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f440dba Richard opened the door, then stood back. "After you, my lady." Jessica walked into the room and gasped. She turned around and around, trying to take in the entire view. He had painted the bedroom walls. Talk about an unobstructed ocean view. It was more magnificent than she ever could have imagined. She laughed and threw herself at him. "You're amazing," she said breathlessly. "It's beautiful!" "Nay," he said, shutting the door and bolting.. Lynn Kurland
9ba80e7 Eventually, after listening to a good deal of grumbling and muttering, Jessica felt the bed dip. A calloused hand reached for hers. "It is late?" she asked. "Late enough." "Hold me?" How gentle were those powerful arms as they gathered her close. Jessica pressed her face against Richard's neck and sighed at the pleasure of the warmth. His hint of a beard was rough against her forehead but she didn't mind that either. She put her hands on th.. Lynn Kurland
c567cf3 She smiled. "You're very sweet." "Now you go too far--" She shoved her hand under his nose. "This is your ring you see, my lord, and that gives me the right to tell you to be quiet. So, be quiet. I'll probably be back to thinking you're a jerk tomorrow, so live with the compliment while it's still in force. Got it?" He grumbled something she didn't catch. But then, to her utter surprise, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it in a ro.. Lynn Kurland
9edd48e The more I see you," he said quietly, "the more I want you." Lynn Kurland
869148b It isn't done easily," he said with a half smile. "I'm just not one to complain overmuch." Lynn Kurland
9e15bf7 Damn it, but she hated it when her inner brown bunny came out to play. The Lynn Kurland
eb64528 What's the matter? Aren't you interested in my strong, manly arms?" he said, giving her a squeeze to show just how strong and manly his arms were. "Not when they're squeezing the life from me," she gasped. "Archie, let me go!" Lynn Kurland
cd95196 You," he said distinctly, "are, I am quite certain, going to be more trouble than you are worth." Lynn Kurland
5f41e87 Good morrow to you, Jessie," Kendrick called. "Jessica," Richard said, giving Kendrick another jerk. "Her name is Jessica!" Lynn Kurland
d48c44f He grunted. "I knew that was too easy an answer to the riddle. Very well, if you are neither of those things, then what have you to fear from me?" "You aren't exactly shy about giving in to your temper." "And if I vowed to keep it in check?" "I don't think you could." "Damn you, Jessica, I demand you give me the tale!" "See?" she said. He took a deep breath, releasing it very slowly. Then he looked at her again. "Tell me," he said calmly." Lynn Kurland
5ce820f which house that is? Or how many siblings you have? Lynn Kurland
f7666c9 I love this medieval stuff," Archie announced to whatever assembly was there, "don't you?" And with that, he slapped her happily on the rump--to the accompaniment of more horrified gasps--and continued on his way." Lynn Kurland
49d8717 He was, and she had to swallow very hard to keep from choking, the most terribly beautiful man she had ever seen. He had a long, wicked scar that traveled from his temple down his cheek to the side of his chin and below his jaw. Somehow, though, it just didn't detract from his handsomeness, dark though that was. His face was all planes and angles, harsh even in the deepening gloom. His hair was dark and his eyes were full of cynicism. Lynn Kurland
27c01a4 Stay and ply your needle. I need no hall that stands crooked." "I wasn't going to build it, I was going to help plan it." "Impossible." Jessica looked up at him with narrowed eyes. "Why?" "You're a woman." "And what's that supposed to mean?" "It means," he said, a dark frown settling on his brow, "that women are capable of sewing, bearing children, and making a man's life hell. And you aren't even capable of sewing." Lynn Kurland
5414978 He squatted down before her, taking her chin in his hand and lifting her face upward. "You need to eat. You're pale." "I'm perfectly fine," she said curtly. He was surprised by her tone, unpleasantly so. The woman was not as meek as she should have been, given the circumstances. He had saved her, hadn't he? To his mind, that demanded a bit of gratitude. "You don't look sound," he retorted. "I've had a few shocks today. I won't hold you up, .. Lynn Kurland
91b37d8 How'd you like to come here and give your knight in shining armor a big ol' kiss? Lynn Kurland
dc845c4 Richard was jealous. He was jealous and he'd followed her, intending to kiss the hell out of her to show her. Lynn Kurland
837734e Is it safe?" John asked, hovering by the doorway. "Safe?" Richard asked. "What mean you by that?" John entered the chamber slowly. Richard blinked at the enormous discoloration on John's face. "Saints, man, have you and Jessica been brawling?" "Jessica? Richard, you fool, 'twas you who struck me! And twice, no less!" "Me? Have you gone daft? Why would I do such a thing?" John shrugged. "You were out of your head with fever. Jessica was the .. Lynn Kurland
367a9a6 I want a bath." "Only if I'm there to give it to you," he said, then heard his words and wondered where they'd come from. Oh, aye, he was trying to keep her safe. It would be a poor thing indeed if all his fine tending was ruined by a foolish bath. "Richard!" Her face was scarlet. Richard suppressed the urge to pull his suddenly stifling tunic away from his neck. "You'll require aid," he said defensively. "Would you rather have Warren help .. Lynn Kurland
c5b460a He then transferred the potency of those dusty green eyes on Jessica, took her hand, and made a low bow over it. At least he hadn't kissed it, Richard noted. Kendrick had spared himself being run through. "Jessica," Kendrick purred. "A lovely name for an even more beautiful woman." Jessica laughed as she pulled her hand away. "That's pretty good. Would it be rude to label you a womanizer right now?" Richard almost gasped at her cheek but Ke.. Lynn Kurland
e0dad30 What's he doing?" Richard asked unnecessarily. "Composing a heroic ballad based on your adventures," John supplied. "I daresay." "Well, I don't want to hear it," Richard said, swinging up into the saddle. "The saints preserve us from any more of his Court of Love ideals." Lynn Kurland
5c7ab00 Aye, he had relented and allowed himself to believe her. Where else would she have latched onto such foolish notions about men and women? And where else could she have learned to heal as she had? If it were true, then that also meant that she had left behind her a life that she likely longed for a great deal. And, quite possibly, a man. Richard unclenched his jaw and turned his thoughts away from that. If she wanted to try to return to her .. Lynn Kurland
fc606e3 If Richard trusted anyone with his life, it would have been Kendrick of Artane. But trust Kendrick with his woman? Not a chance in hell. He strode across the lists, intent on intercepting Artane's lad before he spotted Jessica. Lynn Kurland
7f812ec He pulled himself back up straight into his chair. Then, before she had any idea what he'd planned, he pulled her down into his lap. She fell, surprised. His embrace was passionless; more comforting than anything. She didn't mind. It was too late at night for anything else. Richard yawned as he snuggled her close and rested his cheek against the top of her head. "I'm not good at apologizing," he said with another yawn. She pulled back and p.. Lynn Kurland
2d26f7f You cannot cook and you cannot sew. Tell me, Jessica, are you good for aught besides making my life hell?" Well, that certainly put her in her place. She rose. "You know what they say about guests and fish after three days," she said, starting toward the door. "I'll be going now." Where, she didn't know, but she could work that out later. "I did not give you permission to depart," he said curtly. "You may still sleep in my bed. I will sleep.. Lynn Kurland
0a343e4 You are," she said with a shake of her head, "the most incredible man I have ever met." His eyes widened briefly, then they narrowed and his lips tightened. She thought he was going to bellow at her again, when to her surprise, he swung down off his horse and stalked toward her. Before she could decide what he was up to, he had pulled her down from Horse, grasped her by the arms, and jerked her to him. "One of us is mad," he growled, "and I.. Lynn Kurland
fe47dc8 I don't want broth, I want an enormous piece of meat." Jessica held the trencher on his lap. "You'll eat broth because that's all your body can take right now--" "I'll eat what I bloody well feel like eating--" "Which is broth," she finished. She was almost nose to nose with him. "Don't push me, Richard." Richard had the overwhelming urge to strangle her. Unfortunately, she was close enough that he caught an eyeful of what his fist had done.. Lynn Kurland
f5b2c79 This is thrice I have been forced to retrieve my horse from your vile clutches. And why is it, mistress, you feel the need to snatch my poor beast each time?" Damn the woman if she didn't pat Horse in a most proprietary manner and look at the beast with a great amount of unwarranted affection. "Because he likes me," she said, looking back at Richard coolly." Lynn Kurland
5d44c5e I say, William, have you a word that rhymes with jewel?" Hamlet asked with the hoarsened voice of one who had bellowed one too many battle cries. And William, who never had any words to utter that weren't variations on some curse or another, said helpfully, "Ah," then promptly fell silent. "Try fool," Richard muttered. "And be certain to apply it to me." Lynn Kurland
6b5015b She lifted her hand, slowly folded down her index, ring, and little fingers, then cheerfully flipped him the bird. Someone behind him laughed and he whirled around and bellowed out a curse. Maybe it had meant the same general thing in the Middle Ages. Or maybe it had been the look on her face. Whatever the case, she felt rather vindicated. She lowered her hand and smiled up at Richard, whose expression had darkened even more. His eyebrows h.. Lynn Kurland
62b0082 Perhaps you would care to wear it. While we are in this chamber," he added hastily. She lifted her eyebrows. "Why?" "Because then you would be lord." "Why would I want that?" "Then you would rule over me. As I rule over you when I wear this ring." He looked at her earnestly. "To give you a feeling of power. At least while we are inside." She slowly folded her fingers over the ring and Richard was sure he'd appeased her. Then she shook her h.. Lynn Kurland
994aa0c There now," he said, hoping with all his might that she would stiffen her spine before he was called upon to render further aid. "No need to weep." "You don't know the half of it," she said, her eyes beginning to leak even more enthusiastically. "I am beginning to wonder if I'll ever get home." "Ah," Richard said helplessly, "ah, surely there is no need for such lack of hope--" "For all I know, it is hopeless!" Lynn Kurland
2ae4cb3 Off with you," he said. "Sleep will heal your wounds." She paused. "Does this mean we're going to be amicable now?" "Call it a temporary truce. Now go to bed." "Is that a command?" He had the feeling the correct response was "nay." That was not the answer he cared to give, however, so he merely pointed toward the bed and glared at her. "You know, I could help you with your man/woman relationship skills," she said. "You could stand to become.. Lynn Kurland
f85e605 She held out her hand. "What is it you want?" he rumbled. "Your ring." He frowned. "And if I'm not inclined to give it?" "Then you'll have a few silent days to look forward to." She lifted her eyebrows in challenge. "And you know how good I am at that." He muttered under his breath as he pulled off the ring and handed it to her." Lynn Kurland
9083da2 He turned his head and saw Jessica lying next to him, facing him. Her left eye was horribly discolored. He sat up with a gasp. "Merciful saints above, what befell you?" he gasped. He put his hands to his head to still the room's sudden swirling. "Lie back, buckaroo," she said. "You're not up to shouting yet." Richard let her lay him back, grateful for the aid but surely unwilling to admit the like. He opened his eyes and focused on the woma.. Lynn Kurland
1e6c7c0 Damn that woman! Lynn Kurland
a8c3bb0 What?" Richard demanded. John merely shook his head and smiled. "She rides very well." "What?" Richard turned to see his horse's rump now far in the distance. "Damn that woman!" Lynn Kurland
e23217e Jessica," he began. "Just leave me alone!" He turned her around. That she only hesitated briefly before she allowed it was a very good sign, to his mind. He pulled her close, then ran his blood-caked hand over her hair as gently as he knew how. She liked that. He would have walked from Hadrian's wall to London on his hands if she'd liked that, too. Saints, what a fool love made of a normally sane man. He rested his bruised cheek against her.. Lynn Kurland
ab73ab5 Jessica jumped up, avoided Richard's hand when he tried to grab her, and strode to the door. She jerked it open, slammed it behind her, and fled up the stairs. She heard the door bang not five seconds later and heavy footsteps come running up behind her. She hadn't made it to the roof before Richard had caught her and spun her around. "Just leave me alone," she spat. "You rude, arrogant jerk!" "Me?" he thundered. "Why, you stubborn, arrogan.. Lynn Kurland
436ee92 She felt sleep creeping up on her like a relentless tide. She tried to summon up a craving for German chocolates. Or New York traffic. Late-night television. Nope. What she really needed was currently scratching her back with the most careful of scratches, humming an off-key melody under his breath. Jessica smiled. Lynn Kurland
7d4a7a0 Aren't we as good as married now?" Richard's gaze flicked to the bed, then back at her. Jessica blushed in spite of herself. "That was part of my question," she acknowledged. "Aye, we're wed." "Well," she said, nodding, "that's good to know." Richard looked at her side, then frowned. "We will wait," he announced. "We will?" "Until your side is healed." He paused. "If that suits." "It might be best," she agreed. "You don't mind waiting?" he .. Lynn Kurland
36d9470 He stopped halfway up the first flight of stairs, backed his lady up against the curved wall, and looked down at her. "I'll take my leave of you properly now," he announced. "I'm not sure I'm still--" He cut off her words with his lips. He very carefully held her captive against the wall, making a great effort not to crush her. Even so, she winced. He came to himself immediately, then realized his fingers had somehow come to rest all the wa.. Lynn Kurland
347793a I'm so happy," she whispered. "I never thought I would ever be this happy." Richard put his arms around her and held her to him. He rested his cheek against her hair and let her words sink deep into his heart. "Any reason why?" he asked, trying to sound casual. "You, of course," she said. "How . . ." She pulled her head back and looked up at him. "Because you are a sweet, tender, passionate man and you treat me like you might just love me.".. Lynn Kurland
80a690a The blush started at her toes and worked its way up. She threw her right arm over her face. "Go dry your hair," she said, mortified. "Please." Richard gently pulled her arm away and peered down at her, his expression grave. "Are you in pain? Saints, but the fever has begun again. You're flushed." "I'm embarrassed!" He blinked. "Why?" Jessica ignored the fact that Warren was standing not a handful of feet away from them, listening as if bein.. Lynn Kurland
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