You try as a parent. You love beyond reason. You fight beyond endurance. You hope beyond despair. You never think, until the very last moment, that it still might not be enough.
Sure, they all have iPods, smartphones, whatever. Generally speaking, it's in our own best interest to keep some kind of electronic device in their hands. Otherwise they might talk to us.
You swim and you keep swimming without a thought in your head because that's what you have to do. And you do the push-ups and you jog and you do all the things beyond exhaustion because you have to. Then one day you'll discover you're in the zone and you don't feel your legs anymore, you don't feel your arms anymore. You exist just as motion. That's the zone. Then you can do anything.
Oh, for the love of God. There is no agent more agent than you. I swear you have pin-striped ties encrypted into your DNA. When you die, the coffin is going to read Property of the FBI.
Parents think the worst thing that can happen to their five-year-old is cancer. They're wrong; the worst thing that can happen to their five-year-old is mental illness.
They [Cops] were living in the media age, and in the media age, cops didn't get to fire their weapons. Cops were honored if they got themselves killed in the line of duty, but they were never suppose to draw their guns, not even in self-defense.
There's no rewind, or erasing, or unmaking. The things that happened, they are you, you are them. You can escape, but you can't get away. Just the way it is.
God give me the strength to change the things I can change, the courage to let go of the things I need to let go and the wisdom to know the difference. - Bobby Dodge
podes estar apaixonada e ao mesmo tempo incrivelmente so. Podes ter tudo o que sempre quiseste so para te dares conta que tudo o que querias estava errado. Podes ter um marido inteligente atraente e cheio de compaixao como o meu e mesmo assim nao o ter na realidade. E algumas vezes podes olhar para a tua filha linda e preciosa e ficar genuinamente ciumenta de quanto ele a ama em vez de ti.
And a man and woman should fight. Frankly, they should have a good head-to-head battle about every six months, then make love until they break the box springs.
start fresh." "And Maryanne?" "She's devastated about what James put us through. I think she'd like a fresh start, too, and more time with Nathan. On the other hand . . . you know, she really loves James. Even after everything, I don't think she can bring herself to leave him." James was in a coma. Between the blood loss and damage to his internal organs, his system had shut down. Doctors didn't think he'd ever regain consciousness. Mostly,..
Maybe she'd get a Siamese fighting fish. Or better yet, a ficus tree. God knows a plant would probably be a lot less offended that she ate take-out sushi almost every other night. It was a thought.