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17a3c15 Karma is the beginning of knowledge. Next is patience. Patience is very important. The strong are the patient ones, Anjin-san. patience means holding back your inclination to the seven emotions: hate, adoration, joy, anxiety, anger, grief, fear. If you don't give way to the seven, you're patient, then you'll soon understand all manner of things and be in harmony with Eternity. James Clavell
327043b Always remember, child" her first teacher had impressed on her, "that to think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral you down into ever-increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort. This is one of the things that need disipline -training- is about. So train your mind to dwell on sweet perfumes, the touch of this silk, tender raindrops against the sh.. james clavell
2354b77 It's a saying they have, that a man has a false heart in his mouth for the world to see, another in his breast to show to his special friends and his family, and the real one, the true one, the secret one, which is never known to anyone except to himself alone, hidden only God knows where. inner-self japan psychology James Clavell
f7aba68 How beautiful life is and how sad! How fleeting, with no past and no future, only a limitless . James Clavell
63c5677 Only by living at the edge of death can you understand the indescribable joy of life. James Clavell
42cd5b3 by universal custom, your enemy is never more polite than when he is planning or has planned your destruction. James Clavell
c6dfbf4 Isn't it only through laughter that we become one with the gods and thus can endure life and can overcome all the horror and waste and suffering here on earth? Like tonight, watching all those brave men meet their fate here, on this shore, on this gentle night, through a ordained a thousand lifetimes ago, or perhaps even one. Isn't it only through laughter we can stay human? James Clavell
e17119d And Adam ruled, for he was the King. Until the day his will to be King deserted him. Then he died, food for a stronger. And the strongest was always the King, not by strength alone, but King by cunning and luck and strength together. Among the rats. survival James Clavell
57ef3fc First the priests arrive. Then the conquistadores. priests religion James Clavell
f85a140 There is no dignity for either the sufferer or the torturer James Clavell
47c45af What can I do to help thee?" he asked. "Believe there is a tomorrow." James Clavell
23d3098 Guard yourself and your conscience no one else will and know that a bad decision at the right time can destroy you far more surely than any bullet! James Clavell
2578ccb We have a saying that time has no single measure, that time can be like frost or lightning or a tear or siege or storm or sunset, or even like a rock. James Clavell
0681b66 Isn't man but a blossom taken by wind, and only the mountains and the sea and the stars and this Land of the Gods real and everlasting? James Clavell
45ad521 Love is a Christian word, Anjin-san. Love is a Christian thought, a Christian ideal. We have no word for 'love' as I understand you to mean it. Duty, loyalty, honor, respect, desire, those words and thoughts are what we have, all that we need. James Clavell
9fa683e He remembered the pride-filled glow that had swamped Gyoko's face and he wondered again at the bewildering gullibility of people. How baffling it was that even the most cunning and clever people would frequently see only what they wanted to see, and would rarely look beyond the thinnest of facades. Or they would ignore reality, dismissing it as the facade. And then, when their whole world fell to pieces and they were on their knees slitting.. James Clavell
34120b2 How can a man be so brave and so stupid, so gentle and so cruel, so warming and so detestable -- all at the same time? James Clavell
6e360d3 Of what real value is a title? The power is the only important thing James Clavell
b5e71ea The law may upset reason but reason may never upset the law, or our whole society will shred like an old tatami. The law may be used to confound reason, reason must certainly not be used to overthrow the law. James Clavell
cd6e5ed There are no buts, my son. True there are degrees of honor -- but one man can have only one code. Do what you like. It's your choice. Some things a man must decide for himself. Sometimes you have to adapt to circumstances. But for the love of God guard yourself and your conscience -- no one else will -- and know that a bad decision at the right time can destroy you far more surely than any bullet! James Clavell
4efa599 If you're a sailor, best not know how to swim. Swimming only prolongs the inevitable--if the sea wants you and your time has come. 1966 drowning futility orlov sailing swimming James Clavell
a7416d0 You're a cruel, cold-gutted, heartless bastard but you've got majesty, no doubt about that. James Clavell
e47f076 Perhaps that is why we love life so much, Anjin-san. You see, we have to. Death is part of our air and sea and earth. You should know, Anjin-san, in this Land of Tears, death is our heritage. James Clavell
7772bf3 Why is she afraid?" he asked. "She's not Anjin-san. Just a little nervous. Please excuse her. She's never seen a foreigner close to before." "Tell her when the moon's full, barbarians sprout horns and fire comes out of our mouths like dragons." humor James Clavell
daf02b8 Oare ce-s nourii Daca nu o justificare a cerului? Oare ce-i viata Daca nu o amanare a mortii? kasigi-yabu shogun James Clavell
c54243c Oshche sega stani skala, v koiato v'lnite na zhivota shche se udriat naprazno... life James Clavell
89ccc40 Blackthorne, beside the gates, was still turmoiled by his boundless joy at her reprieve and he remembered how his own will had been stretched that night of his near-seppuku, when he had had to get up as a man and walk home as a man unsupported, and became samurai. And he watched her, despising the need for this courage, yet understanding it, even honoring it. rebirth samurai seppuku strength-of-mind James Clavell
15f2385 Ochite im se sreshchnakha i edno obeshchanie be dadeno, prieto i v'rnato. James Clavell
66871a7 Always remember, child... that to think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral you down into ever increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort. This is one onf the things that discipline - training - is about. inspirational life-and-living life-lessons motivational pain sadness thoughts James Clavell
3150f81 Like dew I was born Like dew I vanish ..and all that I have ever done Is but a dream Within a dream dreams life James Clavell
594a91f Men need to whisper secrets, Lady. That's what makes them different from us - they need to share secrets, but we women only reveal them to gain an advantage. James Clavell
5157544 Isn't it only laughter we can stay human? James Clavell
9c93ff9 A man's fate is a man's fate and life is but an illusion. James Clavell
be0e0ab Patience means holding back your inclination to the seven emotions: hate, adoration, joy, anxiety, anger, grief, fear. If you don't give way to the seven, you're patient, then you'll soon understand all manner of things and be in harmony with Eternity.' James Clavell
2e67df2 This sunset exists. Tomorrow does not exist. There is only now. Please look. It is so beautiful and it will never happen ever again, never, not this sunset, never in all infinity. James Clavell
09bf998 Gods are like people. They believe anything if you tell them right way. 1966 belief gods may-may offerings James Clavell
96a8343 by universal custom, your enemy is never more polite than when he is planning or has planned your destruction. James Clavell
c90ab5f So sorry James Clavell
fdf6dda Many times Blackthorne had looked over his shoulder expecting her there, but she was never there and never would be and this did not disturb him. She was with him forever, and he knew he would love her in the good times and in the tragic times, even in the winter of his life. She was always on the edge of his dreams. James Clavell
cd9b456 Love is a christian word. Love is a christian thought, a christian ideal. We have no word for 'love' as I understand you to mean it. Duty, loyalty, honor, respect, desire, those words and thoughts are what we have, all that we need. James Clavell
929ffaa Damn what you like, Pieterzoon. But don't damn liquor. It's the stuff of life! James Clavell
7fb9f48 I'll thank you to remember that not so many years ago men were burned at the stake just for saying the earth went round the sun! James Clavell
6164a28 I'm saying that some men are saints. Some are happy being meek and humble and unambitious. Some men are born content to be second-best. James Clavell
fac9d90 Sometimes it's wiser to give a quarry extra line -- that's how to catch a fish, neh? James Clavell
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