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3290464 When a man does a queer thing, or two queer things, there may be a meaning to it, but when everything he does is queer, then you begin to wonder wonder queer Arthur Conan Doyle
5496179 "But artists aren't the only marginalized folks controlling real estate. Think about the colonizing role that wealthy white gay men have played in communities of color; they're often the first group to gentrify poor and working-class neighborhoods. Harlem is a good example. Gays have moved in and driven up rents, as have renegade young white students, who want to be cool and hip. This is colonization, post-colonial-style. After all, the people who are "sent back" to recover the territory are always those who don't mind associating with the colored people! And it's a double bind, because some of these people could be allies. Some gay white men are proactive about racism, even while being entrepreneurial. But in the end, they take spaces, redo them, sell them for a certain amount of money, while the people who have been there are displaced. And in some cases, the people of color who are there are perceived as enemies by white newcomers." neo-colonization queer bell hooks
30f918d There's something very... I don't know; primitive, perhaps, about you, Gurgeh. You've never changed sex, have you?' He shook his head. 'Or slept with a man?' Another shake. 'I thought so,' Yay said. 'You're strange, Gurgeh.' She drained her glass. same-sex homosexuality transgender queer Iain M. Banks
103d327 If it weren't for the unconventionality of my desires, my mind might never have been forced to reckon with my body. queer Alison Bechdel
59f9eca She didn't know that my heart was a sandstorm waiting to open her skin in a desert of cuts. She didn't know the animal that waited in my stomach, silently shredding the walls. For her, my heart wore small white shoes and carried a purse, went to bed early. I wanted to shoot myself into her arms so she understood the need to crash cars with me, to tear up pavement because we were beautiful. love queer-lit queer-subculture queer Michelle Tea
9310689 If that's being queer, then we could do with a bit more queerness in these parts. queer strange J. R. R. Tolkien
7348c85 "I felt old. Again. It had been happening a lot lately. I did not live the life of an old lady, but I could hear it beckoning to me, like a mermaid on a rock." -- Michelle Tea, "Paris: A Lie" anthology clint-catalyst editors experimental first-person-narrative lgbt-literature michelle-tea queer Clint Catalyst and MIchelle Tea
0792532 The eye of youth is very observant. Youth has its moments of keen intuition, even normal youth -- but the intuition of those who stand mi-way between the sexes is so ruthless, so poignant, so deadly, as to be in the nature of an added scourge... gay-teen queer-youth trans lgbtq lesbian queer lgbt Radclyffe Hall
234fed3 In my early teens, I heard about and its mutating typewriters and talking cockroaches. While I would hardly classify its dystopic vision as erotica now, at the time, was my first foray into consuming smut. It was because of Burroughs that I knew about the particular musk that blooms when a rectum is penetrated, and that death-by-hanging produces spontaneous trouser tents. The first Burroughs I read was , but I buried myself in a few of his stories, and thus the arc of my recollection is just as non-linear as his narrative. literature youth william-s-burroughs homosexuality coming-of-age queer erotica Peter Dubé
192d7da It is so hard for a queer person to become an adult. Deprived of the markers of life's passage, they lolled about in a neverland dreamworld. They didn't get married. They didn't have children. They didn't buy homes or have job-jobs. The best that could be aimed for was an academic placement and a lover who eventually tired of pansexual sport-fucking and settled down with you to raise a rescue animal in a rent-controlled apartment. pansexual queerness queer Michelle Tea
b8606e9 Companera, cuando amabamos (for Juanita Ramos and other spik dykes) ?Volveran, campanera, esas tardes sordas Cuando nos amabamos tiradas en las sombras bajo otono? Mis ojos clavados en tu mirada Tu mirada que siempre retiraba al mundo Esas tardes cuando nos acostabamos en las nubes Mano en mano nos paseabamos por las calles Entre ninos jugando handball Vendedores y sus sabores de carne chamuzcada. La gente mirando nuestras manos Nos pescaban los ojos y se sonreian complices en este asunto del aire suave. En un cafe u otro nos sentabamos bien cerquita. Nos gustaba todo: las bodegas tiznadas La musica de Silvio, el ruido de los trenes Y habichuelas. Companera, ?Volveran esas tardes sordas cuando nos amabamos? ?Te acuerdas cuando te decia !tocame!? ?Cuando ilesa carne buscaba carne y dientes labios En los laberintos de tus bocas? Esas tardes, islas no descubiertas Cuando caminabamos hasta la orilla. Mis dedos lentos andaban las lomas de tus pechos, Recorriendo la llanura de tu espalda Tus moras hinchandose en mi boca La cueva mojada y racima. Tu corazon en mi lengua hasta en mis suenos. Dos pescadoras nadando en los mares Buscando esa perla. ?No te acuerdas como nos amabamos, companera? ?Volveran esas tardes cuando vacilabamos Pasos largos, manos entrelazadas en la playa? Las gaviotas y las brizas Dos manfloras vagas en una isla de mutua melodia. Tus tiernas palmas y los planetas que se caian. Esas tardes tinadas de mojo Cuando nos entregabamos a las olas Cuando nos tirabamos En el zacate del parque Dos cuerpos de mujer bajo los arboles Mirando los barcos cruzando el rio Tus pestanas barriendo mi cara Dormitando, oliendo tu piel de amapola. Dos extranjeras al borde del abismo Yo caia descabellada encima de tu cuerpo Sobre las lunas llenas de tus pechos Esas tardes cuando se mecia el mundo con mi resuello Dos mujeres que hacian una sola sombra bailarina Esas tardes andabamos hasta que las lamparas Se prendian en las avenidas. ?Volveran, Companera, esas tardes cuando nos amabanos? poetry queer sapphic Gloria E. Anzaldúa
04b2e96 Coming of queer age in the 1990s, to love queers was to love damage. To love damage was a path to loving yourself. ...Queers do not come out of the minefield of homophobia without scars. We do not live through out families' rejection of us, our stunted life options, the violence we've faced, the ways in which we've violated ourselves for survival, our harmful coping mechanisms, our lifesaving delusions, the altered brain chemistry we have sustained as a result of this, the low income and survival states we've endured as a result of society's loathing, unharmed. Whatever of theses wounds I didn't experience firsthand, my lovers did, and so I say that, for a time, it was not possible to have queer love that was not ins some way damaged or defined by damage sustained, even as it desperately fought through that damage to access, hopefully, increasingly frequent moments of sustaining, lifesaving love, true love, and loyalty, and electric sex. love queer pride Michelle Tea
b60dfbb Ci, ktorych przeraza rownosc malzenska, sa, na co wskazuje wiele znakow, tak samo przerazeni wizja rownosci w parach heteroseksualnych jak rownoscia par tej samej plci. małżeństwo równość związki-małżeńskie queer Rebecca Solnit