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418a462 Don't ever give up commitment dedication drive eena inspirational perserverance persistence resolve richelle richelle-goodrich Richelle E. Goodrich
8cd28ec Talent is cheap; dedication is expensive. It will cost you your life. dedication talent Irving Stone
da39a3e inspirational motivational american-dream freedom watchmen choice darkness dedication evil goodness hardship hope marie-lu beauty harmony inspiration intelligence intimate life meaning-of-life nature order pure quailty science Terry Pratchett
c90b454 Dedicate yourself to what gives your life true meaning and purpose; make a positive difference in someone's life. dedication inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring life life-and-living life-lessons life-quotes living motivation motivational optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking purpose Roy T. Bennett
9b1c5ad "No, Harry, you listen," said Hermione. "We're coming with you. That was decided months ago - years, really." dedication friends harry-potter hermione j-k-rowling love powerful trust J.K. Rowling
1beb2e6 Finally, thank you to Jarrod Perkins. I'm crying now just because I typed your name. I love you more than anyone. Ever. Times a hundred million billion. Etienne, Cricket, and Josh--they were all you, but none of them came even close to you. You are my best friend. You are my true love. You are my happily ever after. (author's acknowledgments) dedication love Stephanie Perkins
f6e34e7 In many ways an artist is his work. It's difficult to separate the two. I think I can be brutally objective about my work as I create it, and if something doesn't work, I can feel it, but when I turn in a finished album -- or song -- you can be sure that I've given it every ounce of energy and God-given talent that I have. dedication talent work Michael Jackson
68957ad But some things did not change... Courage, for instance. Dedication to a cause. Comradeship. When they were strong and pure, when they came from deep in the bone, those qualities could hold fast against all odds. courage dedication inspirational Juliet Marillier
3644764 "Maybe someday, if I succeed at something, I'll stop saying, "It isn't fair" about everything else." aims ambition dedication determination difficulties dreams equality fairness hardships life perseverance success trials Lois Lowry
4225df9 For Nicole, my idea of beauty dedication Jonathan Safran Foer