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509c093 If there had been any doubt in her mind that John hadn't placed some emotional claim on her, then it was gone in that second. Pure male possession marked his kiss. Lora Leigh
735d81c It was my baby, too." His voice was husky, filled with regret, with pain. "But even more than that, Sherra, you're my soul. You're every breath I take. I would give my life to have saved you. I would give it now if it would mean I could go back and spare you this pain." The dampness from his eyes soaked the swarthy complexion, lined with pain and regret. "I would do anything, everything, baby, to ease this pain for you." my-baby-too sherra Lora Leigh
e2f35bf Micah knew the power of a look. When two people touched from across a distance, that touch could be frightening, wary, or a stroke of gentleness. He stroked her gently. He never let his eyes dip below her chin; rather, he let himself take in every nuance of expression, every shift of each facial motion, the flicker of her lashes, the shadows in her eyes, the tension in her small body. She was like a bird ready to fly. Poised at the edge of.. Lora Leigh
d725c52 I waited for you. All these years I watched and waited, knowing, somehow, that what we would have would be different. That it would be worth the lonely nights and the fears that I had missed you somewhere. Lora Leigh
8b87544 It's instinct," he said then. "For centuries, it's been our job to protect our home, our women, and our children. We're emotional cowards. We don't talk about our feelings, we're not comfortable putting our soul into words. So we give of ourselves the only way we know how. We protect. We smother those we love in protection, fight for ways to keep them always safe, even from what we deem as a threat from themselves. It's in our genes, Kira. .. Lora Leigh
f359006 She said we can't save everyone, but we can damned sure as hell fight to save those we love. ... She taught me that we can only do our best. You've done your best. ...not beat yourself up because you missed something or someone. It makes you weak. Lora Leigh
2659eb4 I love you, Anya," he said. "You are my soul." Lora Leigh
e5f7c65 You're being awful generous with your late husband's possessions," he told her. She grinned back at him. "You've loosened me up maybe? Besides, you've already slept with his wife, why not drive his truck? Kira drank his 1925 Chateau Feytit Clinet red wide today." Did he look pale? Noah swore he could feel himself blanch. His 1925 Chateau Feytit Clinet? No. She hadn't shared that with Kira Richards. The one person in the world besides Sabell.. Lora Leigh
0f70f43 When it came to a man's soul, Noah (Wild Card) thought that maybe his uncle (Jordan, Elite Ops commander) was finally realizing that once a man lost his soul to a woman, it was gone forever. And life wasn't much worth living without her. Lora Leigh
da07089 Tease?" he groaned. "Ah, baby, I'm not teasing you. I'm giving to you. Giving you every ounce of pleasure I know how to give you." -Jordan(Live Wire) to Tehya (Enigma)" Lora Leigh
6a1374a He could hope for many things, though he had stopped doing so long ago. If one didn't hope, then disappointment didn't visit. Hoping meant you had somehting to live for, and living for something or someone else was asking for pain. -Nik Lora Leigh
79f37b5 This isn't a game we're playing between ourselves," he continued. "Don't pretend that it is." "Isn't it?" A challenge flared in her eyes, like fire inside the purest emerald. "Don't lie to me, John. Don't pretend it's any more than it really is. It's a job. One we're both determined to complete, nothing more." "Like hell." Lora Leigh
5a11c5c Oh, he was insane all right. There was no doubt in her mind now that he was bat-shit crazy. Lora Leigh
ccb1582 No" she jerked back, stared up at him. Her eyes were like thunderclouds. He'd never seen them like that. Shock and fear filled them. Her face was paper white. Her body shuddering. "Don't you leave me!" She gripped his shirt and tried to shake him, tears falling from her eyes. "Don't you leave Noah." His head lowered. He touched her lips with his and knew this woman held the best part of him. The memories of the husband he had been, the man .. broken-hearted impossible-love sabella nathan-malone noah-blake leaving Lora Leigh
9a63d2c You amaze me," he said then, reaching out to lay the toy on her pillow. That wasn't where he had gotten it from. "You bring a toy to do a man's job, knowing the man is more than willing to provide the service. Where does that make sense, Chay?" Lora Leigh
8bc87a2 His lips covered hers swiftly, his tongue taking advantage of her gasp and sweeping in commandingly. He had asked for the caress earlier that morning, now he demanded. He conquered, he licked and stroked her tongue and gloried in her instant, if hesitant, response. She was shy. Wary. She wouldn't give in to the heat pulsing between them easily. But she was curious enough about it to allow the kiss. Lora Leigh
c65b10b I would die without you," he finally said. "I'd be crazy with terror if there were six of you to defend. Not to mention crazy, period." There was a vein of amusement in the final sentence. She took his hand and moved it to her abdomen. "Did I ever tell you, Dash, how much I dream of babies? Lots of babies. I wanted at least three, more if I could. And if what you say is true about your semen counteracting birth control, do you think you mig.. little-girls-to-defend protect Lora Leigh
4aaa63e Do you speak Gaelic Noah? she suddenly asked. His heart clenched. It actually hurt, as though spikes of steel had been dug into it. should I? Maybe not... sad-love sabella nathan-malone noah-blake wild-card lora-leigh Lora Leigh
21a1a89 I read this forward and knew i'd love the book. This book is for you. The men & women, lost & lonely, searching & wary, uncertain & ill prepared for what the heart can lead them into. Sometimes, love is right around the corner. Its the road not taken that has suddenly intersected with that congested road of life you're traveling, bringing you to a harsh & sudden stop. It's a look. It's a smile thhat warms you to the depths of your soul, s.. love Lora Leigh
de50c6f Once a man saw heaven in one woman's arms, then nothing else would do. And that scared the shit out of him, the thought that no other woman but Lilly would do. - Travis/Black Jack about Lilly Belle/Night Hawk (Lady Hawk to him) Lora Leigh
63f92b1 He jerked the door open, ignored Leo's suddenly furious growl and stomped back to the observation room. As he pushed through the door, Leo on his heels, he faced Elizabeth as she turned from something Ely was saying. He gripped her shoulders, bent and kissed her forehead gently. "I'm heading home, Mother. Please get Father off my back and out of my life for a day or so if you don't mind. I do have family matters to take care of now." Ignori.. Lora Leigh
3bd2d2c Oh my god, Bella, what have you done?" Bella jumped as she turned to face Nathan, seeing his wild eyes, his pale features, his hard, buff body stalking across the front yard, his chest slick with sweat, bits of the grass he had been cutting sticking to his jeans as he strode furiously to where her car met the back of his truck. "It's just a little dent, Nathan. I promise . . ." Her heart was in her throat. Not in hear. He would never hurt h.. Lora Leigh
3016fce I'm not cheating," Sabella said, her gaze meeting Kira's. Something inside her loosened. Something fell into place, but she was just too damned tipsy to realize what it was. "Am I?" "Oh dear, trust me." Kira smiled back at her. "The last thing you're doing is cheating. You can take that one to the bank." Glasses clinked, refilled, and the three women sat back and proceeded to get outrageously tipsy. Well, Sabella thought several hours later.. Lora Leigh
ceb45d0 Running me off, are you? What about all this 'me Breed, you mate' crap you're always spouting? Lora Leigh
71c6db8 And you can shove your apology. If it can come out of your damned mouth, then you can stand by it. apologizing Lora Leigh
7d9e9c7 If he's dumb enough to tempt a woman wielding a knife, then he deserves everything after that. Lora Leigh
161ae65 Bella. You were always my soul. sabella nathan-malone noah-blake wild-card soul Lora Leigh
b4a3e1f She was a nice person, she really was, until someone ignorant decided to force that ignorance in her face, and then she just couldn't hold back. lora-leigh Lora Leigh
bb9ace5 She was still and silent against his chest, though he knew that indomitable will of hers was still firmly in place. She was the strongest person he had ever known in his life, and he wanted nothing more than to allow her to be weak. And that was the redneck in him, he knew it was. The man who wanted to protect his woman against any and all threats. To be a partner until danger rolled around. But he had chosen a woman who refused to hide fro.. Lora Leigh
bf37954 I don't have any chocolate bars right now." She pressed her lips together as she placed two small fingers at the bridge of her nose and shook her head as though she had lost all hope for him. Finally, she sighed as though more than put out. Her eyes were twinkling, though, the shadows of fear easing. "I'll take you on your word then," she sighed. "But you really should stock up on chocolate bars. It's more precious than gold when dealing wi.. more-precious-than-gold Lora Leigh
e585f81 The letter came at a time in his life when the battle inside his soul could have tipped either way. Lora Leigh
fe03f92 And there, tucked in his soul, was the love he felt for Sabella since the moment he had seen her. malone nathan noah sabella love-at-first-sight Lora Leigh
076bed9 Commander Breaker, do I ask your advice on how to run the Bureau?" Jonas growled when the look had no effect on Rule. "You don't have to ask," Rule quipped deliberately. "I believe I offer on a fairly regular basis." Lora Leigh
d4c4273 Strange, her horoscope hadn't mentioned to beware of crazy kidnappers or demented desert sheikhs this week. lora-leigh Lora Leigh
8943294 This was a high that could never be duplicated. It was a high more dangerous to a man's soul than any found in a drug. Because this high chanced an addiction to not just the pleasure, but to the woman. And he was beginning to fear he had found the woman and the pleasure that could become an addiction impossible to live without. Lora Leigh
99d5aad Oh yeah, by the way, baby. I'm your husband. You know, the one that died? The one that wouldn't come back to you for six fucking years. Yeah, she'd accept that easily enough. Bullshit. nathan-malone noah-blake sabellla wild-card Lora Leigh
ab9bda6 She was his. He would die for her. He would die without her. Lora Leigh
343a6c1 I was just curious." She shoved her hands into her pockets and gave Noah what she hoped was a sweet smile. "Just tell me what he did and I'll leave. Are you going to fire him? Can I watch?" "Fine." Rory didn't look happy, that was odd enough. He looked angry at her, and he was never angry with her. And his smile. It was tight. All teeth. When had he turned into a full-grown man on her? He wasn't a kid brother any longer. "He was staring at .. Lora Leigh
ec6312f You should have never let him in the house." Noah stopped in front of the counter. "For God's sake, Sabella, I thought you would know better than to confront that son of a bitch while you're carrying my mark." She kept her head down. How many times had she laughed at Nathan when he had said something similar? When he had been irritated with her, or was just being a man. She should have known better than to go four-wheeling with Sienna that .. Lora Leigh
5480b81 He nodded slowly. "We'll do it your way for now, but my time will come." Why that statement sent a jagged pulse of heat racing through her; she wasn't certain. "You've changed," she finally said. "You're harder, Cam. Colder." "I'm still the man who would kill for you," he stated matter-of-factly. Jaci swallowed tightly. He was completely serious. "Fine. I'll make a list for you." She finally shrugged, opting not to believe that declaratio.. Lora Leigh
7130839 She had found someone who matched her, a warrior and a shield. A man she could respect; one she could argue with and enjoy. She hadn't wanted to lose that. Hadn't wanted to be alone again. perfect-match Lora Leigh
a65c649 Hell, he'd (Nathan/Noah) been around Tehya and his uncle enough to know that Jordan was determined to fight whatever he was feeling for Tehya. He'd been feeling it for six damned years now or more, and still, Jordan didn't dare mention the L word. If he acknowledged it, then he might have to admit it actually existed. Lora Leigh
ea723c0 Don't wake up," he whispered as he felt her shudder against him once more. "Dream with me, Belle. Sweet Belle, just dream with me." -from Travis/Black Jack" Lora Leigh
6a56aef I have no doubt you'll find it the highlight of your old and wasted life. snarkiness Lora Leigh
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