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f13c42d Do you really think the munificence of the multiverse comes translatable for your little mind? Have you ever thought to consider all that you miss whenever you're shown what is suited to your seeing? narcons multiverse Mark Z. Danielewski
d1350fe If natural selection can create creationists it can manage a caterpillar with a face on its arse. humour quantum robert-rankin douglas-adams parallel-universe multiverse sci-fi Zane Stumpo
da08198 "If the multiverse turns out to be the best explanation of the fundamental physical constants, it would not be the first time we have been flabbergasted by worlds beyond our noses. Our ancestors had to swallow the discovery of the Western Hemisphere, eight other planets, a hundred billion stars in our galaxy (many with planets), and a hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe. If reason contradicts intuition once again, so much the worse for intuition. Another advocate of the multiverse, Brian Greene, reminds us: "From a quaint, small, earth-centered universe to one filled with billions of galaxies, the journey has been both thrilling and humbling. We've been compelled to relinquish sacred belief in our own centrality, but with such cosmic demotion we've demonstrated the capacity of the human intellect to reach far beyond the confines of ordinary experience to reveal extraordinary truth." -- universe multiverse Steven Pinker
215fef6 "The problem with ID, of course, is that it leaves open the possibility that the intelligence behind nature may have a moral interest in us, having communicated already with humanity in the past, and might try to boss you around in your private affairs. responsibility science aliens extraterrestrials moral-responsibility multiple-universe multiple-universes new-scientist dawkins multiverse richard-dawkins judgement id intelligent-design theism David Klinghoffer
7b53a4a "Inflation is continuous and eternal, with big bangs happening all the time, with universes sprouting from other universes. In this picture, universes can "bud" off into other universes, creating a "multiverse." In this theory, spontaneous breaking may occur anywhere within our universe, allowing an entire universe to bud off our universe. It also means that our own universe might have budded from a previous universe. In the chaotic inflationary model, the multiverse is eternal, even if individual universes are not. Some universes may have a very large Omega, in which case they immediately vanish into a big crunch after their big bang. Some universes only have a tiny Omega and expand forever. Eventually, the multiverse becomes dominated by those universes that inflate by a huge amount. In retrospect, the idea of parallel universes is forced upon us." universe omega parallel-universes multiverse Michio Kaku
9fffffa It's a troubling paradox - I have total control, but only to the extent I have control over myself. multiverse Blake Crouch
2860dc7 Over many centuries science has weakened the hold of religion, not by disproving the existence of God, but by invalidating arguments for God based on what we observe in the natural world. The multiverse idea offers an explanation of why we find ourselves in a universe favorable to life that does not rely on the benevolence of a creator, and so if correct will leave still less support for religion. god multiverse theism Alan Lightman
fb5ef87 Evidently, the fundamental laws of nature do not pin down a single and unique universe. According to the current thinking of many physicists, we are living in one of a vast number of universes. We are living in an accidental universe. We are living in a universe uncalculable by science. multiverse Alan Lightman
7971585 Why does such fine-tuning occur? And the answer many physicists now believe: the multiverse. A vast number of universes may exist, with many different values of the amount of dark energy. Our particular hat containing zillions of universes, we happened to draw a universe that allowed life. fine-tuning-argument multiverse fine-tuning Alan Lightman
6a69c44 Man stands on this diminutive earth, gazes at the myriad stars and upon billowing oceans and tossing trees--and wonders. What does it all mean? How did it come about? universe wonder multiverse Walter Isaacson