Close your eyes, cover your ears with your hands and open your soul.
Kurban Said |
This was it; the Mystery of The Unseen, the Gate of Sorrow, that leads to the Grace of the Redeemer. I pressed my lips together, and my hands gripped the windowsill. I saw the hand of Fatima, and all the visible world sank away from me.
Kurban Said |
Maybe that is the one real division between men: wood men and desert men.
Kurban Said |
wHdh lSHr l tTrH 'sy'l@ wl tqdm shyy' wl t`d bshy
Kurban Said |
Before you trust your camel to Allah's protection, tie it fast on to your fence.
Kurban Said |
mn yfkr fy lGd l ymkn 'n ykwn shj`
Kurban Said |
Men should be told that there is no Black and no White, for Black is White and White is Black. So my advice is this: let us not do anything that might hurt anybody anywhere in the world, for we are part of each soul, and each soul is part of us." We sat silent, nonplussed. So this was the heresy of Bab. Suddenly I heard loud sobbing, turned round and saw Asadulla, his face bathed in tears, and distorted with grief."
Kurban Said |
lqd fhmt 'nhm shdydw lhtmm bmdrsn wlGtn wlmstshfyt wlHry@. wlkn m nf` lmdrs dh kn m yudrs fyh mjrd hr? m nf` lmstshfyt dh knt l t`lj l ljsd bynm tns~ 'mr lrwH? n 'rwHn thfw lldhhb l~ llh, lkn kl qwmy@ t`tqd 'nh tmlk rban lh wHdh, w'nh lrb lHq wlrb wlwHyd.
Kurban Said |
thm lzm wld~ lSmt wqd bdt `ynh mn`zltyn. kn y`rf m hw 'b`d mn hdh l`lm lwq`~, km kn... w`yan l`lm akhr ystTy` ln`zl fyh Hyth l ymkn lwSwl lyh fyh. lm ykn ld~ sw~ sh`wr mbhm `n mmlk@ hdh l`lm lakhr lmslm, ldh~ yj`l lmr qdran `l~ dfn l'Sdq wymknh m` dhlk ltHdth m` lnwt~ `n m`jzt jzr tshrdshw~. Trqt bb hdh l`lm wlkn lm yusmH l~ bldkhwl, fqd kntu shdyd lnhmk f~ wq`n lmw'lm.
Kurban Said |
Armenians have more imagination than Mohammedans.
Kurban Said |
Mag sein, dass die Leute sagen werden, ich bleibe daheim, um mich nicht von den dunklen Augen Ninos trennen zu mussen. Mag sein. Vielleicht haben diese Menschen auch recht. Denn diese dunklen Augen sind fur mich wie die heimatliche Erde, wie der Ruf der Heimat nach ihrem Sohn, den ein Fremder auf fremde Wege verleiten will. Ich bleibe, um die dunklen Augen der Heimat vor dem Unsichtbaren zu schutzen.
Kurban Said |
He rose, took a slender silver water can with a long slim neck and staggered out. After a while he came back and put the can on the floor. We all rose to congratulate him, for his body had cleared itself of superfluous matter.
Kurban Said |
Every man who invents something to kill other people easily, quickly and in as great numbers as possible is highly praised, he makes much money and a decoration is bestowed on him. That is good and right. War must be. But on the other hand the Europeans build many hospitals, and a man who during a war cures and feeds enemy soldiers is also praised and decorated
Kurban Said |