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6798932 I had a feeling that Pandora's box contained the mysteries of woman's sensuality, so different from a man's and for which man's language was so inadequate. The language of sex had yet to be invented. The language of the senses was yet to be explored. sex erotica Anaïs Nin
b6bb9a1 "I moaned then, tilting my head back to give him better access. His hands clamped on my waist, then moved--one going to cup my rear, the other sliding between us. This--this moment, when it was him and me and nothing between our bodies ... His tongue scraped the roof of my mouth as he dragged a finger down the center of me, and I gasped, my back arching. "Feyre," he said against my lips, my name like a prayer more devout than any Ianthe had offered up to the Cauldron on that dark solstice morning. His tongue swept my mouth again, in time to the finger that he slipped inside of me. My hips undulated, demanding more, craving the fullness of him, and his growl reverberated in my chest as he added another finger. I moved on him. Lightning lashed through my veins, and my focus narrowed to his fingers, his mouth, his body on mine. His palm pushed against the bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs, and I groaned his name as I shattered" erotic-romance-novellas orgasms erotic-fiction new-adult-fantasy new-adult-lit new-adult-romance smut new-adult erotic erotica Sarah J. Maas
761a7f6 One second, he was in my mouth, my tongue flicking over the broad head of him; the next, his hands were on my waist and I flipped onto my front. He nudged my legs apart with his knees, spreading me as he gripped my hips, tugging them up, up before he sheathed himself deep in me with a single stroke. I moaned into the pillow at every glorious inch of him, rising onto my forearms as my fingers grappled into the sheets. sex erotic-paranormal-romance fantasy-erotica graphic-sexualscenes misleading-marketing erotic-fiction erotic-content erotic-fantasy fellatio mature-content new-adult-fiction erotic-scenes fake-marketing new-adult-fantasy new-adult-paranormal-romance pornographic new-adult-romance erotica-romance erotica-bdsm eroticism nudity rough-sex new-adult erotic erotic-romance erotica Sarah J. Maas
6fc07ff "Rhys shuddered, and I watched his cock twitch. "Play later," he ground out. Indeed. His mouth found mine, the kiss open and deep, a clash of tongues and teeth. He lay me down on the pillows, and I locked my legs around his back, careful of the wings. Though I stopped caring as he nudged at my entrance. And paused. "Play later," I snarled into his mouth. Rhys laughed and slid in. And in. And in." sex erotic-fiction new-adult-paranormal erotic-fantasies erotic-fantasy new-adult-fiction fake-marketing new-adult-fantasy new-adult-lit new-adult-romance erotica-romance new-adult erotic-romance erotica sexuality Sarah J. Maas
36d24e3 "... so I leaned down and put my mouth on him. He jerked at the contact with a barked, "Shit," and I laughed around him, even as I took him deeper into my mouth. His hands were now fisted in the sheets, white-knuckled as I slid my tongue over him, grazing slightly with my teeth. His groan was fire to my blood." adult-material erotic-content erotic-fantasies erotic-fantasy fellatio graphic-sex-scene mature-content new-adult-fiction fake-marketing pornographic new-adult-romance rough-sex new-adult erotic-romance erotica sexuality Sarah J. Maas
447226b "Please," I gasped out. He just brushed his lips against my jaw, my neck, my mouth. "Tamlin," I begged. He palmed my breast, his thumb flicking over my nipple. I cried out, and he buried himself in me with a mighty stroke. For a moment, I was nothing, no one. Then we were fused, two hearts beating as one, and I promised myself it always would be that way as he pulled out a few inches, the muscles of his back flexing beneath my hands, and then slammed back into me. Again and again. I broke and broke against him as he moved, as he murmured my name and told me he loved me. And when that lightning once more filled my veins, my head, when I gasped out his name, his own release found him. I gripped him through each shuddering wave, savoring the weight of him, the feel of his skin, his strength. For a while, only the rasp of our breathing filled the room. I frowned as he withdrew at last--but he didn't go far. He stretched out on his side, head propped on a fist, and traced idle circles on my stomach, along my breasts." sex erotic-scenes fake-marketing new-adult-fantasy new-adult-lit new-adult-paranormal-romance new-adult-romance-and-suspense not-for-readers-under-18 sex-scenes smut-books new-adult-romance smut erotism new-adult erotic erotic-romance erotica Sarah J. Maas
86f8a79 "Tamlin let out a low snarl of approval, and I bit my bottom lip as he removed his pants, along with his undergarments, revealing the proud, thick length of him. My mouth went dry, and I dragged my gaze up his muscled torso, over the panes of his chest, and then-- "Come here," he growled, so roughly the words were barely discernable. I pushed back the blankets, revealing my already naked body, and he hissed." love pornographic sexy-romance new-adult-romance erotica-bdsm smut new-adult erotic-romance erotica sexy Sarah J. Maas
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b288b96 Erotic attraction often serves as the catalyst for an intimate connection between two people, but it is not a sign of love. Exciting, pleasurable sex can take place between two people who do not even know each other. Yet the vast majority of males in our society are convinced that their erotic longing indicates who they should, and can, love. Led by their penis, seduced by erotic desire, they often end up in relationships with partners with whom they share no common interests of values. love-quotes sex men love erotica-romance eroticism penis sexual-attraction erotica sexuality sexy bell hooks
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3c58538 Sex loses all its power and magic when it becomes explicit, mechanical, overdone, when it becomes a mechanistic obsession. It becomes a bore. You have taught us more than anyone I know how wrong it is not to mix it with emotion, hunger, desire, lust, whims, caprices, personal ties, deeper relationships that change its color, flavor, rhythms, intensities. sex erotica sexuality Anaïs Nin
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234fed3 In my early teens, I heard about and its mutating typewriters and talking cockroaches. While I would hardly classify its dystopic vision as erotica now, at the time, was my first foray into consuming smut. It was because of Burroughs that I knew about the particular musk that blooms when a rectum is penetrated, and that death-by-hanging produces spontaneous trouser tents. The first Burroughs I read was , but I buried myself in a few of his stories, and thus the arc of my recollection is just as non-linear as his narrative. literature youth william-s-burroughs homosexuality coming-of-age queer erotica Peter Dubé
3588109 Will you dance for me? Let your breasts roam for a moment -- I need to see how they dance.' 'Okay.' She danced, and as she danced, she tried to think of the most delicious salads she could imagine -- with artichokes and sundried tomato and blue cheese dressing, and beets, lots of beets. sex humor beets salad vegetarianism erotica food Nicholson Baker
24aa094 "Cassie," I growl at the young brunette. "How's the sobriety?" Alex brought the submissive to us. She's an addict that he councils at Transcend. I don't want to be mean to her right now, especially since my best friend brought her here, but I'm furious and she's an outlet. She can't strike back. "Ninety days sober," she says with pride. "That's awesome," I say enthusiastically and smile at her. "I love how we have to give fuck ups a medal when they behave. I would think it should go to those who never fuck up. What's the incentive to behave if all you have to do is get shit-faced and steal shit for years and then ninety days on the straight-and-narrow we have to pat you on the back for being a good girl," I say in a saccharine voice. She gazes at me with huge, glassy brown eyes. I can see the tears forming. Cassie worries her full bottom lip between her teeth and tries not to blink. "But hey, what do I know. It just seems like the system is flawed. The good little boys and girls just don't get the recognition that a crack-whore thief gets," I shrug. Cassie blinks and the surface of her tears breaks and they finally slide down her cheeks in shame. "But go you!" I shout sarcastically. I give her a thumbs up and walk down the hall. "Cold... that was just cold, dude," Alex chuckles at me. That was so bad that I have to laugh or I'd puke. I shake my head as my belly contracts from laughter. "Score on my newest asshattery?" I ask my partner in crime. If I didn't have him I'd scream. I'll owe Master Marcus forever. He stripped me bare until Font was naked in the impact room at Brownstone I trained in. Alex walked in and shook my hand- instant best friend. "Ah..." He taps his chin in thought and the bastard tucks his black hair behind his ear. I growl at him because he did it on purpose. He knows how much I miss the feel of my hair swinging at my jawline. Alex arches a perfect brow above his aqua eye and smirks. He runs his hands through his hair and groans in pleasure. "8.5. It was a decent attempt, but you pulled your hit. You're too soft. I bet you were scared you'd make her relapse." "Yeah," I say bashfully. "Not happening, bud. I'm just that fucking good. I better go do some damage control. Don't hurt any more subs. Pick on the big bastards. They may bite back, but their egos are delicate." bdsm erotica Erica Chilson