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2f11502 You'll not go anywhere," he announced. "Yes, I will," she said, through gritted teeth. "You'll use a chamber pot." "I will not!" He thrust his hand in front of her face. The heavy silver ring sat prominently on his middle finger. "This says you'll obey me," he growled. "You'll use the chamber pot because I command you to do so!" "You'll have to hold me there and that just isn't going to happen," Jessica argued. "What is the difference betwe.. Lynn Kurland
714db5f My lady teases me. You do not. Understood? Lynn Kurland
ba89bfd Jessica tended Kendrick's hurts before the fire and Richard only had to unclench his fists two or three times. And then his turn came. He sat down on the floor and Jessica fussed over him. He couldn't remember the last time someone had done the like. It had probably been at Artane years ago. Somehow, Lady Anne's touch hadn't pleased him as Jessica's did. When she pulled away, he opened his eyes to beg her not to cease, then realized there w.. Lynn Kurland
14126f3 Richard," she said pulling away, "why are you shaking?" The troubled look hadn't faded from his eyes. "I don't want to hurt you." "You won't," she promised. "I just did." "You slammed me back against the wall. I would have hurt you if I'd done the same thing." He grunted, but said no more. "I'm trying to soothe you," she offered. "What would soothe me is to hear you say nothing else to Kendrick of Artane until he leaves." "I'm just being po.. Lynn Kurland
36d6bee Why would I go when everything I love is here?" "Who?" he said gruffly. "Hamlet with his charming manners? My poor unmanned brother upstairs? My mother-henning captain?" She smiled. "No." "Kendrick?" "Not even Kendrick." He was silent for a very long time. Then he looked away. "Whom do you love?" he asked, as if he couldn't have possibly cared less about the answer. "You, of course." He looked back at her then, but said nothing. "You're a w.. Lynn Kurland
06a45a5 He cleared his throat roughly. "I'm not gentle," he said, tossing the words away as if they pained him. Jessica had no idea where that had come from, but she had the feeling he was comparing himself to Kendrick's suave ways. She looped her arms around his neck. "You are," she said, "the most gentle, passionate man I've ever met." He didn't move. "Have you met many?" "No. Would it matter if I had?" "It would matter only in that I will be dea.. Lynn Kurland
743bd05 It was cold. Richard tried to put a cloak around Jessica's shoulders but she shook it off. "Jessica," he said helplessly. She said nothing. He realized in that moment that silence was his usual response. No wonder she became so irritated by it. Kendrick built a fire. Richard tried to eat but found his appetite had gone the way of his lady's affection, if she'd ever felt it at first. "Jessica?" he called softly, trying to get her to look at .. Lynn Kurland
6d3c3bc And she shrieked when she was lifted up and set carefully on her feet. "Are you hurt?" Richard asked anxiously. "I was just checking the floor," she said, trying to catch her breath. "You scared me to death." "You frightened me to death," he countered. "Don't just lie down thusly without warning!" "By the saints, Richard" Kendrick said with a laugh from behind Richard, "let the girl be. You'll smother her with all that mother-henning." Lynn Kurland
f632e1c The panic crept closer, accompanied by a niggling doubt. Could she go back to her time? Did she want to? He shoved both thoughts aside forcefully. They were betrothed. It was too late for thinking. A betrothal was as binding as marriage. He could bed her with a clear conscience, sire sons and daughters on her and not call them bastards. She was bound to him and it was a bond she could not break. He would make certain of that. She'd stolen h.. Lynn Kurland
8b512e8 You're trembling," he said. "I think I'm scared." "But why?" He smoothed his hand over her hair. "I was a fool to have left you alone, but it won't happen again." "I've never had anyone try to kill me before." Richard patted her back gently. "'Tis a bit unnerving the first time." Lynn Kurland
c44d4d3 What's in your other hand?" "A message I need to have sent," he lied blithely. "I'll leave you to your work." "Without a kiss?" He definitely felt his mouth twitch that time. "You're baiting me." "And enjoying it very much, thank you." "I haven't the time for it now," he said. "I've a very important matter to attend to. Perhaps later." Lynn Kurland
23b360b You love her very much, don't you?" Richard couldn't have been taken more off guard if Kendrick had plowed his fist into his belly. "By the saints, nay," he gasped. "Then you won't mind if I kiss her this afternoon--" "Do and your life ends," Richard growled. Kendrick's eyes twinkled merrily. "Pitiful, de Galtres. Truly pitiful." "I do not love her," Richard said curtly. Oh, that was all he needed--for Kendrick to spread that tale from one .. Lynn Kurland
47f2600 A hint of a smile crossed Robin's features and he took Jessica's hand. "Well met, then, lady. I vow I despaired of this one ever finding a woman strong enough to face him. You must be accustomed to holding your ground." "The tales I could tell you," Richard muttered. "But I won't," he added at Robin's pursed lips. "Trust me, my lord, she holds her own very well. I'm sure the lady Anne will find her much to her liking." -- Lynn Kurland
135f555 Besides, as much as she loved Bruckner's symphonies, he just couldn't touch a man who had painted his bedroom walls with views of the sea to please her, who gave his precious smiles to her alone, who wept when he watched his daughter sleep. Lynn Kurland
288ef2a You're very difficult." He only flashed her the slightest of smiles. "Likely why you wed me. It wouldn't have done for you to have found a man simply and won him without effort." Lynn Kurland
b91ba1a Though at the moment, with the bleak emptiness of the rest of his mortal journey facing him, he couldn't help but wonder if he might have been better off never to have known her, never to have loved her, and never to have lost her. He closed his eyes and wept. Lynn Kurland
a1d9c20 Richard nodded, then fumbled around in the purse at his belt. He took her hand and slid a ring onto her finger. "I meant to give you this," he said. "Before, ah, the tidings came . . ." "Oh," she said, looking down, "Richard, it's beautiful--" "Aye, and so are you." And with that and a firm brush of his lips across hers, he was gone. Jessica stood in the inner bailey of Robin of Artane's courtyard and stared down at what she assumed was her.. Lynn Kurland
d012fa5 Woman, if you leave me smelling like roses . . . I'll see you regret it," he warned." Lynn Kurland
d7dcc0a Richard?" Her gentle fingers smoothed over his brow. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry. Richard, I'm just so sorry." He reached for her. She came to him and fit perfectly into his arms. Richard clutched her to him, buried his face in her hair, and tried to still that horrifying fear that continued to reach out for him. He wouldn't lose her. If he had to move Heaven and Hell to keep her, he would. "Richard, I know you loved him.".. Lynn Kurland
5496b7c She looked for her guard, then back up at him. "No men?" "Ravishment of one's wife does not need an audience," he informed her. "Ravishment," she said, turning the word over on her tongue and seemingly considering its significance. "Unless I have interrupted your thoughts upon something else," he said reluctantly. She put her arms around his neck and stretched herself against him. "As it happens, I was just walking along the beach thinking .. Lynn Kurland
11b3b1c I am her husband!" "Then you can remain unnamed as her one great love whilst her husband looks on unwittingly." Hamlet sighed in satisfaction. "Ah, what romance there is in the world today!" "Hamlet," Richard said, taking his guardsman by the shoulders and giving him a sharp shake. "I wed the girl not a fortnight ago." Hamlet blinked. "And I bedded her as well!" Hamlet began to look rather crestfallen." Lynn Kurland
22751a7 I am not a gentle man," Richard said, against her mouth. "Uh-huh," she said as he lifted her in his arms. "Nor am I a practiced lover," he said as he carried her across the room. "Nobody's perfect," she managed as he lowered her to the bed. "But I do love you," he said as he stretched out next to her and leaned over her. "And I will give you the best that I have." Lynn Kurland
069a88c A storm is coming in and I feared you would be frightened." "I love storms." "We'll see," he said. "I daresay you'll need my strong arms around you to make you feel safe." Lynn Kurland
e7d9a57 I can't believe it," she said. "I just can't believe it." "Neither can I," Jessica said, eyeballing the door. "And if you'll just let me by, I'll go get some help--" "Oh," Abigail said, with another laugh, "you're perfectly safe. I'm not crazy." She held out her hand. "Abigail Moira Garrett de Piaget. Local girl from Freezing Bluff, Michigan. Nice to meet you." Jessica felt her jaw slip down to land with a figurative thud on her chest. "You.. Lynn Kurland
42779dd She even managed to avoid various and sundry bits of animal husbandry that seemed to find warm, fallish tarmac to be to their liking. She'd never thought of sheep as a road hazard, but there you had it. When in Scotland, look out for white, fuzzy impediments to your journey. Lynn Kurland
8fef9c2 He belted his sword around his hips, threw a cloak over his shoulder, and knelt on one knee beside the bed. He kissed her with his eyes open and she understood completely because she couldn't rob herself of one last sight of him either. "Mend my hose while I'm gone," he said, straightening. "Don't count on it." He smiled, the brief satisfied smile of a man who knew in whose hands his heart was kept, then turned and left the room without say.. Lynn Kurland
00720f9 Jessica," he whispered hoarsely. "Ah, merciful saints above, I thought I'd never have you again." He clutched her to him. "Say you'll never leave me. Vow you'll never leave my arms again. Nay, I'll never let you go." He held her tighter. "Nothing will take you from me again, not even time. No more wishes. No more wishes unless we make them together." Lynn Kurland
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