one rewrites for others. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
8f6015a A story has no beginning and no end, only points of entry. Carlos Ruiz Zafón