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820c95e Anybody can look at a pretty girl and see a pretty girl. An artist can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl that she used to be. But a great artist--a master--and that is what Auguste Rodin was--can look at an old woman, portray her exactly as she is . . . and force the viewer to see the pretty girl she used to be . . . and more than that, he can make anyone with the sensitivity of an armadillo, or even you, see that this lovely young girl is still alive, not old and ugly at all, but simply prisoned inside her ruined body. continuity masterpiece maturation vision Robert A. Heinlein
e63dfb6 I can't beat you, I can't join you. maturation outsiders Harper Lee
0b1ab2c Lily appeared, wearing her nightclothes, in the doorway. She gave an impatient sigh. 'This is certainly a very LONG private conversation,' she said. 'And there are certain people waiting for their comfort object.' Lily,' her mother said fondly, 'you're very close to being an Eight, and when you're an Eight, your comfort object will be taken away. It will be recycled to the younger children. You should be starting to go off to sleep without it.' But her father had already gone to the shelf and taken down the stuffed elephant which was kept there. Many of the comfort objects, like Lily's, were soft, stuffed, imaginary creatures. Jonas's had been called a bear. Here you are, Lily-billy,' he said. 'I'll come help you remove your hair ribbons. maturation society Lois Lowry
820e57b What delicious abandon in the sleep of the child. Where do we lose it? faith insomnia maturation worry Frank Herbert
3bcddb4 Adams had gone to Harvard, Jefferson to William and Mary. Washington had gone to war. military maturation Joseph J. Ellis
3129b9b I rather mistrust young men who slip into life gracefully. mentoring maturation E.M. Forster
3ccc596 It is only when you suffer that you truly understand. empathy discipleship maturation Jules Verne
3e41049 "It's a complex song, and it's fascinating to watch the creative process as they went back and forth and finally created it over a few months. Lennon was always my favorite Beatle. [ He laughs as Lennon stops during the first take and makes the band go back and revise a chord.] Did you hear that little detour they took? It didn't work, so they went back and started from where they were. It's so raw in this version. It actually makes the sound like mere mortals. You could actually imagine other people doing this, up to this version. Maybe not writing and conceiving it, but certainly playing it. Yet they just didn't stop. They were such perfectionists they kept it going This made a big impression on me when I was in my thirties. You could just tell how much they worked at this. They did a bundle of work between each of these recording. They kept sending it back to make it closer to perfect.[ As he listens to the third take, he points out how instrumentation has gotten more complex.] The way we build stuff at Apple is often this way. Even the number of models we'd make of a new notebook or iPod. We would start off with a version and then begin refining and refining, doing detailed models of the design, or the buttons, or how a function operates. It's a lot of work, but in the end it just gets better, and soon it's like, " Wow, how did they do that?!? Where are the screws?" maturation hard-work Walter Isaacson
836f9ed Nietzsche tended to equate the memorable with the painful. maturation humility Harold Bloom
391720d The teacher-student relationship evaporated, replaced by a rich and lively exchange of equals. maturation Philip Zaleski
57d1bb1 It took him (Washington) more than a year to gain control over his own aggressive instincts. maturation discipline self-control Joseph J. Ellis
5ef9799 A love for his child was so profound, it spilled over to all humanity. image-of-god maturation parenthood John Howard Griffin
afa12d1 The Mother Thing makes our world. education maturation perspective parenthood Robert A. Heinlein
5500d0c Desire for and delight in God's Word are inseparable. maturation John Piper
8ba2603 More depended on the student than on the school. education openness maturation Robert A. Heinlein
767590c "Samuel Johnson said Alexander Pope's translation of the Iliad, "tuned the English tongue." reading inspiration word-choice rhetoric maturation vocabulary Harold Bloom
e261098 She was torn between her customer service training and her youthful certitude. education maturation graciousness humility Bill Bryson
51fe3e5 Nothing had just happened to her, she had made a choice, and then she had made another and another after that. Taken together, the small choices anyone made added up to a life. choice life-lessons life wisdom big-picture choices-and-consequences maturation decisions choices J. Courtney Sullivan
d453059 He is able to put aside personal feelings and see the broad strokes. Experience counts in these things. seasoning statecraft self-discipline maturation Geraldine Brooks
9613336 Clinton had displayed his lifelong tendency to make enemies of all his superiors, who never seemed to appreciate his advice as much as he thought it deserved. rebellion influence maturation submission Joseph J. Ellis
40959d9 "As soon as (Teddy Roosevelt) received an assignment for a paper or project, he would set to work, never leaving anything to the last minute. Prepared so far ahead "freed his mind" from worry and facilitated fresh, lucid thought." education discipleship maturation procrastination Doris Kearns Goodwin
9f033fe It was too late for he and his father to have an adventure, and NOTHING seemed to have any color anymore. risk mission maturation parenthood Robert Kurson
c397b07 The author jokes that the culture at his first job at Entertainment Weekly chased away the worthwhile aspects of his Brown education, but in so doing he makes a subtle point about the profound impact of the culture with which we surround ourselves and how easily we can be defined and constrained by our jobs. maturation materialism A.J. Jacobs
a1be849 Had I known that these legs were to carry a Lord Chancellor, I would have taken better care of them when I was a lad. Duke of Grafton maturation Barbara W. Tuchman
5d8247c "Paraphrasing Plato's Republic: "Only people who have allowed themselves to be reformed by reality have it in themselves to reform their polis for the better." -- leadership education self-discipline maturation Rebecca Goldstein
e1b49f4 I did not come into this Army to serve one man, to serve a friend. maturation honor loyalty Jeff Shaara
7e72c63 The Yale graduate who had refused to read outside the course curriculum (the future Pres. Taft) suddenly found himself inspired. reading maturation Doris Kearns Goodwin
d9ac447 In the context of today, this WAS heroism. discipleship maturation culture humility John Howard Griffin
e74dd9f He found his voice in the silences, where he could sing as loud and as long as he wanted with no one to complain of it. solitude self-criticism maturation talent self-confidence Geraldine Brooks