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9fc0b84 If there is to be reconciliation, first there must be truth. truth Timothy B. Tyson
577123e The Lord works through deeply flawed people, since He made so few of the other kind. god Timothy B. Tyson
a82befc It baffles me that people think that obliterating the past will save them from its consequences, as if throwing away the empty cake plate would help you lose weight. consequenses the-past Timothy B. Tyson
8044e49 In a fallen world marked by human depravity and deep-seated sin, in a world where Hitler and Stalin had recruited millions of followers to commit mass murder, love must harness power and seek justice in order to have moral meaning. Love without power remained impotent, and power without love was bankrupt. humanity love moral-meaning followers mass-murder impotence stalin hitler power sin Timothy B. Tyson
1b03bfe It appeared clear to me - partly because of the lies that filled my history textbooks - that the intent of formal education was to inculcate obedience to a social order that did not deserve my loyalty. Defiance seemed the only dignified response to the adult world. lies history edcuation inculcating obediance textbooks social-order loyalty Timothy B. Tyson
8d913aa In the years since his murder, we have transformed King into a kind of innocuous black Santa Claus. history mlk martin-luther-king Timothy B. Tyson
6a3ea67 Unjust social orders do no fall merely by appeals to the consciences of the oppressor, though such appeals may be an important element; history teaches us that they fall because a large enough number of people organize a movement powerful enough to push them down. Rarely do such revolutions emerge in a neat and morally pristine process. history unjust-social-orders oppressors revolution Timothy B. Tyson
ec0248b Somewhere between the fact we know and the anxiety we feel is the reality we live."5" Timothy B. Tyson
026990d The self-congratulatory popular account insists that Dr. King called on the nation to fully accept its own creed, and the walls came a-tumbling down. This conventional narrative is soothing, moving, and politically acceptable, and has only the disadvantage of bearing no resemblance to what actually happened. truth martin-luther-king-jr Timothy B. Tyson
04f2770 In politics, regards themselves as a moderate, because they know some other sumbitch who's twice as crazy as they are. politics moderates sumbitch Timothy B. Tyson
86e5606 Every minister worthy of the name has to walk the line between prophetic vision and spiritual sustenance, between telling people the comforting things they want to hear and challenging them with the difficult things they need to hear. In Oxford, Daddy began to feel as though all the members wanted him to do was to marry them and bury them and stay away from their souls. comfort challenging saving-souls marrying prophets ministers sustenance Timothy B. Tyson
7aff929 Oxford was as drenched in Dixie as we were, just about as Southern a town as you would ever hope to find, which generally was a good thing, because that meant that the weather was nice, except when it was hot enough to fry pork chops on the pavement, and the food was delicious, though it would thicken the walls of your arteries and kill you deader than Stonewall Jackson, and the people were big hearted and friendly, though it was not the ha.. Timothy B. Tyson
c0758c6 What the advocates of our dangerous and deepening social amnesia don't understand is how deeply the past holds the future in its grip--even, and perhaps especially, when it remains unacknowledged. Timothy B. Tyson
6b6f57d Because if we in America have reached the point in our desperate culture where we must murder children, no matter for what reason or what color, we don't deserve to survive and probably won't. Timothy B. Tyson
073ce78 Anyone intent on moral clarity might want to find another book and, in fact, might not want to go anywhere near the enduring chasm of race in the United States. moral-clarity united-states race-relations Timothy B. Tyson
e986798 We want to transcend our history without actually confronting it. We cannot address the place we find ourselves because we will not acknowledge the road that brought us here. Timothy B. Tyson
3fd32d1 Tobacco put food on our tables, steeples on our churches, stains on our fingers, spots on our lungs, and contradictions in our hearts. Timothy B. Tyson
9f53735 Racism was an important moral issue, one that the church needed to confront. Putting a black man in a position of honor and authority was a good thing, and if there was controversy over it, that was not a bad thing thing, either. People needed to work through these things, and not just in the abstract. Timothy B. Tyson
8f91142 We are runaway slaves from our own past, and only by turning to face the hounds can we find our freedom beyond them. Timothy B. Tyson
b8f113b When we said we were going to do something "directly," which is pronounced "dreckly," we meant that we were going to get to it sooner or later, one of these days, maybe never, and please don't ask again." -- Timothy B. Tyson
9f7d295 We are still killing black youth because we have not yet killed white supremacy. Timothy B. Tyson
9340fae Some things are worse than death... If a man lives, he must still live with himself. Timothy B. Tyson
4d229c7 seeing that the lynching of Emmett Till was caused by the nature and history of America itself and by a social system that has changed over the decades, but not as much as we pretend. In "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King Jr. writes that his worst enemies are not the members of Citizens' Councils or the Ku Klux Klan but "the white moderate" who claims to support the goals of the movement but deplores its methods of protest .. Timothy B. Tyson
335f452 Not everything that is faced can be changed," Baldwin instructs, "but nothing can be changed until it is faced."24" Timothy B. Tyson
d35c96d The federal government was entirely complicit. When President Roosevelt passed the Social Security Act of 1935, Southern conservatives and their Northern Republican allies forced the New Deal legislation to exclude domestic workers and farmworkers from all of its employment provisions. That shielded Timothy B. Tyson
0b357f2 You read yourself full, you pray yourself hot, and then you turn yourself loose. Timothy B. Tyson
f4f1187 The world had kenneled a vicious lie in my brain... Timothy B. Tyson
cfd68c9 What others might dismiss as the vagaries of fate, my father interpreted as dancing lessons from the Divine. Timothy B. Tyson
a5324ba We cannot address the place we find ourselves because we will not acknowledge the road that brought us here. Our failure to confront the historical truth about how African Americans finally won their freedom presents a major obstacle to genuine racial reconciliation. Timothy B. Tyson
582d9e0 It was like watching a community you thought you knew reveal itself as something else. community Timothy B. Tyson
95412aa That we not become prejudiced against those are prejudiced, or whose prejudices. May no be our own. Timothy B. Tyson
c2db51d Emmett Till's death was an extreme example of the logic of America's national racial caste system. To look beneath the surface of these facts is to ask ourselves what our relationship is today to the legacies of that caste system - legacies that still end the lives of young African Americans for no reason other than the color of their American skin and the content of our national character. Recall that Faulkner, asked to comment on the Till.. Timothy B. Tyson
a1c7e35 When we blame those who brought about the brutal murder of Emmett Till, we have to count President Eisenhower, who did not consider the national honor at stake when white Southerners prevented African Americans from voting; who would not enforce the edicts of the highest court in the land, telling Chief Justice Earl Warren, 'All [opponents of desegregation] are concerned about is to see that their sweet little girls are not required to sit .. Timothy B. Tyson
478342d A local white bootlegger, idling under the store awning, accosted Major Stem. "Why'd you call that damned nigger woman 'Mrs. Shaw'?" he demanded. In those days, white Southerners did not use courtesy titles for their black neighbors. While it was permissible to call a favored black man "Uncle" or "Professor"--a mixture of affection and mockery--he must never hear the words "mister" or "sir." Black women were "girls" until they were old enou.. Timothy B. Tyson
c43f067 He held his ground like a sweet gum stump trying hard to live in a spirit of love and action, not anger and reaction Timothy B. Tyson
df4b4b2 South where I grew up. In large measure, this reflected a racial and gender caste system that denied most other opportunities to African American women. That system was designed to ensure a ready supply of cheap black labor, especially for the Southern ruling classes that emerged out of slavery's old planter class. But the privilege of exploiting black labor extended even to fairly lowly whites; textile mill hands and poor farmers, for exam.. Timothy B. Tyson
1220cb1 Somewhere between the fact we know and the anxiety we feel is the reality we live. Timothy B. Tyson
c289077 So here is another shard of truth, which we must accept if we are to make sense of the trial: faith in our courts and our laws, in the statement chiseled above the columns of the U.S. Supreme Court building - 'Equal Justice Under Law' - can obscure the obvious, particularly with the passage of time. There was no equal justice, no universal protection of law in the Mississippi Delta, certainly not in 1955. Timothy B. Tyson
edbeee7 I knew that I could talk for the rest of my life about what happened to my baby, I could explain it in great detail, I could describe what I saw laid out there on that slab at A. A. Rayner's place, one piece, one inch, one body part at a time. I could do all of that and people would still not get the full impact. . . . They had to see what I had seen. The whole nation had to bear witness to this. Timothy B. Tyson
9c41560 In the South's calculation it took only "one drop" of black blood to make a person black." Timothy B. Tyson
4d678e8 Mamie now envisioned God's purpose for her life--and for her son's life: "I took the privacy of my own grief and turned it into a public issue, a political issue, one which set in motion the dynamic force that ultimately led to a generation of social and legal progress for this country."32" -- Timothy B. Tyson
5ebc83d Not everything that is faced can be changed," Baldwin instructs, "but nothing can be changed until it is faced." Timothy B. Tyson
2feef83 We must look at the facts squarely, not to flounder in a bitter nostalgia of pain but to redeem a democratic promise rooted in the living ingredients of our own history. Timothy B. Tyson
8d0847e What does it mean when you remember something that you know never happened? Timothy B. Tyson