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da9b522 When a man can listen to a woman's feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift. He makes it safe for her to express herself. The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs. John Gray
33ee60d Men are motivated when they feel needed while women are motivated when they feel cherished. John Gray
a275183 when men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom " John Gray
a3c61f8 Because she is afraid of not being supported, she unknowingly pushes away the support she needs. John Gray
d258ee7 Love brings up our unresolved feelings . One day we are feeling loved , and the next day we are suddenly afraid to trust love . The painful memories of being rejected begin to surface when we are faced with trusting and accepting our partner's love . John Gray
fa4afb8 we are unique individuals with unique experiences John Gray
9db08b8 If we are to feel the positive feelings of love, happiness, trust, and gratitude, we periodically also have to feel anger, sadness, fear, and sorrow. relationships John Gray
ed416bf Men feel cherished when they are needed. Women feel cherished when they are loved. Indonesian version (Bahasa): relationship john gray
700738d If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and conflict. The secret of forming a successful relationship is for both partners to win. John Gray
3e3b4a6 n kbr tHdyt lrjl trjm@ klm lmr'@ dh tHdtht w msndth bltfhm wlt'yyd lmnsbyn llmwqf w lmsh`rh... w kbr tHdyt lmr'@ t'wyl Smt lrjl w msndth btqblh w d`mh bn ttrk lh lmsH@ lty yHtj lyh John Gray
5a1c598 Not to be needed is a slow death for a man. John Gray
a4fe9b8 Get the love you deserve and gave your partner the love and support he deserves John Gray
4613774 l ydrk lrjl b 'n lshy' lqlyl b lnsb@ ly lmr'@ mhm tmm mthl lshy' lkbyr :) John Gray
94e8ae2 w lns mthl lzhryt yHfzn w ytmkn `ndm ysh`rn b'nhn m`zzt ,, w `ndm l tsh`r mr'@ b'nh m`zz@ fy Tr `lq@ tSbH tdryjy msy'wl@ bTryq@ qhry@ w mnhk@ mn lbdhl lzy'd ,, w mn nHy@ 'khr~ `ndm tsh`r b'nh tlq~ lr`y@ w lHtrm fnh tkwn mshb`@ wldyh lmzyd mn l`T 'yD . John Gray
60b9440 Books can inspire you to love yourself more, but by listening to, writing out, or verbally expressing your feelings you are actually doing it. John Gray
dc48e5b tsh`r lmr'h bld`m wlmsndh dh Sdq lrjl msh`rh , wysh`r lrjl blr`y@ wlhtmm dh wfqth lmr'@ fkrh John Gray
34cdf6e Most people today think they belong to a species that can be master of its destiny. This is faith, not science. We do not speak of a time when whales or gorillas will be masters of their destinies. Why then humans? John Gray
c894a7d Men need to remember that women talk about problems to get close and not necessarily to get solutions. John Gray
4f434fd lmshrk@ fy mshkltk m` shkhS akhr t`tbr `l~ sTH lzhr@ fy lHqyq@ `lm@ Hb wthq@ wlys `by' John Gray
b5a00fc Hjt lns llsh`wr bltHsn `n Tryq ltHdth `n lmshklt 'm lrjl `n Tryq Hl lmshklt John Gray
ff387e2 We think our actions express our decisions. But in nearly all of our life, willing decides nothing. We cannot wake up or fall asleep, remember or forget our dreams, summon or banish our thoughts, by deciding to do so. When we greet someone on the street we just act, and there is no actor standing behind what we do. Our acts are end points in long sequences of unconscious responses. They arise from a structure of habits and skills that is al.. John Gray
01a60bd Mental chemistry creates interest, Emotional chemistry Generates Affection, Physical chemistry generates desire, and Spiritual chemistry creates love. A soulmate includes all four...and I will not settle for anything less! John Gray
a2bfea6 We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us they will react and behave in certain ways--the ways we react and behave when we love someone. John Gray
d73c1d2 Today, for the mass of humanity, science and technology embody 'miracle, mystery, and authority'. Science promises that the most ancient human fantasies will at last be realized. Sickness and ageing will be abolished; scarcity and poverty will be no more; the species will become immortal. Like Christianity in the past, the modern cult of science lives on the hope of miracles. But to think that science can transform the human lot is to belie.. John Gray
00b681e Humans cannot live without illusions. For the men and women of today, an irrational faith in progress may be the only antidote to nihilism. Without the hope that the future will be better than the past, they could not go on. John Gray
895631b Wanita senang hatinya bila mempunyai teman yang dapat berbagi kesulitannya. Lelaki senang hatinya bila dapat memecahkan kesulitannya sendirian di guanya. relationship John Gray
5151023 Humans think they are free, conscious beings, when in truth they are deluded animals. At the same time they never cease trying to escape from what they imagine themselves to be. Their religions are attempts to be rid of a freedom they have never possessed. In the twentieth century, the utopias of Right and Left served the same function. Today, when politics is unconvincing even as entertainment, science has taken on the role of mankind's de.. John Gray
a2b8c38 lny@ lHsn@ ltkfy.... n lwqw` fy lHb shy sHry dy'man....tsh`r k'nh 'bdy wk'nh sydwm l'bd...nn n`tqd bsdhj@ 'nn mstthnwn mn lmshklt lty wjhh aby'n w'mhtn wlywjd ldyn Htm b'n lHb qd ymwt wmTmy'nwn l~ 'nh wjd lybq~ w'nh mqdr ln 'n n`ysh s`d l~ l'bd ...!!! wlkn lsHr ytqhqr wtkwn lGlb@ llHy@ lywmy@..!!! wyZhr ll`yn 'n lrjl ytwq`wn mn lns 'n yfkrn w'n tkwn rdwd 'f`lhn mthl lrjl wlns ytwq`n 'n ysh`r lrjl wytSrfnwn mthl lns wdwn w`y SryH bkhtlftn fn.. John Gray
8f5b60f humankind's presence on Earth is nothing but a cancer John Gray
05801e2 When negative feelings are suppressed positive feelings become suppressed as well, and love dies. John Gray
6105a09 Long after the traces of the human animal have disappeared, many of the species it is bent on destroying will still be around, along with others that have yet to spring up. The Earth will forget mankind. The play of life will go on. extinction humans the-coast-opposite-of-humanity unsaved John Gray
0848d32 Remember, if a man needs to pull away like a rubber band, when he returns he will be back with a lot more love. Then he can listen. This is the best time to initiate conversation. John Gray
bfd8632 Those who struggle to change the world see themselves as noble, even tragic figures. Yet most of those who work for world betterment are not rebels against the scheme of things. They seek consolation for a truth they are too weak to bear. At bottom, their faith that the world can be transformed by human will is a denial of their own mortality. John Gray
a59d968 It is a strange fancy to suppose that science can bring reason to an irrational world, when all it can ever do is give another twist to a normal madness. John Gray
5b3411c That love motivates you to cooperate, respect, appreciate, cherish, and admire that person. John Gray
4da6e3c Nothing is more alien to the present age than idleness. If we think of resting from our labours, it is only in order to return to them. In thinking so highly of work we are aberrant. Few other cultures have ever done so. For nearly all of history and all prehistory, work was an indignity. John Gray
f4c1901 Human knowledge is one thing, human wellbeing another. There is no predetermined harmony between the two. The examined life may not be worth living. John Gray
9e7bfc8 Fortunately perfection is not a requirement for creating great relationships. John Gray
4389103 Today we have made a fetish of choice; but a chosen death is forbidden. Perhaps what distinguishes humans from other animals is that humans have learnt to cling more abjectly to life. dying-animals humans life straw-dogs suicide John Gray
7b15113 Anyone who truly wants to escape human solipsism should not seek out empty places. Instead of fleeing to desert, where they will be thrown back into their own thoughts, they will d better to seek out the company of other animals. A zoo is a better window from which to look out of the human world than a monastery. extinction humans the-end the-unsaved John Gray
363a773 A woman should not be judged for needing this reassurance, just as a man should not be judged for needing to withdraw. John Gray
6547c98 In Europe and Japan, bourgeois life lingers on. In Britain and America it has become the stuff of theme parks. The middle class is a luxury capitalism can no longer afford. John Gray
f3f4ed8 A man's deepest fear is that he is not good enough or that he is incompetent. He compensates for this fear by focusing on increasing his power and competence. Success, achievement, and efficiency are foremost in his life ... A man appears most uncaring when he is afraid. John Gray
a04c187 To think of humans as freedom-loving, you must be ready to view nearly all of history as a mistake. John Gray