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f03d677 What is normal? Normal is only ordinary; mediocre. Life belongs to the rare, exceptional individual who dares to be different. V.C. Andrews
2c0b291 You are the most dangerous kind of female the world can ever know. You carry the seeds for your own destruction and the destruction of everyone who loves you. And a great many will love you for your beautiful face for your seductive body; but you will fail them all because you will believe they all fail you first. You are an idealist of the worst kind - the romantic idealist. Born to destroy and self destruct. V.C. Andrews
4e25230 Life is like that - twenty minutes of misery for every two seconds of joy. V.C. Andrews
1e9857f Love doesn't always come when you want it to. Sometimes it just happens, despite your will. love truth inspirational V.C. Andrews
583345b I wish the night would end, I wish the day'd begin, I wish it would rain or snow, or the wind would blow, or the grass would grow, I wish I had yesterday, I wish there were games to play... nature sadness love song-lyrics siblings V.C. Andrews
cd06bbc We lived in the attic, Christopher, Cory, Carrie, and me, Now there are only three. V.C. Andrews
998e387 You can trust a few some of the time, and most none of the time. Feel lucky if you have even one to trust all of the time. V.C. Andrews
56d1947 I believe in God... but I don't believe in religion. Religion is used to manipulate and punish. Used in a thousand ways for profit for even in the church, money is still the 'real' God. V.C. Andrews
b352623 People make the rules of society, not God. society V.C. Andrews
948be75 Children are very wise intuitively; they know who loves them most, and who only pretends. kids youth love intuitive pretending intuition V.C. Andrews
6b81304 At the end of the rainbow waited the pot of gold. But rainbows were made of faint and fragile gossamer-and gold weighed a ton-and since the world began, gold was the reason to do most anything. V.C. Andrews
faba43f There is no hate such as that born out of love betrayed- and my brain screamed out for revenge. V.C. Andrews
1863674 Love, in short is the most dangerous emotion human can experience love V.C. Andrews
37c7f99 People never really died. They only went on to a better place, to wait a while for their loved ones to join them. And then once more they went back to the world, in the same way they had arrived the first time around. V.C. Andrews
3add55e It is so appropriate to color hope yellow, like the sun we seldom saw. And as I begin to copy from the old memorandum journals that I kept for so long, a title comes as if inspired. 'Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine.' Yet, I hesitate to name our story that. For I think of us more as flowers in the attic. V.C. Andrews
18ca08a And when I fall in love," I began, "I will build a mountain to touch the sky. Then, my lover and I will have the best of both worlds, reality firmly under our feet, while we have our heads in the clouds with all our illusions still intact. And the purple grass will grow all around, high enough to reach our eyes." lover reality dreams love heads grounded clouds realist dreamers grass firm fall-in-love ideals purple illusions mountain worlds idealists sky dreaming feet V.C. Andrews
5002c71 Love ... I put so much faith in it. Truth ... I kept believing it falls always from the lips of the one you love and trust the most. Faith ... it's all bound up to love and trust. Where does one end and the other start, and how do you tell when love is the blindest of all? V.C. Andrews
0a483f2 Patience. I colored patience gray, hung over with black clouds. I colored hope yellow, just like the sun we could see for a few short morning hours. Too soon the sun rose high in the sky & disappeared from view, leaving us bereft and staring at blue. V.C. Andrews
5d6f549 What's done is done. Say good-bye to the past, and hello to the future And we're wasting time, when already we've wasted enough. We've got everything ahead, waiting for us." Just the right words to make me feel real, alive, free! Free enough to forget thoughts of revenge." -- time revenge free thoughts future fin alive finished wasting-time goodbyes real complete done waiting wasted everything V.C. Andrews
46f5bce Grief, no matter how you try to cater to its wail, has a way of fading away. death-and-dying pain grief mortality sadness truth grief-and-loss-quotes pain-goes-away death-of-a-loved-one grief-and-loss grieve truth-of-life V.C. Andrews
1711ba4 It's funny how when you're little, you miss all the little lies. They float right past you, but you don't wonder about them much. For a long time, you think this is just something adults still do after being kids - pretend. Then one day you wake up and realize most of the world you're in is built on someone's make-believe. V.C. Andrews
f9e8aad I saw myself dancing alone, always alone, dance seeing always-alone dancing always sight V.C. Andrews
ee29a44 Unless i'm reading an assignment or doing a paper or taking a test, i'm thinking about you. V.C. Andrews
61ca3c2 People have a way of believing nothing terrible will ever happen to them, only to others. V.C. Andrews
ee874cc love, is an unnatural attachment to another living thing. it's the root cause of most personal problems people have. V.C. Andrews
12f4357 Through books Cathy and I have lived a zillion lives . . . our vicarious way to feel alive. reading books book-reading lived vicarious feel lives V.C. Andrews
47586d3 Seek the tarnish and you shall find V.C. Andrews
54006db A flower blooms best in a happy pot. V.C. Andrews
cf890f4 Where was that fragile, golden-fair Dresden doll I used to be? Gone. Gone like porcelain turned into steel-made into someone who would always get what she wanted, no matter who or what stood in her way. porcelain turned-into used-to-be changed made doll fragile obstacles steel fair she wants gone someone fragility V.C. Andrews
a4d9f3e Beauty thinks it needs no talent and can feed on itself, so it soon dies. talent V.C. Andrews
979bab6 And why is it all men think everything a woman writes is trivial or trashy-or just plain silly drivel? Don't men have romantic notions? Don't men dream of finding the perfect love? romantic romance writing love romantic-notions finding-love V.C. Andrews
3959b12 for everything can come to those who have the desire,the drive, the dedication, and the determination." v.c.andrews" V.C. Andrews
0a9479b How wonderful to be understood, and never have to explain. V.C. Andrews
f136883 It was the eyes. The secret of love was in the eyes, the way one person looked at another, the way eyes communicated and spoke when the lips never moved. V.C. Andrews
272b6fb I love you," was his reply. "I make myself keep on loving you, despite what you do. I've got to love you. We all have to love you, and believe in you, and think you are looking out for our best interests. But look at us, Momma, and really see us." -- faith trust family love best-interests despite replies mothers see sight V.C. Andrews
ad3e145 To believe in God is a good thing, a right thing. But when you reinforce your belief with words you take from the Old Testament that you seek out, and interpret in the ways that suit your needs best, that is hypocrisy, V.C. Andrews
1ebba58 Angel, saint, Devil's spawn, good or evil, you've got me pinned to the wall and labeled as yours until the day I die. And if you die first, then it won't be long before I follow. V.C. Andrews
b7e22dd I am a pretty, useless ornament who always believed she'd have a man to take care of her. V.C. Andrews
23a863d Love, when it came and knocked on my door, was going to be enough. And that unknown author who'd written that if you had fame, it was not enough, and if you had wealth as well, it was still not enough, and if you had fame, wealth, and also love ... still it was not enough - boy, did I feel sorry for him. V.C. Andrews
85db6de Little girls get hurt when they play grown-up games. quote little-girls petals-on-the-wind v-c-andrews grown-up hurt V.C. Andrews
cd6e9fa Something creaked beneath me! A soft step on rotting wood! I jumped startled, scared, and turned, expecting to see-God knows what! Then I sighed, for it was only Chris standing in the gloom, silently staring at me. Why? Did I look prettier than usual? Was it the moonlight, shining through my airy clothes? All random doubts were cleared when he said in a voice gritty and low, "You look beautiful sitting there like that." He cleared the f.. V.C. Andrews
8c10915 And thank you for saying all of that, and for loving me, for you haven't gone unloved, or unadmired, yourself. love admired unadmired unloved loving thankfulness incest V.C. Andrews
bb71fe6 After it's all over, the early childhood, a chain of birthdays woven with candlelight, piles of presents, voices of relatives singing and praising your promise and future, after the years of schooling, fitting yourself into different size desks, memorizing, reciting, reporting, and performing for jury after jury of teachers, counselors, and administrators, you still feel inadequate, alone, vulnerable, and naked in a world that can be unforg.. V.C. Andrews
5726806 We don't anticipate accidents, nor do we expect to die young. V.C. Andrews
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