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3d1fdfe If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. adversity appreciation hardship inspirational life prosperity seasons spring winter Anne Bradstreet
77b27c2 Au milieu de l'hiver, j'apprenais enfin qu'il y avait en moi un ete invincible. hardship seasons self strength summer Albert Camus
da39a3e inspirational motivational american-dream freedom watchmen choice darkness dedication evil goodness hardship hope marie-lu beauty harmony inspiration intelligence intimate life meaning-of-life nature order pure quailty science Terry Pratchett
9885054 "Creative work is often driven by pain. It may be that if you don't have something in the back of your head driving you nuts, you may not do anything. It's not a good arrangement. If I were God, I wouldn't have done it that way. creation creative-process driving-forces hardship pain writing Cormac McCarthy
41ee9a8 Enclose your heart in times of need with the steel of your determination and your strength. In doing this, all things will be bearable. hardship inspirational life Lora Leigh
f48a454 "If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first." This is another way of saying that if you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most important task first." brian-tracy difficult frog goal hard hardship life opportunity task Brian Tracy
48c2d82 "A great battle is a terrible thing," the old knight said, "but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart." dead george-r-r-martin hardship heartbreak hope hope-for-the-hopeless hopefulness keep-the-faith knights searching strength strength-through-adversity struggle struggling true warriors George R.R. Martin
d532382 That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt. hardship loving true John Green
bd5c73e Suddenly she hated them all because they were different from her, because they carried their losses with an air that she could never attain, would never wish to attain. She hated them, these smiling, light-footed strangers, these proud fools who took pride in something they had lost, seeming to be proud that they had lost it. gone-with-the-wind hardship loss scarlett-o-hara Margaret Mitchell
1aed8c7 He were found drowned. He were coming home very hopeless o' aught on earth. He thought God could na be harder than men; mappen not so hard; mappen as tender as a mother; mappen tenderer. I'm not saying he did right, and I'm not saying he didn't wrong. All I say is, may neither me nor mine ever have his sore heart, or we may do like things. hardship suffering suicide Elizabeth Gaskell
5de9fa9 Ashley watched her go and saw her square her small shoulders as she went. And that gesture went to his heart, more than any words she had spoken. faith gone-with-the-wind hardship scarlett-o-hara Margaret Mitchell
d059e54 Conversion can also occur among those who already have the faith. Christians will become real Christians, with less facade and more foundation. Catastrophe will divide them from the world, force them to declare their basic loyalties; it will revive shepherds who shepherd rather than administrate, reverse the proportion of saints and scholars in favor of saints, create more reapers for the harvest, more pillars of fire for the lukewarm; it will make the rich see that real wealth is in the service of the needy; and, above all else, it will make the glory of Christ's Cross shine out in a love of the brethren for one another as true and loyal sons of God. hardship suffering Fulton J. Sheen
620b06a "Illness especially, may be a blessed forerunner of the individual's conversion. Not only does it prevent him from realizing his desires; it even reduces his capacity for sin, his opportunities for vice. In that enforced detachment from evil, which is a Mercy of God, he has time to search himself, to appraise his life, to interpret it in terms of larger reality. He considers God, and, at that moment, there is a sense of duality, a confronting of personality with Divinity, a comparison of the facts of his life with the ideal from which he fell. The soul is forced to look inside itself, to inquire whether there is more peace in this suffering than in sinning. Once a sick man, in his passivity, begins to ask, "What is the purpose of my life? Why am I here?" the crisis has already begun. Conversion becomes possible the very moment a man ceases to blame God or life and begins to blame himself; by doing so, he becomes able to distinguish between his sinful barnacles and the ship of his soul. A crack has appeared in the armor of his egotism; now the sunlight of God's grace can pour in. But until that happens, catastrophes can teach us nothing but despair." hardship illness illness-and-hope suffering Fulton J. Sheen
a9f96ff The desert was bad, but nothing could compare with the horrors of a tropical rain forest. hardship rain-forest Tahir Shah
3cc0958 I've felt that I was trying to row a heavily loaded boat in a storm. I've had so much trouble just trying to keep afloat that I couldn't be bothered about things that didn't matter, things I could part with easily and not miss, like good manners and--well, things like that. I've been too afraid my boat would be swamped and so I've dumped overboard the things that seemed least important. gone-with-the-wind hardship Margaret Mitchell
9b46437 Bilbo was sadly reflecting that adventures are not all pony-rides in May-sunshine... hardship may-sunshine ponies travel J.R.R. Tolkien
fced3e9 She was less frightened also because life had taken on the quality of a dream, a dream too terrible to be real. It wasn't possible that she, Scarlett O'Hara, should be in such a predicament, with the danger of death about her every hour, every minute. It wasn't possible that the quiet tenor of life could have changed so completely in so short a time. hardship scarlett-o-hara Margaret Mitchell
03ccc76 Explorers like to pretend that they are a select breed of people with iron nerve and an ability to endure terrible hardship. explorers hardship Tahir Shah
a9d93af What's happened? A very remarkable thing, Scarlett. I've been thinking. I don't believe I really thought from the time of the surrender until you went away from here. I was in a state of suspended animation and it was enough that I had something to eat and a bed to lie on. But when you went to Atlanta, shouldering a man's burden, I saw myself as much less than a man--much less, indeed, than a woman. Such thoughts aren't pleasant to live with, and I do not intend to live with them any longer. Other men came out of the war with less than I had, and look at them now. hardship manhood Margaret Mitchell
dfc7343 Hard times' is a phrase the English love to use, when speaking of Africa. And it is easy to forget that Africa's 'hard times' were made harder by them. charity hardship irony pity race Alice Walker