"Look," Luke went on, "In all the years I've known him, there's always been exactly one place Simon wanted to be, and he's always fought like hell to make sure he got there and stayed there." "Where's that?" "Wherever you were."
"White for Shadowhunters is the color of funerals," Luke explained. " But for mundanes, Jace, it' s the color of weddings. Brides wear white to symbolize their purity." "I thought Jocelyn said her dress wasn't white," Simon said. "Well," said Jace, "I suppose that ship has sailed." Luke choked on his coffee."
"Do you think it's possible to do something so bad, even if you didn't mean to do it, that you can never come back from it? That no one can forgive you?" Luke looked at him for a long, silent moment. Then he said, "Think of someone you love, Simon. love. Is there anything they could ever do that would mean you would stop loving them?"
But sleep didn't come. She could hear Jace's soft piano playing through the walls, but that wasn't what was keeping her awake. She was thinking of Simon, leaving for a house that no longer felt like home to him, of the despair in Jace's voice as he said 'I want to hate you', and of Magnus, not telling Jace the truth: that Alec did not want Jace to know about his relationship because he was still in love with him. She thought of the satisfaction it would have brought Magnus to say the words out loud, to acknowledge what the truth was, and the fact that he hadn't said them - had let Alec go on lying and pretending - because that was what Alec wanted, and Magnus cared about Alec enough to give him that. Maybe it was true what the Seelie Queen had said, after all: Love made you a liar.
As Luke knelt down beside his corpse, Clary couldn't help but remember what he had said about having loved Valentine once, about having been his closest friend. Luke, she thought with a pang. Surely he couldn't be sad -- or even grieved? But then again, perhaps everyone should have someone to grieve for them, and there was no one else to grieve for Valentine.