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5508212 You know, sweetheart, I know I'm fucked up. But if you think the guy trying to protect you instead of walk all over you is the one trying to run your life, you're just as fucked up as I am. Lisa Renee Jones
4eabe14 Lies; they always come back to haunt you. Lisa Renee Jones
786ac00 I prefer to think of it as a knack for coming to your rescue," he declares huskily and winks, before he proceeds to wipe up my mess. Oh good God. I've made Chris Merit my janitor. And, he winked at me. I can barely breathe." Lisa Renee Jones
5eb7150 It's our scars that define us, Sara. Diego has to live life to appreciate life." "Yes." A knot forms in my stomach at the idea that I still don't know how deeply Chris's scars define him." Lisa Renee Jones
150c8ff Great. I'm with the hottest man I've ever known and raccoons have crawled through my hair and settled under my eyes. Lisa Renee Jones
e0f87c2 His mouth comes down on mine, harder now, more demanding, a raw, hungry need in him rising to the surface. "You belong to me," he growls. "Say it." "Yes. Yes, I belong to you." His mouth finds mine again, demanding, taking, drawing me under his spell. "Say it again," he demands, nipping my lip, squeezing my breast and nipple, and sending a ripple of pleasure straight to my sex. "I belong to you," I pant. He lifts me off the ground with the .. Lisa Renee Jones
38f3722 How many of us allow others to define us and thus we become what they want us to be, not what we should be or could be? Lisa Renee Jones
2063fb3 When I want something, I go after it. And baby, I want you, and all I can say is you might be smart to run before I get any more into you, but please don't. Lisa Renee Jones
faea573 If you're worried I'll bite, I promise to tell you first. romantic-suspense Lisa Renee Jones
4d9465d I like to think I'm not stupid often, tonight proves that when I am, I do it in a big way. erotic-romance Lisa Renee Jones
3428947 Out of sight, out of mind. It's how i cope. Lisa Renee Jones
3db4170 Do you know what happens when you push a dragon? They burn you alive, baby. You're playing with fire. I've played with fire tonight with Chris, pushed him to be that dragon, and the way he's looking at me now, the way he sees what I do not want him to see, is burning me alive. I know in that moment that I cannot keep asking Chris to show me who he is and not be willing to show him all that I am. Lisa Renee Jones
8c5e1ff We just hold each other. Where I was once lost, he's found me. But I know now that I have only begun to truly discover Chris. He's still lost. Lisa Renee Jones
41d9432 For the first time perhaps ever, I am not denying the truth of all of my cracks. I am living them. Lisa Renee Jones
75490eb locking myself in a shell of an existence isn't healing. It's hiding. Lisa Renee Jones
790282c Dirty?" I supply. "Yes. It was. And I am. And so are you or you wouldn't know what a hard limit is." Lisa Renee Jones
a8d2c9b It's our scars that define us. Lisa Renee Jones
0f36e60 I love...being with you. Lisa Renee Jones
9c0e9fa There's a price for not taking care of yourself as you claim you do so well." His eyes lift to mine and there is mischief in their depths. "I'll have to punish you." I glower at his reference to how well I take care of myself. "Don't be a smart-ass. I can take care of myself." "So you say." His lips quirk, his eyes twinkle, and his dark mood has lightened in a flash as it often does. "I'm just looking out for us both. I need you alive and w.. Lisa Renee Jones
4d15f94 Baby, I held back today to let you get over all you've been through. But don't let that mislead you. You wouldn't be here if I planned on protecting you from me. contemporary-romance erotica Lisa Renee Jones
d4ffb70 Darkness surrounded me, a complete absence of light that left me shaking inside. No. It wasn't the darkness that had me shaking. It was him. I could feel him, even if I could not see him. Oh yes, I could feel him. In every pore of my body, every nerve ending I owned, I could feel him. Lisa Renee Jones
c895c70 We are two messed-up people destined to destroy each other, but I can't walk away. No. Can't isn't the issue. I simply don't want to. Lisa Renee Jones
6caffd6 Tell me I helped," I say, and it's a demand. I need to know I can be what he needs, that we can get through the darkness together. "You do more than help. You're the reason I take my next breath." The hoarse declaration whispers against my lips a moment before he kisses me, the tenderness in the touch of his tongue caressing mine telling me more than his words." Lisa Renee Jones
5bbf24f You have this deer-in-headlights look sometimes that I'm sure means you're going to run. Run to me, Amy, not from me. Lisa Renee Jones
7d0ed0c Money doesn't determine worth. Lisa Renee Jones
f39b11b Who says I have rules?" She waves off my question. "Oh, please. You have so many rules, your rules have rules." Lisa Renee Jones
b389607 Where I needed to go was where I ended up. I was shutting you out, like I shut everything out, and you pulled me back. You made me see what was important. What's real. You made me see you." His lips brush mine. "See me now, Sara." "I do see you." "No. You don't. You see what happened tonight and what you've decided that means for us. See me now, Sara, like you made me see you." He kisses the corner of my mouth and his lips travel down my ja.. Lisa Renee Jones
a76337a His eyes hold mine and the depth of power and heat I find there are as limitless as what he makes me feel. Lisa Renee Jones
dee76d4 He pulls the door shut behind him and drags me against him, murmuring softly, "I understand why you left. I understand everything." I cling to him, holding on for what feels like dear life. "I should have told you." "You would have." He pulls back to look at me. "When you were ready. We all have to deal with our inner demons in our own way, in our own time." Lisa Renee Jones
5d484bd You're afraid to count on me." "I'm afraid of not being able to count on me." There is a hint of emotion in his stare before his expression becomes unreadable. He drops his hand from my arm. "I understand," he states, his voice monotone, his expression impassive. I think I've hurt him, and reality slaps me in the face. I've let myself think of him as some kind of demon, to avoid the real demons of my past. In two small steps I am in front o.. Lisa Renee Jones
3cbf391 I told you I do not do anything because I have to. And I don't. But to be inside you right now, baby, I have to. I need to. And, yes - right here in the kitchen. Lisa Renee Jones
d624f19 My boss is dictating my preventive hangover care, and I just used the word swords in reference to his obvious cockfight with the man I just made out with in a public hallway. I am truly in an alternate universe. Lisa Renee Jones
e607bce But then two lost souls searching for an escape should connect, I reason. Lisa Renee Jones
6aadfc4 The past is a part of you and us. You can store it away someplace different, but you can't make it go away. And you can't even resolve it until you, we, face it. Lisa Renee Jones
f76852e We attack the problems. They don't attack us. Lisa Renee Jones
83360f8 live life to appreciate life. Lisa Renee Jones
f54e84e My head drops back and I have a fleeting out-of-body moment where I see myself in the window, my hands tied above my head with my legs wrapped around the neck of Chris Merit, while he does delicious things to my body. contemporary-romance erotica Lisa Renee Jones
8909900 Other People's Perfection is a facade we create when we are second guessing ourselves.....Sara to Amanda Lisa Renee Jones
304bf3a You do know Chris is thoroughly fucked-up, don't you?" My reply is instant, defensive. Protective. "Aren't we all?" "Not like Chris." I don't ask how he knows. It could be the club. Maybe a friendship that once was and is now lost. It doesn't matter. "It's his imperfections that make him perfect," I reply, and there is conviction in my voice." Lisa Renee Jones
150dd3c My voice softens. "But you're right; I should have told you where I was going. I'm sorry to make you worry." "Damn it, Sara." He twines his fingers in my hair and lowers his mouth one hot breath from mine. "You are the reason I take my next breath," he whispers. "Why can't you see that?" His question steals the last of my anger. I soften against him, my fingers curving around his jaw. "Let's go home, baby." He kisses my forehead. "I have so.. Lisa Renee Jones
4207d2f She's right, and yet my blood pumps faster, just thinking about having her naked and willingly at my mercy. I can't help but think she's exactly what I need: a challenge. And how sweet her submission would be, because I'd really earned it. contemporary-romance erotica Lisa Renee Jones
15ce305 All I know is he's letting me see it, and him, and he is exactly what he preaches. Raw and honest, and intense and I believe in this moment that we are a rainbow of the same colors, none of them bright or beautiful. We are the many shades of gray and black, hoping to find a glimmer of light in each other, not more darkness. Lisa Renee Jones
1e41e94 I've been called worse," he assures me, "and perhaps I am guilty as charged. I guess it depends on who is defining what constitutes a lady's man." The statement strikes me as true beyond its intention. How many of us allow others to define us and thus we become what they want us to be, not what we should be or could be?" Lisa Renee Jones
9665cde I'm letting this Rebecca mystery make my mind run wild. Actually, my whole life feels like it's running wild whereas only weeks before it was calm and uneventful. I'm standing on a high-rise ledge and walking the edge, and while there is fear and apprehension, there is also a high I can only call an adrenaline rush that I crave more and more each day. Lisa Renee Jones
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