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a20c9a7 I love you. You are my heart beating outside of my chest. lover-at-last quinn J. R. Ward
e794bdd "And what do you know, John's hands flew through the positions of ASL in various l-got-this combinations. "Is he deaf" the guy behind the cash register asked in a stage whisper. As if someone using American Sign Language was some kind of freak. "No. Blind." "Oh." As the man kept staring, Qhuinn wanted to pop him. "You going to help us out here or what?" "Oh ... yeah. Hey, you got a tattoo on your face." Mr. Observant moved slowly, like the bar codes on those bags were creating some kind of wind resistance under his laser reader. "Did you know that?" Really. "I wouldn't know." ''Are you blind, too?" No filter on this guy. None. "Yeah, I am." "Oh, so that's why your eyes are all weird." "Yeah. That's right." Qhuinn took out a twenty and didn't wait for change-murder was just a liiiiiittle too tempting. Nodding to John, who was also measuring the dear boy for a shroud, Qhuinn went to walk off. "What about your change ?" the man called out. "I'm deaf, too. I can't hear you." The guy yelled more loudly, "I'll just keep it then, yeah?" "Sounds good," Qhuinn shouted over his shoulder. Idiot was stage-five stupid. Straight up." john-matthew lover-at-last qhuinn J. R. Ward
a6bedc1 "Lassiter skidded in from the billiards room, the fallen angel glowing from his black-and-blond hair and white eyes, all the way down to his shitkickers. Then again, maybe the illumination wasn't his nature, but that gold he insisted on wearing. He looked like a living, breathing jewelry tree. "I'm here. Where's my chauffeur hat?" "Here, use mine," Butch said, outing a B Sox cap and throwing it over. "It'll help that hair of yours." The angel caught the thing on the fly and stared at the red S. "I'm sorry, I can't." "Do not tell me you're a Yankees fan," V drawled. "I'll have to kill you, and frankly, tonight we need all the wingmen we've got." Lassiter tossed the cap back. Whistled. Looked casual. "Are you serious?" Butch said. Like the guy had maybe volunteered for a lobotomy. Or a limb amputation. Or a pedicure. "No fucking way," V echoed. "When and where did you become a friend of the enemy--" The angel held up his palms. "It's not my fault you guys suck--" Tohr actually stepped in front of Lassiter, like he was worried that something a lot more than smack talk was going to start flying. And the sad thing was, he was right to be concerned. Apart from their shellans, V and Butch loved the Sox above almost everything else--including sanity." lover-at-last lassiter vishous J.R. Ward
14992dc "He was the first to reach the aircraft, and he went for the door that by some miracle was facing outward and not into the concrete wall. Wrenching the thing open, and getting out his flashlight, he didn't know what to expect inside--smoke? Fumes? Blood and body parts? Zsadist was sitting rigid in a backward-facing seat, his big body strapped in, both hands locked on the armrests. The Brother was staring straight ahead and not blinking. "Have we stopped moving?" he said hoarsely" lover-at-last J.R. Ward
307808b Fuck my cousin, it's got nothing to do with my cousin for me. If you were alone, I'd still be right on this carpet, on my knees, wanting to be with you. If you were mated to a female, if you were dating someone all casual and shit, if you were in a million different places in life ... I'd still be right here. Begging you for something, anything one time, if that's all you've got. lover-at-last qhuinn J.R. Ward
b261687 Turned out Qhuinn was a snuggler. Who knew--and how fabulous. qhuay lover-at-last qhuinn J.R. Ward
7980863 The sense that in his mother's view, he had let down his family just by being who he was... was a failure of acceptance that he was never going to get over. He just wanted to live, honestly and out front, with no apology. Like everyone else. To love who he loved, be who he was... but society had a different standard. blaylock lover-at-last j-r-ward J.R. Ward
200ecac "Is he Catholic?" her grandmother asked on the way out. He's a drug dealer -- so if he is religious, he's got incredible powers of reconciliation. "He looks like a good boy," her vovo said over her shoulder. "A good Catholic boy." And that was that -- for now." sola lover-at-last marisol black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward J.R. Ward
95269fa And it was kind of funny to see all these professional fighters unwilling to get within a mile of the female. Then again, if you wanted to survive doing the work they did, accurate risk assessment was something you developed early -- and even Qhuinn, who was the object of the protective instinct the Chosen was rocking, wouldn't have dared touch her. lover-at-last layla qhuinn j-r-ward J.R. Ward
0b75ecf "In the Old Language, she hissed, "If any harm shall befall him, I will come after you, and find where you sleep. I do not care where you lay your head or who with, my vengeance shall rain upon you until you drown." lover-at-last layla qhuinn j-r-ward J.R. Ward
60bfc4b "...I don't need any explanation about what you do with your life. You and I...we grew up together,and that's it. Yeah, we shared a lot of stuff back then, and we were there for each other when it mattered. But neither one of us can fit into the clothes we used to wear , and this relationship between us is just the same. It doesn't fit in our lives any longer. We don' anymore. And listen., I didn't mean to get pissy in the truck, but I think you need to be clear on this. You and I? We have a past. That's it. That's ...all we'll ever have" (Blay to Qhuinn)..." lover-at-last J.R. Ward
b3f196e "Saxton shifted exhausted eyes over. "Must we do this?" "What happened --" "I think you and he need to talk. And once you do, I won't have to worry about being jumped like a felon again." Blay frowned. "He and I have nothing to say to each other --" "with all due respect, the ligature marks on my neck would suggest otherwise." saxton blay blaylock lover-at-last j-r-ward J.R. Ward
bbe85a5 "Tell me something," Xcor drawled. "Yes?" "Is his piggish head still attached to that weak little body of his?" Assail chuckled. "No." "Do you know that is among my favorite ways of killing?" "A warming for me, Xcor? ... "No," he declared. "Just something we have in common. Fare thee well, Assail, for what is left of this night." "Yourself as well. And in the words of our mutual acquaintance, I must needs go. Afore I am forced to slaughter the butler who is pounding, at this very instant, upon the door I have locked." Xcor threw his head back and laughed as he ended the call. "You know," he said to his fighters, "I rather like him." lover-at-last bdb xcor J.R. Ward
f9d66e0 "Hey, baby, how would you like a partner in crime-" "Back off," Blay barked. "He's with me." Abruptly Qhuinn's spine straightened: It was amply clear from the cold blue fire spitting out of Blay's eyes that the guy was prepared to tear the throat of that woman wide-open if she didn't disappear quick. lover-at-last mine qhuinn J.R.Ward