You cannot hide from your heart, Kate. It always finds you. And, sadly, I cannot hide from mine.
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And one day, if I see your smile on her face, maybe that'll keep me from feeling I've left a piece of my heart behind.
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You're saying you have spidey sense? Can you also shoot webs out of your wrist to swing from building to building?" He raises an eyebrow. "No, Anna. I cannot. And I really can't believe I'm taking crap from the girl who speaks to dead people." --
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Things settled into a lazy pattern. School, chores, and long hours down by the river. Kiernan talked about the books he read sometimes, even loaned me a few. But I liked it better when he read to me or just told me the stories. The words were more real that way, more exciting. Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Ragged Dick, and all the others seemed flat and dull on the page, but Kiernan was good at making them come alive.
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But what if it can't be fixed?" I ask before I even realize I'm going to speak. "Or if I can't fix it without hurting even more people?" Sister Elba pauses to close the armonica case and then walks toward the steps, stopping a few short feet away from the bench where she will die. "People faced those kinds of decisions every day during the War and after. It's a hard lesson in life, but you have to accept that some things are out of your han..
Rysa Walker |
You need one of those recap sequences," Trey says. "Like, 'Hi, I'm Kate. Here are a few things you might need to know.'" Charlayne smiles. "Previously on ." "Or," Ben says, "' The Timeline So Far,' like on ."
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Amelia hides a soft heart behind a shrew's tongue.
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Pru shrugs. "I wasn't sure how long they'd hold our reservation." A sly grin spreads over her face. "I thought maybe you and Kiernan were just catching up on old times. Although I guess that might have been awkward with your new guy around." Mom chokes on her tea and gives me a questioning look. I start to respond, but Trey beats me to it. "Perhaps," he says in a level voice, staring directly at Pru. "But no more awkward than sitting across..
Rysa Walker |
If your faith is so shaky that it can be undermined by books that challenge it, then something is rotten at the core.
Rysa Walker |
Waiting politely won't get you across the street in Boston," he informs me, "at least not in 1905. There aren't any of those blinking idiot signs that show a hand and count down the seconds for you."
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It's like Niemoller said, if you ignore it when they're taking rights from everyone else, pretty soon they'll come after yours, and there's no one left to protest.
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An annoyed huff when he sees Trey suggests Max considers him an add-on rather than true Fifth Column. But he probably thinks the same about me. Too bad we can't just step aside and let Max save the day.
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He pushes his chair back and goes to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" "Yes. I'm thinking Kentucky Fried Rooster." There's another chorus of cock-a-doodle-doo just as I finish speaking, and he laughs. "Henry's just doing his job, love."
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Whenever a stray thought about Aaron, Taylor, or their relationship with Molly wanders into view, I push it into the folder near the back wall so that I can quickly shove them away from Dacia's prying eyes. I visualize that inner wall as an impenetrable fortress, surrounded by a force field, encased in a Cone of Silence, and covered by a Cloak of Invisibility.
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Even though I can't hear or see it from this distance, I know that Katherine and my younger self are currently having a brief, nearly silent squabble over who goes through the window first. I'd promised Kate that I'd get her grandmother back to safety, and I took that promise seriously. On the other hand, I was used to getting my bottom whacked if I argued with my elders. And since Katherine's expression suggested she might just toss me out..
Rysa Walker |
Verse after verse follows, her voice rising to a crescendo and then falling, only to rise again with a new passage, each echoing the same refrain. I never realized how many verses of the Bible boil down to,
Rysa Walker |
As I suspected, innuendo is even more effective at bringing on her blush, but the sly grin that follows close behind is a surprise. "You weren't supposed to be married back when you met her in 1776. Why didn't you arrange an invitation to her chamber?" "Um... because that would have blown my cover as an aspiring celibate." "It's your third trip to this region. If that cover's not already blown, you must be slipping." Her comment almost c..
Rysa Walker |
Each kid got a small allowance for helping with the harvests, and Kiernan would always head straight to the tobacco shop. Not for cigarettes. At first, he even threw the cigarettes away, but later he'd save them and sell them to the older kids to get enough money for another pack. Kiernan didn't want the smokes. He wanted the baseball cards. When we got back to the Farm, Kiernan would sketch out a baseball diamond in the dirt and we'd stage..
Rysa Walker |
He said he doesn' have it. Pick on someone your own size." You could really hear the Irish in Kiernan's voice back then. I mean, you can still hear it, but it's more of a lilt when he's older. Back then, it was a full-on brogue."
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Where's Kiernan?" I asked. "He's with Brother Cyrus. Your turn." The blood drained from my face and I stepped back, toward the wall. One of the older women, Glory, had died from a heart attack the year before. At the burial, all of the adults patted each other on the back and said she was with Brother Cyrus now. The key suddenly felt like a lit coal in my hand, and I dropped it to the floor. Patrick must have realized what I was thinking..
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Well, I'm expecting great things from you, young man!" "Th-thank you, Brother Cyrus." As soon as he released my shoulders, I hurried over to the glass wall where Kiernan was sitting, frowning out at the ocean like it had done something to piss him off."
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When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth.
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If you look back through history, most visionaries are one step away from madmen." I"
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It's a hard lesson in life, but you have to accept that some things are out of your hands. Otherwise, you'll never know a single minute of peace. You mend what you can, and you let the
Rysa Walker |
It's a hard lesson in life, but you have to accept that some things are out of your hands. Otherwise, you'll never know a single minute of peace. You mend what you can, and you let the rest go. You just let it go." I"
Rysa Walker |
His memories of them had faded and... well, I'd known them, so I met with him and we talked. I couldn't give him the full truth, obviously, but what he really wanted to know was what his parents were like as individuals. I had worked with them for several years and I could give him that--anecdotes, little descriptions of things they had done." Katherine"
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Some people feel they're being oppressed or held back, even if they have everything they need or everything that a reasonable person could want. Some people always want more.
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I haven't eaten," Aaron says, nodding down at the large white bag in his hands. "And I'm guessing Daniel didn't feed you on the way over, because . . . well, because he's . . . so I bought extra. Do we have plates in the kitchen, Sam?" When Aaron and Sam go off in search of utensils, Deo says, "The older brother is a pain in the ass. But this one, I could learn to like."
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We're about five steps down when he says, "I feel like we've walked into a horror movie. Two teens sneak down to the basement, where the psycho killer lurks in the dark." "If you're trying to lighten the mood, it's not working." "Don't worry. The psycho killer always targets teens who are sneaking to the basement in order to make out. But I do wish we had a flashlight."
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It's like saving up that perfect comeback you read in a book or heard on TV--it always sounds good in your head, but it never quite fits in real life.
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I'm not delusional, Aaron. I know he's nearly six feet tall. Deo's not a little kid to anyone but me. But I held him when he cried. When he a little kid. I promised him I'd keep the monsters away. That I wouldn't let anyone else hurt him. I . And now--" I stop and pull in several deep breaths. I don't want to lose it again like I did this morning. "It makes me so angry!"
Rysa Walker |
You can skip the part in the middle where he goes off on a tangent about how the Delphi psychics contacted the Grand Duchess Anastasia while on these drugs. Pretty sure she'd have been dead by then--" "Never stopped me." He pauses for a moment. "That's . . . true. good point."
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I nod. "Thanks. Molly was definitely right about one thing, you know." A grin inches across his face. "That I'm gorgeous?" , I think. "No," I say. "I that you're a really nice guy, but now it looks like you're developing this huge ego problem . . ." I swat at him playfully and he catches my hand. "One more thing. When Deo is back safe and sound . . ." He stops and his shoulders slump. "What?" "Well . . . I was about to ask if you'd ..
Rysa Walker |
As soon as he turns the key, a man with a heavy British accent starts talking about giants not being meant to live in groups. "That's . . . Hagrid." " ," Aaron says. "I got the full set as a Christmas present from Mom and Tay, since I'm in the car so much. I've read the books, of course, but . . . nice to listen to them, too." And so we listen for the next ninety minutes. Well, Aaron and I listen. Taylor is asleep ten minutes in. I clos..
Rysa Walker |
Penso che sia importante sapere di essere desiderati, magari perfino di essere necessari, non credete? Ci da qualcosa a cui aggrapparci quando siamo smarriti in un posto estraneo.
Rysa Walker |
That surprised me. Not that it wasn't a damn good game. We saw it again, in fact, after he took up with Kate. Not that either of them paid much attention to what was going on down on the field. That was actually the day I had to accept that things had gone too far between the two of them. Otherwise, she never could have taken his mind off baseball.
Rysa Walker |
Take that and go play. I don't care if it takes a year. Get the boy out of your system and then get back here. We've got work to do." At the time, I thought Saul meant I needed to take some time to grow up. Get the boy out of my system and come back a man. But thinking back on that conversation a few years later, I'm pretty sure Saul believed there was something going on between me and Kier. I seriously doubt Saul ever had a relationship ..
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Kiernan and baseball--it's like waving a carrot in front of a mule. Put tickets to a ballgame in front of Kiernan's face and he'll follow you pretty much wherever you want to go. After that first game we attended in 1905, it didn't take much for me to convince him to see another game in 1912, and then one in 1924, and so on.
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You ever heard that bit about don't look a gift horse in the mouth?" "I've heard it. Although the Trojans would have fared better with Athens if they had ignored that advice." I had to look up that reference when I got back to Saul's."
Rysa Walker |
that increasing the role of religion in society would make things worse, not better.
Rysa Walker |
time is it?" I'm hesitant to ask, since it means she'll speak again and my head really can't take it, but"
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It seemed a bit silly to be sad about saying good-bye to Katherine and Connor when I'd be seeing them in just a few minutes, but I was. They wouldn't be the same Katherine and Connor. Our relationship would have to be rebuilt, and I could tell that they were thinking the same thing. I kissed them both,
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But most people are fools," Tilson continues. "They see exactly what they want to see and nothing more. It's like Niemoller said, if you ignore it when they're taking rights from everyone else, pretty soon they'll come after yours, and there's no one left to protest."
Rysa Walker |
Additional thanks go out to everyone at Skyscape and Amazon Publishing, especially Courtney Miller, Terry Goodman, and Tim Ditlow. This has been a wild ride and you've all been very patient with a newbie author.
Rysa Walker |