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8020a7c Caro... I don't understand - why do you love me?" "Just because... because the sky is blue and the sea is green." Jane Harvey-Berrick
9cf1ac6 Thank God for you, Caro. Jane Harvey-Berrick
d9c377f Why didn't you come back?" he sobbed. "I waited and waited for you, like I said I would, but you never came back! Why? Why didn't you come back? I love you I love you I love you." Jane Harvey-Berrick
c1ebc29 It didn't matter what I wore, or how much sleep I'd had or not had, he always looked at me as if his world began and ended with me. Jane Harvey-Berrick
3695430 There were so many things Sebastian and I had to work out: we'd both been single for so long that blending our lives together wasn't going to be easy. I'd promised Sebastian we'd find a way. He deserved to be loved for everything he was. And for whatever crazy reason he had, he loved me, too. romance Jane Harvey-Berrick
b59e123 I don't want to be defined by this. Jane Harvey-Berrick
e0e2d57 Contemplating leaving everything I had ever known of one ill-advised hour of passionate lunacy. Jane Harvey-Berrick
34ec94c It's like doing one of those dumb math problems: three people are driving at 20mph in a car carrying two gallons of gas and a horse doing yoga, when a car traveling at 30mph with two clowns drinking cola collides, what time is it in Tokyo? It doesn't make any sense and the only answer I ever come up with is who Jane Harvey-Berrick
cb46c4b Jesus, if it comes down to it, I'll even write you a f*cking letter!" "I'll write you on both sides of the f*cking paper, Caro." Jane Harvey-Berrick
f972a32 I love you, Torrey Delaney. You don't have to say it back to me, but I love you. I didn't believe life was worth living until I met you. I'm so, so happy I was wrong. Jane Harvey-Berrick
f07a210 I love you," I said. "What we have, you and me, it's what I thought love should be, but I'd stopped believing it existed." Jane Harvey-Berrick
3f2ffb1 I felt like my lungs weren't big enough to breathe her in, and my heart couldn't beat fast enough to love her the way I wanted to. Jane Harvey-Berrick
9dd2f25 There's nothing to forgive ... We fell in love: it's not a crime. Jane Harvey-Berrick
1be2db7 He didn't care what people thought about the way he looked. He knew that his tats, his piercings, the way he dressed, gave people a giant fuck off message, and that suited him just fine. That shit was deliberate. Jane Harvey-Berrick
21484cd Something making you smile, Hunter?" "Yeah! I never got a round of applause before." "Maybe she was applauding me." "Nah, she thinks I'm a stud, I can tell." Jane Harvey-Berrick
d664392 Do you know what I dream about? My dream would be to die looking at the lights on the Ferris wheel. When I get old, when my body has given up, that's what I want to see. And in that dream, you're standing next to me. Jane Harvey-Berrick
92a03a7 Every man in this room wants you, Caro. I'm so fucking proud, I can't stop smiling. Jane Harvey-Berrick
4396d79 Yeah? Well, life happens while you're making other plans. Jane Harvey-Berrick
91f4289 I haven't changed how I feel. I still love you - I've always loved you. It's only ever been you. Jane Harvey-Berrick
ca8df10 But he interrupted me. "None of that matters. And I think you're wrong anyway -- I can't imagine not wanting you -- note ever. You're smart and funny and I enjoy being with you even when we don't... when we're not... making love. When I was eight years old, I used to imagine that you were my girlfriend and that we'd run away together. And then you left and I'd lost my best friend, too. I used to dream about you coming back. As I got older, .. the-education-of-sebastian Jane Harvey-Berrick
63f5b10 We wasted ten years and you're worried about a few thousand miles? Hell, we've got airplanes, we've got email, they've invented fucking cell phones. Jesus, if it comes down to it, I'll even write you a fucking letter. Jane Harvey-Berrick
e460447 But my beautiful boy was broken. I eased my hand free from his and leaned down to brush a kiss across his lips, sealing a promise that I'd made to him. "I love you so much. So much. You brought magic into my world the first day I saw you, and every day since--even when we were apart and I didn't want to remember. I won't let them take the magic away, Kes. I won't." I kissed him again, feeling the soft prickle of stubbled cheeks. "I'll be ba.. Jane Harvey-Berrick
3210bd4 He could breathe fire, he could eat flames, but the word 'love' burned on his lips. Jane Harvey-Berrick
771d504 I was old enough to know that magic didn't exist, and young enough to hope that I was wrong. I was sure that if magic belonged anywhere in the world, it was living and breathing right across the road in Mr. Peterson's field. Jane Harvey-Berrick
87db618 Hey, baby," he said quietly, his eyes searching my face. "I fucked up. I'm sorry." It killed me to hear those words, I'm sorry. Ever since I'd known him, I'd wanted Kes to apologize for something, anything. He never had. Until now. It was too much like giving in, and I hated it. I took a shuddering breath. I will not cry. "I go away for a few days and you get yourself all beat up." He gave me a small smile. "Yeah, I really did." I leaned do.. Jane Harvey-Berrick
fc7c5d4 Don't patronize me, Caro", he said, sounding even angrier. "You think I don't know what it means to make this commitment but I do ... Don't dismiss how I feel just because...just because I'm younger than you." Jane Harvey-Berrick
c7ec733 I was thinking about eating you, Chief, but as you're such a stubborn, annoying man, who makes me pissed with everything other sentence he utters from between his beautiful, badly-behaved likps, I thought I'd better tie you up first. What do you say? Jane Harvey-Berrick
36d618b I can't, Caro, it's out of my hands now. But I promise it's temporary. I just... after all this time... I wanted us to be able to spend more than a few hours together." He stared at his hands. "I don't know when I'll see you again," he mumbled. "I've already waited ten years." sebastian-to-caroline the-education-of-caroline Jane Harvey-Berrick
a009043 When he performs, he is all of us, the person we wish we could be. He is the hero in all of us. Jane Harvey-Berrick
355dfe9 It's hard to explain what those two weeks every summer meant to me. I lived for them, I breathed for them, and the rest of my life seemed to be spent waiting. Jane Harvey-Berrick
db3fb0b I make mistakes and I move on. That's what I do, that's what I've always done. I leave, and other people leave. You're the first person in my whole life who stayed. And then you were taken away. But now you're here again ... and you're trying to leave me. That fucking hurts, too. Jane Harvey-Berrick
b162c0e Saying that he's cute is like saying that it's dark at night. Jane Harvey-Berrick
05849fb I'm just allergic to cheating trollops - it makes me break out in sarcasm. Jane Harvey-Berrick
c22217d You've turned Mikey's death into a life sentence - for all of you - for Paul, for Jordan. You turned them into lifers. Jane Harvey-Berrick
e2e12c0 God, Caro. You make it all worthwhile," he said, kissing my hair. "Thank God for you." -- Jane Harvey-Berrick
418263f You've taught me everything I know. ... You've taught me who I can be, you've made me stronger. You make me want to see the magic in the world. I didn't know falling in love could this. Jane Harvey-Berrick
06191a3 I want you, Caro. I want to make love to you. I want to make love to you forever. My breath caught in my throat. Jane Harvey-Berrick
c6dfbb1 I wasn't jokin'," he said, holding my gaze. "I'm just so fuckin' grateful that you're here." He took a deep breath. "And I really want to kiss you right now." Jane Harvey-Berrick
3b7bd5a Well, Nicole, I was planning on taking her to bed and using her in ways that aren't even mentioned in the Kama Sutra, but now you've told me that, I think I should go take a cold shower instead. Jane Harvey-Berrick
b06745a I just don't want you thinkin' about any other guy when you're with me. I want you with me--all of you. It's not just fuckin'. Not for me, not with you. I know you think it's because I haven't slept with a woman in a long time, but it's not. It's because it's you, and I meant it when I said I wanted to make love to you. Jane Harvey-Berrick
4173207 The matter, Sebastian, is that you're a minor. What we've just done... what I've just done... it's against the law. It's a felony, for God's sake! Jane Harvey-Berrick
a8af297 Hunter: you promised me separate rooms, remember?" He looked like I'd just told him Christmas was cancelled." Jane Harvey-Berrick
b78a9ac Thank you for this, Sebastian. Thank you for bringing me." Sebastian's expression told me that outdoor sex at the top of a mountain pass in the snow was suddenly on his 'to do' list." Jane Harvey-Berrick
a198af1 No, baby, I'm all man," he said with a smirk, winking at her. "Want me to prove it?" Jane Harvey-Berrick
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