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53ab87b talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything. hard-work humility talent Patrick Süskind
a6737dd Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it. sense-of-smell perfumery odors scent perfume Patrick Süskind
34021f1 For people could close their eyes to greatness, to horrors, to beauty, and their ears to melodies or deceiving words. But they couldn't escape scent. For scent was a brother of breath. Together with breath it entered human beings, who couldn't defend themselves against it, not if they wanted to live. And scent entered into their very core, went directly to their hearts, and decided for good and all between affection and contempt, disgust an.. Patrick Süskind
3aef6f7 in that moment, as he saw and smelled how irresistible its effect was and how with lightning speed it spread and made captives of the people all around him--in that moment his whole disgust for humankind rose up again within him and completely soured his triumph, so that he felt not only no joy, but not even the least bit of satisfaction. What he had always longed for--that other people should love him--became at the moment of his achieveme.. hatred perfumery misanthropy perfume Patrick Süskind
85d7b32 He possessed the power. He held it in his hand. A power stronger than the power of money or the power of terror or the power of death: the invincible power to command the love of mankind. There was only one thing that power could not do: it could not make him able to smell himself. Patrick Süskind
73a0fc5 Not a visible enthusiasm but a hidden one, an excitement burning with a cold flame. enthusiasm excitement hidden Patrick Süskind
f5d8224 He who ruled scent ruled the hearts of men. Patrick Süskind
c0b802b People left him alone. And that was all he wanted. want solitude Patrick Süskind
9abafbf She was indeed a girl of exquisite beauty. She was one of those languid women made of dark honey smooth and sweet and terribly sticky. Patrick Süskind
8bcab8d He had withdrawn solely for his own personal pleasure, only to be near to himself. No longer distracted by anything external, he basked in his own existence and found it splendid. Patrick Süskind
8d9865b There was only one thing the perfume could not do. It could not turn him into a person who could love and be loved like everyone else. So, to hell with it he thought. To hell with the world. With the perfume. With himself Patrick Süskind
f0c7798 When they finally did dare it, at first with stolen glances and then candid ones, they had to smile. They were uncommonly proud. For the first time they had done something out of Love. murder Patrick Süskind
19b8771 lmshy yhd~ l'`Sb ,fy lmshy tkmn qw@ shfy@. hdhh lrtb@ fy tHryk qdm b`d l'khr~ byq` mtzn m` ltlwyH bldhr`yn `l~ ljnbyn, hdh ltsr` fy trdd lnfs wlnshT lkhfyf fy lnbD , dhlk ltwZyf lDrwry ll`ynyn wl'dhnyn ltHdyd ltjh wlmHfZ@ `l~ ltwzn , hdh lsh`wr blhw ldhy yhf `l~ ljld, kl hdhh 'shy tDTr lrwH wljsd lltwHd bTryq@ Htmy@,wttrk lrwH, Ht~ lw knt fy 'shd Hlth Gyban wtthqlan, tnmw wtts`. رياضة وصف Patrick Süskind
44e59f6 He decided in favor of life out of sheer spite and malice. life spite malice Patrick Süskind
af16ec9 he came to the conclusion that you cannot depend on people, and that you can live in peace only if you keep them at arm's length. Patrick Süskind
8eb6fa3 He had preserved the best part of her and made it his own: the principle of her scent. the-story-of-a-murderer smell principle olfactory preservation virgin preserve virginity scent perfume Patrick Süskind
56e1482 He realized that all his life he had been a nobody to everyone. What he now felt was the fear of his own oblivion. It was as though he did not exist. Patrick Süskind
cb0603d And suddenly solitude fell across his heart like a dusty reflection. He closed his eyes. The dark doors within him opened and he entered. The next performance in the theater of Grenouille's soul was beginning. solitude performance reflection soul Patrick Süskind
cd0df45 n t`s@ lnsn tntj mn kwnh l yryd 'n yqb` sknan fy Grfth hnk Hyth yjb 'n ykwn Patrick Süskind
ea1eb06 ndr@ mn lbshr yulhimwn lHb, w hw'l sykwnwn DHyh Patrick Süskind
8b08184 Moonlight knew no colors and traced the contours of the terrain only very softly. It covered the land a dirty gray, strangling life all night long. This world molded in lead, where nothing moved but the wind that fell sometimes like a shadow over the gray forests, and where nothing lived but the scent of the naked earth, was the only world he accepted, for it was much like the world of his soul. Patrick Süskind
cbc751b lqd `jb bry'H@ lbHr ldrj@ n shth~ lHSwl `lyh , wlw mr@ .. nqy@ dwn shwy'b wbkmyt wfrh tskrh . Patrick Süskind
2eb05b6 How quickly the apparently solidly laid foundation of one's existence could crumble. Patrick Süskind
d62e8e4 jmy` lmshkl tdwr Hwl lml. Hlm yTrq 'Hdhm hdhh lbwb@ ykwn `ndh mshkl@ mly@. 'tmn~ mn kl qlby 'n 'ftH mr@ lbwb@ l'jd nsn `ndh shy akhr Gyr mshkl@ lml 'w 'jd shkhS yHml hdy@ SGyr@ Patrick Süskind
c24ac49 And because people are stupid and use their noses only for blowing, but believe absolutely anything they see with their eyes, they will say it is because this is a girl with beauty and grace and charm. halo-effect Patrick Süskind
2ecb95d lq`d@ lthny@ tqwl b'n l`Tr y`ysh m` lzmn , flh mrHl shbbh wnDjh wshykhwkhth wfqT `ndm ytkhT~ mrHl l`mr lmkhtlf@ mHfZ `l~ ryjh blwtyr@ dhth y`tbr `Tr njH . Patrick Süskind
e4a3501 He had escaped the abhorrent taint! He was truly completely alone! He was the only human being in the world! solitude Patrick Süskind
3fd09bb bws` lbshr 'n yGmDw '`ynhm 'mm mhw `Zym 'w jmyl, w'n yGlqw adhnhm 'mm l'lHn wlklm lm`swl wlkn lys bws`hm lhrwb mn l`bq l'nh shqyq lshhyq, m`h ydkhl l~ dhwthm, wlystTy`wn SdWh n rGbw blbq `l~ qyd lHy@, nh ydkhl l~ '`mqhm, l~ lqlb mbshr@, Hyth ytm lfSl lHsm byn lmyl lyh 'w Htqrh, byn lqrf mnh 'w lrGb@ fyh, byn Hbh 'w krhh. Patrick Süskind
275d492 sbb t`s@ lnsn ykmn fy 'nWh l yryd lrkwn l~ Hjrth Hyth yjb 'n ykwn Patrick Süskind
9c99e9a Porque los hombres podian cerrar los ojos ante la grandeza, ante el horror, ante la belleza, y cerrar los oidos a las melodias o las palabras seductoras, pero no podian sustraerse al perfume. Porque el perfume era hermano del aliento. Con el se introducia en los hombres y si estos querian vivir, tenian que respirarlo. Y una vez en su interior, el perfume iba directo al corazon y alli decidia de modo categorico entre inclinacion y desprecio,.. dominio perfume Patrick Süskind
8911c0b if you could not close a door behind you to take a shit in the city - even if it was just the door to a shared toilet - if this one, most essential freedom was taken away from you, the freedom, that is, to withdraw from other people when necessity called, then all other freedoms were worthless. Then life had no more meaning. Then it would be better to be dead. Patrick Süskind
a62ca8c lqd ntSra l'nWh `sh Patrick Süskind
a2b4414 fj'h m `d yr~ nfsh, 'y 'nh m`d yr~ nfsh kjz mn l`lm ldhy yHyT yh. lqd tmlkh sh`wr lyD` thwn km lw 'nh b`yd jdan fy lkhrj, km lw 'nh yt'ml l`lm bmnZr mqlwb Patrick Süskind
89316ca He would be able to create a scent that was not merely human, but super human, an angels scent, so indescribably good and vital that who ever smelt it would be enchanted and with his whole heart would have to love him. love enchanted superhuman control lust power scent perfume Patrick Süskind
a3cea48 swf tmwt y jwnthn, swf tmwt, n lm ykn lan fqryban. knt Hytk klh khT', lqd 'fsdt Hytk klh, Hytk hdhh lty tzlzlh Hmm@ Patrick Süskind
3c67c49 Never before in his life had he known what happiness was. He knew at most some very rare states of numbed contentment. But now he was quivering with happiness and could not sleep for pure bliss. It was as if he had been born a second time; no, not a second time, the first time, for until now he had merely existed like an animal with a most nebulous self-awareness. but after today, he felt as if he finally knew who he really was: nothing les.. Patrick Süskind
cbd8a28 He was not bound. No one led him by the arm. He got out of the carriage as if he were a free man. Patrick Süskind
a90d5e2 But he did decide vegetatively, as a bean when once tossed aside must decide if it ought to germinate or had better let things be. Patrick Süskind
52f7535 He had used only a drop of his perfume for his performance in Grasse. There was enough left to enslave the whole world. If he wanted, he could be feted in Paris, not by tens of thousands, but by hundreds of thousands of people; or could walk out to Versailles and have the King kiss his feet; write the Pope a perfumed letter and reveal himself as the new Messiah; be anointed in Notre-Dame as Supreme Emperor before kings, or even as God come .. smell power scent Patrick Süskind
09428ea There were no mad flashings of the eye, no lunatic grimace passed over his face. He was not out of his mind, which was so clear and buoyant that he asked himself why he wanted to do it at all. And he said to himself that he wanted to do it because he was evil, thoroughly evil. And he smiled as he said it and was content. He looked quite innocent, like any happy person. Patrick Süskind
b80c6f4 Hem dusundum ki, senin farkina varmasi icin yanlis calmak zorundaysan, o zaman hic farkina varmasin, daha iyi. Goruyor musunuz, ben boyleyim. Patrick Süskind
d89a6cc nh yrtjf mn lkhwf mn mjrd lnZr l~ hdh lmtshrd lny'm: lqd tmlkh khwf `Zym fj'h mn 'n yDTr ywman m 'n ySbH mthl hdh lrjl lmnHT lmtmdd `l~ lmq`d. m hy lsr`@ lty yHtjh Hdwth shy khdh? 'n yufqr lmr w ysqT l~ lHDyD! km mn lwqt tHtj ld`y'm lty knt tbdw Slbh fy Hy@ shkhS m lttftt w thwy?? Patrick Süskind
bbec00b Um kleine, aber reizende Garten, in denen Oleander und Palmen gediehen und zierliche, von Rabatten umfasste Springbrunnen gurgelten, dehnten sich, meist U-formig nach Suden gebaut, die eigentlichen Flugel der Anwesen aus: sonnendurchflutete, seidentapetenbespannte Schlafgemacher in den Obergeschossen, prachtige mit exotischem Holz getafelte Salons zu ebener Erde und Speisesale, bisweilen terrassenhaft ins Freie vorgebaut, in denen tatsachli.. Patrick Süskind
1ceb5e8 In eighteenth-century France there lived a man who was one of the most gifted and abominable personages in an era that knew no lack of gifted and abominable personages. Patrick Süskind
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