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2ceca18 Chase, if you still want to be in the baby's life, I would love that. But I can't continue to be in this relationship, besides, we both know it has been doomed from the beginning." "No it hasn't!" "I can't trust you Chase. Especially after this." "Harper. We. Are not. Breaking up." He gripped my hands in his, his whole body shaking. "I was going to propose to you after graduation tomorrow!" I recoiled at the thought of him asking me to marr.. Molly McAdams
382ad68 I'm sorry Chase, but I can't." "No. No, no n-" "I can't be with you. I love Brandon, I'm sorry." I whispered. "Baby don't say that. I will fight for you, I will. Please just give us a shot." "A part of me will probably always love you too, but I can't take chances with you Chase. You'll leave me one day, and it will kill me when you do." "Wha- No! I wouldn't, I swear I wouldn't." He reached for me then and I let him hold me. "You can't stay.. Molly McAdams
8df6d35 I've never once in my life seen Chase cry. There is no doubt in my mind he is completely in love with you Harper, you have to tell him you're pregnant and he's the dad." Never" Molly McAdams
c81c5a7 And how's that? You a manager at McDonalds? Molly McAdams
2b570a7 trying to look perfect today, than two hands appeared on either side of my plate and I felt a hard chest press against my back and warm breath against my ear. "Have you been hiding from me, PG?" He chuckled when he felt me shiver. "Why, you miss me?" "Of course. You're my favorite, remember?" His nose brushed along my neck and I almost turned into a puddle right there. I sighed dramatically and leaned away from his intoxicating presence, "S.. Molly McAdams
91bcc8c Hey Princess." Good God I missed hearing his voice. "Chase," I had to clear my throat to continue, "I didn't think you were going to be here." "I asked if you were coming to the house." He replied hesitantly. "Right, I just figured you meant your house." The room was thick with the tension that always followed us around. My heart started racing from his nearness and I silently cursed myself. I really didn't want any kind of feelings for thi.. Molly McAdams
76a7a30 Nu uh. If I'm not drinking, you're not drinking." I shot a sideways glance at Chase, "Well then why don't you have one?" "Because I don't drink anymore." He shrugged and looked around the kitchen for a moment. "Since when?" I hadn't seen him drink in months, but I didn't know he'd actually stopped. Chase stopped looking around and pierced me with his blue eyes, "Since I was a jackass and hurt my Princess." He said my Princess. My. I had goo.. Molly McAdams
aaca9d6 Chase shoved one of the ultrasound pictures in Bree's face, "Then what the hell is this?" I stepped up next to her, took the photo out of his hand and spoke softly, trying to hide my shaking. "It's mine Chase." You could have heard a pin drop. Chase's face had softened as soon as he'd seen me, but turned into one of shock when he registered what I'd said. After a few minutes, a grin that reached his eyes spread across his face as he searche.. Molly McAdams
5b0f793 Ahh . . . him I don't like. Molly McAdams
d3838a6 And most of all, I wanted to my Kash. I wanted to be wrapped in his arms in our bed. I wanted to go back to the night of the whipped cream war, and beg him to stay home with me so none of this would happened. I wanted to a way to tell him I was okay. I wanted to know that I was going to see him again. And I wanted to know if he was trying to find me. Molly McAdams
d6d4f78 Then give me your days and nights. Give me your forever." "They're yours if you'll wait for me to light up the after." Molly McAdams
328e60b I want to take you home! And you, oh you're really sad-looking, I need to stop looking at you. This is such a bad idea, I need to get out of-- Oh, I want to take you too! Molly McAdams
8d3166e I felt like Elena from Vampire Diaries. She has two insanely hot men who are in love with her and would do anything for her. One of which, she would give almost everything to be with, and the other she continues to push away, even though she can't ever actually stay away, so she won't have to admit she was in love with him too. At least my guys weren't brothers. Thank God for that. Chase Molly McAdams
88998d2 I closed my eyes, shook my head, and laughed softly at his breathy words. Funny how I still hated that nickname, but my heart fluttered every time he said it. I hadn't forgotten the longing to hear him say it again while I was with Trent, because I knew hearing him say it meant seeing him again. And I knew that no matter how ridiculous it was, I would never complain about it again. Molly McAdams
9780016 I let my fingers run over the muscles of his chest and shoulders before making their way up to hold his face in my hands. I couldn't figure out if I wanted to smile or cry because I was so in love with this man, and so thankful for him. Instead I just continued to stare at him and finally whispered, "There are times when you know exactly what to say, and your words leave me speechless." Molly McAdams
919a6f5 It's kinda pointless to fight for what you want when what you want continues to break your heart. science innovation business-culture Molly McAdams
448f7f8 Jesus Princess! You almost gave me a heart attack. I thought I had a girl in here." He flopped back onto his pillow, raking his hands over his face. That snapped me back to reality. "Chase?" "Hmm?" "Sorry you didn't seem to notice, but I am a girl." He dropped his hands and scowled at me but still proceeded to slowly take in my body. My cheeks were bright red by the time he looked back up. "I noticed last night, trust me." My question mark .. Molly McAdams
3acf3cb Cracking one eye open, I saw Kash sitting on the edge of my bed just staring at me with an amused expression. "Can I help you?" I mumbled against the pillow. "I'm hungry and want pancakes." "You want . . . What are you, five?! Make your own. I even bought the easy-make pancakes last weekend. All you have to do is add water." I rolled over and groaned. "Seven thirty? Kash, we didn't get back from work until after one. You have got to stop wa.. Molly McAdams
7e4ba9a The roar of the motorcycle stopped, and the rider whipped off his sunglasses. "Are you trying to get your door taken off?" My heart had stopped the minute I'd looked into his piercing gray eyes, but anger quickly took over everything. "Do you always swing into parking spaces when someone is opening their door?" I rubbed my leg once more and stumbled awkwardly out of my car. I realized he hadn't answered me, and after shutting my door and lo.. Molly McAdams
3f9ec9f This is so not fair! Can I have your boobs for just one night?" "Yeah, sure . . . let me just take them off," I said, deadpan. "Tell me, Candi, do I look all right?" "Uh, yeah. I'd do you." I snorted, "You're disgusting." "You love me." Rolling my eyes, I walked into my bathroom and put on some perfume. "It's true." Just" Molly McAdams
ab0b8f9 The one standing closest to Candice, who reintroduced himself as Mason, had arms so massive, I swear the sleeves of his shirt were about to tear from how much they were stretching against the bulging muscles. To be honest, they were kind of frightening. He had tribal tattoos coming down both arms, stopping halfway down; a killer smile; and dominating eyes. But then he picked me up in a big bear hug, and all freaky thoughts of him melted awa.. Molly McAdams
cff5d77 I like the name Logan. You should stick with it. It sounds much better than Kash." Mason snorted and Candice groaned into her hand before gasping and pointing at me. "Wait! You know him?" "Yeah, he tried to take my car door off this afternoon when I got back." Kash . . . Logan--whatever his name was--stopped sucking on his lip ring and I had the strangest urge to take over that lovely task for him. "You know, we could always turn that aroun.. Molly McAdams
be7c0b0 We're from far West Texas." I let that linger for a moment before turning and shooting him a grin. "Otherwise known as California." "Smart-ass." He smiled wide and I forced my eyes back on the road. Oh Lord, that smile was perfect. "Let me guess. College?" "Yep." "Isn't it summer? Wouldn't you want to go home during vacation?" "Uh, yeah. It is . . . but Candice has a cheer camp for elementary-school girls she's working at this summer. And w.. Molly McAdams
a4b773d Do you want another?" Kash asked with a lazy smile that I wasn't sure if I hated or loved yet. "No, I drove. One's enough." "I'll drive us back if you want." We were in a small booth, and Candice had made it a point to sit with Mason, which put Kash and me in a position to get all up close and personal whether we wanted to or not. And now he was leaning in and the smell of his musky cologne was calling my name. "You look like you need more .. Molly McAdams
399a600 Running my hands down her tear-streaked face, my heart broke when her eyes met mine. She was looking at me, but she wasn't seeing me. There was nothing in those beautiful blue eyes. No pain. No fear. No betrayal. No love. They were empty and were looking right through me. "I'm so sorry, Rach. I'm sorry. We got you, baby. You're safe now." I" Molly McAdams
3e35071 Look, Blake, I don't think Friday is a good idea." "Why isn't it?" "Well, it's--you know . . . it's just not. So thank you for your offer. But once again, and hopefully for the last time, I'm not going to go on a date with you. If you ever move back to California, I really hope this doesn't make family dinners awkward." The corners of his lips turned up slightly. "All right. You done for the day?" This was the first rejection he'd taken wel.. Molly McAdams
9eeaddb Rachel . . ." He ran a nervous hand through his hair and paused for a second, as if trying to figure out what to say. "The school year is about to end and you'll be going back to Cali over the summer. I feel like I'm about to miss any chance with you I may have. And I don't want to. I know you liked me when we were growing up. But, Rach, you were way too young back then." "I'm still five years younger; that hasn't changed." He smirked. "You.. Molly McAdams
c760efe Are you still mad?" I glanced up to see his stupid smirk, which I kind of hated right now. "Why would I be mad? I was just dragged out of a building to go walk with a guy I turned down for a date." His smirk turned into a full-blown smile. "Still mad," he said, and looked ahead. "Although I always did find your temper adorable, let me know when you're not." Thirty" Molly McAdams
95fd369 Uh . . . am I missing something?" Blake looked a little smug as he glanced at his watch, then the sky. "Nope, give it a couple minutes. We got here just in time." Aaron, his sexuality, and the fact that Blake had gotten jealous over my flaming gay friend completely forgotten, I looked at the sky, then pulled out my phone to check the time. There was nothing special about the time from what I could tell. As for the sky, it was nearly dusk, a.. Molly McAdams
3de6f2f Just as we were passing the school, Blake slid his hand down my arm and intertwined our fingers. "Rachel, why did you finally agree to go out with me?" When I looked up, I was surprised at his somber expression. I would have expected something a little more taunting. "Do you want me to answer that honestly?" "I'd appreciate it. I've asked you out for . . . shit. I don't know, nine months now? No matter what I said, your answer was always no.. Molly McAdams
282a6de Blake didn't say a word to me as I slid into the passenger seat of his car, and he continued to stay silent as we drove to one of the Starbucks near campus. The only acknowledgment he made of my presence was to put his hand high up on my thigh again and hold tight. Too tight. And not much changed once we were finally in the shop. Conversation didn't happen, his hand was back on my thigh, and we had four different stare-downs. I only won one.. Molly McAdams
567448b BLAKE: You look beautiful tonight. Instead of bolting for my car like any sane person would have, I looked around until I found him. Well, running to my car wouldn't have helped much; he was parked right next to it and leaning against the driver's door of his shiny little Lexus. How did he know I was here? If he didn't know I was here, what is he doing here at two in the morning? Oh my word, he's been following me! No, that's ridiculous; co.. Molly McAdams
9609b47 Before I could scream, his free hand slammed down on my throat and his face was directly above mine again. He growled as his blue eyes turned to ice and he just stared at me as I gasped for air. "You're going to regret doing that, sweetheart." My vision blurred from my tears; the outer edges were turning black as I struggled to stay conscious. Blake's breathing deepened and the look that crossed his painfully handsome face terrified me. My .. Molly McAdams
ce0b714 When the door opened, Blake was standing at the side of my bed looking down at me. The light brush of his fingers over my throat and his solid glare were clearly a warning. But I was still on the verge of fainting, now from trying too roughly to inhale. Candice said good-bye to whomever she'd been talking to as she shut the door. "Oh, hey, cuz! I didn't mean to--" Blake turned to look at her and Candice's eyes went wide when she saw me. "Oh.. Molly McAdams
8f4a82a Those guys didn't hurt you too bad, did they, Rach? They didn't--they didn't . . ." "No. Candice. No. Blake--" "I know, Rach. Blake took such good care of you last night, he was so sweet to you." No! A sob broke free and the tears poured down my cheeks as I tried to tell her how wrong she was. "No. Blake--my car--he . . . he did something and I--I thought I was going crazy!" "It's okay, sweetie. He took me to pick up your Jeep from Starbuck.. Molly McAdams
fefdc31 My head was shaking a no when Candice tried to hand me the phone, and she eventually just shoved it into my palm. I just stood there staring at the front of it in horror. Candice huffed and forced my hand so the phone was pressed to my ear and went to sit back at her desk. "Y-you--" "Took care of you," he said, cutting me off. "I have a witness." "No," I whispered, and glanced up at Candice. "Who's going to believe anything you say, Rachel?.. Molly McAdams
44efea3 I shut my eyes and listened to the remainder of "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain in my car before preparing to get out. My dad used to sing that to my mom when they thought I wasn't looking. He'd pull her close in the kitchen and dance with her slowly as he softly sang each word in her ear. My dad was sweet like that, and I remember thinking I wanted a guy just like him. A rugged-looking softy who would take the time to dance with his wife for no .. Molly McAdams