You've carried my heart, all this time. Hell, you owned my soul. Don't ask me to stop dreaming of you, or to stop asking for tomorrow. Because for five years the hope that came with each tomorrow was all I had left. Remember that.
Lora Leigh |
Ria snorted. "Leo's pride rarely leaves the plains. What are they supposed to mate? The zebras?"
Lora Leigh |
Callan took a deep breath. "I never expected you." He shook his head with an edge of amusement. "You are a dangerous woman, Merinus Tyler." "Naw, just a determined woman." She grinned against his shoulder. "I know a good thing when I see it jacking off."
Lora Leigh |
I hate Breeds," she muttered. "Do you know that? You and your sharp, damned noses. Just because I want to doesn't mean I should. Hell, I want cheesecake but I know better. It goes right to my hips. Does that mean I have to eat it anyway?" He stared back at her in disbelief. "You're comparing me to cheesecake?" Offended male fury and outrage glittered in his eyes. She huffed, "Well, the same principle applies."
Lora Leigh |
Maybe I want to be tied down and forced to admit it
Lora Leigh |
That night we danced, I marked you as mine and I made it stick. There wasn't a boy or a man on that lake that didn't know who you belonged to, and the minute there was even a whiff one of them was stepping over the line, they walked funny for a week.
Lora Leigh |
It can happen like that. It can build slowly. It can come like a gentle rainfall, or it can slam into you like a tsunami. You are my tsunami, love.
Lora Leigh |
Yes, Elizabeth." Dash kept his voice low, but let it rumble with his arousal. "I lived for you and Cassie. But while I fought to live I dreamed, and it was this I dreamed of."
Lora Leigh |
He doesn't shit on what we claim as our own and still command that loyalty.
Lora Leigh |
What would I have done if my coya had been captured or killed? My mate, Sharone. The other half of everything I am. What would I have done?
Lora Leigh |
I didn't promise I wouldn't break your tender heart, Mica. Protect it from me. Don't let me touch that part of you. Don't let me destroy both of us that way.
Lora Leigh |
Her head throbbed as though gremlins were ripping holes in her brain
Lora Leigh |
Grocery shopping," Kira's gaze raked over him. "Well, honey, one thing about it, I don't think you have to worry about buying beef while you're out. It looks like you have plenty in residence as it is."
Lora Leigh |
No" she jerked back, stared up at him. Her eyes were like thunderclouds. He'd never seen them like that. Shock and fear filled them. Her face was paper white. Her body shuddering. "Don't you leave me!" She gripped his shirt and tried to shake him, tears falling from her eyes. "Don't you leave Noah." His head lowered. He touched her lips with his and knew this woman held the best part of him. The memories of the husband he had been, the man ..
Lora Leigh |
Oh, now my Erin, she'd smile down on me no matter where I walked." Grandpop smiled that little smile again. "But I'd be separated from her, and I'd feel that separation in my soul, you see?" Nathan shook his head. Grandpop sighed. "You have the Irish eyes, boy. One of these days, you'll see from eyes, not your own, feel with a heart outside your chest. Wild Irish eyes. Nathan. When you love, love well and love true, and take care, lad, beca..
Lora Leigh |
She cried out into his kiss, her hands clawing his shoulders, adrift now in a pleasure that threatened to consume her. In her sexual lifetime she had never known anything like it. Had never tasted such a dark kiss, one that warned her he had no intention of making allowances for sensual inexperience. He was hungry. Needy. And she was the meal he craved.
Lora Leigh |
Get you pretty ass ready and you might as well settle yourself to it. Because you are mine." His finger pointed imperiously toward her chest. "And you will stay mine."
Lora Leigh |
That motherfucker hurt our coya, you son of a bitch, and if you're going to kill anyone, put the gun to your head first."(less)"
Lora Leigh |
And he believed because loving her meant believing. It meant trusting. And it meant life. It meant Kell Kreiger was no longer alone
Lora Leigh |
Bella. "Nathan Malone is dead." He caught her shoulders, shook her. "No!" she screamed back. And she couldn't hit him. She wanted to, and she couldn't. "look at me," he yelled. "Look at me, Bella. What happened killed the man you loved. All that is left is this. The man you see now.The name name I carry now. Anything else is no possible." "No!" She pulled away from him, stumbled to her feet, and shook with the rage pounding through her. "Th..
Lora Leigh |
You're not the first Elite Ops agent to fall in love and you won't be the last," Ian informed him (Nik). "I've watched four of you fall so far, and I'll be here to watch your commander go down fighting as well. Protecting your woman isn't your problem; it's protecting your heart."
Lora Leigh |
When they reached the stairs, he didn't make her climb them herself. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the big bathroom off their bedroom. He didn't speak, his expression didn't soften. But he was hard. His cock was like a poker, steely and hot against her hip. His eyes blazed with lust.
Lora Leigh |
Sweetheart, all men are animals. Feed us, pet us, and use a firm hand, and we'll worship at your feet.
Lora Leigh |
He does kiss like a pirate though, I was able to re-affirm that.
Lora Leigh |
I've never walked the same path other people found comfortable and I'm not going to start now.
Lora Leigh |
As I wish for you dreams that will soothe your soul, dreams that will whisper of secrets untold. I wish for you dreams that will capture your life, dreams so spectacular and bright you can know no strife. I wish for you my child, a dream as brilliant as sunrise, and warm as it's gentle rays. But most of all precious one, I dream for you, of many peaceful days.
Lora Leigh |
His soul exploded with the tip of his cock, spewing out an emotion, a need, a compulsive hunger as thick, hot and life-giving as the semen winging its way to her fertile, hungry womb.
Lora Leigh |
Aw, come on, it's just hot as hell there and my AC doesn't even make a dent. Let's try for something cooler." ~ Loki ~"
Lora Leigh |
You know how to be a good boy?" Anna widened her eyes in surprise. "Why, Archer, I'm certain I never recognized that quality in you."
Lora Leigh |
Before she could say anything more, Sabella swung around at the sound of Noah's Harley purring to life behind the garage. God. He was dressed in snug jeans and riding chaps. A snug dark T-shirt covered his upper body, conformed to it. And he was riding her way. "Is there anything sexier than a man in riding chaps riding a Harley?" Kira asked behind her. "It makes a woman simply want to melt." And Sabella was melting. She watched as he pulle..
Lora Leigh |
Don't worry about hurting me, Jordan." She brushed back her hair again as she turned from him and headed for the bedroom. "It was too late for that a long time ago." ... "I've heard the lecture," she informed him as she glared back at him. "I've heard you tell your men how love is an illusion, and how they need to watch their backs before that illusion bites him on the ass, so many times it sickens me. Unless you have something original to ..
Lora Leigh |
She looked around the room, glanced over him and Micah waited. Her Gaze passed him, then again. On the third pass she lingered as she continued to watch her, allowing his gaze to memorize those features just before her eyes met his. A jolt od power flashed through him. Her ligth blue eyes flickered with interest, fear, then interest again, as though she wasn't certain which she should feel. He let his gaze continue to hers, let his mind rea..
Lora Leigh |
He is not coming back." And it hurt.It hurt until she was a mass of pain,worse than it had been when she thought he was dead. More all consuming. Ravaging her insides."
Lora Leigh |
Love changes us, Son." Ray rose to his feet, crossing the room slowly to set his empty glass on the bar. "Don't make the same mistake I did, Rowdy. Once it's over that first time, once you've let another man claim what's yours and yours alone, you lose a part of your soul. Getting it back is hell. A hell I hope you never know."
Lora Leigh |
I don't need you to make allowances for anything." Damn her pride. "If you can stand to pay for it, then I can wear it." His brow arched. "Don't let your mouth write checks your body can't cash, sweetheart. Because trust me, I know exactly how to dress a woman for prime impact."
Lora Leigh |
Oh yeah. Baby, so good." He had to release her nipple, had to hold her face in his hands, stare into her eyes. "So damned tight. Sweet. Ride me, sweetheart. Ride me out of hell." Noah & Sabella"
Lora Leigh |
Oh yeah?" Nathan arched his brows. "What's better the SEALs, Uncle? Hell? Been there, still take trips." Noah to Jordan"
Lora Leigh |
He was tall, one of the tallest men she had ever seen. Dressed in jeans, boots and a cotton shirt. Thick black hair grew rakishly long, falling over the collar of his shirt. Intense brown eyes, almost the color of amber, surveyed the diner slowly before coming back to her. Electricity sizzled in the air then, as though invisible currents connected them, forcing her to recognize him on a primitive level. Not that she wouldn't take notice any..
Lora Leigh |
His lips covered hers as he laid the gauze on her leg. Fiery pain shot through her flesh as his lips swallowed her cry, then replaced it with such amazing sensation she wanted to whimper in return. He licked her lips. He didn't steal her kiss. He didn't take it. He cajoled it from her.
Lora Leigh |
She shuddered, convulsing beneath the whiplash of his tongue as the world dissolved around her. "Now." He moved before the last violent pulses stilled. He came over her body, catching his weight on his elbows, staring down at her with savage intensity as the bulbous head of his c#ck nudged against the sensitive opening of her pussy. "Now," he whispered again. "I make you my woman, Elizabeth. Now."
Lora Leigh |
First blood has been shed.
Lora Leigh |
He couldn't even find the will to yell at her now. A real man didn't yell at those who weren't exactly sane themselves, he told himself.
Lora Leigh |
Yes, he would be gone, but she knew now what it meant to love. She might not know what it meant to be loved, but loving was almost as good.
Lora Leigh |
Her eyes opened then. They were drowsy, slumberous, staring up at him with a hunger that was impossible to miss. "I felt you," she whispered, a smile tilting her moist lips. "Watching me. Should I feel you watching me?" Was she asleep or awake? "Of course." He found the growl building in his throat. "Every time I look at you, baby, I touch you."
Lora Leigh |