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8dd050d You don't change what you love or you never loved it to begin with. Lora Leigh
3800f94 You city boys and your psychologists. Just what we need, some fancy-pants lollygaggin' around telling us all how we need to get in touch with our inner child...I find that little inner bastard and I'll choke the shit out of him for the hell of it. ~ Jackal ~ Lora Leigh
fdd5c93 Wolves eat cats for dinner. By God, I wanna be a wolf. ~Kane Tyler~ Lora Leigh
a50915e Hmm, that's not sexual harassment, baby. When I decide to get sexual, trust me, you'll know it. ~ Braden ~ Lora Leigh
6465b58 There are much better ways to handle the delicate male ego. With a two-by-four? Only as a last resort and never in public. Lora Leigh
ddf4fe7 Men sucked. They were the root of every problem any woman could ever have. They were the reason for bras, the need for makeup, hair stylists, shaving legs, and high heels that made the arch feel like it had a steel rod slammed up it. They were picky, arrogant, argumentative, and so damned certain of themselves <...>. Lora Leigh
9861445 It's easier to ask forgiveness than to beg for permission. Lora Leigh
0534f6a But I might--" he bit out. "Tell me you're not a fucking virgin." "No, I'm not a fucking virgin. Virgins have yet to fuck, remember?" Lora Leigh
ee7b6cd It's a good thing I'm a reasonably patient woman. Otherwise, I might have to kill you. Lora Leigh
9358710 I don't know about you, but I say we shoot the fuckers, bury the bodies and deny they were ever here." - Mordecai" Lora Leigh
af7c45b What am I going to do with you? I have suggestions, but this might not be the place for them. Lora Leigh
491ac21 You are a light that will always guide me, a whisper I'll always strain to hear. Lora Leigh
0eecc88 Meltdown when we get home. Mom keeps chocolate for meltdowns. Daddy always has them when Uncle Jonas visits." -David Lyons from Tanner's Scheme-" tanner-s-scheme Lora Leigh
41ee9a8 Enclose your heart in times of need with the steel of your determination and your strength. In doing this, all things will be bearable. life inspirational hardship Lora Leigh
023de97 Don't worry, Mrs. Colder. For the most part, we keep him leashed and gagged. We only let him free when the cute little animal jokes are needed. ~Sherra Callahan (on Kane Tyler)~ Lora Leigh
f76eae4 Red Riding Hood ran from her wolf," he told her with an edge of amusement. "Red Riding Hood didn't know what the hell she was missing" Lora Leigh
8ec1cab No, whoever was out there didn't want to take her in. But his sights were on her, gun sights, steady. Clear. She stared into them, and with a mocking smile, mouthed the words, I dare you!" (Cassie Sinclair) *** He smiled at the challenge. One day, she just might dare him too far, but he doubted it would be a bullet he'd penetrate her with. (Unknown Breed)" Lora Leigh
7b58903 Testosterone overload?" Merinus gave an unladylike grunt. "More like asshole overload if you ask me." testosterone Lora Leigh
2229dfd Damned mating heat. Lawe is threatening to join a monastery and Rule's threatening to quit. Why don't you two try to show the younger guys it can be fun instead of taking a note out of everyone else's books and letting it drive you insane? -Jonas mercury-s-war lora-leigh jonas Lora Leigh
a4fd1db I pray. I go to mass. I even remember to respect my elders and help little old ladies across the street. What the hell did I do to deserve this? humor Lora Leigh
66d940b Do you know, every time I've seen you you've been like the Grim Reaper of goodwill and cheer. You should find another profession. Lora Leigh
97d6625 I am not in the least forbidden. You may sample me all you choose. Lora Leigh
ace75dc Where the hell do you get your nerve? From a Cracker Jack box. Lora Leigh
62295e5 My money's on the lady," he drawled. "You don't tame a vixen, you just travel in her wake." Lora Leigh
df3c6d1 I say, when Mercury arrives, we just pretend we're not here." Lawe tipped back his whiskey and swallowed in a single drink. "Stay real quiet. Don't make eye contact." They all nodded." Lora Leigh
0005090 Don't go there Rule" Lawe warned him softly. " I don't think your horoscope declared today to be a good day to die." funny lawe-s-justice threat Lora Leigh
a766c72 You have five minutes to call someone, anyone, I don't care who, and order me the finest blend of coffee that rat hole town has, and a dozen beers. If it's not sitting on this table..." a slender finger pointed furiously at the table in question,"... in one hour, you die" - Faith telling Jacob" Lora Leigh
f544421 Because sometimes, a man could do nothing about where he came from, he could only control where he went Lora Leigh
2db5a43 I'm scared of you two in the same place. That's like putting in an order for trouble, rather than just wishing for it. Lora Leigh
2fd6ced I didn't know how much I could love until you were gone. Until your laughter no longer filled my home, your wicked high jinks no longer made me crazy. Until I stood in that damned club and knew, without you by side, my life was as empty as my bed was without you in it. I didn't know what love was, until I saw my refusal to admit it drown all the sweet innocence in your eyes. I love you. love Lora Leigh
f29645d Let's not get naughty. How about homicidal instead? jaci Lora Leigh
267250d She snorted. I haven't negotiated near enough where you are concerned, Jacob. If I had, I wouldn't have suffered with terminal horniness for the past six years. I get my coffee, you get the sex. No limits allowed. No crying foul if you can't keep up. How much coffee can you drink? he asked her suspiciously. Faith made certain her smile was innocent and non-threatening. The question is, Jacob, how often can you fuck? Lora Leigh
ba58541 I need you more than I need freedom. Lora Leigh
24a6539 She's my sunshine Lora Leigh
3c5e0f7 Your language, dear," Victoria reproved gently. "A lady never curses in public. There are much better ways to handle the delicate male ego." Lora Leigh
c8be45a Take my heart with you, baby girl. It follows you....always... Lora Leigh
32831b6 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Lora Leigh
3cf664c Am I horny enough to hump a bedpost?" Mica asked. "Not quite yet. Should I consult with you first, Doctor?" Sarcasm lay thick and heavy in her voice. "I believe a consult would be a good idea." Ely nodded with mocking solemnity as Mica lifted herself onto the gurney. "You never know what you may end up hurting if the act isn't done properly." Lora Leigh
4104986 You are my mate, Ria. In my soul. You are my mate. ~ Mercury Lora Leigh
00e2b9c She couldn't turn away from the eyes that held her. Eyes as deep, as Dark as the night, yet there was something that sparked with warmth, that kept those eyes from being cold. lovers micah risa lora-leigh love-at-first-sight Lora Leigh
fc11d54 Did you wish upon a star and take the time to try to make your wish come true? Did you try to paint the sunrise and find the gift of life within? Did you write a song just for the joy of it? Or write a poem just to feel the pain? Did you find a reason to ignore the petty injustices, the spoken barbs, or the envies, jealousies and greed that crossed your path? Did you wake up this morning and whisper inside, "Today, I'll find every reason to.. opening-lines Lora Leigh
a4c9afd You touch everyone, Emily. You touch a father's heart. A stranger's loyalty, and the soul I never knew I had. You touch it, and you remind us of all the innocence we've lost in the world." - Kell Krieger" Lora Leigh
af98546 Getting a woman's body and getting her heart are two different things. And gaining her trust is another problem entirely. Lora Leigh
e7d392c Let me know when you're ready to talk." She stopped and glanced at them both over her shoulder. "Maybe then I'd be ready to discuss your sexual twists and my own little abnormal desires. You never know what we all might learn that we haven't already." With that, she turned and moved back into the house, closing the door behind her and disappearing out of sight. And Cam found his back slammed against the side of Ian's Hummer, his brother in .. humor Lora Leigh
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