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1cd255f I am a connoisseur of fine irony. 'Tis a bit like fine wine, but it has a better bite. Lynn Kurland
e0f9fa9 He can occasionally see to an enemy," she conceded. "If he manages to get his sword pointed in the right direction and the enemy does him the favor of falling upon it in precisely the right way." sword-fighting incompetence Lynn Kurland
99682cf She was sitting in a garden more beautiful than even her rampaging imagination could ever have conjured up, and she was being serenaded by trees. trees Lynn Kurland
f958560 Say me aye," he whispered against her mouth. "Say me aye." How could she say anything else?" Lynn Kurland
6d42097 I could tell you a tale about something,' Miach offered, rubbing her hand absently. 'If you like.' She frowned thoughtfully. 'What sort of something?' 'Something that would soothe you,' he promised. 'I'm sure there would be swords involved. Bloodshed. Peril. That kind of thing. Lynn Kurland
dd19175 Background: Morgan is a female warrior looking for a fight. Adhemar is your garden variety male.) A man near the door leered at her. Adhemar immediately stepped in front of her, but Morgan pushed him aside. She looked at the man and smiled pleasantly. Ah, something to take her mind off her coming journey. "Did you say something?" she asked. "Aye," he said, "I asked it you were occupied tonight, but I can see you have a collection of lads he.. female-hero Lynn Kurland
517d298 He stopped and looked at her. "Your eyes are leaking." "It's the flowers. They make me sneeze." "Then let us be away from the garden. Open the door, love, if you will." She obeyed, then froze halfway over the threshold. "What did you call me?" "The first of countless endearments if you'll but stir yourself to hold our current course." Lynn Kurland
c065cab Shut up," Morgan said, whirling on the woman and pointing the sword at her. "Shut up, you shrill harpy, before I aid you in doing so by means of a dozen ways you won't care for in the least." Adhemar's fiancee fell, blessedly, silent." kickass-heroine shut-the-hell-up Lynn Kurland
2ce0197 I don't know why you're enjoying this so much." "Because I am a connoisseur of fine irony. 'Tis a bit like fine wine, but has a better bite." Lynn Kurland
5c5ecac What is wrong with the [tale of] Two Swords?" he asked, even more surprised. "Don't you care for it?" "There is too bloody much romance in it," she said curtly. Ah, well, here was the crux of it, apparently. "Don't you like romance?" he ventured. She looked as though she were trying to decide if she should weep or, as he had earlier predicted, stick him with whatever blade she could lay her, hand on. "I don't know," she said briskly. "I see.. female-fighter wooing Lynn Kurland
48e28e4 He walked down the passageway with her and cursed silently. Obviously, he'd grossly overestimated his appeal. Perhaps he should have taken her at her word at Gobhann when she reminded him that she had no use for mages. Perhaps he should have realized sooner that she - ...had reached behind his back and taken his hand. Lynn Kurland
a878d29 Morgan was looking at the food in front of her suspiciously, as if it intended to merely reside for a bit inside her, then liberate itself at a most inconvenient time. food-problems Lynn Kurland
bf93b45 The trees sang their approval. Ruith cocked an ear and listened to them for a moment or two, smiled faintly, then continued on his way toward her. Sarah felt her breath catch, again. She wondered if there would ever come a day when she could look at him and yawn. Lynn Kurland
ba330ec She looked at him gravely. "You cannot call back the river that has already flowed past you, Ruith. All you can do is be grateful for where you are in it." Lynn Kurland
66675cb You great bloody bully." "Which is exactly what you need, you vexatious headstrong wench." Lynn Kurland
069009b He lifed his head and looked down at her seriously. "Could you," he began, then he had to clear his throat. "Could you learn to be fond of me?" he asked. "With enough time?" She looked at him in surprise. It was the first time in all their acquaintance that she'd heard him sound the least bit hesitant. "I don't need to learn anything," she said, before she thought better of it." Lynn Kurland
6cbc563 You may weep more if you wish it," he announced, feeling exceedingly generous." male-chauvenist Lynn Kurland
3582279 I believe I'll be the judge of how much peril you're worth," he said with a smile. "You're daft." "Again, besotted." he said, squeezing her hand. "I'll tell you of it in glorious detail if you can stay awake long enough to hear it." She smiled at him, which eased his heart a bit." love Lynn Kurland
4ae70c6 How could a woman who was that beautiful, who smelled that good, who had such perfectly lovely teeth and bright eyes, be so thoroughly, completely, entirely, stark raving mad?" ~ Robert Cameron" Lynn Kurland
a7c4ec1 You were mine before you were his. Lynn Kurland
7d06714 Ruith?" He looked at her with a smile. "Aye, my love?" "Are you sure?" He looked at her, puzzled, for a moment, then apparently he realized what she was asking. "How could you ask?" "Because when a gel wants something very badly, she tends to want to avoid breaking her heart over the false hope of having it." His breath caught. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought he was blinking rapidly from something besides the smoke the pa.. Lynn Kurland
339f3ed Ah, never," Nicholas said, rubbing his hands together. "Such an interesting word." "You know, Your Majesty, the only reason I'm not swearing at you right now is because I was taught to be kind to old men." Nicholas laughed merrily. "Cheeky whelp." "Does that mean you won't slay me for telling you that you're a thoroughly obnoxious, interefering, exasperating..." Runach took a deep breath. "Good breeding prevents me from saying more." Nichol.. Lynn Kurland
7ef3616 Elizabeth," Jamie began gruffly, "there is aught I would speak of with you." She lifted an eyebrow at his lordly tone. "Go ahead." "It may take me a few hours to accustom myself to these possible future ways, but that does not mean I am weak or stupid." Hours? She smiled. "I know that Jamie." "Nor does that mean I have ceased being your lord. You will obey me in all things, as always." "Of course, Jamie," she said meekly. "And should .. Lynn Kurland
4052f6e Runach took the book in hand and went to look for that Bruadarian lass, who was likely having a conversation with the flora and fauna of his grandfather's garden... He just hadn't expected her to be singing. It wasn't loud singing, though he could hear it once he'd wandered the garden long enough to catch sight of her, standing beneath a flowering linden tree, holding a blossom in her hand. Runach came to a skidding halt and gaped at her. V.. runach Lynn Kurland
13d2346 Sile looked momentarily stymied, then shook his head sharply. "You wont go alone." "I can't ask anyone--" "You aren't asking," Sile said firmly. "I'm insisting--" "Grandfather, nay," Runach said, stunned. "I couldn't allow it." "Allow it?" Sile repeated, looking as if the gale were readying for another good blow. "Who do you think you are, whelp, to tell me what to do?" "I believe, your Majesty," Aisling said quietly, "he's someone who love.. Lynn Kurland
7f11751 There are some people men and women both who will never be happy no matter what the circumstances they find themselves. There's not enough money, no Castle grand enough, no life easy enough to content them. Lynn Kurland
436bcf4 I can't tell you how nice it is to hear someone talking like the voices in my head," Abigail said, linking arms with Jessica and heading toward the battlement door. "You'll have to come visit--a lot. Miles will love it." "Did you tell him about me?" "He guessed." "He didn't!" "Not much gets past the man." Lynn Kurland
eee9f4f A man does not come at what is mine, harm it, and walk away unscathed. Lynn Kurland
cffd8a5 He threw open the shutters and was silent. "There," he said, pointing to a shooting star. "Wish to stay together. Hurry." She watched the star's arc fade and wished, secure in her love's embrace. "I wish that we'll be together forever," she whispered. He pressed his lips against her ear. "I wish that we'll be together forever," he echoed. "Now it can't help but come to pass." Lynn Kurland
cfbd3a2 Have you ever known there was something you needed to do, but found yourself dreading it with everything you were?" "Once or twice," he said. "What did you do?" Runach looked at her steadily. "I did what needed to be done." "Was the price steep?" "Very." Aisling clutched her own bow, wishing her task was nothing more than learning to place an arrow where she wanted it to land. "Did you ever want to run?" She whispered. He smiled, but it wa.. humor runach Lynn Kurland
223a91e He accepted a cup of ale from his brother-in-law, sat back, then sighed. "Get on with the bludgeoning." "Me?" Miach asked innocently. "Why would I bludgeon?" Runach pursed his lips. "Because you are whoyou are, and you know Soilleir of Cothromaiche very well. I am continually appalled by the simialarites between the two of you." Miach only watched his steadily, a small smile playing around his mouth. "You know what she is, don't you?" "Who?.. runach miach Lynn Kurland
7ae0151 Where are you from?" She asked without thinking. "I was born in the mountains." Runach said with a shrug. "The place doesn't matter." "Do you have siblings?" "Yes, several. Not all are still living. He smiled faintly. "You are full of questions this afternoon." "The library was a bad influence on me." Runach smiled briefly. "And I believe that was three questions you asked me, which leaves me with three of my own for you to answer." "That w.. humor runach Lynn Kurland
4e9b97b Not all evil is final, nor is all suffering needless. Lynn Kurland
0dddf52 He leaned over and gently kissed her cheek. Jessica smacked her lips, snorted a time or two, then dropped back off to sleep. "I love you," Richard whispered. "Sweet Jessie, I do." Only soft snores answered him. Richard smiled. He wished Jessica had been awake to see it, for he was certain it was a smile that would have pleased even her. More than just the corners of his mouth had joined in. He laid his head down next to hers and stared at h.. Lynn Kurland
adb4623 Kendrick walked over to her purposefully, hauled her up into his arms and gave her a mock frown. "I hunger, wench." Genevieve put her arms around his neck. "Well? What are you going to hunt us for dinner?" "I'll slay a few steaks from the freezer." "You're so brave." funny genevieve kendrick stardust-of-yesterday Lynn Kurland
8917931 She didn't turn around. She put her foot on the bottom step, then felt herself being whirled around. She shrieked as her world tilted. Richard's shoulder in her stomach robbed her of any air and her forehead bumping against his lower back made her slightly sick. It was Archie's hoisting trick all over again, only Richard seemed to be more adept at taking circular stairs. She thought she just might barf. "Put me down, you jerk!" she gasped. .. Lynn Kurland
b44c219 If Jessica had been pleased with his work, that was enough. He had bent to his work and poured his entire soul, black as it might have been, into fashioning something beautiful for his lady. His lady. He could no longer think of her as anything else. And that was the thought that left him standing in the lists, useless and fair blinded by the thought of his poor heart being so exposed. Lynn Kurland
c16e28f Come," he said, holding out his hand for her. She shook her head. Richard paused, then frowned. "I said, come." "And I said, no." He frowned again. "The cold has numbed your thinking, lady. 'Tis your duty to obey me." "I'm not your trained dog to come when you call." "You forget your place." "My place, buster, is not at your feet, licking your boots!" "There are many who would beg for the chance to do just that!" Lynn Kurland
cd724a6 Runach didn't consider himself particularly dull, but he had to admit he was baffled. "Then what now?" "What do you mean, Weger echoed in disbelief. "Do what is necessary! Bloody hell, man, must I instruct you in every bloody step? Take your mighty magic and heal her!" Runach blinked. "What in the world are you talking about?" Weger threw up his hands in frustration. "Heal her, you fool! Use Fadaire or whatever elvish rot comes first to m.. Lynn Kurland
4fbf541 Runach smiled ruefully. "She doesn't tell me anything." "Perhaps you intimidate her." "Im certain thats not it" Nicholas look at him, clear-eyed. "Runach, my dearest boy, you forget who you are--" "Were--" "Are," Nicholas stressed. "There is nothing of what I was in my veins," Runach said, managing it without too much bitterness. "I am simply a man who will live an extraordinarily long time to enjoy my terribly ordinary life. There is nothi.. Lynn Kurland
289dac3 I love you," she said. "What brought that on?" She smiled. "It's like a fever. It comes and goes. I think your smiles bring it on." "Then remind me to give you more of them." She rested her head against his chest and couldn't help but marvel over how changed he was. He soaked up every expression of love she gave him. She watched him as he listened to her laugh or watched her smile. It broke her heart a little to see how hungry he was for su.. Lynn Kurland
a9a6d38 Twenty-four years of sneaking cola drinks for breakfast had finally taken its toll, and she had been tossed into sugar-induced hallucination. Lynn Kurland
eb1aca2 But she had no hard cash. Not even a tissue in case she became hysterical. Lynn Kurland
761291d Why did you enter Gobhann?" "I already told you." "I know what you told me", she said impatiently. "I want to know the real reason." He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, then reached for her plate. He set it down on the floor with his, then pulled her close and put his mouth against her ear. "I went inside Gobhann because I wanted you to come out of the dark. With me. Because I love you. Because you were made for more than life in th.. love miach morgan Lynn Kurland
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