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a51d279 "Farah looked freaked out until Tawny hugged her and the tension faded from her face. A minute later, the table cloth lifted and Bailey appeared with beer bottles in her hands. "I figured you'd need booze to deal with the boredom of hiding." "I can't drink," Farah said. "I'm off the pill and trying to get knocked up." "I am knocked up. I also don't like that brand of beer." Handing the beers to Tawny, Bailey nodded. "Be back in a sec." A minute later, Bailey returned with two cans of Coke for Farah and me. "So what are we talking about?" Bailey asked. "Men needing to protect their women," I explained. "Lame. Talk about something I can join in on. What's your sister like? Is she hotter than me?" "Yes." "I hate her and you should tell her to watch out. If I see her, that pretty face is dead meat." Grinning, I cuddled up with her as the table shook from fighting bodies knocking against it. "You're having a baby?" she asked, wrapping her arms around me. "Everyone is getting married or having babies." "Raven isn't," I said as Farah peeked out from under the table cloth to check on Cooper. She smiled and returned to her spot. "Judd and Aaron have stripped Mac down and are shoving him out the door." Tawny laughed. "Judd finally got to punish Mac for letting me touch his arm months ago. Good for him." Laughing, I leaned my head against Bailey. "Raven has bad taste in men. Going out with her will be great for you. If Raven likes someone, you'll know he's a loser. So she'll distract all the shitty guys from you." "Huh. And she's hot, so she'll draw guys to us. I think she might be my new best friend," Bailey said, taking a swig. 'Don't be jealous. I just need a man because all of the kissing and fucking and marrying and baby making you guys keep doing. I can't be the only one alone and Vaughn doesn't count because he'll be dead in a few months and shouldn't be dating anyway." We all frowned at Bailey who shrugged. "Those Devils fuck are going to kill him or he'll try to kill them and get killed. Why do you think they call him Dead Man Walking?" "You're bumming me out," I told her while finishing my soda. "I wish Aaron was here." "As you wish," Aaron said, leaning down. "Look at you pretty girls hiding under here." "We're not hiding," I said, crawling out. "We're planning our attack. You know, just in case you couldn't handle things." When Aaron grinned, I noticed blood on his lip. "You're hurt." "You should see the other guys." Glancing around, I noticed Mac's friend was propped up on the pool table and the other guys were throwing pretzels and peanuts at him. In the corner, Kirk and Jodi sat as if on their porch drinking lemonade and admiring the sunset. "My hero," I said, caressing the cobra. "Are you talking to me or the tattoo?" "Both, baby. Always both." fighting-men bailey tawny farah Bijou Hunter
56e2534 "In a booth, Bailey sat next to Vaughn while frowning at her drink. "I need a man!" she declared when she saw me. Vaughn glanced at her and sighed. "I'll do you, but no names." Bailey didn't get it, but I laughed while Cooper acted irritated. Aaron kissed the top of my head then walked over to get us drinks. "Why can't I trap a man into a relationship like you bitches?" she asked with complete seriousness. "Your subtly turns men off," Vaughn answered when I just smiled. "Bailey, maybe you could try being more obvious in your need to trap a man. Like wear a shirt with lots of exclamation marks." "Shut up, fuckhead. You don't have anyone either." "I have plenty of anyones." "Whores aren't attractive." Vaughn grinned. "You make it too easy sometimes, B." Cooper frowned. "Don't even think of saying what you're thinking." "What we're all thinking." Bailey frowned at me. "What the fuck are they talking about?" "It's one of those things that only makes sense when you have ball toxins." Bailey smiled and nodded. "That happens a lot around me. Want to dance?" "Not really." "Because you might puke?" "Why would she puke?" Vaughn asked, shoving a pretzel in Bailey's mouth. Cooper rolled his eyes. "Aaron can't use a condom properly." Returning just in time for his friend's comment, Aaron sighed dramatically. "I just have powerful sperm." "I was on the pill too," I said, sticking my tongue at Cooper who grinned. "His mighty sperm didn't care though." "You idiots don't get how the pill works," Vaughn said before realizing he sounded like a chick about to discuss her period. "Well, congrats, Aaron. You are now officially whipped like a bitch. How does it feel?" Aaron answered by kissing me like we might fuck right there." bailey vaughn cooper Bijou Hunter
c0ba116 "Aaron lifted me up onto his hips and I knew we weren't staying. "We just got here," I murmured against his cheek. "Don't you think Judd and Coop will take their women home to celebrate?" Glancing around, I noticed Tawny high fiving Judd who looked pretty proud about his revenge on Mac. Nearby, Farah was squeezing Cooper's flexed muscles. None of them were planning to stay at the bar. "Are you okay, Bailey?" I asked as Aaron started for the door. "Sure, I'll just hang out and pretend Vaughn is charming. It'll be good practice for the next loser I date." A grinning Vaughn patted the spot next to him in a booth. As the blonds got comfy, Aaron carried me to the Harley and sat me on the seat. "You saved me from mean words," I teased as he felt me up in the spot Mac thought I needed help. "No one messes with my girl." "Mighty sperm and powerful fists. Plus, you can cook and paint and write poems and a million other qualities. I've hit pay dirt." "I need to get you home," he said and I sensed the ride would be uncomfortable for him. As I wrapped my arms around his waist, he started the Harley. "Raven bought headphones, so we can fuck really loud and she won't be bothered." "The best houseguest ever," Aaron said over his shoulder. As we sped away, I noticed Judd chasing a laughing Tawny to the parking lot. Cooper strutted out with Farah clinging to him. Everyone was happy except for a naked Mac tied to a tree in what I assumed was the club's version of a time out." bailey vaughn judd-and-tawny cooper-and-farah Bijou Hunter
1998f0f "I remained with Lark in the hospital room until Aaron arrived out of breath from running. "My muse," he said, taking her hand. Leaving them alone to prepare for the surgery, I walked into the waiting room. Cooper patted the chair next to him and I joined him. "She'll be okay," he said, sounding convincing. I didn't feel like talking, so I texted Dylan, Harlow, Mom, and Dad to let them know what was happening. Cooper spoke quietly on the phone with Farah who was on her way with Tawny. First, Dick and Maryann arrived then Raven not long afterwards with Bailey. "We were shopping when you called," Bailey announced as Raven hurried to Lark's room. Joining her brother, Bailey tapped her foot and stared at the door. "How long will it take?" "Patience," Cooper muttered then returned to talking with Farah. Bailey changed seats, so she was next to me. "Don't be scared. Pixies are powerful creatures." Smiling softly, I took Bailey's hand and waited." winnie bailey pixies cooper babies muse lark Bijou Hunter