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5b8d879 When she grabbed for the door handle, I said, quietly, "Harper, I will love you for the rest of my life." -- Molly McAdams
ee973c0 Whoa, got it bad for your cousin's girl already, huh? You gonna try to get with that?" I eyed Cassi in Ty's arms and shook my head as I brought my beer up to take another long drink. "Nope." Yes, yes, I am." Molly McAdams
1444cc6 I forgive you, but no more lies." "None." She leaned away and propped herself up on an elbow. "I'm serious, Kash. Not even the forgiving lies to save me from getting my feelings hurt. If I ask you if my butt looks big, you can't lie." "Woman, you barely even have an ass. That was the worst example you could have used." Molly McAdams
0d4d2b4 Brother--" "I thought we'd already decided we weren't that, either." Grabbing his shoulder, I stopped him before he could reach the door. "Look, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I did this to you." He turned to look at me, his brow raised high. "You're sorry. So, what . . . we go back to being cool again?" "I don't know, man. But we can't do this." "And why can't we? You couldn't stand to let me have one normal day with her. Have I done anything to you.. Molly McAdams
12dc2e6 Chase." He cleared his throat and shook his head once. "That girl means everything to me. Which means her baby does, too. I will never do to you what you did to Harper and me. But know this. If you do not take care of them, and cherish them . . . I will not hesitate again to beat the living shit out of you. You get me?" "I got you. I love them, I'll always take care of them." true-love promise Molly McAdams
b270ea6 People say that being in love is amazing. They lie. It's freaking terrifying. romance Molly McAdams
6e01a86 I can't be with you. I love Brandon; I'm sorry." No! "Baby, don't say that. I will fight for you, I will. Please just give us a shot." "A part of me will probably always love you, too, but I can't take chances with you, Chase. You'll leave me one day, and it will kill me when you do." "Wha--No! I wouldn't, I swear I wouldn't." promise fight Molly McAdams
d63d79a There are things I'm not strong enough to go without, and I intend to fight for them. Molly McAdams
4b3c7f1 but she'd already been living a life she didn't choose, so I wouldn't choose for her either; I would wait for her to leave him and come to me. Molly McAdams
cc3f279 You know he told me he'd rather be your friend for the rest of his life than risk not being able to make sure you guys are happya nd okay Molly McAdams
701c373 Dad, is she serious?" John shrugged. "I argue with your Mama, I sleep on the couch and she doesn't feed me. So i dont argue with your mama." relationships humor truth truth-of-life laugh-out-loud Molly McAdams
d435a49 Funny how things like that can change when you're in these kind of situations. Kash usually drove me crazy. He was so stubborn, and such a smart-ass, but I missed those annoying traits so much. I missed the way our personalities clashed and resulted in us fighting; I would give anything to fight with Kash again. The thought of having children with him used to terrify me, and now I was afraid I'd never get to have that opportunity. And I hat.. Molly McAdams
8a08720 Because you need me and if this is my last hour with you, I'm not going to waste another second of it. Molly McAdams
99137fb Esa primera noche, me di cuenta de que nunca conoceria a una chica como tu. Pero te mereces a alguien que haya esperado por ti tanto como tu has esperado por el. Y no importa cuanto yo desee ser ese chico, no puedo, Harper. Molly McAdams
cd599cb Si piensas que actuar como si no existieras no es lo mas dificil que he hecho nunca, te equivocas. Odio no hablar contigo, odio no discutir como si fueramos un matrimonio de ancianos y odio no pasar todos los dias a tu lado. Pero asi es como tiene que ser. Brandon me odia, y Princesa, confia en mi cuando digo que tiene todas las razones para hacerlo. Asi que si despues de todo lo que te he hecho, sigues incluso considerando ser mi amiga, en.. Molly McAdams
3be5455 Grabbing his hand, I stepped close and placed a hand over his racing heart. "You are what makes me happy. I can't live a life that you're not in, Kash. I've already tried it once before, it didn't work." Molly McAdams
9a454f0 I've missed pancakes. But I'll miss being married to you more. Molly McAdams
1de7a8c I felt like Elena from Vampire Diaries. She has two insanely hot men who are in love with her and would do anything for her. One of which, she would give almost everything to be with, and the other she continues to push away, even though she can't ever actually stay away, so she won't have to admit she was in love with him too. At least my guys weren't brothers. Molly McAdams
5d5cedc Any you really need to work on faking it. You sound pathetic even from my bed. Molly McAdams
fca1981 I still can't see my life with anyone but you. I still love you Harper, baby included. Molly McAdams
c955c53 and if this is my last hour with you, I'm not going to waste another second of it." -- Chase Grayson." -- Molly McAdams
7795b71 El dia que conoci a tu madre, sabia que estaria en mi vida para siempre. Habia algo sobre ella y supe que me estaba enamorando ese primer dia. Te hacia querer ser mejor, tratar de ser digno de su amor. Lamentablemente, tu padre pensaba lo mismo, nadie entendia por que cambio drasticamente, excepto yo. A pesar de que ella estaba conmigo, dejo de beber, dejo de dormir con otras chicas, es como si lo hubiera hecho madurar al instante y convert.. liam chase Molly McAdams
9435563 Sus ojos brillaron antes de cerrarlos y bajo la cabeza. --No. No te merezco tampoco. Necesitas a alguien que te aprecie, te proteja y te cuide. Una persona que se de cuenta de que nunca seria capaz de encontrar a otra como tu en el mundo, no importa lo mucho que busque. --Me miro de nuevo a los ojos y nos miramos el uno al otro. Molly McAdams
cf82ddb Harper, i love you more than I could ever explain. Meeting you changed my world. Even when I thought you would never be mine, I couldn't continue to live a life I knew you hated. The night you told me you loved me was the best night of my life, up until tonight. I never want to let you go again, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to marry you someday, Harper. - Chase Austin Grayson Molly McAdams
f7896fe Oh I'm sorry, but I don't have any STDs, I'm not your type. Molly McAdams
a5b6de8 No one was ever worth the chase. But you? You will be worth it every time. I will always chase you, Kennedy. Molly McAdams
263c602 Nothing is ever guaranteed, but you can't write us off before you even give me a chance to prove that I can be good for you. Molly McAdams
8fdf7ab This ring belongs to you, and the only place I want it is on your left hand . . . and hopefully someday if you'll still have me, I want it accompanied by another ring. Like before, I won't push you, but this is yours. If you decide to put it on again, Rachel, you better understand what I'm saying this time. I don't want you taking that ring off. Molly McAdams
7d8eb35 If you think acting like you don't exist isn't the hardest thing I've ever done, you're wrong. I hate not talking to you, I hate not bickering like we're an old married couple, and I hate not spending every day right next to you. But this is how it has to be. Brandon hates me, and, Princess, trust me when I say he has every reason to. So if after everything I've done to you, you'll still even consider being my friend, then it has to be Sund.. Molly McAdams
cf01207 He isn't a -" She made a face. "Well, yeah." Molly McAdams
0cee9ea If I had it my way, Harper and I wouldn't be standing in this room right now, we wouldn't be pressed against each other. I would just be her roommate's brother who pisses her off. But when it came to this girl, I was no longer in control of anything. She consumed me in every way possible. My brain was telling me to run from her, to keep her safe, to keep her from someone like me, but she had my heart completely, and that was winning out. I .. Molly McAdams
345d092 Harper, te amo mucho mas de lo que puedo explicar. Conocerte cambio mi mundo. Incluso cuando pense que nunca serias mia, no podia seguir viviendo una vida que sabia que odiabas. La noche que me dijiste que me amabas fue la mejor noche de mi vida, hasta esta noche. Nunca te dejare ir otra vez, quiero estar contigo por el resto de mi vida. Quiero casarme contigo algun dia Harper. --Hizo una pausa y busco mis ojos--. Haria cualquier cosa por t.. Molly McAdams
154d017 You need someone who will cherish you, protect you and take care of you. Someone that realizes they'd never be able to find another you in the world, no matter how hard they looked. Molly McAdams
81385c7 don't think I won't come after you with a wooden spoon, Molly McAdams
997a16c There are still times when I stop dead in my tracks when I see you, and wonder how you're mine. You're beautiful; and your fire for life, and strength after everything you've been through, amazes me. So if anyone leaves the other speechless, it's you. Molly McAdams
ec3f511 I went to kindergarten, I learned how to share with others. Molly McAdams
4192701 There is a hickey on my forehead! Molly McAdams
28a58ef Deceiving people was natural... It had been my job for so long that lying to protect myself, or those I loved, was as easy as breathing. I'd promise Rachel that there would be no more lies, forgiving or not. When it came to her, there hadn't been, and there wouldn't be when she came back. But all bets were off until I found her. I would deceive anyone, lie about everything, and do anything to get her back. Molly McAdams
7241fe3 No. If I'm being honest, I love knowing that your firsts will all be with me. Molly McAdams
1c3ea6f Princess, stop walking and just talk to me." "Why? So you can let me know again how much of a slut you think I am?" "I don't," he let out a half-growl, half-sigh, "I don't think you're a slut. You just caught me on a bad day." "Let me guess Chase, you hurt me because you were just so damn mad ... am I right?" I threw his line from a month ago back in his face and he paled. His hand came up and brushed my hair back, holding it away from my f.. Molly McAdams
fc03a2b Saying goodbye to everyone, I picked up my bag and began walking away as a deep husky voice called my name. I didn't stop walking, but looked over my shoulder in time to see Brandon walking around the table toward me, and Chase holding the brunette's head away from his as he watched us, she just continued onto his neck. Falling into step with me, he held out a hand, "We haven't met yet, I'm Brandon Taylor." Dear Lord that voice could warm m.. Molly McAdams
4b8d48b I loved him. I loved the man that was waiting for me somewhere in the house. I loved the way he loved me, and I loved all his faults. Including his quick reactions based solely on emotions rather than on facts. Molly McAdams
0159c89 I can't marry you," I finally said. He nodded slowly. "I figured that out." His mouth opened, then shut quickly, and he went back to waiting. But I couldn't figure out where to begin, because I couldn't understand Declan. There was a sadness deep in his eyes, but he didn't look as if I'd just rejected his proposal. He didn't look like the girl he'd thought was his fiancee had just told him she couldn't marry him. He looked as if he had been.. Molly McAdams
20ac64e I loved my family, and I loved our life. Kash and I had gone through rough times at the beginning, but life was good and I prayed it would stay that way. There was never a dull moment--there were plenty of laughs, and plenty of happy and sad tears. He and I still fought like there was no tomorrow, and pancakes were made a few times a week . . . but we loved each other fiercely, and we helped each other through everything. Most importantly, .. Molly McAdams