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2f54918 Sure the world breeds monsters, but kindness grows just as wild... karr liars mary Mary Karr
873e3b0 I never thought it would end like this. I never thought he would leave me without saying goodbye. boelyn henry katherine king mary queen Philippa Gregory
d47db03 "After a while Mary said, "Zsadist?" "Yeah?" "What are those markings?" His frowned and flicked his eyes over to her, thinking, as if she didn't know? But then . . . well, she had been a human. Maybe she didn't. "They're slave bands. I was . . . a slave." "Did it hurt when they were put on you?" "Yes." "Did the same person who cut your face give them to you?" "No, my owner's did that. My owner . . . she put the bands on me. He was the one who cut my face." "How long were you a slave?" "A hundred years." "How did you get free?" "Phury. Phury got me out. That's how he lost his leg." "Were you hurt while you were a slave?" Z swallowed hard. "Yes." "Do you still think about it?" "Yes." He looked down at his hands, which suddenly were in pain for some reason. Oh, right. He'd made two fists and was squeezing them so tightly his fingers were about to snap off at the knuckles. "Does slavery still happen?" "No. Wrath outlawed it. As a mating gift to me and Bella." "What kind of slave were you?" Zsadist shut his eyes. Ah, yes, the question he didn't want to answer. For a while it was all he could do to force himself to stay in the chair. But then, in a falsely level voice, he said, "I was a blood slave. I was used by a female for blood." The quiet after he spoke bore down on him, a tangible weight. "Zsadist? Can I put my hand on your back?" His head did something that was evidently a nod, because Mary's gentle palm came down lightly on his shoulder blade. She moved it in a slow, easy circle. "Those are the right answers," she said. "All of them." He had to blink fast as the fire in the furnace's window became blurry. "You think?" he said hoarsely. "No. I know." mary nalla therapy zsadist J.R. Ward
d279c27 Oh yes. Draw your hem back from my mud, little sister. mary to Philippa Gregory
dff0344 When they launch snakes you'll have your namesake. gregory mary Philippa Gregory
1fcc601 She [the Virgin Mary] was normal. She had already had other children. The Bible tells us that Jesus had two brothers. Virginity, as it relates to Jesus, is based on a different thing: Mary initiated a new generation of grace. A new era began. She is the cosmic bride, Earth, which opens to the heavens and allows itself to be fertilized. mary Paulo Coelho
92c4539 The only people who soul can truly magnify the Lord are...people who acknowledge their lowly estate and are overwhelmed by the condescension of the magnificent God. christian god mary John Piper
786075a Mary knew God loved her. From the moment Gabriel appeared to her, Mary has a distinct sense that God's presence was with her and His hand upon her. She didn't understand everything that was happening, but she was certain that God would be with her through it all. inspirational mary miracle Stormie Omartian
02d0f09 I did not understand how quickly one could fall in love, and I regarded almost as an affliction that one would eventually recover from. However, I now recognize that it is a force that reaches into every fiber of your body, and that it is something not to be resisted, but embraced. lydon mary simonsen Mary Lydon Simonsen
44b228b " (A Song) There sat a Lady all on the ground, Rays of the morning circled her round, Save thee, and hail to thee, Gracious and Fair, In the chill twilight what wouldst thou there? 'Here I sit desolate,' sweetly said she, 'Though I'm a queen, and my name is Marie: Robbers have rifled my garden and store, Foes they have stolen my heir from my bower. 'They said they could keep Him far better than I, In a palace all His, planted deep and raised high. 'Twas a palace of ice, hard and cold as were they, And when summer came, it all melted away. 'Next would they barter Him, Him the Supreme, For the spice of the desert, and gold of the stream; And me they bid wander in weeds and alone, In this green merry land which once was my own.' I look'd on that Lady, and out from her eyes Came the deep glowing blue of Italy's skies; And she raised up her head and she smiled, as a Queen On the day of her crowning, so bland and serene. 'A moment,' she said, 'and the dead shall revive; The giants are failing, the Saints are alive; I am coming to rescue my home and my reign, mary queen John Henry Newman
acd1e3d The image pleases me enough : to slip from the body's tight container and into some luminous womb, gliding there without effort till the distant shapes glow brighter and more familiar, till all your beloveds hover before you, their lit arms held out in welcome. karr mary the-liar-s-club Mary Karr
3d40c69 The rising influence of lay piety is particularly marked upon the Mariological controversies of the late medieval period. Two rival positions developed: the maculist position, which held that Mary was subject to original sin, in common with every other human being; and the immaculist position, which held that contrary view that Mary was in some way preserved from original sin, and was thus to be considered sinless. The maculist position was regarded as firmly established within the High Scholasticism of the thirteenth century. The veneration of the Virgin within popular piety, however, proved to have an enormously creative power that initially challenged, and subsequently triumphed over, the academic objections raised against it by university theologians. christianity immaculate-conception lay-religion mariology mary middle-ages original-sin theology virgin-mary Alister E. McGrath