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68a2d09 "Take off your coat." "Excuse me?" "Take it off." "No." "I want it off." "Then I suggest you hold your breath. Won't affect me in the slightest, but at least the suffocation will help pass the time for you. [Vishous to Jane]" j-r-ward lover-unbound jane vishous J.R. Ward
c6a67c3 I love you. And I'm going to keep loving you even after you don't know I exist. lover-unbound jane vishous J.R. Ward
86a0314 "V jerked back to the present. And for some reason didn't lie. "I'm thinking about my tattoos." "When did you get them?" "Almost three centuries ago." She whistled. "God, you live that long?" "Longer. Assuming I don't get cracked dead in a fight and you fool humans don't blow up the planet, I'll be breathing for another seven hundred years." lover-unbound vishous J.R. Ward
cec9a6c "Butch was quiet for a time. Then he said, "I think that's why I like Jane." "huh?" "When you look at her? You actually see her, and when's the last time that's happened for you?" V geared himself up, then stared hard into Butch's eyes. "I saw you. even though it was wrong. I saw you." Shit, he sounded sad. Sad and...lonely. Which made him want to change the subject." v lover-unbound J.R. Ward
9dd4d52 "I'm glad you told me. About the sex stuff." "None of it was a news flash." "True. But I figure you came out with it because you trust my ass." "I do. Now drag it back to the Pit. Marissa's got to be coming home soon." "She is," Butch headed for the door but then paused and looked over his shoulder. "V?" Vishous raised his stare. "Yeah?" "I think you should know, after all this deep conversatin'..." Butch shook his head gravely. "We still ain't dating." The two of them busted out laughing, and the cop was still yukking it up as he disappeared into the gym." butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
cc209d8 "Butch clapped V on the thigh, then stood up, as if he knew exactly what V was thinking. "Listen, I don't want you to feel bad. It's my animal magnetism. I'm irresistible." "Smart-ass." -- butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
9791cbc "Oh, by the way, Phury's here again, and he brought that Chosen with him. Figured you'd want to know in case you see a random female ghosting around here." Whoa. Surprise. "How's he doing?" Zsadist paused. "I don't know. He's pretty tight about shit. Not real talkative. The bastard." "Oh, and you're a candidate for The View?" "Right back at you, Bahbwa." "Touche." -- black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound zsadist vishous J.R. Ward
12daa1f Vishous, could you stop grinning like that? You're beginning to freak me out. butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
1521ed6 "V's smile didn't last long. "Don't get your romantic side fired up about me and Jane, buddy. She's human." Butch's jaw dropped and he pulled a bobble. "No, really? That's such a shocker! And here I thought she was a sheep." V shot Butch a fuck-ya stare." butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
3b8f9c5 "Marissa came around the corner, looking Grace Kelly-fine as usual. With her long blond hair and her precision-molded face, she was known as the great beauty of the species, and even V, who didn't go for her type, had to show love. "Hello, boys--" Marissa stopped and stared at Butch. "Good... Lord... look at those pants." Butch winced. "Yeah, I know. They're--" "Could you come over here?" She started backing down the hall to their bedroom. "I need you to come back here for a minute. Or ten." Butch's bonding scent flared to a dull roar, and V knew damn well the guy's body was hardening for sex. "Baby, you can have me for as long as you want me." Just as the cop left the living room, he shot a look over his shoulder. "I'm so feeling these leathers. Tell Fritz I want fifty pairs of them. Stat." marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
c176452 "Those icy bright eyes left her and shifted to his buddy. The frown didn't leave his face. "You look like hell." "And you're Miss America." -- butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
da228fa Moments later a huge male with a cropped mohawk came out. Rehvenge was dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit and had a black cane in his right hand. As he came slowly over to the Brotherhood's table, his patrons parted before him, partly out of respect for his size, partly out of fear from his reputation. Everyone knew who he was and what he was capable of: Rehv was the kind of drug lord who took a personal interest in his livelihood. You crossed him and you turned up diced like something off the Food Channel. rehvenge black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound J.R. Ward
5793b23 The guy in the Red Sox hat came in with an astonishingly beautiful blond woman at his side. He stood close to her, and though they weren't touching, it was clear that they were a couple. They just belonged together. marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound butch J.R. Ward
82909a5 "Ten minutes," Butch whispered into Marissa's ear. "Can I have ten minutes with you before you go? Please, baby..." V rolled his eyes and was relieved to be annoyed at the lovey-dovey routine. At least all the testosterone in him hadn't dried up. "Baby... please?" V took a pull on his mug. "Marissa, throw the sap bastard a bone, would you? The simpering wears on my nerves." "Well, we can't have that, can we?" Marissa packed up her papers with a laugh and shot Butch a look. "Ten minutes. And you'd better make them count." Butch was up out of that chair like the thing was on fire. "Don't I always?" "Mmm... yes." As the two locked lips, V snorted. "Have fun, kiddies. Somewhere else." marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
2471317 "Will you live over there?" Phury asked. "Live over where?" Butch cut in. "You mean you won't be able to fight with us? Or, like... hang?" "No, I made that a condition of the deal." As Butch exhaled in relief, V tried not to get sapped out that his roommate cared about seeing him as much as he cared about being seen." butch-vishous phury black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
facb409 In the process of terrorizing an article on spring training, Butch glanced over at Marissa again, and V knew the two were going to take off soon--but not because they were finished with their coffee. Funny, he knew what was going to happen from extrapolation, not second sight or because he could read their minds: Butch was letting off the bonding scent, and Marissa loved being with her male marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound butch J.R. Ward
d1c68df Butch rustled the sports section around, leaned over to kiss Marissa on the shoulder, then went back to the CCJ. In response she glanced up from her paperwork for Safe Place, rubbed his arm, and went back to what she was doing. She had a fresh bite mark on her neck and the glow of a very satisfied female in her face. marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound butch J.R. Ward
3b2535d "V blunket et par ganger, kjente seg beklemt over det han skulle til a si. "Du er en helgen, vet du det? Du har bestandig vert det for meg. Bestandig. Selv da jeg..." "Selv da du hva da?" "Du vet." "Hva?" lover-unbound J. R. Ward